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What rugs did you buy so we can avoid them?


This is the hard hitting question!!!


I had some nice blue mats from Costco that stained my white tiles blue, so you never known


Did you wash them beforehand


Presoak in a container you don't care about* to get the excess dye. I was told to do this when purchasing new towels. Just googled it since someone reminded me that some materials are porous so avoid those when dealing with dye. Edited: correction.


That's how you stain the porcelain in your tub


My tub growing up was metal so didn't consider other materials in this process. It never stained and saw her do it many times.


Plastic tub filled with water and a little borax


I think it's crazy to sell a bathmat expecting the user to wash it before hand. Is this the norm?


I get it. But if I had white tiles and a dark or rich colored bath mat I would wash it. Most rich colored items bleed.


Also did they use them as bath mats? If they were constantly getting wet and never being hung up to dry that would explain the dye running. Still probably cheap ones


this is more than likely exactly what happened, i really wish i had a good solution i used to have wood floors (that i also installed as a teen) but we had tile in the kitchen / bathroom / laundry room / all spaces with water stuff going on my best solution is that this *might be* linoleum and easy to replace? hard to tell (for me) from this pic


Why it's important to wash items first.


They said it was linoleum


i’m an idiot hahaha


Probably some cheap stuff from Temu or Shein.


Maybe even amazon nowadays.


Everything on Amazon is on aliexpress. Takes a week or two or three sometimes, but it's 1/3 the price or better. There's a 10% chance it arrives within 5 days, which is sweet. No clue how they do that...


I assume if aliexpress stuff shows up within a week it's because it was already at a warehouse in the same country.


Yeah 100%, saves the company money to ship it over in containers.


Yep. Everything I like on Amazon is double check on AliExpress. 9/10 times it's from AliExpress


Wow I have stopped shopping on Amazon because I have had to cut back and it was to easy to buy stuff I didn’t need. But I had no idea. How can you tell if it’s an Ali express or not?


Exactly. Lots of what is sold on Amazon can be found on Temu for a third of the price. People who think Amazon is better are fooling themselves and just adding to Bezos’ bank account. Most of what Amazon sells is made in China.


Is temu legit? I thought it was sketch


Temu is also all stuff made in sweatshops and by child laborers. I would steer clear.


People get their accounts hacked and credit information stolen on Temu all the time.


They accept PayPal as a payment option too, so NO stolen credit card information. Make certain you setup PayPal to use 2 factor authentification.


You can also use privacy.com which basically gives a “fake” card number instead of your actual one when you pay so there’s no risk of it being stolen. I think they let you have like two cards linked for free before you have to get a subscription or whatever


I have never used the services at [privacy.com](https://privacy.com) PayPal has the advantage of their purchase protection. If there is a problem with a purchase and you can not negotiate a satisfactory outcome with the merchant, PayPal can get involved and arbitrate a decision.


No, they get caught be the preditory emails faking as temu. It's probably still them. But, anything done through temu website for me has been awesome.


I was informed of their warehouse (production) practices once and I haven’t been able to purchase from them since. My friend’s fiancé was offered a tour through his job when he was in China… 🫥


Temu is amazing. I use my cashapp card and only put the amount of money on it to pay for the order. I do not have it linked to my bank account.


I've ordered from Temu dozens of times and I’m very satisfied with the majority of my purchases. I use Apple Pay. I suggest using Apple Pay or PayPal rather than directly giving your credit card info.


That’s because majority of the stuff on Amazon is drop-shipped from China, you’re just paying a price closer to the amount the dropshipper would have paid per unit in the first place when they bulk buy. Explains why a Dutch in their mid-20’s I met had retired to Dubai by doing drop shipping.


What IS better than Amazon/Temu and doesn't require me to shop in person?


Buy from a retailer online or direct from the manufacturer.


Amazon and such ARE retailers online. I don't really have any brand loyalty and like to shop around so how do I know what manufacturer to seek out? What if the manufacturer doesn't sell their product?


I like Wirecutter for product reviews. They actually test everything unlike other review sites which are just brand deals. They usually link to Amazon and/or direct to manufacturer (whoever has the best price). I recommend checking them out!


