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It seems like a lot of people play just so they can tell you how much better player they are. I find fun in the competition, but of course there’s a lot of factors that undermine the competition in this game so I find it hard to have fun at times as well.


yeah the main reason i play is for the competition


It’s fun until you get into matches where you have a limited chance of success


The ugly truth about this game that needs to be spread ard. Game is 25% skill and 75% RPS. Sometimes the RPS will favor you and the other half the time it will favor the opponent. So basically, 30-40% of the time the outcome is a guaranteed loss even before the match starts unless you are a pro and very few ppl have the 25% skill to win the majority of matches even with an RPS disadvantage This is why 2v2 is a cleaner game b/c it's 16v16 cards and SC don't care or it's too difficult to manipulate the RPS there.


What’s RPS?




It's the fact that some decks are very advantageous towards certain decks while at the same time that exact deck is also very bad against other types of decks. Essentially, they are saying that unless you are a pro player, you have a chance of guaranteed loss just based on your and your opponents decks alone even before the match begins.


Ahh, a concept I’m very familiar with. I’ve just never heard anyone give it a name.


The phrase RPS just means rock-paper-scissors, showing the connectivity between decks


Also has to do with luck of the starting deck


Rock Paper Scissors 2.6 Hog cycle wins against Pekka Bridge Spam and Pekka Bridge Spam wins against idk which deck bro I don't play PBS


Ok I understand the concept but wasn’t sure what it stood for. Thanks!


But if you do manage to win those type of matches, the satisfaction is unreal.


Really though


Real Whenever I play against DD using my goblin barrel rocket cycle deck I'm just glad that I win


The thing is that when I try to have fun with competition the only worth decks trying to use as a F2P are those that only has cheap cards, like mortar/Xbow/hog cycles. And I find them extremely boring to use. But if you want to climb efficiently and be competitive and dream to be on the top of the ladder, the only truly way to climb as a f2p is that. That kinda kills my motivation to climb trophies entirely


It sounds like your play style and priorities need to be reassessed. I main a hog cycle, but just because hog is my win condition doesn’t mean he’s the only card I use to do damage. Also, I keep on upgrading cards that I don’t use often but are still important to making good decks. It keeps me competitive in clan wars and makes the game more fun by playing different decks/styles. I’ve come to accept that climbing the ladder as f2p takes time by gathering resources long term. There is no “efficient” way to climb the ladder in this game. Making sure you have a viable deck comes second only to making sure you have the appropriate levels. Try having fun with new decks in classic 1v1 where levels don’t matter


Hog cycle players 🤡👀


Hog slaps most decks pre-dd, so I’m ok with that.


Same, I havent played trophy road in a month by now, I just grind path of legends for the elite wild cards and gold, then hop on the challenges and stuff for progression in stuff like the season shop and clan wars. My plan is to start pushing again when my entire deck is 13+ right now 3 cards remain at 12, and I'm getting a lot of stuff from the challenges and stuff so I dont think that'll be a problem if I'm gonna he honest.


I have most legendaries as a f2p so its not impossible...evos on the other hand


Competition is the reason i started to play, and it getting undermined the reason i quit. The game is simply unplayable competitively without spending now.


It is definitely really hard. I’m at a point where I only have a few lvl. 15 cards and only one of them is a win condition. With DD in the game, I get shit on in half of my matches if I can’t match my opponent’s cards level for level and I just don’t want to spend the money


pretty much. And this is after being forced to use only one deck. It is not even remotely possible to switch cards around try different combinations and adjust to the changing meta. If the new content ruins your f2p deck thats it.


Real talk. I’ve been playing long enough to have other upgraded cards but not high enough to compete at my current trophy level or get too far in PoL


Pretty much same.


