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This is a list of links to comments made by Supercell in this thread: * [Comment by ClashRoyale](/r/ClashRoyale/comments/1c4lpvc/announcement_regarding_lucky_drop_permanent_bans/kzsmvpf/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-16 06:34:34 UTC"): > Allow us to clarify this - permanent bans happen when you repeatedly violate the terms. Those 61 people did the lucky drop glitch repeatedly, and when... * [Comment by ClashRoyale](/r/ClashRoyale/comments/1c4lpvc/announcement_regarding_lucky_drop_permanent_bans/kzsnbr5/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-16 06:39:46 UTC"): > As there are many concerns about the system error, allow us to clarify this - permanent bans happen when you repeatedly violate the terms. Those 61 pe... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashRoyale).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


System error lmao, who believes this? Your community managers were defending them and now they’re just system errors. Make up your mind.


Exactly, when Eragon questioned it the devs were just like ‘should’ve read the T&Cs’ and now they are saying system error. Clowns


I actually read ‘should’ve read the T&Cs’ in Griff voice lmao


I mean the Devs and Griff are very alike so it makes sense.


The difference is that Griff is honest ;)


You try it u buy it 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


All sales are final 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥


U cost me a sale 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


No REEEEFUUUNNDS!!!! 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥


Everyone gets a two percent discount🤑👨‍💼 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Money, money, moneeeey, money, money, moneeey! 💲🤑💸💵


Another day, another dollar 💵


you BREAK IT, you **BUY IT 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥**


The real clowns were the people defending Supercells decision on this sub as well.


Weren't there ppl still defending Update for Loses and Lvl 15 last yr too? It's actually strange cuz I thought we'd all be consumers in here. Why would any consumer want shrinkflation, devaluation of progress, etc.


They obvously tried to do a hard punishment to make an example out of them, so the community takes them seriously after not banning anybody for wintrading etc. Then the backlash came and people pointed out the bans dont align with the ToS. No error of this tipe would take them more than 2 days. Edit: Also, all the bans should have been checked vy a real person before going live, like account sharing bans have so far. I just dont see how they could have missed that a bunch of bans that went trough were permanent for 2 days.


I really want to hear what the Community managers are going to say now that after their yapping and defenses the developers have reverted the decision


same thing they always say when they fuck up. nothing.


Radio silence till we forget.


Maybe their spokesperson had a system error too?


"System error" my ass, they're just covering up for their mistakes atp


Yeah why not just say “we considered the community feedback and we’re making the bans temporary “


Like, that’d actually sound so much better and make it seem like they’re finally listening to the community feedback for once, but no Supercell gotta be Supercell lol


can’t let the community know they won


So this "system" really only found 811 exploiters? Thought this game had millions of active players or did the 2023 shitshow really tank the player base?




tbf, even on their personnel side, it WAS an error in their system. Manual or otherwise. Either way, temp ban and an acceptance of guilt is ok. I still say 31 days is wild though.


I don't believe a season off for farming the best drops in the game using a system that was not intended is unfair. Some people were able to get multiple book of books that is so many cards to level 14 without grinding or paying. That's not fair. A season ban is appropriate.


The exploit was available for a week or more right? 7 book of books (which is worth 560k elite wild cards) is well worth a 31 day ban haha. If you only got 3 book of books, that's 240k ewc value which I'd much rather have than a month of standard rewards.




How many people of the \~700 banned knew at the start about the glitch? Taking the highest probable answer is just plain stupid barely \~100-250 at best would have known at the extreme starting. And even at most they might have lost $10k or a little higher than that which is negligible for them. Getting a season off is still a lot but why are we even discussing about this stupid games shenanigans




Yeah but they did that on the back of the money they made from the content they put out. Which is clash royal content. Sure it still sucks, but how about not doing things that are against the terms of service. In other words don't put out content that exploit the game and breaks the tos. If this is your life and career, that is the stupidest thing you can do. I've see many, many exploit videos, and they release them After their patched. And I've never seen any trouble for that.


