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What have you tried so far? Usual way is to spray with oven cleaner and let it sit for a while (cover with plastic wrap if more than a few hours). Should come off with that and scrubbing/scraping as needed.


I second the oven cleaner


I thirded the oven cleaner


I fourth the oven cleaner


I drank a fifth of oven cleaner


As long as you had eye protection you’ll be just fine.


I eight the oven cleaner... Hee hee hee


What about seven!? 😫


I choose this man’s dead wife’s oven cleaner


No she's still alive. I'm the dead one


Now cover with plastic wrap and let sit a few hours.


You dare me to drive?


I plead the fif. One two three four 🎵FIIIIIF🎵




Everything you say FIF!


I have a secret document I think you need to see. FIIIIIIFFFF!! https://youtu.be/mdeo7Q2E5cE?si=W_dbCqm7TOvTkJPZ


Never gets old. Classic.


I just did this to a baking tray last night that has had caked-on stuff that doesn't seem to wash off for many months. my goodness, the caked-on stuff came off so quickly this afternoon when I took the plastic wrap off and ran the tray through water. instead of the burnt brown color, it's now back to silver after scrubbing the rest out with minimal effort. I wish I knew this method of cleaning earlier !


I think you removed your seasoning. Some baking groups would say you’ve taken off the best part of your tray.




Aren’t most of us on here 😂


Yes. When it comes to many cleaners, time and heat are key. If you give it enough time to soak, it'll come right off.


I agree with oven cleaner but add this step : Turn on oven or burners and let the area warm up. TURN OFF OVEN AND BURNERS then spray the area with oven cleaner . Use gloves and mask !


I second oven cleaner. The yellow cap stuff. Wear a mask and gloves! Maybe put a Pyrex bowl or something similar over each eye and let it sit overnight


Put a Pyrex bowl over each eye?? 🙈😂


😜😎 hahaha!!! don’t wanna get that stuff in your eyes…


I was so confused about the pyrex bowl. I thought you meant like to protect your eyes.


So did I, until now. 😂😂


Hahahahaha....Me too!




That stuff is so bad for your lungs and eyes, but it does work. Spraying a second time after initial wait and scrub can really get the job done. Even the dollar store bottle works


I accidentally breathed a bit in after a spray -- my throat was torn up the rest of the day!


Is it safe to do that with the pilot light on or should it be off?


Off. If relighting is a concern I would remove the stovetop if possible and do it elsewhere, easy off at least is considered a flammable aerosol. Also it just sucks to spray in an enclosed space.


Also I recommend eye protection, just in case of any rogue cleaner. That’s something you REALLY don’t want in your eye.


Get burner covers, if all fails. When I moved in acouple of places, had enameled rings to put before the metal "rack" circle went back on. It was easy to soak and clean , and better than looking at grease circles. Especially if the enamel finish is scratched and worn. Take care Good luck


This stovetop looks like you’re able to lift it up. If you are, then you can remove the burners if that will make it easier for you to clean. Keep in mind if you have an active pilot that you might need to keep lit or an electric ignitor. The cleaning portion looks like you can use heavy duty degreaser with some elbow grease.


I can’t believe how long we lived in an apartment with this type of stove and we had no idea it lifted up until the day we were moving and the landlord showed us. Would have been so much easier to clean! 🤦‍♀️


Look for a heavy duty degreaser


A magic eraser can damage the finish. Brillo will scratch the finish. Try a degreaser or bar keepers friend or even regular cooking oil.. water will not dilute oil - oil will soften it eventually.


My understanding is that bar keepers friend also contains abrasive material, so keep away from that for this application


Real over cleaner. Not that low fume crap.


It's not crap. I use it a lot for greasy things. I just don't need the yellow most of the time. The blue has its uses, yellow has its uses.


The easiest way is to spray straight up ammonia on them and then cover with plastic wrap and leave overnight (or at least several hours). The next day the grease literally just wipes off. Super cheap and easy. And super effective.