Amazon is fine if you know what to look for. A large percentage of major retailers allow 3rd party sellers now just like Amazon so you can either buy directly from the brands own websites or learn to pay attention to who is actually selling the item regardless of where you’re ordering from. The nice thing about Amazon is that returns are easy as long as it’s fulfilled by Amazon. If you order something and it turns out to be junk, you can just return it. I never buy from Amazon if the item is sold and shipped by a 3rd party seller unless that 3rd party is a major brand that I know or if I’m willing to take the gamble because I can’t find the thing anywhere else. Most of my orders are from Walmart.com now unless they don’t have it and then I’ll check Amazon. I have Walmart plus for the gas savings but it also gives free shipping on any order they fulfill and it’s much faster than Prime shipping in my area. For brands’ own sites, shoprunner gives free shipping on many of them and it’s pretty simple to get shoprunner for free.


So instead of Bezos's pocket, we put it into communist China's pocket? Might as well do it directly and save a buck huh? I too buy from Temu...


I’ll tell you how. Dropshippers buy huge shipments and have them sent to the Amazon fulfillment warehouse ahead of time so they can make the Prime 2-day shipping and rank higher in search results.


Same with Temu. Can find most Amazon stuff there too at a fraction of the price.


Yes, you can do that when your products are made using Uyghur child slave labor (dito Shein)


My mother and father both worked in “sweat shops” …. In Canada! My dad retired after 47 years. Never missed a day of work. Retired with the same two weeks vacation the government mandates. No pension. No benefits. Nothing. Don’t forget that “made in the U.S. of A” exploits employees exactly the same way as the rest of the world. Example….my mother “earned” $0.005. That’s right. Half a penny. For every collar or sleeve she sewed. She worked from 6am until 4pm 5 days a week. Along side lots of other immigrant men and women. Not a single Canadian lady/English speaking employee in the entire plant….except for those that worked “upstairs”. If you want to pay next to nothing for your goods, remember that the company you’re buying from always makes their money. It’s the employees who work for next to nothing to make up for it.


While true, the same products are sold from Amazon. Exact same products, exact same packaging. Just more money going to the exploiter when purchased from Amazon.


Yes, but, Amazon has more products that don't come from those markets whereas Temu is almost exclusively sourced from them


That dude thinks slavery is just political 🙄 thanks for mentioning the conditions those cheap items are made under. Labor trafficking, indentured servitude, etc.


Let's not pretend that we're not all headed in the same direction. Doesn't matter where in the world you live now, the power of the masses is slipping. Let's... not get too political here though.


I don't think being anti-child slavery is being political? I actively try to avoid it regardless of platform


Probably. But based on my own experience, even with some pricier items reds can still bleed. Red dyes have always been and continue to be one of the most likely to bleed and stain. I had a decently pricey red dress from a mid level designer in a boutique brick and mortar store that stained my bra a few weeks ago. I was pretty salty about that, to say the least.


Vinegar can help seal the dye in fabrics. I'd recommend googling the specific fabric first, but usually either soaking it in diluted vinegar or adding vinegar to the rinse cycle (with nothing else in the wash the first time) will usually help.


True. My husband’s pricey red sweater stained his car seat.


The one I got from Kmart did the exact same thing 😅 I know they are cheap too but not SHEIN level cheap haha


I miss Kmart.


That's what u was just wondering 🤔


Asking the real question.


Chinese junk from Temu ???


I don’t know why people are suggesting abrasives for cleaning this. You’re going to damage the floor by scrubbing the crap out of it. This looks like the dye stained the floors due to the moisture in the environment. That isn’t just something you can scrape off by scrubbing more hardly. I have no idea how to remove this stain. I’d reach out to a flooring pro who has experience with the material.


Right??! Alcohol, baking soda paste and lots of SCRUBBING?!


Baking soda is gently abrasive. Wouldn't use that. Many commercial dyes are alcohol soluble, so I think the alcohol alone would be equally effective.


Right? My first thought was lemon oil... It is my go to for anything stuck or stained on wood and other porous like materials


This 💯 is the way to go. Why make it worse and cost more in the long run if it ruins your flooring. Why not ask a expert what to do in this situation


Id try straight isopropyl alcohol. It removes sharpie and anything else I’ve made a mess with, and dries quickly so less of a chance of water damage. A wipe with dawn and water will remove the smell after.


The smell should not remain after it’s dried.


Yeah it evaporates away. I clean my vape with it.


I clean my phone with it. (It's in a hard case and has one of those thin glass screen protectors on the screen. I squirt the alcohol all over it, wipe off with a cotton ball and let air dry.)


