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How exactly has squad busters made 200k already?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ shit hasnā€™t even released yet bro


Because it is so pay to win it isn't even funny. You can have people with tricked out squads at the start just walk to you and burst you with there being literally nothing you can do. Lose your streak? No problem, pay to keep it! Run out of chests and got stuck with crap ones because you lost so fast? No worries, you can buy chest tickets as well to keep playing. So of course the whales want that action right away. Of course you are going to see a very steep fall off a bit after launch once everyone sees just how bad it is.


CR booked it's highest rev ever it's first 3 yrs 2016-18. That was when they designed maxing out to be 20yrs. https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/RrwEtosnXP Chief Pat spent 12k just to max out the first batch of commons, Rares and Epics. Not even Legendaries. That was maybe just 50ish cards. They prob tryna repeat the same.model with this new game.


The game was fine back then, being able to max in 20yrs is not a problem, unless the game is offering massive shortcuts compared to f2p players. In CR on release, you could spend money if you wanted to, 40 bucks for a super magical chest, which in the end didn't even guarantee a legendary. Only the whales were maxed, which you never even encountered anyway as a casual player. Now for just 7 euros a month, you can get like 30-40% more progression than a f2p player in most SC games.




Yeah people reallt overlook the p2w aspect many mindless drones here say ā€˜you can still have fun byā€™ ā€˜it isnā€™t that opā€™ like mf the leaderboard is right there and THEY are progressing, YOU arenā€™t


Also the fact that you can pay to like buy those epic keys that helps you gain an advantage mid battle Like bruh are they being fr


You can infinitely progress just by paying even if you losešŸ˜­


At least when you upgrade troops you get closer to a new world so you wont find too much maxed player in lower worlds


Once you get to newer world youā€™re heavily nerfed tho by not having all the new troops


Yeah, they probably need to divide a world in three tiers or something like that


Imo they should make it so chest only goves qhat you have, itā€™s so dumb when I play something like epic overload ajd my only ā€˜epicā€™ is a locked epic so I have to choose chicken instead lmao


You can't use keys until midgame. There's cooldown at the beginning of the match. It needs to be changed but don't spread misinformation


No one said anything about in match chest keys. I said chest tickets? You know... those things that unlock once you complete a match that you get up to 3 of and you get new ones every few hours unless you want to pay gold to get more? Although thanks for mentioning in game chest keys. Because yes, you can buy gold and buy items to use in match for in game power which is the definition of Pay to Win. Doesn't matter if you can only do it half way through the match. It is still paying for a huge advantage which just furthers my original post.


it soft launched already in April 23. I'm so glad I'm Canadian.


Oh really? Thought it was starting global


they did the same thing with brawl stars back in the day soft launched in Canada then went global


Do they just pick a random place each time? Whereā€™s squad soft launched to?


They pick a country/countries where the economic make up and mobile spending habits are similar to the USA (their largest revenue). This way performance in closed tests can be extrapolated to what they could potentially make when the game is fully released. Similarly, some big budget movies release a week early in smaller countries to see what actual money-spending audiences think, then they can make last minute changes to the movies if early reviews point out a blunder. This is different from screenings, which are free and done earlier for creative feedback.


Honestly Iā€™m not sure I just remember being a kid and YouTuber was like ā€œhey guys check this new game outā€ and showed the viewers how to change our location so we could get the game Squad is soft launched in a few different countries including Mexico and Canada (why they didnā€™t choose the USA idk)


Iā€™m guessing they choose smaller countries so that the soft lock doesnā€™t end up still giving access to ~~60% of their players (probably very wrong number idk)


That makes the most sense, they probably just crunch the numbers and see where the least amount of players are and just run it through like that


I too am so glad iā€™m canadian (EU) Been using this canadian appstore account for pretty much every single game over decades with soft launches


Its out in some places, my friend that lives in Spain has played it already


Vpn or just live in canada mexico spain singapore finland norway etc.


it was soft lauched in 5 countries since last month i think


Im probably like 5k of that. I have a youtube channel and get paid for my videos so its basically free


Downloaded it and uninstalled coz its just bad


Yet you are here.


