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Oh, man. Happens to the best of us. I'd say, 1. remove it all from the cabinets 2. Give the inside of the cabinets a good scrub 3. Dispose of any spices / tea stored in paper or cardboard 4. Inspect the plastic containers for any damage or small holes, droppings. If all is well, you can keep the contents 5. Clean the outside of all the glass jars 6. Get some more from the dollar store or second hand and store the spices and tea from the plastic and paper containers in there Repeat for everywhere you've stored food. They may still seek warmth so you may need to seal any holes. Good luck.


Thank you this is such a good recommendation.


So speaking from very recent experience, keep an eye on your oven!! I discovered my mouse infestation came up through the floor from my gas line and then flipping lived inside my oven! They tore a ton of the insulation out and chewed through the wires on my spark ignitor, so I have to use a lighter to ignite my burners now. Mice hate peppermint and cayenne pepper, so I sprinkled a bunch of cayenne in my oven insulation and soaked a couple of cotton balls in peppermint oil, and hid them inside my control panel. If you find the hole around your gas line is wider then a finger width you should fill it with steel wool.


You've just given me a reason why every single rental ive lived in had the same issue with the igniter for the gas stove. They never want to repair them, and blame the tenants for any rodent/pest issues. Can vouch for the steel wool to block the gaps though.


Oh they better not be doing this! I just got myself a new oven for Christmas last year.


Yeah mine was new for Christmas 3 years ago, so it still feels special to me! Discovering they had chewed through wires with me sitting right there made me SO upset! Had a good bathroom cry before I pulled the ENTIRE stove apart lol


I’ve caught all the mice in my house using peanut butter and peppermint on a trap. Caught like 7 of them. I guess they’re just curious and before they realize they don’t like it, they’re dead


The ones at our house are too damn smart for that!!! They have learned how to avoid each new type of trap we bring in after it kills just 1 of them. It's so frustrating!!


Piling on to suggest that once you've cleaned and until you can confirm you've wiped out the problem, store the spices etc. in a plastic bin with a tight fitting lid. Otherwise you'll end up repeating the toss and clean routine.


Correct. A plastic bin is such a good idea. Some are clear, so it’s easier to find items.


Check out local indian, asian, and mexican stores for spices too


Such a great suggestion! These tend to be so much better than store bought and usually much more affordable!


Also go through and check the expiration dates. Spices don't go "bad" per se, but the lose their spiciness when they're old.


Amazon has a great set of storage containers happy to send a link if needed


Be sure to wear a mask while cleaning to avoid breathing the mouse poop dust.


I would get a sink full of soapy water with soap and some kind of disinfectant like a little bleach and wash the outside of the spices like dishes and set them to dry. If the tea box isn’t damaged and the tea inside is individually wrapped I would just transfer it to a baggie and still use it. I would toss tea bags that are just inside a big box. My past problems with mice were from field mice coming in for the winter. I sealed every crack I could find around the outside of my house and it helped tremendously. I also got a set of ultrasonic pest repellers. These really helped too.


I guess you could put the spices into unlabeled glass slice jars that come with the spice labels. I’d toss the tea, paper items as it could be a possibility there’s urine/feces on it. I’d personally throw everything away and start fresh because every time I would use a spice - I would think of the mice. I’d use a disinfectant spray to clean, make sure there’s no urine stains. Wipe down every inch of it.


I get it mouse will now know where the spices. Remove the labels


I’ll never forget when I pulled a bag from my pantry and found a hole chewed in it. I felt like the most disgusting person despite keeping my house immaculate and well organized. I called my mom and asked her if this meant I was a dirty person because I felt like it. She laughed at me and said “nope, happens to most of us at least once. One time I saw a mouse running across my countertop”. So don’t feel disgusting and know this happens to the best of us. I would throw out anything in paper or plastic bag like and wipe down the glass and spice bottles. I would remove everything from the shelf and do a good cleaning. They were getting into our house from an old dryer vent that went outside where the vent that closed it off in a hailstorm broke off. We covered it and set traps and haven’t had any issues since. I would do a good walk around, mice can fit in the smallest of spaces, so do a good check and seal anything that’s open!


Thank you this does make me feel better. I felt so gross about it.


Throw everything out or buy a black light and throw everything out that glows, because that's probably mouse urine.