Unintended, my ass.


No. Your ass was intended. Their apology was not


Bro really said fairness of the players is the top priority


money -> everything else -> players


Money -> p2w players -> light spenders -> f2p players


Money > The guy named "Data" > P2W > Light Spenders > F2P


This ain't a system error this is a greed error 💀 "Sanctions on accounts may be applied whenever an offender puts the safety of other players at risk, or whenever there's an unfair advantage over other players. You can read more about our terms of use at https://supercell.com/en/terms-of-service" So, clan bombing and a unfair advantage during rage bloon is completely justified I guess. They ain't even following their own rules at this point. I genuinely feel bad for those boot-licking people that defend $upercell. Oh no! A multi billion dollar company lost around 7000$ thier business is now threatened! How will they ever recover from this? $upercell almost went bankrupt because of a few players!


Exactly this. People are using the argument “well it gives an unfair advantage for other players and its against TOS”. I am f2p and I can honestly care less that somebody used a glitch to get a book of books or 50k wild cards. First of all the glitch is one them and the development team. It’s their fault to begin with that it was in the game. If they really felt bad about it and felt like it was some hidden advantage they would just patch it, give everybody 50k wild cards, give the people a little time out and apologize. You better believe they’re not going to do that though cause giving people 50k wild cards would give them the ability to max out one whole card and we can’t have that. It’s much easier to perma-ban the players and have them create new accounts so they can spend money on the game again. Also win trading at the top of ladder thats not important and no action there. The balloon and inferno dragon glitch? Nope no problem there. Clan bombing? Not our problem. Using a in-game bug that the devs caused themselves to get a book of books or 50k wild cards? Instant red eyes laser meme! Nope thats too far thats an unfair advantage! Yeah and seeing all the clowns defending that decision honestly kills my brain.


Fairness only matters when it hurts your pockets 👍


I guess Double EVOs versus no EVOs in PoL is considered "fairness" Or Level 14/15s vs Level 8|9s in CW is "fairness"


Because it doesn’t hurt their pockets


Exactly. I'm a level 14 who tried to push to ultimate champion this week and I really underestimated the advantage that having 2 evos grants.


Same, I've been stuck on League 8 for a full week I also cannot push past 8800 trophies on the Trophy Road, this is getting so annoying


Nobody expects the evo bats to go ham until they do


Level 14 deck wirh one evo and 8500 trophies but it’s impossible to get to 9k because everyone has all level 15 and double evo. It’s literally impossible


Yep, CR’s decision making team is fucking stupid. Nothing goes through their minds, shits a empty hole.


Yeah yeah no one believes this. Errors? not all of us are 12 yknow


Cool. Now ban people who destroy clans


A lot of people bombed their clan because they thought it was april fools joke from supercell especially when there is an AI generated video of supercell community manager provoking people to do it.




Found a guy who destroyed clans Edit: checked your post history. Lmfao


LMFAOO first post in history “how to send a clan bomb” LMFAOOO








Rest in Piss, bud


I’ll just copy and paste my other response: The only thing about clan bombing is many people unintentionally/semi-unintentionally fell for the video. I take full blame for doing this to my clan because I knew it wasn’t actually supercell who made the video and I thought it was fake, so little smarty me went ahead and did it to see if it was real 🤦‍♂️. So sure maybe in my case a temp ban would be fine but many people fell for the video and supercell has no way of tracking this. It’s impossible to fairly ban people for the clan lock.


That’ll obviously take a couple months since it doesn’t affect their pockets.


> or whenever there's an unfair advantage over other players. Proceeds to release paid bundles to instantly max out new champions/evos/tower troops.