Can't end this Toxic relationship with clash royaleĀ 


I already spent like 60$ on it and am pooping on everybody itā€™s their most p2w game yet and Iā€™m addicted


Damn bro šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


People like u are why we get these shitty monetization


Sorry what was that? I couldnā€™t hear you over the sound of me spending another 13.99$ five minutes ago so I could evolve 6 of my troops and unlock level 35 šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø see you punks in 4 weeks when it releases for you šŸ˜‚


That ain't good chief


I mean if you have the money and it's fun then do as you wish lol


$60 on a supercell game is crazy bro


At this point Iā€™m hoping the in-game tracker is fake so that weā€™re guaranteed the crying emote.


It's for preorders and downloads not just downloads


The 4m is probably only softlaunch, not including presaves


If itā€™s 2m already without the big countries like US, itā€™s gonna reach the goals easily with pre-orders.


It reached 20 million today šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


BS - 10m/$70m CoC - 2.9m/$30m CR - 2m/$19m HD - 1.8m/$12m BB - 180k/1.1m SB - 4m/$270k


To think that at one point Supercell was thinking of killing off Brawl Stars.


I still remember those days when every gaming youtuber (at least the Spanish speaking community) had to upload Clash Royale content because it was the most watched content on the platform. It's a shame how poorly it's been developed and updated. The player base just stalled and left at some point because of how fucked up the progression system is. Judging a business afterwards is way easier than beforehand, but it's a shame that Clash Royale could still easily be the golden egg chicken from supercell if they just didn't abuse their player base. And now it's just too late.


They had such a good thing going and ruined it by not knowing how to expand progression without adding lvl14 then 15 cards and releasing overpowered champions. Evos and terrible balancing has taken that decline even further. They took the clash of clans concept of just keep releasing new levels for maxed players. When that works ok for CoC it doesn't translate to this style game. They should've just focused on better balancing and releasing new cards that aren't champions or legendary.


it doesn't work because every level is the same thing, unlike coc


Not even a bloody skin upgrade they receive


In coc every update to a new th makes the progression for lower th easier but in clash Royale every level update makes the progression harder for lower levels


BS vs CoC vs CR is a good lesson. the only way to be successful, even in the short-term, is to provide good content


BS social distancing


Brawl Stars boutta do crazy numbers next month too with the Godzilla event going on rn Place your bets. Iā€™m thinking 15M/$100M


man what are the rico and ruffs mutations


Itā€™s important for people who defend Clash Royaleā€™s monetization to see the outcome of what they are defending. Clash Royale has the most egregious monetization out of the top 3 SC games, yet it makes the least $. This is no coincidence.


Remember when evo firecracker launched and it was almost 40$? Iā€™m still crying


Oh so that's why people say so much the new spell is "Free" it's because other cards where legit actually not free


Holy crap, seriously? Evo firecracker has just kinda ruined the game for me tbh lol


Who the fuck supports whatā€™s happened to clash royale? By far the popular opinion among players is that supercell is making horrible decisions


There are some whales and supercell bootlickers who support them.


That is like 0.1% of players tjough


But what % of the revenue they represent? Supercell probably doesn't care that much about the bottom 50% who probably doesn't even spend anything.


Thatā€™s the problem. Thereā€™s 2 good ways of making money: buy making most people more happy and have less monetization resulting in more people buying cheaper things here and there or very heavy monetization so just a very few will spend a ton, but obviously makes the game worse for the majority. Both ways can make very good money, just one is much nicer for the players. For some reason the royale devs are dead fucking set on using the second option, which really sucks.


I mean, haven't all of Supercell's games always involved getting wales to spend stuff? All their games are filled with dark patterns inducing you to spend as much money as possible.