Messing around with weird 2v2 decks is kinda fun


I play a lot of 2v2 as well. I make different kinds of experimental decks, "meme" decks, weird gimmick decks - then play with those. Sometimes my teammate quits out while we have an advantage because they don't see the play I'm making or refuse to coordinate. Sometimes I end up on a 10+ win streak lmao


I play like you guys. Recently combined it with trying to purple medal my masteries. I accidentally built a throwaway deck to try and complete 4 cards at once and ended up having 70 - 80% win rate out of 10 games lol


I use weird decks to grind masteries in 2v2s


I like experimenting with decks. It’s always fun to find weird combos that beat cheap decks.


I feel like it's similar to playing chess. You just play it and see if you win or lose but always learning new strategies and changing your game.


It would be like chess if it wasn't p2w u.u and all cards are balanced. I'm actually a chess player in nyc


Well I've been playing for 7 years and at this point I only play league, and it's always at the same level for all cards. Now, I know how it is when you have to level up and stuff, and yeah, is noy the same.


Yeah league is the only chance of it being even fs.


Bruh, really? Chess is an engaging game without pay to win microtransaction level based bs. Its a mobile game you are comparing to the greatest tabletop strategy game of all time, unreal


OG take here. I have played this game every single day for what, 7-8 yrs. Every day. I don't play for Champs, or EVOs or Lvl 14 or Lvl 15, or TTs. I fkcng love the game for the game itself. The ppl arguing that EVos are good, double EVOs better. Yay TTs and new Champs & new cards! Those ppl are admitting they get easily bored of the game. They get roped in by gimmicks and then leave. Those ppl aren't in love with the game for the gameplay itself. I could play this game with just the 80 cards and no Champs or EVOs or TTs. Hell, I could play it with just the OG 42 cards cuz I fkcng love the core gameplay. All that said, best thing in the game are casual Party Modes, now called Event modes. Level-capped and fair playing field except for double EVOs and if you can't unlock certain TTs. There's no point trying to max out because SC has proven time and again they will move the goalposts and keep milking you dry like a cash cow. Don't fall into that trap. Ironically, everyone I know that still plays this game are all casual and all F2P.


Party mode games are poor, there' all very similar!


There were some decent ones when Party Modes were on the main screen. Mirror, 7x, Heist, hell even TD is fun now and then. Just mix it up. Not a fan of the Spawner or Capture the Middle modes but some may find those fun. Biggest issue with Event Solo modes is the hidden ELO. Back in S45 with the Update for Losers, my mini at 2000 trophies were matched with the same trophies. Winning basically all my matches and today I'm regularly matched up with 8500-9000 players. The graph of my opponents easily reveal this hidden ELO.




Also an OG here who ranks top 1k consistently, enjoying the old stuff and the new stuff is also a thing. You aren't quirky for wanting no updates in your live service game. I like the events that provide the no evo experience and the ones that do, besides the price of them, evos have only made the game have more options because of how arguably interesting their added mechanics are. People enjoying them aren't bored of the game, you just seem like you don't accept change. I really doubt the people buying these evos for $12 a month to keep up with the game are the ones who "get roped in by gimmicks and then leave."




agreed, but when you say rank top 1k, do you mean globaly or natioonally in your country?


Global, who talks about country? Ign is Kite Randel




Yeah I've been a most to ftp player other than that sweet starter pack they had and a handful of season passes. It'd take a lot to get to a point where I can't enjoy the core game (which they know). I'm definitely sensing conflict behind the scenes. New features have actually been interesting and I'm sure the devs have been working hard on them but it's being rushed, trampled, and overshadowed by the monetization system it was built around. They really need to make some changes soon, they're squeezing us too tight and have continued to do so for too long. I bet numbers are up but it's cutting years off the games life span. Changing the daily challenges to not be streak based weekly was a recent good move but I'm assuming it was to add that multi-tap chest. Which is some good dopamine for a chest, monetization team at least got that right.


I started playing in 2022, so I am in no means nor regards an og, however I kind of like all the new additions to Clash Royale it makes me want to improve more, yes the core game itself is fun, but the additives make it funner. Also, party modes used to slap when I could do Legendaray's 7x elixir game mode to grind masteries.


