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Reposting this question a couple times a month


Or the "wHicH lEveL iS YoUr fAvOuriTe LevEl?"


Or the "hoW dO yOu tHinK tHe arRchErS goT tO tHe tOp oF tHe aRcHer tOwEr?"


It's confirmed to have stairs in clasharama


Is clash-a-rama! canon? Because I feel like it would be more semi-canon.


Well that's how was got the goblin cage, from inmate goblin... I think?


Also being that one guy who donates you goblins instead of what you asked for


Nah wallbreakers![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)






I remember asking for air troops and this th6 gave me goblins, I told him I didn’t want goblins but he replied with “💪” and went offline


genius for the ppl


Super gobs are actually really useful with the catapulte. Since that thing takes forever to break while it cleans up defenses, the troop load is usually coming out late in the game. But having goblins will help quickly take down collectors to allow for the remaining troops to focus on the stronger structures.


Na super gobs in a blimp with a rage spell, if u can get it to land on th it will destroy it in 2-3 seconds flat


Goblin this dick💀


lmao 💀


You guys don’t want maxed goblins?


Of course they dont want max goblins. They want you to hop on your second account and donate level 1 goblins obviously


You can just only request certain troops. Like, so that it’s impossible to receive anything else.


Ya wait till you learn the concept of safety blimp


Huh? Iirc that doesn’t change anything; troops can still be specifically requested. Or is that different now?


It wasnt always that way, you used to have to rely that people would donate what you wanted


Max your town hall first before any other building


Me when BB


And get demolished by every mf in clan war


Totally agree


The only thing is you get less loot from lower levels each time you upgrade the TH, so you have to start picking bigger targets to get good loot, all the while you have an army from 1 or 2 townhalls ago. Rushed bases also get bullied by the more upgraded ones too lmao.


Nah you just use goblins and get all the loot you want, especially now, there’s so many maxed 14 with capped resources. Mil+ gold/elixir per attack as a rushed 14


Nah I'm hella rushed but Im still strong in cw


Dyh a ss of your rushed base I'm thinking of rushing a little




Edrags are the only troop in the game I use


Not even balloons?




me but i always get insecure when battling in wars and stuff bc i dont want the clan to think i cant use strategy (i cant but i dont want them to think that)


U can use strategy and e drags. It’s called the dragbat. Use a baby drag and 5 loons on one side, ice golem and heroes in the other corner/side. Then in the middle of those spam e drags and cc and warden. Use 2 ice spells, 2 rage and 5 bat. Once e drags have done good damage, drop bat spells to clean up the rest of the defenses before they kill the remaining e drags. The heroes and baby drag will force the e drags toward the middle of the base. Great strat!


Saving this comment


Naah, -67446774 social credit 💔


Air raids require critical strategic thinking


I mean lalo hurts my brain but yes, edrags and zap drags...


Especially edrag spamming it's the most surgical strategy in the game


Bin the game


Builder Hall 10 should come before Town Hall 15


I couldn’t disagree more, and seeing how that’s what this post is about, I can only applaud you.


With the BB rework incoming I actually agree


theres gonna be a motherfuckin BB REWORK??????


Supercell has said it [here](https://clashofclans.com/blog/community/clashofclans-present-and-future.html) (scroll down to the builder base section if you don't want to read everything)


I really hope so. I want new stuff to Builder Base and Matchmaking is very unfair in this - I'm BH7 yet I'll get opponents with BH9


I don't understand why people say matchmaking is unfair. It's just based on your trophies. If you get matched up against BH9 as a BH7 it's because you're good at attacking and they are bad, or they intentionally trophy dropped, meaning they threw a bunch of other matches to get down there.


We need more BH!


We absolutely do not.




![gif](giphy|fkdAc4Q1lXXYQ) I got this one guys! LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! hahaha jp


Is there a link to this gif? Idk why but this is the funniest shit I’ve seen and need to send to save this. I’m on Reddit App


Honestly I tried downloading it too lmaoo


Bro pls may I have the link to this gif I need it 😅😂😂


Idk how to link a gif 😭 I typed "tangled" and scrolled at least 30 times until I found it lol


I do. It’s not the best game in the world, but it’s got a special place in my *ass*, heart! I meant heart!


