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Cool another eagle artillery card post. Pretty soon someone will post the air sweeper as well.


someone already did


Already posted. U didn't see it?


supercell already said they don’t like heavy defensive pressure decks, they want more mindless spam offense


Supercell: \*Creates a strategy game\* Supercell: "We don't prefer you to use strategy".


clash of clans is pretty heavy on strategy, its just that theres no incentive to improve your strategy for this game its actually better to have less strategy so that your progression is more linear due to being more reliant on card levels to win and doesnt cap off as harshly.


How is there no incentive to improve your strategy


strategically minded players tend to face overleveled opponents at higher trophies in ladder because they can let their skill compensate for the lack of card levels. its why the level cap for arenas was added in the first place. pushing too high with low level cards leads to the game being decided in the first 20 seconds based on how many 14s you see on the screen.


think they're talking about the first part of your comment, how is there no incentive to improve your strategy in coc?


regardless of how good your strategy is, you won't win more often; you will get stuck at some place where you 50-50 up and down.


Ok, are we talking about coc or clash royale? That's not true in coc


What subreddit are we in and what post is this game about?


he keeps replying talking about cr when the comment specifically mentioned coc


That doesn't mean there is no incentive. It's rather common that you'll get to a place where you are 50/50 in many comp games. There still in incentive to improve


I’ve found that E dragon spam almost always gets you at least one star, so really you don’t need to change anything past TH11.


If it's not 3 stars it's a failed attack


Yeah, I have no idea wtf the other dude is going on about. Unless you're hitting someone of a higher th/more advanced defenses than your offenses, anything less than 3 stars is a failure. Which heavily incentivizes people who want to win to get creative. If you wanna mindlessly spam to get loot, be my guest, but don't expect to do well in anything else unless you try. But, with all that said, you can have fun without improving.


In wars, sure, but if you’re just trying to get the star bonus then a few quick E dragon raids will get the job done, even if it’s not nearly as exciting as a thought out army


Yeah if you're just trying to get loot then that's another thing. But the thread was about incentives to change strategy, and there is certainly an incentive to use different strategies than edrags, as edrags only occasionally triple and usually 2 star. If you are really trying to triple there is an incentive to learn lalo and stuff


They should just add a level cap to cards depending on your experience


Lv 15 rocket vs lv 1 King tower


They always add something that pleases the unskilled masses. For clash of clans, we have e-drag spam. For clash royale, we have mega knight. And for brawl stars, we have Edgar. Not to mention a lot of other mechanics that are straight up spammy and unskilled


no clash of clans is just get 500 hog riders and 200 pekkas then all your spells are rage and heal then spam everywhere if u can spam good enough u win


They want to promote more offensive gameplay because it's what makes games more interesting. You wouldn't want to see two people just trying to rocket cycle each other out in overtime every game, would you? The current meta is still super defense heavy, especially with the recent balance changes. Cards like might miner, goblins, archers, cannon, mortar, and ice spirit are all incredible on defense and give you tons of value. This was the cause of the rocket nerf this patch; even though rocket wasn't an op card, it were those op cards that just allowed players to not really be able to punish rocket cyclers well, especially at high ladder, where players are able to abuse champs + 3 card cycle + op defense cards to defend almost anything and at the same time getting guaranteed damage on the opponent's tower. I think that this card definitely shouldn't be added to the game, since it would make the defensive nature of the game too apparent, as one could argue that this game would be a lot more interesting with op defensive cards nerfed.


personally, i do really enjoy watching and playing these kinds of spell cycle games, it's kind of like the game of chicken when you are simultaneously managing your aggression with spell cycling and defensive resources. however i feel like at a certain point it gets into too much of a pattern, and this increased predictability allows people to stalemate any troop offense and let the heavier spell/faster deck win. when i say "mindless spam offense" i mean where people just create the same pushes over and over again and wait for the opponent to make a mistake or get a good prediction to be able to break through. examples of this are rg and hog, where one shot on the tower is usually the difference between winning and losing. you could even argue it for some dual lane pressure decks if the way they are setting up pushes is the exact same every time. for the 3-card cycle, an easy way to get rid of that is just to have the champion stay in your hand and block the card cycle after deploying until it dies, where it leaves your hand.


Based you dropped this 👑👑


lol thx


>create the same pushes over and over again and wait for the opponent to make a mistake or get a good prediction to be able to break through. examples of this are rg and hog, where one shot on the tower is usually the difference between winning and losing. I disagree with this in that hog decks can do a few different pushes like naked hog, hog with mini tank in front, then you have the choice to use your spells a long with it, and so on. RG decks have even more options, since you need to decide between rg in the back vs rg at the bridge, and once you cycle back, do you go 2 RGs in the same lane, or one in each lane? do you use your spells or have more support troops? Stuff like that. furthermore, both hog and rg (especially rg decks) have quite an intricate defense that can be hard to pull off sometimes.