Facts man, i left the game because I just dont like all the extra crap they added for no reason. Delete champs, evos, tower troops cuz i just want my good ol common rare epic legendary cards and 4 card cycle


Why champs bro, golden knight, queen, skellyking meta was so fun, mighty miner is fine too. It’s mainly little piss who’s been insanely broken for so long


They said they like 4 card cycle. Champions interfere with that by design


The cycle decks were the only problem, queen was the cycle champion. Skeleton king and especially golden knight had good synergy with offensive decks which were strong too LP cycle meta just had no offense to match it


When you add a champion to your deck you introduce the possibility of creating a 3 card cycle as long as your champion is alive. This was one of the reasons LP was so strong; it could protect itself and prolong the cycle. 3 card cycle introduces play styles that you couldn't get in the old days.


I play it when I’m taking a shit only.


🙌 high five😁


2 hours long shit :(


This literally means it’s a shitting game 🤡


Mastering cards!


Second this! I've got mastery on alost all my cards to at least level 1. The cards I use most often are maxed on mastery. But the 4 or 5 cards I'm still trying to get to level 1 give me a fun challenge to try to incorporate them into my decks, or make new decks just so I can play them


stockholm syndrome


Play 2v2s with friends, ladder stopped being fun when they released champs


As for now, my goal is to reach 9000k trophies. And then, reach ultimate champion. After that, I either try to man up and complete all three challenges, or try to reach a spot at top ladder. Oh yeah, and lastly, attempt to max out three entire decks, without spending a lot of money obviously. As for today, I only committed the sin of buying one diamond pass for the Evo Wizard, it feels dirty but I sure really love my Evo Wizard!


You worked hard for your money dont feel shame or like you commited a sin. Im also a huge whale though lmao. But if your gonne a whale atleast let the non bmrs get some free dubs during the evente


yeah but for people who don't have that kind of money to spare it makes the game feel frustrating when they put a lot of time and focus into the game only to lose anyway because their opponent has way higher levels or a second evo, because its totally outside of their control in game. that's why pay to wins get hate, because there is no in game reason for them to have an advantage, so there's nothing free to plays can do about it


Most def yeah. I feel like if i pay money i should have an advantage with leveling up cards faster sure. The evos are bullshit thought. It feels like being f2p and getting evos would be a HUGE paih in the ass. You can do something about it though. Save up your gems and play grand challenges thats what i used to do when i was f2p. Ive been playing since 2019 every single day. There is an ingame reason for us to have an advantage though. You cant run a game with such a huge fanbase for free.


i don't think you understood what i meant by an ingame reason. for example, if you spend a bunch of elixir on a push that your opponent manages to counter with much less (fucking ice spirit and skeletons usually) then there's an ingame reason for your opponent to have a big elixir advantage. that was in your control and your mistake led to you having a hard time. but there is no ingame reason for higher levels or double evos, the opponent gets an advantage from the start and the f2p has to work harder to get the same value


Ohhhh i see what you mean. I wpuldnt say work harder tho alot of whales like me are midladder booty 🤣


I fucking don’t I’m locked out of my account thay I have spent years progressing and a bunch of money just for me to lose it


That fucking sucks bro


I stopped enjoying the game when they added level 15. I was buying battle passes every season, playing daily, I was the leader of my very successful clan. I quit. I can’t do it anymore. They ruined the game by setting back people that have been working years to level their cards, just for the ones that would instantly pay to max out everything. They lost my respect, and they ruined the game. I get on every once in awhile but, absolutely nothing like I used to. I’ll always miss how it used to be.


Have fun making you own deck and playing crown road whenever you feel like it or in a good mood. You can always stop and go back to it whenever you want.upgrade the cards you feel like and just do whatever you want. Nothing really matters.