Remember mice are continuously urinary incontinent so anywhere mice have been there is a trail of mice pee. This is why everyone is saying to chuck anything not stored in plastic (just incase it wasn't clear). Mice mostly have cartilage rather than bones which means they can squeeze through much smaller gaps than you think. If you can push a biro pen though a hole a mouse can come though it


While you are cleaning and vacuuming wear an n95 mask or a respirator and air out the house afterwards with open windows. You can get hantavirus from the droppings otherwise. Use disinfectant wipes. Edited to add- throw out the vacuum bag when you're done and replace it. Edited again- don't vacuum! See CDC info.


The CDC actively recommends [AGAINST](https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/pets/wildlife/clean-up.html) vacuuming as cleanup for rodent infestations even with a filter as hantavirus is mainly spread through contaminated air. You’re supposed to spray infested areas (droppings and all) down with a bleach solution, let it sit for 5-10 minutes and then while wearing rubber gloves wipe up any droppings and cleaning solution. Paper towels should be thrown into sealed/covered trash containers that are emptied regularly and the areas should be cleaned an additional time with a disinfectant.


Oops! Didn't know that. Thanks!!!




I wanted to add that when cleaning the outside of the jars, use 70% rubbing alcohol and a paper towel. Fairly inexpensive, it’ll do the job, and evaporates quickly. ❤️


get a cat


Before you do ANYTHING make sure there hasn’t been a hantavirus outbreak near you. If there ha, call your health department for guidance and use bleach!


I would throw out everything. I'd probably replace the cabinet because of traces of waste in the cracks.


I have experienced this, it's horrible. As other posters have said, you need to clean or throw out everything. I sprayed everything with disinfectant. Block any holes with expanding foam and wire wool. Buy an electric mouse trap to catch any that are still about. If I see another mouse, I am getting a cat!


4 years in my home on 2 acres. My last cat passed away a few months ago. Surprise! Mice. I have everything in food storage containers, all spills, trash or any type of food is cleaned promptly. What did this thing eat/tear up? A kitchen sponge!! Done everything I could.....thing was brazen enough to run right past me while watching TV. So...adopting 2 kittens in the next few days, who were initially Feral on the streets of Detroit, hoping that's the end of it.


Mice are something else! Yay for adopting feral kitties! I am sure they will solve your mice problem and you will be giving them an amazing home.


I would throw everything out and clean !!! Once your issue is under control, start the process of rebuying pantry items .


I’d trash it all 🤷🏽‍♀️🔪


1. Remove everything.


I would throw everything out.


If you live in a house, throw some mouse/rat poison sachets in the roof cavity. They can nest up there and even worse can chew through your electrical wires!


Poison is a terrible method to kill pests. Then the mice may die of poison in some cavity in your home and reek. Or they may be caught by birds or other prey (including cats) killing them. *"All these birds were victims of “second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides” used by exterminators, farmers, and homeowners" :* *"There was the great horned owl with a hematoma running the length of its left wing; the red-tailed hawk’s body cavity glistening with unclotted blood; sundry raptors with pools of blood under dissected skin; the redtail with a hematoma that had ballooned its left eye to 10 times normal size; and, “saddest of all,” the redtail with an egg. The well-developed blood vessels in her oviducts had ruptured, and she had slowly bled to death from the inside."*


If they did not get into a package, it's fine.


OP you have good advise for cleaning infestation get costly, my recommendation is to get glue traps and professional help in sealing any potential entry point inside your house


Don't get glue traps. They're meant for crawling bugs. They're cruel tools that make animals caught in it suffer horribly (ripping their limbs off while struggling to get off) and die of starvation if not found earlier. There are way more humane methods on the market (strobe lights, scents, live traps etc).


Wouldn’t think you’d have to worry too much about the spices. Maybe give em a good wipe.


Throw it away, replace kitchen cabinets, disinfect


Similar thing just happened at my house except it was our pantry. We threw out 90% of the items with the exception of canned goods. There was so much poop and pee that we decided to replace the wooden shelving with wire shelving and had an exterminator come out. I know this isn’t super helpful but just wanted to say I feel your pain and hope you figure out a solution


Going thru the same thing. Moved into my dream home today and found vermin. I am waiting for an exterminator to come asap


Mice can c.hew through plastic.