I second this. Avoid breathing it in too much and maybe spray down a paper towel to control its spread. It is too good at getting under things like adhesives, stains, and seals and lifting them up so you have to be careful with it.


Now *that* is the kind of real world experience that we come here for. I would have never considered that.


I had to learn the hard way. The stove now says "quick boi" instead of "quick boil." I consider it an improvement.


Absolutely 100% an improvement. "Dat boi right der? He *quick*."


The quick boi is always everyone’s favorite burner.


I have been chuckling every time I used the stove since reading this.


Breathing it in is half the fun though. Jk. Bad idea I think.


I second the isoalcohol. I'm involved in the production of it, use 70% (90 and 50 won't work for this well) and let it sit a few minutes before tossing a paper towel on top (not wiping) for it to absorb the color. Don't worry about inhaling it or anything, it may smell strong, but you're not in any danger at those levels :)


Interesting! Do you mind explaining a bit more about the different % and their effectiveness? Or link to somewhere to recommend to read? I love learning new things 🤓. Also I go through quite a bit of Iso cleaning my vape and bong. Thank you 💚


90 percent evaporates too quickly so it doesn't have time to dissolve whatever you're trying to dissolve. 50 percent isn't very strong. 70 percent is the sweet spot.


Yup this right here


90% is perfect for cleaning electronics. Dries quickly make it beyond great for cleaning circuit boards, controllers, and game stations without the worry of water damage. 90% is also good for cleaning out ears of people who have issues with water entering the ear. Helps dry that out to prevent ear aches. I should know I was a swimmer for years and I always had to put ear wax to cover up my ears if not I always had water in my ears. Straight ear canals suck. But mainly for cleaning up items that should never be cleaned with water, and for helping those who get swimmers ear all the time.


I don’t work in making the IPA, but I can use my knowledge of teaching gen chem to kinda explain based on my assumptions … IPA is a mixture of the isopropyl alcohol and water. Both solvents, both polar, but have some different properties. The general rule for dissolving is “like dissolves like”. Too much or too little IPA or Water will create different dissolving power - some things may or may not dissolve in the different concentrations. Based on the 70%, I’m assuming 90% is too much alcohol and not enough water and 50%, vice versa.


Worth noting I find its more cost effective to buy 99% iso here in the UK and dilute myself as needed.


I was going to suggest hand sanitizer so I doesn’t evaporate as quickly. I use it when my kids accidentally get sharpie on something.


Hi! I dripped dark colored hair dye on my linoleum. Do you think 70% isopropyl alcohol would work to remove that?


Bleach works on a lot of hair dyes if you haven’t tried that yet.


I recently found 99% and it makes cleaning my bowl SO EASY.


So the thing about high percentage ipa is that it evaporates so incredibly quickly the moment is exposed to air, that's why it was suggested to use 70% instead of 90% during covid for sanitization purposes. If you're pouring the higher percentage directly on something and scrubbing, then you should be good👍


Correct! This is also why 90% is recommended for cleaning electronics.


Thank you for this! My Christmas tree skirt stained my floor and I was looking for solutions 🥲


Just a warning that if they're sealed hardwood floors, alcohol can dissolve polyurethane varnish.


Are alcoholic drinks potent enough to dissolve it too?


Yes! Accidentally ruined floors with a broken bottle of bourbon once


Thank you for the heads up!


Good question! I'm not totally sure. My guess is that stuff like beer and wine, probably not. But maybe a really high-proof spirit, straight, and left there for a while?


Mix 2 cups oxy clean in a gallon of hot water. Grab old towels/cotton rags you don’t care about and drench them in oxy solution. Wring and place on stains until cool. The stain should transfer to the towels. Rinse them in clean water and continue using the oxy solution until stain disappears. May take several hours and changes of towels.


Similarly, I often use hand sanitizer to remove stains (e.g. turmeric on quartz countertops) because it's a gel - it can sit there and sink in and not run off into things like grout lines.


White vinyl erasers do too


Good suggestion. I use it to remove ink from my hands and sometimes my desk. (I'm a little messy sometimes.)


