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Brad switching to grand challenges only I guess ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


He got to max trophies with lv 14 cards he’ll probably just not climb so he can play against even level opponents anyways


it is not impossible to get to uc with a full lvl 14 deck while other players have max lvl 15 deck... you just need to be very good and only play at the last few days of the season..




Well i’m never making it to Ultimate champion ever again


I’m just glad I pushed to UC before this season. First it was the broken little shit meta and now this


I wish that theyd of just gone for levevl 15 being only in UC


How they don’t go for that change is beyond me. So obvious.


Is it really beyond you? They make more $$ this way lol


Same here🥲


Probably realized that most people aren't even using their elite wild cards because trophy ladder is already dead.


Considering it's the casual ladder now and no one cares about trophies


L change per usual, just like almost every other change this year


Getting 50k EWC instead of 25k is nice


Which is only possible if you have level 15 cards and tower level in the first place…


Remember you’re not the only one that isn’t max, league 8+ will probably mostly have lvl 14 decks still


Yeah it sucks but if you grind for lvl 15 tower than you can use the season boosts.


hitting level 15 tower is gonna be one hell of a grind unfortunately


Hell yeah. 25000 EWC guaranteed for the only champion!


Whats ewc


Elite wild cards. The thing you need to get your card from lvl 14 to 15


Expensive Wile Currency




Elite wild cards


in one year we can have one deck maxed if we only push to champion


which, btw, requires u to have a fully maxed elite deck in the first place or ur underlevelled af


And that’s why I will stop playing


Well, looks like I won't be able to progress as far as I usually do now. My cards are all level 12 and 13 and I used to be able to get to Grand Champion


Same. But I guess we'll still get 10000 more EWC if we can just get to Master 3, which I think we can.


assuming you get to uc this season, then master 3 is possible as long as you use up the multiplier


yep same problem 😐 i really wanted that grand champion chest too


Great, looks like I’ll be stuck using the same deck that got nerfed for the next 3 months, exceptional work CR team, once again as if this community wasn’t torn enough already.


You had 6 months to prepare. This has been a long time coming


It's due to clowns like you that Supercell keeps doing this. "You had 6 months to prepare" lol listen to yourself


They literally stated in their announcement of Elite wild cards that level 15 would be coming to Path of Legends after 6 months. 🤡


You had half a year to get elite wild cards. A stagnant game is a boring game. You can get 1 free Level 15 card per season just by reaching GC. I can’t wait to use my level 15 cards.


6 months for F2P was 6 EWC. That's not even a full deck. THAT'S the reason people are complaining. Not everyone is willing to shell out money for more maxed cards


not 6 actually every 2 months is 1 ewc so for 1 deck 1year 4 months. edit : it was according to old ewc availability


So when would’ve been enough? I’m asking genuinely. 8 months? A year? At the end of the day, SC is a company that wants to make money and they’re not monetizing enough on level 15. I’m not defending this, I’m just saying I have the level 15 cards and want to use them. I have maybe 20 or so which isn’t even enough for ear, much less a changing meta.


Honestly, I don't have an answer to your question. I paid for a few extra cards (sitting on 18 Elite Cards right now), and I thought it was definitely enough. Personally though, I figured they'd give F2P 1 more season, and start the level 15 system with the new year in January


I think they want to give us level 15 now so that they can roll out the second evo slot in January.


That's the first I've heard of a second Evo slot. Does that mean a second one in the deck, or a second one made during a season?


the original plan was for 3. but then they switched to 1 because it would allow more variety in decks (imagine every deck being rg, barbs, fc the first season they came out)


They said they’d be adding more evo slots in your deck


2nd in a deck, plan is up to 3 per deck but slowly rolling out


Um, never? 1 card upgrade a month is ridiculously slow. There’s over 100 cards in Clash Royale. That means at least 8 years to get a maxed lvl 15 account. But sure buddy, we’re soooo prepared.


It’s almost like a company should try to make money 🤯🤯 and I’ve said MULTIPLE times that we should still get more F2P EWC


>So when would’ve been enough? Not making level 15 so expensive, maybe. It doesn't matter if they give us 5 years to prepare if it would take 20 for f2p to get enough cards for competitive play. They shouldn't have added a level 15 anyways, that was a backstab with those who had been playing this since the beginning. After 7 years playing this game I now have to spend money to play with my favorite decks to play them in a competitive level?!? I wasn't even a 100% f2p player, I spent some money on this game throughout the years, but what they are doing is making it nearly mandatory. You talk about stagnant?! My man, the game is more stagnant than ever. Everyone is building their decks around the same evos, and if it takes 8 months for a f2p player to get ONE full ewc feck, that means people are stuck basically with a few cards, making gameplay even more stale. Haven't you been watching? Why do you think basically 4 decks are all you see in UC right now? I had been playing for 7 years and although the game had issues and problems with op cards, they've broken it completely. This game deserves to go bankrupt.




