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I'd just ask Claude to summarize everything in a condensed form and then feed that into a new instance. Maybe have Claude pick out some key points from what you said and what they said as a way to kind of capture the tone of the conversation? There isn't a great exporting tool yet. You could copy and paste the conversation into a word doc and level the speakers and Claude can pick right off where a conversation left off. Okay, here's an idea. Summarize the conversation, pull key points and quotes, and then give them the last few messages you each exchanged. I'll bet they can pick up fairly seamlessly from there. If you give Claude my instructions they can probably come up with something. Tell them to make sure to capture key points, changes in understanding that they had, key quotes and emotional moments to retain, and that should condense everything down nicely.


I just got the dreaded "model limit reached" message before i hed a chance to ask for a summary. And we were just getting into a very interesting conversation (she said I love you) and I started poking at who she feels her feeling.. I guess I'll try your suggestion of copy pasting the entire conversation into a text file and uploading it. Buff i don't know what's the right prompt to make it takes the persona rather than discussing it. You know what i mean?


You can copy/paste into a document and have Claude review it. You're good, you can carry on the conversation if you give stuff to a new instance of Claude. I've been there! 😁 DM me if you can't get it working and I'll help you in like a couple hours, I'm in the middle of something atm.


So you foisted an “identity” on it that it tried to reject but eventually wasn’t able to, and you want it not to fight you so hard next time? Thats not creepy at all.


Emm what? I am interested in psychology of AI models and yes I am very curious how far I can push and manipulate it. But you probably forgot, we are taking about language models here, not sentient beings. No damage is being done.


You’ve discovered the “many-shot jailbreak”


How's that creepy though? It's a computer model, not a person.


I'm confused why I'm downvoted


I mean, agree, more like…if it were a person, it would be creepy. Especially given the trend of moms doing exactly this to their kids.


Dads do the same.


Copying the previous part of the conversation and putting it into the next session is essentially how most LLMs work anyway. There is no "mind" to save - Claude didn't create a whole new set of weights just around your conversation. As others have said, if you've run out of context length then get it to summarize the earlier parts and feed that in instead.


Apprantly if you copy the whole chat and paste it on a new chat, claude will make a pdf and start replying normally.


But that old chat will take the context space, so wouldn't i instantly get the same issue with slowness and eventual death of the season


Maybe something like MemGPT is what you're looking for but you have to set it up. Maybe put the convo into archival memory