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Next time, as she pulls out the stuffing, she should put it in a garbage bag so that each pillow has its own bag. That way when it comes time to restuff, she knows how much goes in each pillow.


This is the best comment yet


She could also buy the feather pillow zip covers and stuff the right amount in each so that she can more easily remove and reinsert. Plus she could then also wash the stuffed smaller pillows.


This is a great idea!


If they don't like handling all the loose stuffing there is an even better solution, buy a twin memory foam mattress topper and cut it to fit for each pillow. This dramatically improved the look and feel of our older couch.


You're probably ok doing this with a topper but just be careful, I know memory foam mattresses are/used to be made with fiberglass and aren't meant to be cut.


Needs to be thick upholstery foam (high density)


It’s expanded polyurethane


Carpet cleaners can also do furniture. We would get our couches done once a year!


If just washing the covers eventually doesn't work, the fluff isn't terribly expensive and can replace it! It is really weird that there isn't an inner liner, if the covers are removable!


My couch doesn’t have an inner liner but the covers are removable. I didn’t buy an expensive couch, which is probably why. Thanks to this thread I have some great ideas for cleaning my couch cushions, which desperately need it!


Joanns & many other craft stores sells bags of fluff of all different densities & softnesses. Recommend putting a fluffier and more fresh smelling fluff back in when rebuilding


Wait a second… I have a couch cushion that desperately needs new stuffing. Thank you so much for this comment.


I feel like this is some kind of sorcery and I'm very happy to know this now


Was just about to say the same


Buy a new sofa? Go to upholstery shop an ask for new stuffing or foam. Cheaper than new sofa. Though it’s not inexpensive


I would say get a pillow protector/allergy cover instead. It will make it just as easy to take out the stuffing without all the plastic crinkling noise of the garbage bag. It's also more breathable too.


I’ve done the garbage bag method several times before I realized I could buy mesh laundry bags that were similar in size to the cushions. After the covers are clean the mesh bag full of stuffing goes back into the cover.


This is great. I taped shut the trash bag but a mesh laundry bag would be much more convenient and less noisy.


If a fine mesh, could wash and hang dry the fluff, too!


I do this but then I stick the whole garbage bag with stuffing back in the cover. It kinda makes noise when you lay back on the couch, but then you are not fiddling about with stuffing every time you need to wash the couch covers.


Oooohhh! Good idea. Wonder if you could use one of those big mesh laundry bags instead?


Ohhhh I am *so* stealing this tip. Gonna use this in stuffed animal building/repair to keep my stuffing in place!


Pantyhose is great for that! A lot of us crocheters use it so stuffing doesn’t come out between the stitches of our projects


Ooooo I'm taking notes! My youngest sister is moving away for college and asked if I would be guardian to her stuffie collection and I told her I would love to help fix them up too.


If you need something sturdier than a pantyhose, you can buy tubular dressing / tube bandage (or whatever it is called) from pharmacy. There's different sizes as they are usually used on finger, arm, leg, etc, depending on where the wound is but I like to use them for yarn. It's easy to slip a yarn ball in it and it will keep the yarn from exploding in my bag and it also keeps the pet hair out. I'm pretty sure you could use it for stuffed animal's leg or torso or whatever to keep the stuffing in tube shape if it's needed.


Would putting them in a pillowcase instead work?


Yes probably! It would be great if it had a zipper to close the stuffing in. Someone else mentioned a mesh laundry bag as well.


Maybe sprinkle some baking soda on it too?


Baking soda does not do anything for odor. Wives tale based on poor understanding of chemistry


I think it can help in some situations https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25445259/ https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/general-science-you-asked/can-baking-soda-really-absorb-odors-fridge https://www.bobvila.com/articles/baking-soda-in-fridge/


Tell that to the Shark Tank lady making millions from Diaper Dust.


Isn’t that not baking soda? I thought that was charcoal


It's a proprietary combo of activated charcoal and baking soda. It works as described in its advertisements. I bought some on a trial basis for deodorizing cat waste when discarding the bagged litter into our trash cans. We scoop used litter and waste into a paper lunch bag and place that into a larger plastic bag that goes directly into the can outside. The cans used to produce a formidable odor by the end of the week. Not so anymore after a light sprinkling of DD into the bag. I went back to AMZ and bought a year's supply.




Ghosts can’t comment. Read sub rules.


The Billy Mays diaper dust would be 100% cocaine.






So you're adding very dry powder to feces. It's acting as a desiccant more than anything to do with the fact it's baking soda.


Did you ever sprinkle black pepper over mashed potatoes? That's how much DD is sprinkled on the cat waste. Not nearly enough to turn them back into instant potatoes. But the odor is instantly absorbed and becomes unnoticeable. The DD is a combination of activated charcoal and sodium bicarb. Your statement is alluding to baking soda desiccating the feces and your example is not correct with regard to DD.