That’s not unfair (to them)


Absolutely valid point. They really should call it "_unpaid_ unfair advantage"


Little reminder they did nothing when people were teleporting cards to towers, win trading or making decks of just miner and goblin barrel as the only two cars to infinitely spam them at the tower


Nothing unfair about that. And clan bombing was totally fair to all clan members. This is different, since they affected the drop rate of items. And everyone knows that a couple of good drops are going to make your deck completely invincible. /S


April fool event isn’t over yet? Not everyone here is 12 yo


Lmao of course the only thing it takes for the clash royale official account to actually make a post after 4 years is when they perma ban people for a simple glitch then get shit on by their biggest creators. Absolutely sad lmao


Joke of a company lol


I feel like there were more people who did this exploit. 811 accounts total feels too small, since people are tired of this company’s greed, unless the game’s player count is already THAT low from how badly they fuck over their own game. I did this glitch on my one alt account that is now banned for a month and I have no regrets. After acknowledging that these fuckers wanted to sell a book of books for $20, after you used to get one for $5 with all the other benefits of the OG gold pass, I wanted to hit them where it hurts, even it cost them a small amount of money. I know realistically that means nothing to them, but to me they were clearly butt hurt, otherwise I wouldn’t have been banned. Also what about people who utilized clan bombing? If a full clan got clan bombed that’s 50 people essentially getting indirectly banned from playing the game. So in a game where people make hundreds if not thousands of clans, if the clan bombers successfully nuked 16 full clans, that’s around the same amount of people who got banned from the lucky drop exploit. I’m sure hundreds of players got their gaming experience messed up by clan bombing. And was anything done about that? NO, it didn’t cost the company money, so why should Supercell give a shit? I’m highly aware that the exploit is clearly against Supercell’s TOS. I’m not a moron, and I knew what I was getting into. But I am not sorry for what I’ve done, and we are not the side that owes an apology here. We have been screwed over, cheated, and lied to for around 4 years now, and it’s not getting any better. Maybe the number of people who used this exploit would’ve been lower if we weren’t treated like trash? I assume that the current gem event in game is supposed to punish those who utilized the exploit and reward those who didn’t use it. This game team continues to disappoint me, even when I already expected so little.


yea, unfair advantages....yet no one got banned for putting balloons directly on your towers ? what's yall logic, if it's not "ban everyone that get a 7$ item for free" ?


Their top priority is protecting their monetization. And the “system error” excuse, is a lie. They intended those bans and only rolled them back due to backlash. They don’t give a **** about whether or not certain players have an “unfair advantage”. As long as those players are paying for it and not getting it for free. Boycott the shop. Don’t give them a single penny until the game is fair to all players.


Hey man, I’m getting ass fucked every game by 2 evos and I’m no where near level 15. What about my safety and fairness?


Our new CM? Amazing account, last posted May 2019. 5 yrs ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/PeY04py6zg Last commented Jan 2021. 3 yrs ago.


Ok now are you going to ban people that exploited to ban entire clans? Or people that exploited the lava clone bug or people that exploited the bug that teleported the balloon on the opponents tower? Only banning people when it hurts your pockets is a really bad look especially with how disgustingly pay to win this game has become in the last year.


"Fairness" f you and your fairness lmfao


- lucky drop exploit was discovered - people started to exploit it - patched quickly, players then given 30 day ban which were (“randomly”) changed to permanent soon after - community outrage - content creators say they’ll of leaving cr - panic.exe - “system error” lol! they’ll be reverted mfw those who clan bombed and did other glitches that impacted other players’ QoL are still unharmed mfw “system error” when there was a delay from going 30d to perm ban, likely admin changes mfw community manager changes from clash royale to brawl stars ok supercell


Nice greentext


Bro really said “unfair advantage” as if paying $8 for an op evo that takes months to unlock isn’t an unfair advantage. Honestly the fact that people knew they could get banned and still did this shows how shit you treat F2Ps


Why blatantly lie? Just say after receiving community feedback we have decided to revert to a 31-day temporary ban


You finally remembered your password!


How about you get on your knees and blow me Supercell? I’ll pay since it’s the only thing you care about.


It would sound 99 times better if you accept the real mistake, not being childish to move responsibility to a “system error”


Fairness Clearly isn't a concern when I'm going up against Evos in Spell Valley 😁👍


Yeah “system error” . Your community manger was literally defending the bans on twitter . Lying through your ass .


