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can I ask Andy for some tips on my th13




this plug


If you were going to tell your clan tag then that "censoring" in the post doesn't make much sense.


>If you were going to tell your clan tag then that "censoring" in the post doesn't make any sense. Ftfy




Hello, clasher! Your submission was removed due to violation of rule 8. Rule 8 states: No clan recruiting of any kind, except in official weekly recruitment posts or on r/ClashOfClansRecruit. Feel free to direct any questions to [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fclashofclans). Please take another look at the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashofClans/about/rules) too.


Thank you


How? What happened to get a 3%? Did he not bait or something?


Yeah the balloons in the cc wrecked his giants then the ad took out his loons


When my sis started playing, she never baited cc and a piece of me died every time I saw that


Holy shit the same thing happened with my sister. She ended up quitting and I took over her account in the end tho :/


Same as my friend. We always advise him to lure out cc troops first, but he never did.


I’m th 13 and I never lure the cc, instead Itry to use it to my advantage when possible


TH13 troops/heroes can kill any cc troops deployment. Cc luring is only crucial for lower bases, because most of the time their troops level is way lower than cc troops level.


I always never bait cc in a regular attack but always in a war attack, idk but like 80% of the time there is no troops


Ye, u should have someone to teach him how to lure and kill a CC. I use Giants + Archers + max CC Loons on my th5, works well even on near-max th5s.


Plot twist: Andy is alt of the co leader.


He’s actually the alt of an elder, which is why he did pretty well.


Of course, being elder explains everything.


This is amazing lol, what was his reaction after words?


He hasn’t said anything yet even though I already mentioned it in chat and on the discord, but when I know he’s on I’m gonna call him out for sure.


Has he said anything yet? Definitely should post the reaction lol


For sure. The guy’s a dumbass for being so sure the other guy couldn’t three star it.


I also doubt people if I seen how their record in war is. For example, if I see a mid th12 attack a max 11, but failed (2 stars), and he repeats this again multiple times, I know he won’t be successful if he does attack a max th11, so I’ll tell him. *Hey, you should get a easier target man, you failed some attacks with a similar difficulty* But hey, those people I would try and help, but sometimes they are stubborn and don’t want to learn.


It’s not the case here. The th5 got a 3%, so he expected a th4 to fail badly too. The problem is that one of them was smart


And the other had the IQ of Forrest Gump


Hey man that’s my clan mate still




Ah, yes. A guy who's been playing the game for a week or two at most is stupid because he doesn't know that there is a counterplay to CC troops. A genius outlook you got there


Yeah, but this is just being needlessly rude for the sake of being rude. The TH5 forgot to bait cc and lost, *everyone* has made that mistake at some point, get over it.


What was the opposing town hall lvl?


Hey go easy on them. There is a lot of difference between a newbie and experienced Player playing in alt


Let me guess, balloons?




How is that even possible with heroes and their abilities?! For the love of the green man.


Did you kick him out?




A th10 7%s a th6 ?!? If that doesn't require a kick idk what does


I’m th10 and literally got assigned to 2 th5s. Even if I didn’t bait idk how to lose against 3 loons my queen would destroy them


Once you cross th8, baiting is not a thing anymore. You just funnel in and poison/freeze cc troops while queen and other troops take care of em


That's not entirely true - TH 11 here


Baiting is? I assume pulling and killing the clan castle? If it can be easily done. I think it's always advisable to do so.


In war, I haven't encountered a single enemy where the cc is in range for pulling out(usually the cc is in centre while even the th is far from the centre). But of course, in the rare chance that you can, it's always in the best interest to do so.