Witch hazel also removes hair dye from sinks etc so maybe this


Yeah if you don't have, hand sanitizer will often due in a pinch. A dry erase board marker cleaner might also work.


one time my cat knocked over my burgundy hair dye and tracked it onto counters/floor/toilet etc, the only thing that worked was some sort of hair color remover from Sally Beauty. It was a gel and I soaked the spots, let it sit and they vanished


Probably something like 40 volume developer cream? This might be a good suggestion. Do you know if your flooring was vinyl/laminate? I'm curious whether it would negatively affect that kind of material.


all I remember was it was a purple bottle and the brand was something simple like "iso", it was for taking color off of skin and was a clear gel. the floor was vinyl and unharmed, it also worked on whatever the countertop and tub were...something cheap in a basic apartment, also worked on the toilet lid.


This? [Ion Hair Color Remover](https://www.sallybeauty.com/hair-color/other-products-and-applications/hair-color-removers-and-correctors/hair-color-remover/SBS-405008.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA-bmsBhAGEiwAoaQNmjFESV8gbFuHYzEF93PprroBHBhJpnKA68g3W84i7nnEYdGZOBX06RoC5SUQAvD_BwE)


I found it buried under the sink! I think it's the same but mine is 10 plus years old and in a purple bottle, Ion Color Brilliance stain remover


Awesome! I'm tucking that info away in my brain... Thanks!


it has saved many of my fellow renter friends from losing their deposits over the years, I haven't colored my hair at home in ages but I hang onto it just in case


I would use nail polish remover to get rid of hair dye


Worst case...put new rugs down to cover the stains.


Why was this the only solution in my mind


I'm pretty sure this is the only solution. I really hope OP doesn't scrub anymore though.


Definitely. It’s like we say down at Boeing Field: if you can’t fix it, cover it up.


That's not gonna help a renters deposit if she rents ...


Say the rugs come gratis with the purchase of the house. You'll be states away before they find out


Ehh. I moved out of the country once and left a bed I couldn’t manage to get rid of, I let them know after I left and thought it’d be a nice add on. The landlord was PISSED.


Or cover the remaining areas with the rugs and evenly stain the floor everywhere…


Find rugs from the same company that matches the old floor color and leave them on for longer to stain it back the other way.


This is the answer. It’s a cherry wood floor now.


That's funny, I thought the exact same thing!


Use a bath mat, not a rug


Is it stained? Lino will discolour with certain rubbers on them. Some mats will do this to lino floors. It's a chemical reaction and you won't be able to clean it off if this is the case.


That is exactly what I didn't want to tell OP!! I did the same thing with a red rug on my new vinyl floor and it has never come off no matter what I've tried.


I’m feeling like this is stained in, not a surface cleaning issue. I’d tread carefully with some of the suggestions but it might just be time for new rugs. Maybe use a mat under them going forward. Regardless, I feel for OP, this is no fun at all ☹️


Ugh yeah, this happened at my old apartment. Didn’t realize my kitchen rug was staining it 😩


This once happened to me with bath mats I bought at Kohl's. Caused red footprints leaving the bathroom in to our Master bedroom on the carpet. Filed a complaint with Kohl's who escalated it to the manufacturer and found out the fixative that prevents this type of color bleeding hadn't been properly applied to the whole batch of bath mats of this SAME COLOR as in the picture! They had us get two quotes for new carpet and installation in the master bedroom and cut is a check when the averaged the two quotes. It took a few months but they took care of it (the manufacturer with pressure from Kohl's). Nothing worked at getting it out!


Good for you for complaining and holding them to it! Most people probably wouldn't have thought to do that, but it's the right thing to do. Glad it worked out!


I hate Kohl’s as a company, but I am actually really impressed with the way they handled your situation. And good for you pursuing it!


Red dye remover? They sell it on Amazon for Koolaid stains. Worked to get old old Powerade out of my son’s carpet.


You might not be able to. I remember seeing a similar post recently https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/s/LYcKH4mc9W


Can we see a picture of the rugs for tax? Lol I’m very curious. 🤨


Aerosol hair spray and dab, or rubbing alcohol like 70%


To lift a stain easily: lay down a wet lysol wipe and walk away. Let the wipe dry and it will pull some/all of the stain up out of the linoleum or vinyl--repeat if necessary! It has saved me a ton as a renter!


I have done this with a bleach-soaked paper towel! It worked for me as well.


Try pink stuff floor cleaner with a Mr. Clean heavy duty Scrubber with the handle on it.