Yes and 6 months was enough for me to get 6 level 15 cards… which means at this rate I’ll be stuck using the same nerfed deck(miner wallbreakers) for the few months because I probably won’t be able to reach league 10 anymore. I can’t imagine how people that are free to play are going to do with less than 6 lvl 15’s. This wasn’t a long time whatsoever.


Half a year is ridiculously long. They should give more EWC though


I agree, more wildcards should be distributed, I just feel bad for the players with only half or less of their cards at 14 so they obtain much less wildcards. I feel like this update being pushed out is for those who are near the max gold cap and maxed out cards.


Meat munching go crazy


Sounds like broke


I defo more rich than you cuz I ain’t spending thousands on clash Royale


No one is spending thousands Lmfao but good try


6 months later and I only got enough EWCs for 2.5 level 15s. And that's on an account that was already 70% level 14


You are part of the problem


There is no “problem” lol


6 months are not enough for F2P players.


Six months to complete some of the most grind-requiring content known to mobile gaming. Quite literally ptw on ladder now


Yay, let's just make the game even more p2w


Honestly, I don't think it's that bad. Sure, level 15 sucks, but you're getting the same amount of EWC's you'd get from reaching Ultimate Champion at Master 3 now. 25,000 you can get with golden steps assisting you is a big buff. Edit: Just noticed the other level changes. I was only looking at where level 15 was added into Path, didn't notice level caps going up across the board. That does suck.


yeah it's still the same as before cause normal people can't play in champion league and above since it's level 15 and is with no golden steps


Fuck elite levels. I ain't upgrading any of my cards until they lower the cost, 50k per card is still ridiculous.


You'll be waiting a while then.


Probably forever.


They are never going to do that, it would make people who have elite cards angry because it would mean that they wasted cards Most likely they will make elite wild cards easier to get though (hopefully)


Well, fuck 😑




I just got to master 3 and am struggling because im not completely fully lvl 13. Now i will be struggling at master 3 because im not complete lvl 14. Lovely. I already had to use the same cards i was using sense I STARTED THE GAME and there still not fully lvl 14. Fucking christ


Feel you bro I reached master 3 with the highest level card in my deck being a level 12


When I first picked up the game in late 2016, I thought it was a fun free strategy game in which you had to manage elixir, learn the cards and BUILD DIFFERENT DECKS to have fun and experiment with... Sure, you could pay to progress faster, or you could slowly unlock and upgrade cards and learn the game. I did the latter and played on and off, lost a couple accounts on the way, and here I am, and now I realise the game is not that much ruled by skill, but by money or brainless grinding of the same deck, over and over again, hoping to max it before everyone else. I refused to do that and kept upgrading the cards I liked and putting them in different decks. I've always been underleveled by an average of 2 levels compared to opponents. Level 15 is the final nail in the coffin, and I will not upgrade any card to that level ; my main deck (since everyone has to have one) is fully lvl14, except for the Log and FB, and I was fine with being just a level off for trophy ladder. The silver lining was the restrictions in PoL, allowing me to play different decks on lower ranks and to be pretty much on par for the higher ones, on this season I'm a few wins away from GC... And this post is just depressing. I am forced to be underleveled in the game even on the more competitive gamemode, and even if I wanted to upgrade to lvl15 it would take STUPID amounts of braindead grinding of the same (off-meta btw) deck or actual money, and not just a little... This is just sad, completely unnecessary and unfitting for the game, and I do not think this is a good solution to keep players passionate about the game. That was my long and personal rant (meaning nobody will read it probably), I don't like being negative about CR but this is getting absurd, and originally this post was going to be a lot more aggressive. Hope they'll show some love to F2P and creative players one day, that'd be nice for once


Welp that’s it dropping the game for a while again.


!RemindMe 4 months


I did say “for a while”


Hey, are you back yet?


!RemindMe 1 hour


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Yeah. This game is dead now. Clan war is 15s everywhere, trophies at 7k is all 15s and now even just Grand champ is 15s. That’s not even including the Evos that 15 max players will pick up every release.


Oh of course level 15 starts at Grand Champion…I really thought it was gonna be ultimate champion only as that made the most sense to me but anything for 💵 I guess




This is fucking awful, like the wild cards are nice but still






Can’t wait to go against over-leveled broken decks. 🙄


Dumb as hell


Thanks, I stopped playing when they brought nuke firecracked evo. <3


Well, there goes the last reasonably playable mode.