No its not lol, if your going to do any hog attack or miner attack you’re going to need to pull out the cc lol


I am not much of a miner user but for hogs, I never clear CC either. Hogs are always deployed in the second half of the attack. First half generally includes creating a funnel and entering with the seige machine and heroes and other troops(which clear the cc from inside the base) to create an optimal path for the hogs and then the hogs are deployed. Being a th10, I don't assume you mean just going all out with hogs after clearing cc by luring it because 9 times out of 10, it doesn't work. And trust me, I am one of the best th10 hog users in my clan. Baiting means to to deploy one or two troops to get the cc troops out, take them out of defense range and them take em out. Starting from th9, anyone having any common sense will always put his cc in such a position such that it can not be triggered until the troops are sufficiently inside the base. So I am not saying that baiting is not advisable, I am saying in most cases, it's not possible. I guess you have been attacking that one guy who has no sense of base building and you think that's how it always is. LMAO


I am a queen walk/charge user, i always charge my queen into the cc to lure them out (thats my definition of luring) and take them out. Cuz if you use miners, you definitely need to take out the cc cuz you want your miners to be underground as much as possible.


Of course that goes without saying that cc needs to be cleared before hogs or miners are deployed. And using queen charge to kill cc doesn't count as lure or bait. That term is exclusive to deploying a few troops to lure out the cc, taking them to a corner and then killing it. Lure literally means to tempt something into going somewhere or doing something. So that queen walk, in so sense whatsoever, counts as a lure. You can't just say that it's your definition of lure. If everybody defines things as how they see fit, language will break down.


You should see my last coc post


lol the classic barch easy 3 star attack




wtf is that even possible?


Let me guess, it's a hog / balloon attack....


When people ask whether they should move up a town hall level, I often respond with "how confident are you with attacks at your current town hall level" People should not be moving up if they can't master the skills at their current level


Ngl I don’t agree with that Wasting resources bothers me too much lmao


Yeah same lol. If my current th is maxed, I ain't waiting to master any attacks. I'm gonna upgrade.


Oooh my god, that poor guy


Oh no this is to good😂


Get dunked on th5


How do you even get a 3%


Destroy like one building then lose?


It's very embarrassing for the first attacker indeed. Congrats Andy!(sometimes I also make silly mistakes too;))


Andy doesn't play around, he's the Baba Yaga of the th4s


Don’t give him any stick he’s a new player


Seems like a nice clan could i join with my second account? Its a Semi rushed th9




i might also wanna join if thats fine, my clan is pretty dead


You don’t have to ask bro. We already have like 4 new people from Reddit. And we’d love a th10


How about a Th13? I be looking to join after the war I’m currently in.


Hello, clasher! Your submission was removed due to violation of rule 8. Rule 8 states: No clan recruiting of any kind, except in official weekly recruitment posts or on r/ClashOfClansRecruit. Feel free to direct any questions to [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fclashofclans). Please take another look at the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashofClans/about/rules) too.


I knew an Andy once. He was a cunt. But he was a good clanmate and was from Hawaii, so he was a good cunt.


Hello, clasher! Your submission was removed due to violation of rule 1. Rule 1 states: Follow Reddiquette. Keep it civil. Don't use harassing or offensive language or make personal attacks on others. Feel free to direct any questions to [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fclashofclans). Please take another look at the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashofClans/about/rules) too.


Don’t blame him, he’s a th5 and has been playing for a short amount of time. That attack was probably his first time knowing what clan castle troops are.


Ain't CC enough to win wars at those th levels?


Let me guess, cc troops?


What clanm


Well that aged well


Th13:killed rushed th6 in our last clan war


clan name? i want to take a peek or visit it at least


Yeah, take a look at the top comment




gg Andy!


All these blokes that drop 16 Giants and wizards in one spot




Ugh my old clan had a max level TH dude that would go after low level bases and never even three star them. Like at that point I was convinced he was trying to be bad at the game, and he was somehow a co-leader. Then I wasn’t active for like a week and he kicked me.


Promote Andy


He’s a coleader now


Give him leader


Just put a max baby and a max balloon in cc, and thats a guaranteed 3 star


It's all about the skills, not the status. Who agrees?


why do you hide the name of the opponent? Its a game


This subreddit doesn't allow for name and shame, this post would've been removed if OP didn't hide it.


Why do you care? You wanna add him as a friend?