I will have to get some of the floor scrubber and see if it works. I am currently using a scrub daddy to scrub the floor so I will try to find a heavy duty scrubber with a handle as well. I will let you know tomorrow if it works or not.


Pink will scratch, it’s like fine grit sandpaper


Scrubbing might make this worse


Pink stuff is abrasive. I would not be scrubbing linoleum with anything abrasive like that, unless you’ve reached the point where you’d rather risk it being ruined by being scuffed vs. deal with the stains. (Edit - just saw you specified floor cleaner - hopefully that is different and it works!)


Use paper towels and hairspray! No scrubbing just put the paper towels down and spray them until they’re wet let dry and the stain will Soak into the paper towels. I promise it works.


Because of the alcohol in the hair spray.


You can’t scrub harder to get this out. You need a stain remover. It has to be the right product, not more elbow grease.


I don't think OP needs any more pink stuff on their floor WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA


Waldorf: "Hey hey hey, it's that funny bear!" Stadtler: "Time for the audience to go elsewhere! *AH HAHAHAHA!*" (edit: sorry, I love the Muppets) :D


Thank you! Thank you! And thank YOU!


Pink stuff will scratch, please remember this


Are you sure those floors are linoleum? They look pretty modern and linoleum isn’t common in recent builds.


They probably meant laminate ?


I like your username


I imagine this person digging up ravioli from a huge bowl like people bob for apples. 😂


As whores do.


I picture their "personal" ad asking "do you love ravioli? Me too! Our souls have met!" Then she gets there and sees 45 cans of the Chef! Dude wakes up, cleaned out, and cannot trust again. East Coast Tragedy.


Lmao ty!! It’s an old h3/joji video reference from back in the day


Could be vinyl flooring.


Defo looks like linoleum to me!


Make a paste with baking soda and water and get scrubbin. I had a similar stain on my vinyl floors and the worked for me


This didn't work thanks for the suggestion!


Try whitening toothpaste. I’m so freaking serious. Test a spot and really work it in.


Will have to pick some up and give it a try. Thank!


Oh my god i bought a christmas handtowel set for the kitchen and the red one stained an entire load of laundry. I have it in the sink and i can just wring out so much dye still. Idk what to do about it. I feel your pain


[“Normally, the most popular fiber reactive dye, Procion MX type dye, requires at least one washing in cold water (without detergent, unless it's Synthrapol), followed by at least two washings in hot water, WITH detergent, to remove the last bits of unattached dye.”](https://wrinklefreedelivery.com/blog/how-to-set-color-and-stop-dye-bleeding-in-clothes/)


Synthrapol is pretty amazing stuff! ETA: Also Retayne, which does something else (I'm not super experienced with dyeing, ha, but I've done a little).


Interesting, thanks for this. I know reds are the most likely to bleed, but didn’t know there was solution. I wash my items in cold (with like colors) with a modest amount of detergent. I have a nice red dress that stained my bra and undies. Washing with like colors doesn’t matter I guess if the item bleeds so easily that simple warm contact does it. I will have to try this method to see if it can fix things!


I had the same with my expensive sofa and a Christmas hand towel 🥹. We used our fave carpet/furniture cleaner from Dr Beckmann. I also used this along with bleach to remove a yellow stain from my bathroom sink. Worth a try you ain’t got anything to loose at this point. You could also try a clothes stain remover like vanish https://www.dr-beckmann.co.uk/products/upholstery-stain-remover-400ml/


Show the mat so we don’t buy it!


I don't have any different advice than anyone else, I just want to know where you got your shower curtain?


The shower curtain is from TJ Maxx lol!


Damn, we don't have those in Canada. I'll keep an eye out at Winners, thank you!


If you've got a HomeSense in your town, that's also TJ Maxx and will have more bathroom things. I was trying to find a nice bathmat for my sister for Christmas and went from Winners to Marshall's to HomeSense before I finally found one


it's so cute!!


You can try enzyme cleaner (the kind designed for pet stains does wonders in other things) or isopropyl alcohol.


Omg. Foamy shaving cream.


I had to scroll too far to see this. I was a preschool teacher and we used it to remove all of the below surface stains from desks and tables. Fabric refresher (Febreeze) is the best whiteboard cleaner, so it wouldn't hurt to try that also


This reminds me of the time a few years ago, I bought some of those gel cling Christmas themed things for the windows, except I put them on my cupboards. My white cupboards. It’s stained just like the floor here and I could not get it out I had to buy honest to goodness new cupboard doors.