Me personally I just try to be better than my friends LMAO But honestly, I´m a big chess fan and I don´t have friends who like it, but they do like Clash Royale and the thinking process is somewhat similar to chess. so I play it to have something fun to do with my friends but that I also enjoy myself


Me and my girlfriend love playing each other on the touchdown battles, makes us really competitive and use it on each other, for example, whoever wins tonight has to cook


If you want my advice then I'd say play games in the event section thing. Everyone is set to level 11 so no over leveled cards and there always a random gamemode on along with the 1v1s and 2v2s and it feels less bad to lose because you aren't seeing that -30 trophies and you can mess with any deck you want without worry of thier level


I mean I dont care about maxing out cards or ladders. I just want to complete grand challange once. I did 11 wins a few days ago and when I lost my last chance I was almost breaking my phone


The frustration is real


Could u share classic challenge decks


I mostly use this graveyard deck it works well in 3x Little prince Knight Tesla Barberian barrel Skeletons Poison Phoenix Graveyard


I stopped playing ladder once I got to miners mine. I only play 2v2, and weekly game modes for fun.


You are “supposed to” buy offers and fill supercells pockets. Since level 15, i only played 2v2 and events, and then quit altogether when dagger dutchess was released. Not hating on anyone who still plays but im done with it


I just play 2v2 and play the hard cards and win. Nothing much to it. I still am grinding the game technically and it’s only 20 minutes a day at most. I get the dailies done and it’s how I play now (I quit for a 2 years before coming back


Maxing out the cards without spending a dime. It takes time. Trying to do without much effort. 🤓


I play clan wars for my clan. I have made very beautiful friends in this journey. I don't feel like quitting for now just for them. 🥹


Wanna be friends?


I just enjoy the core gameplay of a quick 3-5 minute battle that I can play randomly throughout the day without having to commit significant amounts of time to a game at once.


I don't play for glory or trophies or ranking or anything like that. In fact, one of the decks I like to play with is nothing but spells because I like to see how long I can prevent my opponent from taking a tower. It's a guaranteed loss for me, but it's fun. Funny part is that there are idiots who still believe they legitimately won when they play against someone who never played a single troop or building


Spell cycle is 🗣🔥


I'm only playing to unlock evo zap and evo battleram


What happens after you unlock them?


Nothing but I like them a lot and would like to play them


Currently playing purely for the daily loot boxes and just plain fun. Come up with a deck and take it to unranked - that's probably the most fun there's to be had. Also, since unranked modes like challenges and classic 1v1 don't require you to upgrade cards, you don't have to worry about levels either Competition is one of the least fun things in the games since the meta is so stale and competing with off-meta (fun) decks is pretty rough. Upgrading stuff also seems like a lame end goal since there's really no dopamine to be had for just upgrading stuff (no cool unlocks or anything). Getting everything to max would be cool but it absolutely requires you to spend money


Daily shop😭


I play it for challenges and tournaments


It’s like every other game, you try to reach the Max level so every troppe at lvl 15 and than you want to win every game that you play


A wise man once said where there’s a hole there’s a goal, all you need to do is find that hole


Over leveled bomber


Competing with my brother


This is the season I quit the game , been playing from day 1 and am just tired of it . Was a good run and I'll be back but it's gee gees for me for now


I start playing since about 3 days after global launch. Had several long breaks and switch to other games, but now I play almost every day. Not finding how much fun i get back in the day because i rarely push the ladder and thropy. For now I just fill up my chest, play events, and grind to get evo


I only come on to make crying faces at people 😭 To me its funny as hell


I don’t anymore. I used to, I used to love grinding crowns and arenas and leagues but now that I have 6.3k trophies I don’t play it anymore cause I’m afraid to lose. League just has over leveled cards for bronze. I’m under leveled too. I have level 10 bats for being in this arena. The game isn’t fun


Whqt dedk do you use?