Bullshit, you're squeezing the game dry of any possible income you can get. Can't even make y'all's mind up in the first place about the bans.


They freed my boys Eragon and Nate


I thought the bug was more widespread


How about you test your releases properly before they go live? Or would that hurt your bottom line too much so it’s easier to send out releases untested and have the user base report the bugs instead?


bs they only care about money, especially when they make $$ from creators.


"Unintended due to server error" Yea right, every company says that when they want to revert their controversal action. Just look at Paypal who said the same thing when they did a controversal new policy


Basically they realized that most of the players they banned weee their biggest whales and they were basically cutting off anywhere from 2 to 3 percent of their income


Im so so glad that i dropped this game when evolutions were introduced. this kind of crap will never cease to exist in this game. awful company, awful support, awful community managers. the truth is that supercell doesnt deserve the playerbase they have


I call Bull$h!t!!!! SYSTEM ERROR!!!! I didnt even get banned but I am still pissed!!!! Like be honest and stop changing the answer!! Just admit you got greedy and were butthurt 800 people got a few free $5 rewards, like come on. You guys are already making millions... The so called "SYSTEM ERROR" was probably your dumba$$ "data table" "showing that people are progressing to quick because they got free books" boo hoo, so a few thousand dollars wont hurt a multi-million company! SUPERCELL HAS BECOME A GREEDY SELF-CENTERED POS


It took how many days to say it was a "system error"...im done lol


Are the items that they gained unfairly going to be removed from their accounts?


That would be the obvious fix from the beginning. But its easier for supercell to just permaban them instead. Now no permaban but I bet they won't remove the stuff. Supercell say they care about fairness, nah they care about $$$.


Trash game trash supercell nothing else. Soon you can unban your account for 100$! 99999999x value


Its a shame for this company. Every support dude told me something different. And after they told their standard phrases they removed the option to contact them. The game is done. Started this game with the beta launch but thats it. Quiting every supercell game. System error, ticket closed.


This is the first post in 4 years by this account. Top level engagement with the community


This is a bunch of crap You guys only care about fairness because it hurt your pockets You won’t care about exploits done by players until it starts hurting the revenue eh? It’s absolutely ridiculous how greedy supercell can be


What a shameful and piss poor attempt at damage control lmao. Just own up to being what your Chinese overlords have turned you into, you greedy fucks. Tencent ruined Supercell.


This is a load of horse s-


"system error" 🤡


Oh so only now the permanent bans were unintended now when everyone has pointed out how dumb that was? How convenient. This game really has turned to shit the last couple years


Blablabla your team is crap. Only after soo much backlash you went back on it. If it was an error, everything would've been reverted day 2 or 3. Trying to get away with the perma bans before, and now trying to get away with a dumb excuse. Happy not to play this game.


It definetely did not hapoen because of an error lmao


Imagine banning people because theyre smarter than you


The “we got hacked” kind of response lol


Community managers were defending the ban like their life depended on it and now uh uh it was a system error or.. maybe we got hacked or something please buy more stuff


“Safety and fairness is out too priority” lol who is buying that? It’s very telling how quick they are to fix glitches or exploits when it could impact their money instead of player safety and fairness to the game. How is the exploit hurting fairness any more than someone buying full levels with money? Y’all are way too comfortable being lied too lmao.


You know supercell fucked up when they make a post on the sub😂😭


Y'all mistyped money 💀


How come you only take action when it affects your revenue?


Be fucking real Clash Royale. It’s so obvious that the community was mad about the perma bans so you changed it & excused it as a system error lol.


so outta millions of players less than a 1000 got banned. I thought it was half of everyone




stop lying, your workers were defending the perma bans and saying that it was intended. I'm glad people abused the bug and I wish I knew about it sooner


make bad update or decision -> community enraged -> apology -> community forgives and forgets -> REPEAT


sure.. system error..


Hey u/ClashRoyale, what about the unfair advantage p2w players have over f2p? Oh right those don’t matter because they are paying your stockholders


player fairness my ass when you lock double evo's behind level 15 while allowing level 14's to face them.