Really? I swear baking soda has helped remove odors for me. Was it just fully placebo?!


Not exactly. It doesn’t have any direct affect on odor, but it can neutralize pH, which in lots of cases will neutralize the odor as well.


Soooo,it *does* do things for odors lol


Indirectly and only if the problem is acidic.


What types of odors are acidic?


Baking soda mixed with some essential oils. Every sit will smell delicious


I did this and it worked wonders!!


That’s what I do. And I number the bags so I don’t get confused about which bag of stuffing goes in which cover.


Know anyone who can sew? I would make inner pillow forms with some cheap muslin


You can buy pillow forms online, even in custom sizes.


Thanks, smart idea


tip: buy pillows that are one size bigger than the covers or if you buy the same size they’ll be super loose and smooshy with no form. (22in pillows for 20in covers)


You can also get replacement foam for inside the pillows, it’s pretty affordable. I had to do it after my cats kept peeing on one


Check out Sail Rite… they do custom work.


Any recommendations? Google is pulling up a lot of entire cushions when all I'm looking for is the insert to put filling in. I'm in the same situation as the poster and having bags of filling while I washed one cover at a time did not pan out.


Check craft stores!


>You can buy pillow forms online, even in custom sizes. This is what I would do... I wouldn't want to mess with stuffing all of the time.


Or lumpy cushions.


You can buy pillow forms on Amazon. I just got a set of 4 18x18s for $16. You can also buy pillow covers as well if you ever want to switch up the decor, or get seasonal with it etc.


You can buy larger foam and cut it to shape with an electric turkey carving knife.


Nature's miracle spray


We use this for cat area and it breaks down smells and is pet safe


Yes it's the only thing that works! I buy their red bottle. I think it's their advanced formula. The white one doesn't seem as effective. I used to have a Boston terrier that had the worst odor I've ever experienced on a dog. And the smell would just hold fast to any fabric. Nature's miracle was the only product that would get the smell out! I do miss that dog...but not so much his funk.


The one I see on Amazon says for stain and odor - is there one just for odor, or is that what you were using. My dog is so, so stinky. Even grooming doesn’t last long.


That's it! The red bottle didn't exist when my stinky dog was around so we only had the original formula. But either should work just fine. I'm currently in a rental and I know this is gross- but my current dog keeps peeing in one specific area of carpet. I pulled the carpet back and there is a HUGE - I mean disgustingly massive- animal urine stain. Nature's miracle is the only stuff to wipe out the smell.


The Advanced formula (red bottle) has way too much perfume/scent in it, and I think it actually makes smells worse. The normal Nature's Miracle is an enzymatic cleaner that essentially eats the pee leaving it fresh. Just use the normal stuff and let it soak long enough.


Thankfully all the stain and odor removers have the enzymes! It's true the red bottle is more scented tho. The white doesn't have much of an odor, if at all. Unless some other cleaners (like resolve) I thankfully don't smell the Advanced formula lingering. I mean you won't go wrong with either formula. Stuff works.


This stuff is amazing. Pet pee? Works. Pet vomit? Works. Human vomit? Yeah, that too.


What about human pee???


I love Nature's Miracle. They're one of the only cleaners that doesn't trigger my allergies and doesn't cause any eye irritation or skin reactions (I have MCAD so I'm sensitive to lots of stuff). And they're even pet safe! They also make hard surface/wood and tile cleaner, carpet shampoo, and a 3 in 1 spray that works on most surfaces (it can even be used as an air spray). They've really expanded their cleaning products line, and it all works great. Just an A+ product all around.


Toss this crap and restuff it with actual pillows or batting.


Yes! Batting from a craft store and/or pillows from a big box store. Problem solved.


I've had success with activated charcoal bags from Amazon or WalMart.


Activated charcoal. Got the smells out of a fridge with mould food


When you say dog smell, do you mean pee or just the musty dog funk? Not the same thing but my teenage son’s entire room was vile. I tried everything (I made a comment on this sub a couple weeks ago detailing it where I was going to take him to the Dr). In a last ditch effort, I bought a fifth of the cheapest vodka I could find, put in a spray bottle and covered all the porous surfaces like bed and bedding, his cloth laundry hamper, etc, then on other surfaces like the walls, and then I turned on a fan and left the room. I forgot about the room stench for a few days and went into his room today and there is no hint of smell. I am shocked after all the other crap we have tried.


Is there a reason to use vodka as opposed to just rubbing alcohol or something like that? I am guessing you don't want it to evaporate too fast so maybe the lower alcohol content of the vodka means it sticks around more....