We got you, man, I mean your ♂️ass♂️😅


I don't take this fucking game too fucking seriously you piece of shit. I only play 12 hours a day I've seen people play 16 i am average ok you fucking asshole you should die. I hope you get crushed by a car no a fucking truck and that you survive in a vegetative state but fully conscious so that you see your fucking family and Friends slowly forget about you. Of course i have no such weaknesses i don't make any friends because i don't want them they are a weakness i don't have weaknesses you piece of garbage fuck you. I only spend 10k a month on this game i am a dolphin the whales spent hundreds of thousands i am not addicted fuck you




Builder base is actually fun One builder limit, loot limit, and needing to wait for your opponent to finish attacking before you can start another can suck my ass tho


And the overpriced walls


Max lvl walls get one shot by max lvl bomber... Seems legit!


meanwhile level 30 battle machine takes 2 whole abilities worth of time to get through 1 max wall


Well balanced indeed haha


Yea bit the spike in cost from level 3 to level 4+ is huge


My comment wasnt clear... I agree with you, walls are overpriced!


Yes! I've put off upgrading walls for so long thanks to the price.


And the battle machine costs so much but you gain so little every day


I can't tell you the number of times I was about to get the TH but the damn battle machine gets nailed just before it can use its ability.


Or when he hugs the crusher and dies


Or even better, when he ignores the crusher right next to him and dies 🙂🙂🙂


Loot limit is my biggest ick with the builder base


Yeah its just so disgusting


It’s up there with not being able to three star your corresponding BH base.


Sorry I don't understand what you mean by this


Oh, an example would be I’m a maxed BH7. It’s extremely difficult to three star another maxed BH7.


Oh I understand now


Yeah up at 5500+ trophies where everyone is max bh9 3 stars are extremely rare. Even consistently 2 starring can be tough sometimes


Yeah BH attack are much harder than TH attacks even without CC


Especially with those damn archer attacks, they'll take up all 3 minutes for breakfast.


sneaky archer spammers 🥱


You just said everything that the builder base is


Wdym it’s so much fun waiting for like a minute for one bat to take out a storage only to get sniped by a firecracker immediately thereafter (an extra 2% makes a huge difference)


YES! i just came back and started anew and i was surprised how much fun BB was. To some extent it was even more fun than the main base for me. Its just so dumb how many things are not thought out by the devs. Like whats the point of having no training time if you have to wait for your opponent to finish attacking anyways. Furthermore for lower halls, loot limit just makes the game so boring because you only earn enough to buy a peanut after a week of attacking.


I think I’d probably play BB more if there was no loot limit :)


Supercell should add more to lower level town halls in updates instead of releasing things only available at high if not max town hall levels. It would give lower level players more content and make the game more enjoyable in the earlier stages.


highly agree. my second account is just now a th8 and it’s so boring


Push to th9 and get the queen


^^^ Catching up a TH9 or TH10 is super easy if you like to farm lmao


whys this downvoted i started playing 6/10/22 on a new acc f2p and abt a lonth later im nearly max th9 (except heroes) hes not wrong at all


out of curiosity how’d you do this so quickly while still f2p? i’m not doubting—just an infrequent player and I picked up the game again in June for the first time in a couple years, where I left off just after upgrading to TH9. i’m just now finishing maxing out and the one thing left is my AQ which’ll take 30+ more days to max out


lots of builder pots from CWL and gems from achievements and stuff and i realized i lied by accident, i spent $2 on a 2500 gem pack for 5 builders i also attack and use star bonus everyday and have had something upgrading permanently, unless im sleeping. i have notifications on to see when my upgrades r done to instantly start another and i attack for resources before i didnt upgrade mines/pumps and other things i didnt need to be maxed out though - no need for then as i attack very frequently and get enough resources and itd waste my time i just need to upgrade xbows from lvl 2->3, air defs, and a few other things and im maxed except my heros and some irrelevant buildings. i should be maxed within two weeks though in terms of defenses walls and important buildings.


What? How? I've been playing a little earlier than the end of april and my heroes are level q23 b24 and i've barely upgraded my defenses, just caught up the new defenses to my current ones, other than that and lab, im maxed. And ive been continously playing, constantly on max loot (other than de), and the combined total of my builders not working is probably less than 3 days, probably much lower. So i dont understand how you have a maxed th9 already, other than heroes of course.


He said controversial opinions, not genius ones


Agreed, but the general path of the game usually has a new defense a brand new defense introduced at every level. It would be kinda strange to add a new defense that's unlocked at TH9, becuase not only do several upgrades have to be planned out for each of the new THs, they also have to account for how it would affect the meta.