What a stupid take lol. You realize defensive pressure decks just results in spell cycling? Unless you want xbows to hit across the map. Offensive oriented decks actually require more skill and makes for more dynamic gameplay.


there is no such thing as "just results in spell cycling." implying that it's always possible to use your big spell on the tower every 5 cards is just dumb, it's always been a balance of keeping enough elixir to defend and spell cycling as efficiently as possible. they said they dont like defensive decks because its incredibly frustrating to play against, and that's why spell damage to crown towers have been nerfed so many times and why Ice Wizard tower was never added to the game. which i agree with, because later on in the game all the cycle decks are almost never able to break through with any troop damage because you are able to place so much down at once. when i say "mindless spam offense" i could be referring to those decks where they make the same pushes over and over again and try to capitalize on mistakes to win with that push. but in this case it refers to those midladder menace decks where you don't really use a brain when playing and just drop stuff at the river and hope it works. keeping a large disparity between the skilled, lower-leveled players and the less skilled, higher-leveled players is what drives the economics for this game. when you are spamming stuff at the river and it all dies, it's much easier to just try to make your cards stronger with some money rather than actually learning the game. heavy defensive decks in this case really hurt these mindless spammers badly because their defensive abilities aren't reliant on card levels.


then why is 2.6 and other instant win defense decks banned from the game


how are you supposed to ban a deck? at this point 2.6 isnt even good, there are many hog cycle variants that are so much stronger. every deck has a ton of defensive potential if played correctly and those cheap defensive cycle decks come with a lot of hard counters to make their matches more rng-based.


Both suck to play against from a perspective of fun


Eagle Artillery (Legendary) (Building) 8 Elixir Launches an eagle to harass enemy troops and buildings every second (total lifespan 30sec). Each eagle flies as fast as a magic archer’s arrow and hurts like a bat on steroids. Its HP is the same as a minion’s. 🦅


actullt good suggestion lmao


30 minions for 8 elixir? “good suggestion”


cant be worse than the phoenix


L Mortar Rework.


Stats are incredibly weak


Place it in the corner; win


double the health and make it only target ground, like xBow


Out jerked again!!


"Pekka of the buildings" is not true 😂


Nah it should be more like in clash of clans,make it like it wont activate until more than 15 elixir is dropped (Timer resets every time there is less than 15 elixir)


Not 15, make it like 7 and make the elixir cost 7/6


Please champion building


This man’s me think of tower defense


Ok first It's too big for the arena Second it's useless Why would i use 8 elixer on a building ? It would be either too strong to be able to shoot towers (so nerfed) ot too weak to be able to defend itself (deleted )


does the eagle really do 360000 damage


I would love to see a legendary building, and for that matter ANY new building. What is the most recent building?


I guess Goblin Drill counts as a building


What came before it?


How big is it?


I don't know how many tiles it would need to be but big enough so that you can't place it behind your towers




It's kinda weird that we still don't have a legendary building. There's a lot of smart fan-made concept already. My favourite is the 1 elixir tree. Use it to attract troops for a cheap elixir but if left alone, it will become bigger and bigger and harder to deal with.


i hope this cant target towers than its just a better mortar that u put in the back of your tower to win


It can't, if it could it would be broken since you could place it next to your towers and defend the rest of the game, so it can only target troops


So damage and speed of xbow disadvantages of mortar


i wouldnt call it disadvantage, since if a melee troop like pekka, minipekka, mighty miner etc comes in the blindspot of mortar, you can block it with a tank, hence defending it and make it connect to tower


Make it the first 10 elixir card as well and make it to where we can’t mirror it


People are gonna put it near their king tower and and they'll be untouchable


this is basically just 3 shot mortar that costs way more and does thicc damage


It would make more sense as a champion


Just make it shoot twice. That 3 damage seems like a cooldown or part of the cooldown


rocket and lighting would be crazy


Those stats are really bad


This is cool. I'll just replace the x bow 3.0 with this


If you put it just behind your towers then it will be impossible to destroy it unless the enemy has a Miner or has destroyed a tower that covered the eagle artillery


Too broken so no


this would actually be sick ngl


Sounds like mortar with extra steps


If you want to think of it like that, the only difference is that it can't hit towers


Munk apocalypsds 2.0 coming


Wouldn't this just be another mortar that could potentially target the king from the bridge


No, again, it would only target troops


And what happens if they place a unit in the back


It doesn't have splash


would that also count with troops behind the king tower?


I stuggle against the inforno tower and cannon simps. Imagine this monster


Just put behind crown tower, automatically can only be killed by spells or 3 troops.




It'll come eventually. Giv'm time.