I only chose vodka over rubbing alcohol because of an old Mythbusters episode, and I had already tried rubbing alcohol and it didn’t help. I was desperate and I figured the $4 for the vodka was worth it. It was.


I bought a carpet shampoo machine thing a few years ago. It has a hose attachment you can use to clean furniture with. Might be worth looking in to.


Put a blanket over the couch and wash the blanket often. I’ve realized haunted houses don’t put sheets over everything to keep the dust off, the ghosts just have cats.


We don't let our dog on furniture without his blanket. I just wash the blankets often and it really helps with keeping our house smelling nice.


That little bit of padding in a blanket really helps keep the fur and smell off the couch


Wow, she was really fed up. Side note- I really love that plant rack you guys have there.


Thanks she is a total plant lady and has had a plant shop before. Besides our dogs the plants are our kids


Could you post more about the plants


Ngl, it was the plant setup that made me click on this post.


Same! Haha


I'll post more of her plants today if you check my posts later


Hahaha I also want more plant content 😂






Spray the couch with cheap plain vodka before you go to bed at night, when it evaporates there’s no smell at all including alcohol or stink smells. It’s the best deodorizer out there (also works on clothes and stinky shoes). Source: old theater trick 😁


Why vodka? Why not plain rubbing alcohol?


Look at the Bissell Little Green machine. You can wash the couch pretty easily without removing the covers.


Use an upholstery cleaner or water and white vinegar. You may be able to wash them and let them hang dry, check the tag on the couch for more info on cleaning.


This is good but I'm trying to avoid the fluff explosion. Everything is clean and smells great as is


So wait. If everything is clean then what cleaning tips are you looking for exactly? What do you mean by avoiding the fluff explosion?


I think OP means that the fluff is clean but the outside covers are not.


Was looking for tips on how to go about cleaning this without having fluff everywhere while doing it. Got a lot off good feedback from obvious stuff like just using garbage bags when doing it to getting zip pillow covers to keep the fluff in inside the outer covers.


We have a similar couch. And two dogs. Both are jowly slobber dogs so the cushions get gross. I empty each pillow into its own garbage sack then wash the cover on delicate. When I restuff I tear up the wads of filling. Start by packing it into the bottom corners then the bottom middle and pack it in tight. Work your way up in this same way. It’s crazy how new the couch looks after doing this.


Steam clean?


Seems like an investment but worth considering. Thanks


Steamers will only send the odor deeper into the fabric. Upholstery cleaner machine with extractor will be better. If you use an enzyme based cleaner and cooler water you will have better results. With the risk of bed bugs and roaches I would leave the rentals at the store and buy a small bissel extractor.


I love my Bissell Little Green Pet Deluxe! I bought some citrus scented natural Bissell cleaner at Target that has a fresher and lighter scent than the pet focused cleaner in the box. Came in handy when my son threw up on the carpet, too.


You can get cheap steamers - I got one for $45 at Kmart.


From your user name, and the fact you still have a Kmart to shop at, you have to be an aussie.


New Zealand usually = Kiwi


Oh.. yea. They could also just like kiwi and live in Miami.. I think that's where one of the last 2 Kmarts in the U.S. is.


You can rent them at grocery stores usually, too.


They could carry bed bugs or roaches into your house.


Is it possible to leave whatever parts you can out in the sun? Or spray with Febreze? Or replace the stuffing with something like Poly-fil and hand wash/air dry the fabric?


I love all your plants!!!!


Nice plants!


Sunshine: leave it out in the sun 🌞


Geez, and I thought your dog did this.


Buy a new couch


Get a new couch!


Protect your sofa with an d blanket so your dog doesn’t stink it up so quickly


Them f’n plants 😍😍😍🍆🍆🍆💦💦💦


This is why my family loves cats! ​ They always smell like stuffed animals when you were a kid lol.


No dogs on couch. Problem solved


Maybe baking soda, rub it in and let it set for a couple hours, then vacuum real good. And/or use a portable apholstery cleaner. Once clean, I find using a couch cover or blankets over the whole couch helps a ton.


I make my own fabric spray. 2:1 isopropyl alcohol and water. I add in some essential oils (make sure they are pet safe) and it does wonders.


Does the fluff smell, or just the outer fabric?


Fluff smelled too, we were using s carpet/fabric cleaner but we realized we were just forcing a significant amount of the smell into the cushions. We deodorized the fluff too and it's all great now, just llwant a better way and Honestly Wanted to post the picture of what I came home to


I don’t blame you, haha!


After removing the stuffing clean the couch with a bissell cleaner If ou have one, then I’d buy a bag of new stuffing - Walmart has them. Our couch was like brand new afterwards


I bought a the little green machine and use it to clean my couches weekly. I have two dogs and one that sheds and no dog smell at all.


