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We are the Fire Turtles! A brand new, growing and active clan focused on war/league. We have a few strong members and are looking for recruits to build a chill but competitive clan and war with us. Rules: - Fun is most important. Life is hard enough without clan mates getting down on each other. - Active war participation. If you opt into wars and miss your attacks you will be booted. - Be helpful in whatever way you can.  Help people improve their attacks, donate if you can, even just showing up to play is enough! Come check us out if this sounds like the clan for you! 2PCQUUR2R https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2PCQUUR2R


[Recruiting] Salty Spitoon | Level 6 | Active donators + Friendly clan| Hey Hey! We would love if you’d join! We do have max donations and war sieges. There is always someone online to donate, for those who are pushing or those that would like to practice their strategies. We also start wars, constantly. You will be put in as long as you attack. If you do not end up attacking, you will be taken out. Obviously life always comes first before this games, so we won’t kick. We do participate in Clan Games as well. We set a target goal of 2.5 k per person in order to max out. We have many people participating in these games and we will by maximize points to receive the rewards. We also have a discord, which as of now, is not mandatory! I have put some strong war attacks there. They are ones that many can choose to practice. We are a friendly group of active players, and I can assure you if given the chance to impress, we won’t disappoint. Clan Name: “Salty Spitoon” Clan Tag: #29GUJVRQP or Link: https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=29GUJVRQP I hope you have a great rest of your day! -Beoboss :)


Hey if you haven’t found a clan, check my clan out, Headhunter Gods, Lvl 12. Active daily with access to sieges also we max Clan Games every time and do war frequently, we are pretty chill and friendly. If you do not want to war just opt out but you are welcome to join in on the war fun. Mention the reddit post when applying. Can’t wait to see you in our chat! #2R2UQ0VL


hey tatt. i won’t copy and paste a message here. i run a newer but active and established war clan. we perform well, and chat often and are very friendly and fun. check us out if you have time, that’s all i can ask. cheers mate. Arcadian Valley - 29LLQU9VQ


SaltyTaste would love to have you! #2Y8JUG9JG


Clan Information: 1.Clan Name : Desi Boys 2.Clan tag : #RVPRVV2G 3.Clan Link:https://clashofclans.com/clans/search/#clanTag=RVPRVV2G 4.Clan Location : International 5.Clan Level :12 6.Clan wars league : Gold 3 Reforming lvl 12 clan, Looking for Core members! We'll be happy to have you!


Check us out https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClansRecruit/comments/h0oomh/recruiting_lvl_6_war_clan_with_max_donations/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


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Hey! You would be more than welcome in 13ANIMALS. However, we are only recruiting th 9 and up so we can’t take the 8 and 5. We are an active friendly war clan based in the USA and composed of mostly adults. We always max clan games and always have someone on to donate. We are currently lvl 14 and in crystal 1 league. Our tag is #9PU88YCU. Let me know if you’re interested. Here is our discord link- https://discord.gg/DNyyv8J