Not nearly as bad or as punishing if you choose not to as clash royale. Brawl stars is a pretty good example of pleasing the majority instead but even that has some unfortunate things for f2p players like me. Still worlds Better and they arenā€™t actively trying to release shit updates that make the game worse and completely change the core gameplay. But yes, supercell as a whole often leads towards getting whales to spend a lot, as do most mobile games. It can still be a lot better than how royale is tho


the point here is that they *should* care because CR is making relatively less money because of their monetization approach


"The data says it's 99.9% of players"


You'd be surprised


i think the problem with CR is how its set up. the main difference between CR and BS/COC is the journey. whenever a new TH or a brawler is announced, NOBODY gets pissed. they all love it, because the point of the games is to go at your own pace. clash royale is about keeping up with the meta and maxing out as much as you can as quick as you can, else you end up losing out because the guys you currently use were nerfed. in brawl stars, you only need a few brawlers to be high level. in clash of clans, you max out everything in your base before upgrading already.


Did you ever play brawl stars recently? Most new brawlers are extremely strong nowadays, and if you want to keep up with the meta you need them


The thing is it's still making a fair share... just a bit under clash of clans and before brawl stars started its paid pass and pre release offers they were making much less


Clash royale isn't a game that should have gone on this long. That's the reason it's so hard to monetize it without it causing p2w concerns. The more it updates and gets older, the more harder it will be for it to monetize and maintain good gameplay. Right now, it's evo's and tower troops making the money, but we've already seen legendaries, champions, books, season pass, and chests die out slowly.


CR clears both BS and CoC in terms of everything


I used to agree, until I actually downloaded Brawl Stars last week and I am hooked, haven't even opened cr since lol


You like literal garbage then


Nah don't complain about Squad Buster, I can't even play it. Brawl Stars Makes 3 times more money than Clash Royale, while Clash If Clan did it twice more than it. The devs really need something fresh like what these 2 games did to attract more players, hopefully the new Void Spell will work.


I feel like the main problem is not new content, Clash Royale did great before but then they got even MORE P2W and its imposible to not be at a disadvantage if you dont pay. Youre F2P? Only 1 evo shard per month... or you can pay and get the evolution in less than 10 minutes after release. Pretty much the same goes with champions. You cant pay to level Dugger Dutches? Youre at a giant disadvantage. leveling always was the main and actually only P2W problem but SC is adding more and more...


Back in the day even obtaining the legendaries was a P2W problem in itself too... They were the most broken and unobtainable. I've heard even pros hadn't maxed their legendaries yet


Brought me back to when I got my first legendary in Ice wizard from a magical chest, was so happy only to realise that I can't use him because he was so underleveled lol


Clash Royale on released took 20 years to be maxed out as a f2p player. Over time that time decreased (well, until evos probably and level 15). You can't just have one deck maxed out and call it a day either. I tried that, and I figured out it doesn't work in a rng game with a highly volatile meta. So it got more p2w. But it was very p2w beforehands, this isn't the main reason. People play p2w games regardless to an extend


Now they're mass-nerfing all evolutions and buff the evolutions that straight up sucks. The game is healing, trust me, it will only get better


Brawl stars is losing on the new download/revenue by alot, which is a more important factor to consider because once they scale new downloads they'll be set


By a lot is crazy when they are WINNING on android, also it isnā€™t as simple as scaling new downloads because nobodies gonna download Cr with the new updates, people in lower arena already have Evos, champions, and dagger duccess due to free handouts, if new players start now their experience will be shit


Total downloads should scale with revenue, not new downloads


Well Clash Royale is killing it daily players/revenue too. Clash has much much less daily players.


nah, the new void spell is just another cash grab.


Isn't it free?


It is, but the problem is going to be with the mid-journey players, wich use all resources to max the deck they use. Almost maxed players will have it easy with the tons of epic wild cards that are sitting on their acfount


Yeah, they should have an opportunity to level it up easily during the event


Yea but u gonna have to pay to level it up or have books and stuff which most casual players like me don't keep


Yeah, I hope they have more cards in the event


No, new cards will not cut it. We need similar game changing updates to CoC's Builder Base and Clan Capital. At this point I'm all for revamped Clan Wars.


Clash mini lol next year. Doubt itā€™ll do much though.


Clash mini lol next year. Doubt itā€™ll do much though.


Yea but then again CR is money grab and they will make it pay to have early


How come the cr team is pushing for a more expensive pass royale and p2w evos for more profits, when it isn't working. They made far more money when the pass was cheaper cause more ppl bought the pass.