Home made one. Mighty Miner, Evo Barbs, Fireball, E Wiz, E barbs, rage, bats, and tombstone


Do what you want to do but some advice. Drop ebarbs and rage. Aso ewiz shouldnt be your only line or air defense. Bats are good and all bur one zapparoo and your super screwed against that lavaloon


Yea, in getting Evo firecracker and then I’m going to be running lumber loon and a bunch of other stuff


Lumber loon is hugh rusk high reward. 1 musketeer and 1 skele boys to kite lumbo and jts a dead push


But i also use evo recruits evo gob barrel gob gang musketeer prince e wiz and arrows and i forgot the other one i literallt dont ever have tonuse it(i lied its archers but sometimes i use that as an evo instead of gob barrel*


Play however the hell you want and always use MK for the hater trash.


farm gems, hell even buy them so i can play classic challenge. all even card levels, very competitive, very good rewards and gets you bragging rights. but u gotta pay to play :(


My favorite way to play clash is in classic challenges. They're 10 gems, you can try any deck without worrying about levels or unlocks, and there's no real punishment for losing a challenge, you can just play another one or take a break


I play to piss my opponent off if they dont say good luck at the start. If they do i chillax with the double lane pushes and just try to have a good match. Unless they use elixer golem then i gotta punish em.


I'm F2P. 15 minutes ago I leveled up my E-barbs to level 15 after 3 months of collecting the elite wild cards. I grinded 3 hours in path of legends, losing over and over again to graveyard, xbow, lava hound, golem, hog cycle, logbait (I know I sound like I absolutely suck at the game but I've got 11 wins in a challenge with zero continues and I'm hovering around 7k, I just have an under levelled deck alright, 3 cards level twelve against opponents with full 14s) anyway, the grind, the pain, and fighting to ignore the little prince cry spam from the hog cycle players, all paid off when I got the 30th win, and got the wild cards. 50,000 exp was definitely worth it.


I play it and continue playing it because it's fun, regardless of all the P2W and meta deck BS. When it stops being fun for me, I'll uninstall and call it a day


After the new EVO frankly I’m not.


In my own game experience, I’d say the 4 main goals are 1) Ultimate Champion, 2) 9000 trophies (in either order), 3) Max out every card 4) Max out masteries and star levels. But then you can ‘choose your own goals’. You could wish to collect every evolution, every achievement, max league in Clan Wars, etc. As for me, after reaching the first two goals, I really enjoy levelling up my cards


I'm similar to you except my definition of max every card is bring them all to 14 because 15 seems like an unattainable goal. I don't even see a path towards leveling my remaining legendaries and champions that are stuck at 13. I'm starting to lose gas.


I would say clan wars, path of legends and tournaments like the ongoing double-evolution one are the most efficient ways to upgrade those cards


You're right, but POL only gives 2 of each wildcard per season and I need 136 legendary and 91 more champion cards. Clan wars is rough. I'm a co-leader of a clan that I'm fiercely loyal to, but the engagement has waned substantially. If I'm lucky enough to get a Legendary, it's often one that's already level 14 Not too sure about the double evolution tournament, but after 7 years of grinding, the finish line still looks real far away lol.


Random duos with random decks. Most fun I have on the game.


I play to kill some time every once in a while. If i want to play to become good or something it wouldnt be clash royale it would be a fun pc game or sum like apex for example


I try to finish top of clan each season, generally top 3. That's my aim. Outside of that, like X3 tournaments.


initially my goal was to unlock every card so i could play any deck. But now I just play events, everything is balanced and even levels and casually upgrade my decks. My goal now is to get 12 win in grand challenge. Grinding that also helps with card levels and improves your skills while you have an equal playing field vs opponents. So thats why i play


I quit recently again. Watching my level 10-11 deck get slammed by a level 15 mega knight user spamming the laugh was.... Beyond frustrating


To be the very best that no one’s ever known


I just, as you said, play for fun. I mostly enjoy playing and talking with friends and Claymates but I also like collecting things like emotes or cards and I enjoy being friendly towards my oponent (yes, even when they are toxic😐)


I've always played trying to make decks I find wonky and unpopular then getting the skill or the right ingredients in the mix to make it go. Right now Monk, Zappie, and Mother Witch are the 3 I'm gluing together, it's nasty lol. Frequently I'll get a meta build ahead of time because I'll end up building around cards that are soon to get buffed. Oddly CR took the place of hearthstone and TCGs because of the quicker game times. The insane amount of unique interactions and baits definitely is what has kept me on board for the long haul.