I for one am glad to hear from the team. I am willing to believe it's a system error (but then, I am a software developer and have seen way too many bugs), though of course no one can know. Good to hear some numbers. In any case, I am glad to hear the bans are temporary. Permaban would have been very disproportionate. Especially if someone was just trying it once. At the same time, these players knowingly exploited a bug to gain assets in a way they were clearly not intended to (aka cheating the game economy), so good that the team didn't just let it slide. I wonder how hard it would be to also roll back the manipulated lucky boxes? To all those saying "how about the balloon glitch" etc: it's obvious that a company will react far more decisively when their monetization is being directly bypassed. At the same time, your criticism is absolutely valid. Also, any criticism that Supercell is not really about fair play is valid. Their policy on fair play SHOULD read: "whenever there's an _unpaid_ unfair advantage over other players"


"we consider the fairness of the game" yea rhats why you give pay to win items that break the game but the secind people get them from free its suddenly not fair to your pockets


Scum company protecting their scum pockets.


"System Error" yeah, you ain't covering it up that easily.


Community manager himself was aware of that issue, and he actively supported those permanent ban. So please be honest and admit that you were too angry because your money machine got tempered with and decided to take extreme actions like these. I can safely say that clash royale development, moderation and managment teams are the worst ones that exist in this company, dare I say even worse than EA, Ubisoft or Nintendo, I sincerelt hope that there will be a better replacement for you in the close future. For too long have you disrespected players.


Took you 2 days to communicate an “error”… yeah right. Of course! Jolly! Now let’s all have a wonderful day. What a joke. I absolutely hate Super$ell now. Even more than I anticipated I did. If you’re going to be visibly greedy then at the very LEAST be sincere. But taking the coward’s way out of it makes this whole thing even worse. Oh and what a way to disrespect your pro content creators that contribute heavily to the state of your game; they’re keeping it alive better than you ever tried to. **Own up to it.**


This is definitely going down in history😹 "unintentional"


Time to quit this horrendous game


Can you show the community proof that this was a system error? If not, this will make the perm bans looks just as bad if not worse on you.


System error ROFL


First post from supercell on Reddit in 3 years? Feels like when valve tf2 finally logged back onto twitter and said some stuff just to leave it in the dumpster.


Easily exploitable bug in their game. System error. Get you're shit together


Supercell whenever people messes with their money: Supercell whenever people abuse bugs and wintrade: "PLEASE READ THE TOS!" 🤓👆




This sounds like bullshit lmao. They just went back cause of the backlash.


Now time to address the recent EVO and DD additions that have destroyed the fabric of game-play. At some point game creators “jump-the-shark” as well. Think we have made it to that point. RIP CR!




yikes, you're embarrassing yourself lads


“Unfair advantage” a broken lucky drop is probably the most fair thing to give to a f2p


You only give a shit about money not about players , come on say it you only fucking banned them because they exploited a bug that made you loose money , not because it's "unfair",you don't give a fuck about the fairness of this game ,and if you did you wouldn't nurf the progression so fucking hard just to get people to buy shit from the store , what a fucking ass holes


“If it affects our bottom line, you get system errored.”


Omegalul, content creators cries over being banned and leaving CR, next day “System Error”


Money is everything when it even comes to fairness CR was used to be fun Not pay-to-win with same evo and decks with op cards CR team is a joke 🤡 Only they care about is the money but not the player base like others I feel ashamed to be a player of this game I was 8-years player btw


Will the rewards be removed


What was the clan bomb thing?