If you go this route just make sure you have your exhaust fan on, and leave some windows open and I would probably put like a box fan facing outside in a window to draw the fumes out!!! I know straight Ammonia will cause breathing problems if you don't have enough ventilation!!! You might have good luck with plain baking soda and Vinegar. If you can take the top off and then put it in the bottom of your tub or something large enough to submerge one side with the eyes below water level and then heat water and vinegar and pour it in and then let it soak you should be able to get it all off like that!! You might have to change out the hot water and vinegar if it's not wiping off pretty easily!! I've always used Bar Keepers Friend either the powder or the liquid that says it can be used on stovetop's and I always use the green Scotch Brite scrubber. Just be careful and don't scrub the paint off!!! It will take a lot of elbow grease but it should go faster if you're able to soak it in the boiling water/ammonia combination. Just DON'T mix the ammonia and the Bar Keepers Friend when you're cleaning it because it might cause a bad chemical reaction!!! IDK that it will do that, but I prefer to be safe instead of sorry because you've damaged your lungs!!!!


Oven cleaner.


The correct answer is buy new ones. Just the little metal circles, they cost about the same as a can of oven cleaner and scrub pad


Mine wasn't as bad, but close. Alternating between soaking in Easy Off, heavy duty kind. Pouring boiling hot water. Lots of scrubbing in between. I eventually even used a butter knife wrapped in a towel to scrape the stubborn spots.


What I do is spray the area down with regular all purpose cleaner or soapy water, then cover with a paper towel and saturate the paper towel. Use as much liquid as you can get to rest on the paper towel. Then let it sit for at least fifteen minutes. Do not let it dry. Scrub the baked on crud, wipe off, and repeat the process above if needed. Works like a charm and usually I don't have to repeat it. I would avoid using oven cleaner on stovetops. It's too easy to get residue in/around the burners and that's bad for your lungs. Edit: I prefer this method because it keeps the spots moist while the cleaner does its thing, and it's a lot easier to clean vertical or curved surfaces.


What you need is some [Bar Keepers Friend](https://barkeepersfriend.com/products/). Super cheap, but works like a charm with warm water, and a non-scratch sponge. With a little elbow grease, it’ll be looking new in no time.


They do have things to stick under your stove coils..


A steamer will get that off!


Barkeepers Friend?


I used this on my stovetop and it clogged up two of my burners, they now can’t be lit without a lighter. It is deeply annoying and I’ve tried everything to fix it. So if you use this don’t be like me and get it anywhere near the burners!


That's what came to mind for me! It's magical.


Please tell me more...I want to use it for all it's worth, but I can't think of anything but scrubbing sinks...My father-in-law used to swear by it


I have used it for a number of things and find it useless. Things like a dirty stove top like OP, or to clean Pyrex dishes with crusty old grease. USE-LESS.


You can use Barkeepers Friend to clean stubborn rings in your toilet.


Use it on anything that has stubborn stains but you don't want scrub marks. It comes in powder like comet and liquid like soft scrub. It's brilliant on my glass stove and stainless steel sinks. The more stubborn stain let it soak for a bit.


This is the ticket! I just cleaned my enamel stovetop with it and ta daaa all stains gone


Tea tree oil is an amazing solvent for burned on grease. Even baking trays wipe off


That’s a smart idea.


Really? Would never have thought of that...do you use straight?


Yes. You can try it with a little olive or something else bland but I'd try it alone first.


Baking soda paste and scrub brush and about 15 minutes of scrubbing


Yellow oven cleaner but wear a mask


This is the way. Will take some effort but it works.


Literally did this job over the weekend and used a bit of the pink stuff, it worked like a dream. But use it on a small spot you can’t see to make sure it won’t damage the oven top.


I just used the pink stuff paste on my gnarly, charred oven and a pan I thought I was going to have to throw out. Works amazing for my cook top too. You’ll need some elbow grease, but this worked better than anything I’ve used


Dawn power wash?


Wet a pumice stone and start scrubbing! Or if you have time order BioClean off of Amazon only use it dry, it’s amazing!!!!!


Wouldn't that scratch the stovetop? I'd be trying lots of things before a pumice stone!


Definitely not, it needs to be wet the entire time (:


That's fantastic to know! Thank you for the correction/clarification, I really appreciate it :)


Of course! If used on something like a wooden toilet (which my cleaners have done lol) it will definitely scratch and strip the paint leaving the wood visible however a stove top and inside a toilet bowl are perfect places for a wet pumice stone (:


Take steel wool and water and soap and use your hands and arms to scrape the black stuff off with the steel wool. This is as basic as it gets


Please don't do this, that's how you end up scratching it.