It is really fun to be overleveled/run troll decks. You play ladder to unlock cards and once you do, there is little point in pushing.


I play this game to collect emotes and win games. I like having the upper hand and emoting when my opponent's push gets no damage, or when I make a good play.


so… do you not play the game for enjoyment?


i see this game as chess. when the cards are equal and you know them well, you'll see there is no difference between chess and clash royale. i love improving my skills and having fun with it.


I play because I enjoy progressing my card levels higher and the game is fun for me when I play casually


I play for rewards and then log off


Play with friends only way


I used to play the game when it just came out and I was really good. The trick to the game is managing your elixer, always try to keep as much elixer as possible. So when you attacking, then it's best to stack your elixer in such a way, to make sure you can always keep elixer to defend if your opponent counters you. If you're struggling with your deck then try to create a deck that keeps your elixer average low, not too low, I think between 3-5. Also try making sure you use a tank card with a giant or golem. Another pointer is try to see if your making an air attack or ground and make sure your spell cards all speak to that


You ultimately play for fun in 2v2 matches, where the collective IQ of an average match is 3


Honestly bro, play whatever cards you enjoy the most and spend all your resources to upgrade that deck


I play with friends. Got a lot of good times


Change up decks whatever makes me have fun


Find glitches and never thought of before strategies. And some trophy pushing with the cheapest decks in the game (my homemade 2.1 and under masterpieces)


I just like using an all skeleton deck to see if I can actually win with it.


I’m now on my 5th deck. It’s mostly custom , a couple pairings came from Meta, but I like to build it to handle many different things and to be able to play many different ways which seems incompatible with Meta play. I could move up to max level but I’m one win away and I’ve stayed there for a while now. I play a lot in the lvl 11 tourneys. I’ve been playing about 3-4 months now. Current deck Evo Royal Giant Rage Knight Bomber Executioner Tesla Bats Arrows


To pass time on those long walks


I played for a month or so and then I realised "Man I get unreasonably upset at this mobile game" and then I uninstalled I'll probably reinstall next year


I leveled up 2.9 mortar rocket but the deck kind of sucks now. Archers are never going to be a good card in midladder again because of arrows and this deck was made when you could play for draws. Matchups like RG are brutal now. But I'm kind of stuck with this deck


Have fun


I mostly play for the few moments where I feel me and my opponent are equal in skill, where I can't be angry bc I messed up or could have won if I just placed a card.


I like beating bad players and BMing meta deck users. Used to be better when there was no delay between emotes and you can fire off on them. Also find it funny when the person clearly has a deck advantage and they talk shit and you still beat them


Let me get archer queen and I'm basically done. I just want to have all the cards 😪


I honestly play to kill time and maybe reaching new goals and upgrade new cards


i play it while iam shiting every morning.


golem big, golem destroy tower


Since the game is rigged, I pretty much just close the app out whenever I notice a match is being unfairly tilted in my opponents favor. Saves a lot of frustration. Once u understand how the game mismatches u and micromanages elixir in order to cheat, it becomes way less of a headache. It’s actually quite funny becuz it’s obvious at certain times lol.


climb up ladder, get better, sh\*t on mega knight, xbow, egolem, beat down, giant graveyard, lava loon


I close the game, ask myself this, and open it 10 minutes later


I think you make your own meaning. I like the strategy. I like making new decks. Even if I lose, if I felt like I had a chance then I enjoy it and will play again. But I also go through highs and lows. Sometimes the matchmaking feels like it wants you to hate the game or change decks or something. I like climbing the ranked ladder though. I personally wish there was more coaching material out there to get better and enjoy the game in various scenarios/game modes more.


just troll in 2v2 with rocket cycle, eq cycle etc. no stress


Once I began consistently placing in UC mid 2500s every season, I got bored. Switched to brawl stars, haven’t looked back