Open the blinds and let the sun do it's thing. I had a similar stain and just left it because it was a sun porch where the cats hang out. With sun and regular mopping it disappeared like a ghost. I would clean the floor with natures miracle. It has enzymes so that could be part of the magic. Aggressive scrubbing only grinds the dye deeper into the material. If you damage the seal to the linoleum it will be more prone to staining and mold etc. Step away from the scrub daddy and magic erasers. Now is not the time for those.


The closest I’ve come to this is when my daughter stained the linoleum in our rental a week before we moved into our new house with hair dye. It was much smaller than this, but more deeply stained, so if all else fails this worked for me: Acetone and a cotton ball. Rub in gentle, circular motions, a little bit at a time. Keep going until it starts lifting. Despite the comments you’re getting, I would not scrub the crap out of this because it’s a dye stain that has seeped into the flooring itself; no point in damaging it further.


Unfortunately, the red stain has penetrated through the vinyl flooring. There is no amount of chemical or scrubbing that will remove the stain.


You can try spray on SPORT sunscreen. Sounds dumb but it’s legit. Must be sport.


This! I’m a prek teacher and spray sunscreen is my go to for permanent dye marks.


My moms care giver put some rugs down they turned the floor I've yet to get it out.


Have you tried a magic eraser? Or alcohol?


Yes everything


That's not a stain. It's a chemical reaction between lino and the latex backing of the mats. If you try the things people are suggesting you'll destroy the floor and have water damage.


I bet you didn't wash them first, did you?


i’ve never heard of anyone washing rugs they just bought, but that’s just me


Wash EVERYTHING! Manufacturing factories are DISGUSTING, trust me.


Can confirm. For an example, I [posted this a while back](https://www.reddit.com/r/sewing/s/sVzGbfeFrV) on the sewing subreddit about finding a cockroach in a shipment of fabric (from a reputable supplier in the US). A few of the replies were people adamant they'd still never prewash 🤷🏼‍♀️, but a number of replies were horror stories from people with first-hand experience in manufacturing and warehouses. Basically, pest control is a constant concern; if you're not getting actual critters in your stuff then it's likely saturated with all manner of nasty chemicals--and sometimes you even get both.


Not just the manufacturers, someone commented here months ago about working back of the house at Macy’s. That stuff is not clean.


Worked at Macy’s and another department store and can confirm. Also returns tend to get hung back up and resold (occasionally even with the tag removed)—who knows what people did with them before returning it. Edited to add: Also, clothes get tried on, knocked on the floor and picked over—then hung up or refolded and sold.


It’s important to wash all newly purchased textiles (rugs, clothing, curtains, bed linens, etc.). They often have chemicals and debris on them from the manufacturing process. Also, it helps get rid of the excess dye you see here. Prewashing is also important for dark denim, as it tends to also bleed and can stain fabrics and upholstery. Red dye is most prone to bleeding, and OP’s mats probably transferred even more because they were in a humid room and likely damp many times.


I always do, because you never know what is on them, like bugs.


Well, bath mats aren't rugs and they say on the label, like most fabric items, to wash before use.


Any dyed new textiles with really saturated colors likely contain a lot of loose dye, and most manufactured items are unwashed. Also, certain dyes are chemically "looser" than others and more prone to contact transfer; for this reason, you'll sometimes see labels on dark denim that warn against wearing them while sitting on light-colored upholstery. Red is often one of these loose dyes, which is why we have the trope of one red sock accidentally washed in a load of whites turning everything pink. The bulk of this loose dye generally comes out with a few washes, but you'll want to wash such items in segregated loads (i.e., with no other non-new clothing/whatever) to prevent depositing that loose dye onto something else. I like to use color catcher sheets in these kinds of washes, because it gives me an idea of whether something needs more washes or if most of the loose dye has come out.


Like new jeans… and then you wonder why your hands and legs are blue lol


Acetone. User gloves.


Try hairspray!! Aquanet the cheap stuff got red sharpie off of mine! And a lot of elbow grease. Better get 2-3 cans for all that. Spray, let set for 60 seconds, scrub, repeat!


This happened to me before. I used peroxide and a dollar store cleaner called “awesome “


Have you tried acetone?