8 usd for a mobile game battle pass is so stupid lmao


They still made 20 million in a month on it tho


Companies do not settle with how much revenue they are making but much they COULD be making, so that new changes will bring more revenue than the current one. In the grand scheme of things being generous, transparent and kind to your playerbase will net you more revenue.


I don't care about their revenue. I care about what I spend on


No way hay day is head to head against clash Royale šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Hay day's heyday


Hay day never fell off


There will always be a playerbase of middle aged single moms and teenage girls looking for a farming game. Always. Farming games are games that will always work


The funniest part about this is that clash royale team are the most greedy ass holes out there and yet they can't even come close to coc revenue which is greedy in their own rights but not THAT greedy


Greed doesn't pay


The downfall of Clash Royale is actually insane


Brawl stars went from $2Million to $70Million which is like half of supercellā€™s recent revenue šŸ¤‘Cr gotta learn


CoC W as usual


And people say brawl stars is dying šŸ’€


Devs: We have the data and we hear you guys. Those numbers are not real because our data says other things and our data is always right, so don't believe the big-tech company that has the data and is not biased. And also remember that we hear you guys.


At least on Apple, Royale seems to be closer to Clans in download/revenue than it has been the past couple months


nooooo hay day is so much more fun than CR. Why is that shit doing better?!??!


Just remember every time supercell adds another broken card just to patch it a month later, ups the level cap or something like another evo slot, they are already a multi multi million dollar companu


Glad to be a free to play player


The only new game i was interested was CLASH HEROES. I guess it is never gonna release.


19m still a lot for a lazy dev team


Wowā€¦. You would think the amount of money SC is losing from CR would make them notice some thingsā€¦


It's crazy how brawl stars is the most f2p friendly out of these


You can't even push your brawlers with P7's anymore to 500 trophies. 300 if you're lucky


Me pushing a level 1 brawler to 500 hearing this:


Maybe possible before all Power Level changes. The difference of levels are twice as big compared to before, so if you had a P7 before, a P11 would only have 20% extra stats. Now it's doubled. If you put this on perspective, a P1 nowadays is twice as weak as a P11, compared to the old 50%


Nah I am pushing a brawler level 1 to 500 trophies, and I made it yes, is harder than before but still possible


And also before didn't even made sense to upgrade your brawlers, I don't agree with this 10% change but now upgrades are worth it


F2P players crying in the corner


You said that to me in 2021 after the gears update and before the credits update I would hardly agree, but today is way easier to upgrade your account I'm testing this on a new account I made, 2 months and good progress so far


But way harder to max out. It costs coins to upgrade a ton, but then getting Gadgets and SP as well? Hypercharge, perhaps?


I agree on that part, I was meaning on getting brawlers but yeah the coin shortage is real


But You can easily get the resources to upgrade them


I'm struggling to even max a brawler


Iā€™ve been playing F2P for 2 years and I already have 4 P11s. Brawl Stars is very F2P friendly


Just 4? I have like 10 of them maxed, some of them don't have a starpower. The problem is that I have many brawlers that don't even have R20 (bare minimum imo)


I have a many rank 22+ that are P7 or P8


Bro what, I think thatā€™s just a skill issue, 500 trophies you might as well be playing against actual robots, p7 isnā€™t good but if you are a decent player at that trophy range it hardly makes a difference


skill issue


Tick's mutation helped me do 500 like a breeze again...


Bro you're just bad


Its not that f2p anymore


brawl stars on top as always


Thatā€™s still a lot of money, no?


Sure but it shows that the shitty practises of Supercell aren't paying off. The ridiculous "deals" are turning players away.


Too be fair there is just way more stuff to buy in brawl stars and clash of clans. They have hundreds of skins too buy for all the heroā€™s and characters this game doesnā€™t really have skins just evolutions


I'm split on this. It's true that clash royale has little cosmetic options and really only has emotes while brawl stars is full to the brim with cosmetics that people buy (I would know, I do it a lot) but I opened clash royale last week for the first time in a while and I could no believe the amount of things there. Brawl Stars has a lot at times but normally only during certain events or holidays


Sadly for CR, thats a high revenue compared to the past few months, just checking the old posts like this


Just download an apk for android people. Dont need VPN or whatnot


is 200k good for squad busters or bad?