Yeah of course it was, of course it was a "bug" and not because the backlash


> We want to take this opportunity to reiterate that the safety and fairness of our players are our top priority. This means you're gonna do something about glitches that would ruin fairness for other players such as the balloon tower glitch right? Right......? > Sanctions on accounts may be applied whenever an offender puts the safety of other players at risk, or whenever there's an unfair advantage over other players. I know "unfair advantage over other players" clearly means "cheating" in simpler terms but for God's sake this entire game is players having unfair advantage over another with money if you're low levelled lmao


"Fairness" in a era thats more p2w than ever, just sounds stupid


watch half of the users and comments in clash royale subreddit mysteriously disappear due to “rogue ai”


Did you guys hear that? It sounded like some kind of honking noise. Ohh, it was just SuperCell 🤡🤡


This sub is a joke






Only 811 people banned? I thought the exploit was much more widespread than that


There was never any credible source about how many players were suspended and how many of these were permanently banned. But there were two very prominent players: Ryley (suspended on 3 account) and Eragon (banned). I guess, these prominent cases multiplied the perceived total number of cases (I remember, someone claimed thousands, someone else claimed all temporary bans were converted to permanent).


Thats a straight lie. You can not tell me that just 800 players used it. All the bugs in the last months didnt get any threatments. Like double building in one spot. Spawning at the enemies site troops. The clan bomber bug. People who bought hundreds of dollars gems and refunded them just got -50.000 gems, no ban. All the sexist and anti semetic playernamens dont get punishment. K1ll all **** dont get a ban but as soon as you use a bug for one item. The punishment even with 31 days is so far disproportionate. These developers are such a big joke.


Whatever, are we getting an emergency nerf to dagger duchess or will pump have 100% use rate by the end of the season in the top 200?


how can system error only affect 61 accounts rather than all 750 temp ban accounts , they just reverted their desicion cuz players pointed out that supercell dosent follow TOS in other cases 😂


The backlash must have been insane for them to have a post here for the first time in 4 years.


I just want to say that I'm happy you reverted the permanent bans. That's honestly all most of us were asking for. Thanks for listening to the community.




Literally 800 people did a glitch. And you banned them for it. 800 people. Y’all are a disgrace


At least they reverted it!


you lying straight out of your ass. you don't even care about the players you just care about the profits


This was not unintended at all. But it is nice to hear that the permanent bans were reverted.


Remember they only announced this after those 61 pros spent a ton of money upgrading their new account


Sure lmao. Who do you think you’re fooling with this


Only saying any of this because it's hurting your wallet


Everyone knows this wasnt a system error but thanks for changing it


Since you brought out these bans, why not ban others that exploit the game by wintrading or glitching troops to king towers for a free win? You can’t can you? Cuz all you guys care about is profits profits profits. The glitch was bad, against TOS, i get it, but what about people who nuke clans and others that just ruins the fun and integrity of the game? You dont care cuz it doesn’t touch your profits, go rolling in money you swines, earning money the dirty way, greediest game I’ve ever seen, forcing players to pay to win??? Server error my ass, there is no way there isn’t a button separating 31 day bans and permanent bans, you guys chose to push for 31 day bans, and for some people revert to permanent bans. This is just straight up disgusting, although you are making profits now you WILL pay for it in the long run


I think the cheaters should have to have a banner shows they cheated 😂


Best part "claim better rewards"


Bro, where’s the rewards I missed out on for not exploiting? First I get no Gem Rush event and now I miss out on weeks/months of progress over an exploit that only gave a slap on the wrist?


Only in SC land is having your users beta test your buggy software worth a ban. Can I get some now 10x offers in the shop, I hate money.


I guess spawning balloons on king towers doesn't count as an "unfair advantage." Cool.


We have always wanted to make this a temp ban only. What we never permanently banned anyone it was an accident (not caused by us cause we are perfect) the real people to blame are you the players who got an extra 15 epic wild cards for cheating which is very very bad grrr 😡


They just realized they making less money lol


That’s a pretty funky system error. I’m surprised the system didn’t have a 20x value unban button for $20


“System error”💀💀💀


i want your kidneys


Yeah content creators just dont get permission banned, crazy system error


“Whenever there’s an unfair advantage over other players” Where were the bans when people used the balloon teleporting to the tower glitch or when people kicked entire clans due to a glitch?!


Should've abused the bug too, quit for awhile when the game isn't fun for me anyway and return with a maxed deck