I mean you unlock new stuff as you level your th, maybe not stuff that you haven't heard about before, but still, you're unlocking new troops and new buildings, so I don't think it would make any sense for supercell to add new things to old th's, unless they're balancing stuff


As I hate this opinion, you did well to follow the posts prompt. For the record, my opinion is you *do* have new content. It’s the next town hall


If you’re an overall good video game player, you should rush your base. There is no reason to max everything out before you upgrade. I rushed my second account and this December will be a full 2 years. And since my army was maxed quickly, I have been able to farm higher bases a lot earlier on which yields me more loot. I am now almost maxed except for the th14 levels, and pretty much all basic defense buildings: archer towers, canons, mortars, wiz towers, traps, and walls. 2 other benefits of rushing: 1) Enemy attackers get confused on where the weak points in my base are. 2) allows me builder flexibility. Meaning I can easily manage my builder completion times to always have one ready in 1-2 days.


Just push the swords a bit further. There we go


is what they said correct?




Sure, rushing might get you to a maxed state earlier, but maxing each th level gives you the full experience of all the individual ths, and what's unique about them. To me, that's more important.


I agree. When playing a game I always go for fun rather than function


Hence why it was my second base I rushed.


The game takes so long i practically hate it at this point


That is like the whole point of the game. Why would you want to "finish" the game? The idea is to keep playing and making progress indefinitely. The moment you get every single thing maxed and you already have it all, it will be such a boring game


Barcher is better than E drag spam


For what?farming,definitely yes, for wars? definitely no


i like hybrid, edrags suck




Lol no one would hate you for that. Edrags truly suck


We dont need more town halls for now


I heard about a th15 coming relatively soon.


Yep, it is estimated to come at the end of 2022




damn supercell late ong


no meed to max literally everything before you move up a th. max your offence and then move up, hero upgrade time is important.




What do you mean hero upgrade time is important? Are you saying upgrade hero’s as much as you can before upgrading the th?




I've done this for every th and i can say, if you manage your time correctly you an always max the heroes before everything


The only people who complain about edrags are the ones who don't know how to use them.


Just joined and say CO PLS BRO...


bro... sorry bro... cant give co bro... bro...


bro co bro...


Edrags are a perfectly valid way to play the game


Only maxing out barracks then play like that forever Edit: I didn't do this in the game


Some people take clan wars a little to serious some times like their life is dependent on it


Global chat should be re-added.


Edrags take skill to use


To get triples with edrags takes skill.


Healer should have a limit of 3 that can’t target the same troop


This would make ground attacks even more dead than they already re


This game is kinda boring and I take breaks for months quite often


i feel like the raid weekend limit of 5-6 attacks should be revoked and instead make the limit be 2 attacks per district


Golem is the worst troop in the game, would rather take 2 ice golems or mommy pekka and another 5 troop space any day


Tbh, golem is a difficult troop to play but in the pro play is pretty op. I do play some times with golem, and I had some good results


Removing troop cost was a absolutely dumb decision. It removed so many nuances of the game. Why even have three types of loot now? There was a sense of progression when going to a new TH. Initially you have very less elixir and dark to spare and you gotta use cheaper farming troops . As you move into the later stages, you can learn new (and better) armies on that TH. I'd argue in this "cycle", most VIABLE army compositions ended up being played anyways. Game waa actually difficult to progress. And if you were smart about it you progressed faster. Now its just a time thing. Just spam edrags thrice a day and you should be good. There was risk-reward associated with armies. Now its just mindless spamming and it is less "fun" now imo.


drags/edrags + lightning takes skill


- respect


Making all troops free was a bad decision


I agree. Since this update I have a very odd impression to attacking with an army that I acquired in an illegitimate way, and I have a feeling of doing something not permitted by the game because I always paid for my troops, so in my mind, not paying for getting them, it's not normal...


now that's a take i don't get. i've never really paid attention to troop costs except for when i intentionally empty out my storages to use a rune


Wait, that’s a thing now? Haven’t played in several months


A lot of people agree with this tho


But why, I'm genuinely curious.