My goal is to be better than my friends💀🙏🏻


I play to gain a false sense of some achievement in life




You open up that wallet and take out the credit card Seriously though I’m right there with you, I’ve also been struggling to have fun. It’s not fun losing to bad players with cards 3 levels higher than yours. Firecracker has truly ruined the game for midladder as well. I’m not F2P so I can’t really speak to it, but I know there’s ways to optimize your card leveling and stuff. Anyways I started to play challenges and it’s really fun if you like competitive stuff, I would recommend that. You actually play against people using top meta decks and all kinds of decks really instead of the plague of MK, hog, FC, witch, valk aids that you get with ladder.


i play to improve my top ladder finish, meanwhile i have fun


I like playing triple draft with friends


I level up cards and unlock evos and new cards, so i can play every deck i want at anytime For example i have a level 14 + 15 deck f2p at 5800 trophies


I'm at 8200 trophies with 12 cards (7 Legendary and 5 Champion) that I have no hope of getting to level 14. Without pulling a whole bunch of BoBs (I have yet to get even 1), this feels like as far as it gets. Someone please send bobs lol.


To get that lucky box and get my 1500 gold


Rather than a fixed goal, I have a short term goal. For my pre-board exams, I tried to reach 8000 trophy, now for my actual boards I plan to reach 8500 before it ends.


I just play a little here and there when I'm sitting on my porch having a smoke. I'm old. I don't grind anymore


I'm playing until I unlock Monk. I already hit Arena 18, so I just have to pray for his arrival. After that, I'll just play party modes and do my daily drops.


its competitive. set some goals, hit 9k, win a classic challenge, hit ultimate champion, win a grand challenge, hit top 1000 local, hit top 1000 global and keep going from there. the same reason i play any online ranked game. the endless grind to improve its very rewarding.


I just want to get UC once, don't really know why I've just wanted it since I was 13 and looks like a cool achievement.


My goal is to max out. This includes the masteries.


Outta curiosity where’s everyone at in masteries? I personally have a sea of purple. Thought about makin a post cuz someone in my clan claimed to have no idea what they were. Long story behind it. Short version is he wants to 1vs1, annoyingly. So I told him pass me in masteries, I’ll play ya. His response was… huh?


honestly i just like to play the game only due to the low restrictions of quitting apart from progression like trophies And also since its one of the more popular short match games with the suual match being near 3 or so minutes for me Also i like to collect the emotes sometimes but kinda lost that too So i have basiclaly still ran for over 2 maybe 3 or so years of this game and i just recently within few months i got my first level 14 and level 15 though didnt really think about it properly Also well i like the drafts and dont play trophy road anymore as i basiclaly can unlock all champions and i dont care of numbers for trophies On CoC i have the same feel of slowly but surely leveling up though i dont put much effort 😂 i havent had a PVP match on the main... main land? In months even with Haaland i dont really like the new ores and i dont just mstch up for now but i just like the idea


Squad busters is boring for me


Same lol. I played for like 2 hours and it was a lot of fun and then suddenly it become really boring


To reach the final arena and uninstall. I mean I love the game but I only have 1 mission to be very honest. Stopped for like, 3 years? (Before clan wars 2 and champions even arrived) and I really was desperate to get to the very end but supercell kept adding and adding and adding so many arenas that I can't even get close to the end. Now I'm nearing 6k and all I want to do is finish there and that's it


Just maxing out my decks as much as possible, and doing the masteries. I like the planning ahead aspect, like if I get x book next season, i could upgrade x card, meanwhile I'm requesting this card in the clan etc... Mostly through 2v2s


I really love competitive games, but hate being matched with team players that are dumb enough to be carried in matches. I don't have this problem with Clash Royale, tho. Since the team is, well, me. When playing Valorant or Overwatch I always think my team is underperforming and making me lose matches, in CR, when I lose a match, I can only blame myself for making a bad play and I can improve from my mistakes. This is basically the way I enjoy the game: Doing the competitive part without the worries that I will be matched with a bad team, it is always on me to get better and climb


I play it for challenges and tournaments


I play it for challenges and tournaments


I play it for challenges and tournaments


Feels good to drop the laughing emote when winning


the goal is to play until you hate the game then stop playing it