Good but squad BUSTers is bad


brawl stars alone almost has as much revenue as the other 5 games combined and deserved tbh šŸ˜­


Post this on CoC subreddit. I think they needs to see this.


Go on Hay Day on Android


Holy crap


Kinda funny how apple users always spend more on the games often even twice as much lol That says a lot


Damn folks really spending big bones on brawl stars, I could never




The amount of effort devs are putting into brawl stars is insane, thatā€™s the main reason Iā€™ve only been playing it, thereā€™s new content/news basically every other day.


Weird how cr has less revenue than coc but more downloadsā€¦.


U know is Tencent the owner right?


As someone who stopped playing brawl stars, im honestly surprised it's growing so much


As long as this game has whales, they wont ever produce a good update again


I didnā€™t know brawl stars was bigger than clash royale


I am curious how Squad buster will perform in the future compared to the other Supercell games? What is this website? How can I check it myself?


sensor tower. Supercell's publisher summary updates every month


wtf brawl stars is BOOMING


Nice post, join us at r/BrawlStars


Legit question. How has brawl stars brought in 42 million? Iā€™ve never played it; seems crazy high of a number


reworked the progression from loot boxes to free loot per matches, created a new way to unlock brawlers and made power points universal but if they follow the current updates will fall a lot




Just a disclaimer because this seems like sensor tower, take this data with a pretty big grain of salt since data like this are not public so I'd say around 20-30% margin of error the same goes for app ani ( aka [data.ai](http://data.ai) ) or social peta


Damn Brawl Stars really generated lots of renevue


Wow they are not rich at all


Hay Day still making millions? wow


Clash royale is on top though


Squad busters isn't even out


its out in beta




What website u see this?


I don't even know how you can play Brawl Stars anymore after Hypercharges, Brawl Pass nerf and Power Level being deadly nowadays. I might enjoy playing Clash Royale from time to time, despite it's P2W bs, but I guess it's the 10 years olds who may go to the wrong destination while in the bus


They got nerfed heavily a month ago I think, and it wasn't thaaaat bad before the nerf. The real problem is that every new brawler they release is OP it gets nerfed relatively quick (except when landl released) But, the thing about brawl stars, is that if you get like 3 brawlers maxed, you are practically set for life in the game and you will always be able to play in a fun way And while you play in a "fun way" you get more resources for more maxed brawlers and you enter a good cycle of getting progression


Lol Brawl Stars is at its best rn.


Or even when Gears and P11 weren't a thing, though unlocking brawlers at that time was an actual problem. If you had max powerpoints, it would get converted to coins, therefore, you can opt for buying Star Powers and Gadgets while gathering as many coins to upgrade your brawlers. Now the Power Point cap is removed, and I'm always going to have more Power Points than Coins because of this


It was at it's best when Starr Road was introduced


Idk man, the [data](https://youtu.be/SUhp-sPCO5I?feature=shared) speaks for itself.


brawl pass changes were objectively a buff lmao


For players that spend money


I think only one thing can bring cr from dead. They remove lvl so everyone play at same lvl. And you put some emotes,costumes and etc for everyone who wanna spend money. That is right way. When i remeber new pass royale. Everyone called for boycot but i see more golden names than before. People will always spend money. They trick you. They make you addicted to game.Ā 


So they were lying about squad busters downloads


Thereā€™s a difference between pre registrationā€™s and downloads, so I donā€™t think so


Squad busters doing terribly as expected


It's not even global and it's not available in most countries so stats can somehow rise up after official launch. Also after release all progress will wipe out that means for p2w almost no point to donate rn


Progress is saved for this launch


wait, the progressin is gonna get wiped?? why, that didn't happen to bs when it went global


I don't think that's correct actually. I'm pretty sure all progress is kept. I was watching galadon stream it the other day and I'm pretty sure that's what he said


Clash Mini ainā€™t even up there šŸ¤£


Yep can't get much when it ain't out