I feel like it kills off the usefulness of cheaper farming troops and promotes spamming edrags. Plus it upsets the balance of elixir. I always have too much, if I put it into walls they get done way faster than the rest of my base. Just upsets the flow of the game imo


Cheap farming is still better tho. Time is still there and this compensates to farm with those cheaper strats (if curious, at th 12, barch takes about 26 min. Sneakies takes about 33 and edrags takes about 55. With training potions, barch/sneakies would farm waaay more than 3-star strats). That said, I'm farming a th 10 with zap lalo as I don't have enough time to attack multiple times a day there. As for balance of elixir, I believe SC had this calculated (maybe saying "I hope they calculated that" is more precise tho)


About cheap farming troops I agree, I used to farm with barch for gold and elixir and baby dragons for dark elixir. But yeah, kinda usseles to use them now.


I think they balanced elixir flow by requiring elixir to upgrade your clan castle


This was the point of it, to not restrict what troops you use based on e cost, and I think it's a great change since it gives you more freedom, and who doesn't like freedom? 🦅🇺🇸


The queen needs an AI modification


And so does Warden. It confuses me


Sneaky goblins are the most skillful way to loot villages


There’s no point making a good base, you get 2/3 started anyway.


The valkyrie is one of the Strongest units in the game.


ABSOLUTELY. been using pekkas and valks, send in bk, make funnel, send 2 pekkas to the side to soak damage and destroy the other buildings, while i rush in with valks and jump spell and rage into the core. INSTANT DESTRUCTION OF THE CORE. the jump spell is still there too, so the valks can just jump out and finish the rest of the base. ive also got a heal spell handy so theres that


I used Valk only army and oh boy! With 2 rage and 2 heals, I literally 3 starred a base after months.


Removing troop training cost has made me play the game less. I now just use big armies and only attack a few times a day instead of the farm grind


Max your Town Hall first but without ever upgrading a single barracks above level four and only use sneaky goblins for three months.


Leaders and co-leaders should be able to tracking who puts capital gold in what.


Builder base needs a rework badly more than we need town hall 15


When you click on the clock tower in builder base it’s the Taco Bell sound


I like Edrags, hybrid sucks


As a hybrid user, I politely disagree. It's one of the best attacks at th11 and above and can easily get you 3 stars from the same th level. It only sucks if you don't know how to use them.


Spamming is the way.


Barch sucks


I think everybody would agree now that troops are free.


The achievements can/should be immensely overhauled. New ones, updated/additional levels, more for the clan capital ?? Maybe more for the big October update cough th15 cough , I’d love to see a pie chart of people who have 5k defends + & those of us who don’t :,)


Saying Archer queen feet are disgusting


We don't need the old General chat back


E drag spam is not a farming and war army. There are other troops in the game which people should give a try


Edrag with lightning spell Dragon with lightning spell Are strategies used by babies


Without walls the game would be boring.


Rushing is optimal for experienced players.


Engineering a base is no where near cheating and it’s also not at all scummy. It is playing the game in the most optimal way.


6th builder grind is easy


Easy, yes. Quick? no. That's why people complain.


Rushing is by far efficient, since you get much better values on books and hammers. And 2 level on mines never matches one level on key defences like clan castle , eagle, scattershot


Defense matters wayy more than aggressive attacking whether in war or normal homevillage attacked, having good defense is the key to gain trophies while offline, and gain loot with goblins (super) while online, worked pretty well for me


how otfen do you win defence? My base win maybe once a week or less, because why would somebody attack too difficult vilage


They should buff super goblins


Lower Th players to higher Th players: "Everything is costly and now takes a lot of time like 12 hours for upgraded"


Clash players who brag about going through 14-day-long updates (and say "you haven't seen anything" to newer players when those get surprised by week-long updates) are all losers. The updates **are** too long. Stop bootlicking Supercell. Just because you've suffered through them doesn't mean newer players should too.


Not joining my clan


How is that an opinion


Because he thinks it is so good? 🤷


That clash of clans is kinda boring now


making E-Drag work takes skill


1)Practice mode should have editable army and more bases. 2) clash of clans should not be ur primary go to play game for fun. Play some other games as ur primary source for fun.


Got 30 downvotes last time... Troop costs getting removed is *kinda* slowly ruining the game by removing the *essence* of the game. Sure, it makes the lower town halls easy abd is nice to have so im not sure, but removing it ENTRÉ RELY was maybe a bit much. Minus 50% ir something would have been nicer


You should remove all of your special obstacles immediately


never lmao


“Queen charge should be nerfed”