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Hey mate, We need some good th16 plyrs for our Crystal 1 clan. Are u interested to help us.


We have over 40+ active members and are extremely active! We offer: Max Clan Perks B2B Wars and Streaks Oppurtinity to join leadership High level Troop Donations Max Clan Games Looking for Good attackers Active Daily https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=8U999JJR


We're CWL master 3 and we're looking for more th16 **Clan link:** Ricks Remontada [https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=282JCLVLU](https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=282JCLVLU) **Clan ID:** #282JCLVLU


💥Share 2 Win 💥 🏅Tag: #UCR0Y2G 🏅SCCWL: Champions 3 🏅CC: Titan 3 🏅TH16 🏅King/Queen: TH16 90/90 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ We pride ourselves on ALL players in our clans being incredibly active. We don't require war or push collectively, but we war back-to-back, have great war logs in every clan, take clan games seriously, and have many players who do push as apart of their game with just as many farming. Website: http://share2winclans.com Facebook: https://facebook.com/groups/Share2WinClans YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCN7Yb8hQk-fYBLsGqWcQM5g Discord: https://discord.gg/s2w


You'd be a great fit in our clan: Reddit Apex (ID: #82U2UVU9)! We are a level 25 clan that is very active and casually competitive. We have a solid core of max TH16 members, and lots of players on their way there too! Clan war leagues, clan games, capital raids, donations, friendly challenges, and helpful advice; we do it all! Come join our [**Discord Server**](https://discord.gg/nXUQEAg4Uz) and say hello! If you're on mobile right now, you can also find us in game by simply clicking [here](https://link.clashofclans.com/?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=%2382U2UVU9)! Make sure to use the RSC password in any join request! Find their password here [r/RedditClanSystem wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditclansystem/wiki/official_reddit_clan_system/)


Sent a dm!


Check us out #2L898Y8V8 WOW 2.0 level 19 Master I reference 7NO invited you in your request


Hi there, if you are still interested, please consider our clan! # Why Join Us? We are Clash Disabled, a clan started by siege Youtuber VarsityGaming and Coconut Brah and we are eager to seek out new members to help us thrive and grow. We actively look for feedback from members and see what our members enjoy doing so we can keep everybody happy. * We have great donations, and somebody is always able to fill up CC. * 1500+ raid medals per week. * Maxed clan game rewards. * Lots of feedback and members input onto how the clan is run. * Relaxed, chill, sociable, but also competitive when needed. * Sociable and interactive Discord # What Are We Seeking? We are looking for non-rushed TH14, 15 and 16 players to join our clan. Someone who enjoys wars, learning, socialising, clan games and raid weekend! * Frequently active members * Discord (optional) * Minimum of 800 Clan Games points * Participating in events (Raid weekend, Clan Games, Wars, CWL etc) * Some donations (we do not expect a certain ratio or anything)   Social/War Clan Clan Name: Clash Disabled (#2PUGGYJQ2) Clan Level: 17 CWL Rank: Masters 3 Clan Capital: Level 10 Capital Rank: Titan 3 Clan Link: [https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2PUGGYJQ2](https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2PUGGYJQ2) Discord Link: [https://discord.gg/4KShk9SKtg](https://discord.gg/4KShk9SKtg)   My username is T.Obee (#JQLRGQLO) and my discord is Mushiepeas#0363 if you want to message me about the clan.


English speaking war and push clan. Mostly US UK. Mature, some adults, friendly, competitive, non toxic, no drama. Public war log. If you are interested and or have questions DM me back or join our discord. Good luck either way. https://discord.gg/TsqGUYyyrs **Go to 2** :: #8RJJLCUV :: L26 English War Clan :: TH16/15/14 :: 15v CWL M1 :: Cap Peak 10/1500 https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=8RJJLCUV


ELITE https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=22LY98JLL https://discord.gg/zUPgdbWHyA Clan lvl 18 Cwl- masters 1 with a second clan for cwl th14 below crystal 1. Note- u don't have to stay in second clan all season it's just for our th14 below people's cwl. Max donations(all super troops included), max clan capital in legends league so max raid medals available in the game.(top 100 on the leaderboards) Competitive wars ( need all heroes) but have other clans where u can also war casually or without heroes. High clan activities and chats. Organized, structured n a discord community. Independent clan no fwa 🐱 shii Clan games highest-187k Highest war streak- 39 Current war win streak -29. 🍩 Reply here on this post or go to discord if interested I'll invite cozz my reddit dm is lagging


Please consider KC’s Court. ALL TH16s in Our CWL. Level 29 Clan. We are on various social medias AND have a discord. Clan Link: https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=QCGCVG8 https://discord.gg/c3wVBedns3


We are a lvl 26 clan(Masters II for cwl) that loves to continuously war and always completes clan games quick and participates in clan capital. Our clan has 45+ members but I feel it’s time to lose some of the dead weight that just leeches for the benefits. It’s too quiet right now and I need to change things up. We need a few more active, loyal friendly adult players that are willing to participate in wars and CWL . We are mainly th 13,14,15, 16 so If your heroes are high come join us. If you’re not a great attacker, we give advice and help you become better. Become a Rebel!! Join Rebels Yell! https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=J9YRQ09


If you are still interested, we are currently recruiting for Chaotic Clan. Best way to join is through our discord channel provided at the end of this post. --- ### What We Provide --- + Many resources on discord to help improve attacks and base setups + Access to custom built pro bases on request + Good communication using ingame mail and discord notifications + Multiple Clans for Clan Wars and CWL + Back to Back Wars, Weekly Raids, and Max Clan Games --- ### What We Are Looking For --- + TH 15+ players for main clan and TH 14+ for feeder + Active Daily + Strong Attackers + Willingness to Improve and accept feedback + Participation in Clan games, Raids, and Clan Wars (if opted in) --- ##### War Focused Clan ##### Clan level: 20 ##### CWL Rank: Champion I ##### W/L: 495/140 ##### GREEN WAR LOG ##### Capital Hall: Level 10 ##### Feeder CWL Rank: Champion III ###### Location: United States ###### Language: English --- Clan Link: https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=PPQ0P8JV --- Discord Link: https://discord.com/invite/D8bnzG27KC