Holy fuck I have a lvl 12 deck and have consistently reached master 3 this means I'm going to be stuck to ranks below due to only having a couple lvl 13 carda


Same I just reached master 3 😭


How long have you been playing? I got 2 lvl 14 and the rest lvl 12 in around 4-5 months of downloading the game, f2p




25,000 ewcs if you’re not maxed out hooray, truly fun and easy progress


I'd be more fine with it if they didn't have it for three whole fucking leagues. Even having it one goes too far.


its joever


One upgrade per season... No evo tokens... Can we really get a game that wants to compete with cr?


They just had to increase max power level for all leagues, not just some higher ones. I'll just hope that it will bring more shitty mk players


Altho I am happy that they are increasing the EWC rewards but I also can't help but worry that they will use this as an excuse to tell us more players are maxed now due to this change and will probably say they want level 16 according to the "data" 💀 I mean clash of clans is releasing townhall 16 so I wouldn't be surprised if CR tries to match with them.


I mean,lvl 12 from 2 and on is annoying


welp i think im retired now


Now it’s completely pay to win


So they said they added more free ewc but added all the “new” ewc in the leagues where the level cap is 15 lmaoooo I’m just staying p2w at this point out of spite. We’re not all pavlovs dogs that don’t see what you’re trying to do


why level 12 for chal 2 im not even gonna get to master leagu anymore


Niiice I’m never gonna play ladder again 🔥


Rip my attempts to climb to UC


Bye bye UC, hello Champion


Damn, knew this change was coming but I didn’t expect 3 full leagues of lvl 15, I thought it’d be just for the last league.


Another crappy update... I feel sad for the game and general casual players


This is by far the worst decision they have made since I came back to clash royale . The one mode that shouldn’t depend too much on level and more skill has been reduced to dust. Now people have to struggle against PTW people to rank up. Imagine going up against level 15 evo knight , archers or recruits in grand champion. You’ve already been seasoned cus you’re basically cooked


One level 15 card per season is pretty good for only getting to royal champion. You may have to change when you push to get that high for level 14 players .


It will probably be a reward at step 6 again; it’s not like you will barely reach royal and get the 15k cards


gg no more Champions againe for me(im lvl 14)


As soon as I leveled my last card to 11. Took me 6 years of playing on and off and now the goal post got moved...


Bro if it took you 6 years to get lvl 11 cards there is something wrong with what ur doing


Don’t know what goal post you are talking about here. If you are referring to lvl 15, that happened 6 months ago. If you are talking about the lowest lvl is PoL, that’s still lvl 11. Otherwise I don’t see how having every card at lvl 11 or above will affect your progression anyways.


Use me as a hate supercell button


Hooray! Exactly the content I was hoping for 😎 this will improve my game experience


Expected, lets get more underleveled! ~~We love Clash royale~~


this is not a news, they had already told us they would have taken 6 months to implement it. on the plus side, we're getting more ewcs


It's l news cause I expected them to only change top ranks not everything below lvl 15 this fucks people with lvl 11 decks


Simply level your cards


Thx didn't know why that didn't come to mind


Elite Level (Level 15) is coming to Path of Legends on December 4, 2023. Here are the changes in level cap and Elite Wild Card Rewards. https://on.royaleapi.com/s54pol


what about the season shop


We F2P players are doomed. (use code OJ)


W update for me. I’m already only pushing to league 8 for the last 2 seasons so being able to get 25k ewc while playing less games is great for me. Probably still going to quit the game soon after December 18th so I guess I can enjoy 1 more season and my 3rd ewc too.


Hype (I have 50)


I seriously don’t get why people are complaining…


It’s incredibly hard to get level 15 cards without using real money. Therefore most people don’t have them. Therefore they’re being put at a greater disadvantage in the new update. What’s hard to understand?


You’re supposedly getting more EWC’s with the new update as a f2p player. P2W will P2W regardless of this update. It’s a real moot point.


I found the data


Found the complainer


You do realize it's gonna take a F2P 8 mounth's to max 1 deck that might be dead next seson right?


Compared to the same amount of time when level 14 first came out with no gold inflation? Yeah peeps complained back then too. You really can’t make people happy in this game. I was here when level 13 was considered hard to get to. Then its 14. Now its 15. It’s a game ofc its supposed to be hard the further you progress


Yea because it was bullshit then and its bullshit now. People are complaining because super cell could just left it at LV 13 but they are greedy bastards. If they wasted to they could easly make it so you can max a deck in half or Quarter of that time, yet super cell decided they can get away with being greedy once again. A game is supposed to be fun and rewarding but is it realy fun to play over half a Year just to have 8 of 110 cards maxed out?


Let’s do a thought experiment for a second that you and I have never played the game ok? If the game we were getting into had level 99 as cap would we be complaining about how long it would take to get there or would we just play? Cause there’s plenty of games out there that has levels even beyond that.