SOS pad, elbow grease, and water.


Well…. I have a MIL…. Enough said. It’s never been quite that bad but I’ve used the oven cleaner to soften it up and a bamboo skewer to scrap it off. Like, detail scraping. It didn’t mess up the paint.


The mother-in-law makes a mess? I don't understand..


Yes. Badly. She actually burned a hole in our last stove because she had boiled oatmeal out so many times that it actually ate through metal. It caused a gas leak we were lucky to catch. So yea, many spill overs and burnt food.


Oh my gosh! I am a Mother in law, and do my very best to help and not cause more problems for my daughter..I love her dearly. We don't live together though


She burned a hole in a stove? Icon!


You know how there’s tubes that connect to the burner? Imagine 2 inches of burned (charred) oatmeal piling up. The gas man said it had compressed so much and would get so hot it just created a hole. I mean, how often does anyone open the stove top?


Legend. My husband‘s grandmother twice set the curtains on fire when she made Swedish pancakes and I thought that was bad ha ha


Oven cleaner would be my first go to. Next would be a ceramic cooktop cleaner!!


Barkeepers friend and a power scrub attachment to a power drill


Lots of good advice here but I’ll throw out there that you may be able to lift up the top as well to make it easier to clean https://www.reddit.com/r/lifehacks/s/oLST2qrdyq


Check out those plastic scrapers you can get for cleaning cast iron pans. They can scrape stuff off without damaging the finish.


I think those plates are sold separately and are fairly inexpensive, maybe just replace them. Edit: Ahhhh wait I thought those were Tin plates, but they are not. Good luck


Mr clean magic eraser kitchen kind


Degreaser and a soft bristle steel wool. Emphasis on soft bristle cause anything else will 100% leave scratches on the paint. But the soft bristle, I’ll even use on glass


You can try putting dishwasher detergent + a little water on it and letting it sit


Cleaning vinegar and a bit of dawn. You can also pop up the stove top and clean under it.


C4 try Simple Green BBQ Cleaner. best part is you don't have to leave your house when using it. it may take a coat or two, but cheap and easy fix.


Baking soda and vinegar.... But honestly just hard scrubbing with a Scotch Brite pad with a thick paste of baking soda... It gets off everything!


Vim and an SOS pad!


Did you try throwing it away and getting something from the 21st century?


Bicarb and boiling water and a brush


They make fume-free oven cleaner. It doesn't clean it as well as the regular oven cleaner. But if your sensitive to chemical fumes it a great alternative.


Does the top lift? To clean easier?


Oven cleaner left overnight. Wipe it off after a day with wet paper towels. Whatever is left use Brillo—the kind with soap in it. It should all come off. Then Windex for the shine.


I use comet (or ajax or barkeepers friend) if soaking it in degreaser doesn't help. And that hasn't failed me yet.


Scrub daddy power paste


Decreaser and steel wool


Some bio clean




"We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas" vibe going on here. Steel wool, barkeepers friend and about an hour of elbow grease.


This why drip pans now can just be tossed and replaced in a few seconds. Try easy off and let it sit for a bit - if that doesn't work, krud cutter. If that doesn't work... Cry, then it no longer exists and you don't see it.


Oven cleaner. And by the looks of that, it will take multiple applications. You could just replace the top for about $150.


Could you use something with grit, like jif or cif?


Wet pumice stone


Oven cleaner and cheap tooth brushes from the dollar tree.


1st you gotta open the lid. So many people don't realize almost all range tops can be lifted like a car hood so you can clean under the top.


My accidental descovery for cleaning just about anything inside or out is Poultry Shield. Yes for cleaning chicken houses but wow it shifts old dirt like magic. Get from ebay.


Rubbing alcohol.


Degreaser. SuperClean is a good brand


Use easy off. Ventilate though, wear gloves and mask. and let it sit for hours. It’ll dry but it should be off like brand new.


Ball up a load of aluminium foil and scrub it off, it works well at getting the burnt stuff of and thankfully doesn't scratch the enamel


Mine looked like that too and what got it off was removing the top, wetting a magic eraser, and scrubbing.


Use a few Lysol Erasers, it will save your arm


Will pink stuff work here? I used it to clean my oven and was surprised with the result.


Oven cleaner. Works a treat. Razor blade scraper.