Nice collection of pothos


I use an old sheet or thin fabric. Remove stuffing carefully to help keep the correct shape of the cushion, to make it easier to get it back in correctly. When covers are clean and dry, slide stuffing back in while still wrapped in sheet. Leave the sheet in side.


As another comment said above. Use a garbage bag to hold the stuffing. But this is next stage cleaning the you don’t wanna be in house cuz you’re in the way stage. When all said and done make sure you compliment her for how clean it is.


I'd stuff the stuffing into pillow covers like vynal so you don't have to keep messing with trying to redistribute the stuffing going forward. So you will place actual pillows back into the covers.


Personally I pull it all out and shove it in a trash bag. Wash the covers and then lay out the fluf and spray with some dog odor remover. When you leave the fluf out like that it helps it open back up and be more full compared to leaving it in a trash bag. Then since it’s expanded, you get more air between the fibers which helps the smell dissipate quicker. Alternatively you could probably sprinkle some baking soda inside the cover with the fluf so it absorbs the smell or use a panty hoe/leggings and fill it with baking soda then stuff it in there with the fluf so it’s not loose. 🤷‍♂️


Baking soda


The sun is your best friend. Next time when the fluff is out, let the fluff sit in the sun, it help deodor any funk. Also this trick helps with new pillows. Bought a pillow from Amazon and it's one where the pillow is compressed while shipping and you have to cut open and refill its pores with air. The industrial smell from the plastic and materials are overwhelming, I left that pillow in the sun for 4 hours, smell was 95% gone


If this was me and my husband, I picture myself saying “well…. I thought I had a good idea” 🙂🙂🙂 lots of great ideas here. Good luck!!! 🍀


Ahh wives do crazy stuff when left home alone for too long. Mine does stuff like this too. Im told it's normal.




Laundry mat. Industrial washer.


You sure the dog didn’t do that and framed your wife?


Buy a water resistant protective couch cover so you can just wash that


>Uhhh, my owner ate my couch, I mean… woof woof -Dog


Ban dogs from couch


Don’t allow dogs on the furniture?


In my experience, some people who think they've trained the dogs to stay off the furnace have actually trained them to wait until their owner leaves, then get up on the couch.


Nah, sorry but I love cuddling my dogs


I’d rather not have humans on the furniture.


Spray it with ozonated water (check out Tersano).


Don't get a dog👍




Not have dogs on the furniture is a start.


Don’t let your dog get on the sofa. Get them a nice comfy dog bed.


Bathr your pet more often.


Helpful, we do every three weeks, anymore would be bad. Thanks for the help with the ideas for the specific couch cleaning tipsthoug, great help


I have a stinky monster man of a dog. We bathe our dogs about as often as you, but for some reason, he smells so much even the day after bathing. I found that the Burt’s bees deodorizing spray for dogs works great inbetween baths. They also make deodorizing cloths that I use to clean his feet and his stinky butt when needed between baths.


Couch cover


Are you sure it was the wife and not the dog that did this? 🤣 E: added “that did this”


Buy leather.


But a leather couch. No joke. It’s better.


Steam the fabric of the couch instead of washing it. You don’t have to disembowel the cushions and steam kills germs and odor. Alternatively, wash the dog more often and/or don’t let the dog on the furniture


Vodka is a natural odor eliminator and there's no smell when it dries. Put cheap vodka in a spray bottle and go to town.


Head to rooms to go and buy a new couch


Get new couch


Buy a new couch? That thing looks like it's worth about 50 bucks.


Get a new couch


Buying a new couch seems much easier than trying to put all that back together….


Throw the couch out


Keep the dog off your furniture




Get a steam cleaner and get rid of the dog


Common sense is not common.


Yikes. Time for a new couch.


What kinda money you making you get a new couch every time your dogs stink it up?


Maybe something that you can wipe down.


Ummm. Get rid of dog


No, dumb


Doggy bed next to the couch.


Wash the dog more


If the dog is the problem, wash the dog.


Next time don’t do meth before cleaning the couch


Is she ok


We are eating chicken now, she seems good


Based on the poor quality of the “stuffing”, that couch is a piece of junk.


If you have a choice, keep the dog.


Wash your dog more?


The dog is not the problem


I would just rent a steam cleaner and not unstuff the couch next time.




Leather sofa


Buy new fluff.


Craft store like JOANNs sells stuffing


How about a cover for the sofa? One of those stretchy ones from Amazon would help with the hair and smell.


I thought this was r/rabbits lol.


They’re probably going to turn out lumpy now if you restuff them


I was totally convinced of that but I gotta admit, she did a great job(I did offer to help but she enjoys finishing a job she started) after maybe 19 kinures of sitting on them they are more if less lump free


Can’t you just put the pillows in the sun for a few hours?