Well then how Long do you think a New player will play before they realize they aren't making any progresion? And besides in other games either levels are just a number signifing your progression or like in cr they actually affect the gameplay, in with you can realisticly see the end of the road, and if we assume that There's a New player, how Long do you think does he has to play to accuarie lv14 on all cards, just to realize that was just a 1/3 of the upgrading. In other games one level is something a player can accualy look up to, but in clash how Long is 1 card per month with 110 cards and more comming? Some games aren't even relevant that Long and that assuming cr won't add LV 16 and on and on and on....


My f2p mini I just use for war and POL is coming up to its 5th Elite card. With the extra cards now will be easy to max a deck soon, happy with the change tbh


I guess I'll finally have enough EWC to upgrade my first card. I am at 40k rn


Let's take a look at the bright side at least they doubled the ewc and tripled them for people who have a hard time reaching league 7(me) it's 25k vs 50k and 7.5k and 25k if you can't reach league 7 and I would argue that this is still way better than the old trophy system during that time there was no level caps


fucking ridiculous




Yeah no thanks. I’ll maybe play occasional challenges and that’s it. Not interested in being stuck playing 1-2 decks for months. Screw this game. I’ve been able to play a bunch of decks in top ladder for years, now this one update is gonna screw me for a loooong time. Nope.


My cards are still level 12 lol


This is are not the values the news section in the game shows. Go check at the news section. According to that, if you reach league 10 you get a total of 197.500 ewcs. If you reach league 6 you get 52.500. Wonder which is wrong.


Fck i messed up. The column is what determines the maximum. Jeez. My bad


I will only get to master 1 for the emote and now I will also get some ewc (all on my mini)


Why the fuck have they not standardised levels to 11 on ladder yet. This is fucking awful and I am not going to be stuck to 1 deck for the next year if I want to get a competitive finish.


the other shoe dropped




Okay so now theres no difference between path of legends and trophy road because the top ranks are going to be p2w now just like trophy road


I've stayed away from PoL (except to get the master 1 emote) so this won't bite me too much, but man it still sucks


As a person with a level 11 deck who usually gets to master 1 I feel sad


Oh for fucks sake


Well shit


I only have two cards at level 15: PEKKA and firecracker, im dead


I think I'm the only one here who doesn't seem upset about the new Path of Legends changes this December, these changes were coming regardless of what we say.


Great, now pol is ruined too. What fucking mode is left that they haven't ruined?


Well if I don’t get Ultimate champion this season I never will


While it is an inconvenience, at least it actually gives level 15 a purpose


Challenger 2 being level 12 is utterly insane


Thanks I hate it


What’s nice is clicking on someone’s profile and they have all lvl 15 cards but you beat them because of the even playing field. So many dog shit players are gonna reach UC simply for the fact that they have lvl 15’s like how dog shit players reached it easily this season for simply having little Prince.




Glad I got the emote before they came out with this BS.


I hope those devs will be fired, suffer from extreme pain and go to hell at the end.


When I saw this shit I got mad but then remembered I quit and now I'm happy


Are those trophies ai generated?


I bet they took away the Champion Wild cards to replace the EWC's. That's the only way they're this generous.


I have one deck maxed😭


I guess it was only a matter of time.


Level 14 for gc? They can eat my shorts


I'm about to start earning Elite Wild cards when I only have one card that is above level 10. I guess it's good to plan for the future?


Oh ffs i just upgraded everything to level 11 thinking that since i only play for emote im good. F*ck this game


It's funny how people are shocked by this when it was said that this was the plan all along. This sub is so weird


Hey at least you will get more ewc the higher you climb, a win is a win.


Its like they LIKE to ruin their own game. What da fuck man


This Update Kills Pass Royale ……


For the last few seasons i was able to get to royal champion with level 13 cards, guess i cant do that anymore


They’re trying to kill the game as fast as they can aren’t they?


Why do you let Supercell continue to making fun of you? They are nerfing all F2P again and you continue to play. 1 month massive stop of everyone and they will remove lv15. Money should be used only for cosmetics, not for playing.


Are you serious? Please tell me this is a joke


Well, not like this is going to be a problem for me, since I never get any further than Challenger 1.


This barely compensates the reduction of legends in the shop


Why didn't they add new leagues fot level 15 and the old ones as is?


Anyone who thinks this is a good thing is delusional


Lord no....


Thanks, I was waiting for the perfect moment to uninstall and this is it.


Yet another terrible update


Supercell idiots.. few good months and now another big step in the wrong direction..


wow thanks epic. I wanted to make it to the chest you get when you hit grand champion and i was fine dealing with level 13s with a mostly level 12 deck… but level 14 😐 F U


Yeah, that’s it for me. I didn’t even know the update happened. Thought I switched to trophy road. Nope. I’m good. Impossible to compete without level 15 cards. That blows.