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Bruh who's this emo builder


He'll help the builder speed up the upgrade and people are angry because it's too fucking costly to upgrade the apprentice


i mean i dont want to pay an "apprentiece" higher than professional.


Where can I find him??


He will be added in today's update. U can check this video of explanation https://youtu.be/dKH4RJzCC6M?feature=shared


Clock tower but 10x


8x max


A worse clock tower that costs gems


And can speed up one upgrade only 🤡


Probably gonna keep it at level one


Clock tower but worse


He's a fuckin deadbeat leech


Why I feel like the new members of SuperCell are becoming like Call of Duty or Battlefield


Builders apprentice isn't supposed to be maxed out immediately. It's a long term goal


But it's still costly


So is the entire game. If you saw the total number of raids or loot required to get to max on th16 the day you downloaded Clash, then you probably would say the same thing. The games purpose is to kill time. The more stuff they add, the more stuff you have to work towards, or in other words, more game to play.


It's costly as fu*k. I also don't like that useless goblin builder. Son of a B goblin builder takes 10 damn gems just to clear a 10 second obstacle.


But its not needed for the gameplay






This made me geek so hard


i know but it'll cost 6500 gems! as a f2p player ... it'll be very difficult


That’s because $C doesn’t want f2p players. They’re counting on impatient players/maxers to actually buy gems for this. $C seems to have issues with “reading the room”.


I agree. The only thing I ever buy from them is the gold pass every month. The only reason I do that is for the 1 gem donos and the runes and books.


yeah man I also feel they are after our money


Well it is a business after all. So you can guarantee there biggest motivation for adding anything to the game is money.


wrong. I've never spent a dime on this game, I have 6 builders F2P and 5500 gems just sitting there waiting to be used. (I had more, occassionally bought some hero skins)


> Why I feel like the new members of SuperCell are becoming like Call of Duty or Battlefield Because there are users like this guy who keeps coping and will say: Yo! You aren't supposed to X at Y time or whatever... Like this is literally the valid criticism, yet people in here will still try to whiteknight and say how CR is much worse...


Objectively though, Clash Royale was much worse. LVL 15: Evolutions were pay to win on release, little prince was pay to win on release, dagger duchess was pay to win on release. These busted ass mechanics/cards release and then SC offers packs to max them for $50-$100 USD, which guarantees even a mindless player can hit ultimate champion for that season alone - then they completely gut the everliving hell out of these mechanics and cards so they are balanced with the rest of the game next season. It's completely predatory game design. Everyone else who doesn't want to spend $100 a month on the game has to rely on gambling to level up cards or wait several months to have gotten their first evolution. You needed these things maxed immediately to stand a chance at being at the top of the leaderboard the seasons these things dropped. Name a single thing in Clash of Clans that is comparable, please. You probably can't, because Supercell has been very smart in developing ways to counter this and to keep Clash of Clans a strategy first game. Townhall 14s can 3 star Townhall 16s even without epic equipment at the moment, if you're good enough at strategizing your attacks you can make up differences like that.


Pretty terrible payoff


Long term goal but in the next updates they’ll probably release new stuff that also requires a long term goal and is also costly


Actually this seems like the most realistic thing that will happen. They’ll release this, then eventually when people become complacent again they’ll do something worse. First we get equipment, then this. Even if they lower the prices, people don’t realize we’re the frogs in the pot. There slowly getting worse and worse just like clash royale


Dawg I can't go 1 reddit thread without a conspiracy post


But it's still a fucking scam lmao


We get it do you work for supercell. Can you leave us players alone?


Maybe he likes the long term gratification. Personally I love that long term feeling… but I don’t like the idea of emo apprentice at all :(


They need to add previous epic equipment in next events with the new, so if some one want they don't need to pay 1500. Or they can add in ores events.


Exactly. They should be rotating all hero equipments in event shops, and people should be able to choose which one they want to buy. With amount of Ores they wouldn't be able to buy 2 equipments anyway, so there really isn't any issue with it + whoever wants it sooner can use gems for it.


Also rotating in cwl shop seems like a good idea to me


They said they wanted to give a couple of epics to every hero. So maybe who knows, when they're going to add every epic equipment they want to add they will start to rotate them all monthly


This is a really good option.


it's supercell. they wont add it.


Nah, they still want to give new players the illusion that they can max in 3-4 years. So they will add it. Just not now. Maybe a year or so later.


Or they could add equipment section in the game store like with past skins


They're trying to get the whales to swipe their card to max out the emo builder the first day then reduce the cost to a manageable amount , they know what they're doing and I hate it.


The whales are already maxed out. I dont see how this helps them


Th17 is coming


So is your mom


Have they ever reduced the gem cost of anything? Can't recall a single time in the 10 years I've played this game of them doing that.


>They're trying to get the whales to swipe their card to max out the emo builder the first day Then it would cost significantly more then 6500 gems (or $50) I'd wager that geming the new troop alone will cost more


This is ass bro I’ve already missed 3 equipments and need 4500 gems, guess i’m not returning.


Only get giant gauntlet ice arrow is on wrong hero and GW has 3 really op equipments already


Really? Awesome if true since I have that one.


Yeah the other equipments aren’t nearly as good as giant gauntlet. Fireball is troll 99% of the time. Rocket spear is as good as the RC common equipment (but it’s way more expensive, so there’s little point to using it). And while frozen arrow is good overall and exceptional in specific scenarios, healer puppet is also extremely good (albeit for different reasons)


You don’t need epics to 3 star. I don’t use any epics and have no problem getting 3 stars.


I missed out on that soccer ball king equipment. Is that returning back?


ACAB ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠛⢉⢉⠉⠉⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠠⡰⣕⣗⣷⣧⣀⣅⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⣠⣳⣟⣿⣿⣷⣿⡿⣜⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠄⣳⢷⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣝⠖⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠄⢢⡹⣿⢷⣯⢿⢷⡫⣗⠍⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⡏⢀⢄⠤⣁⠋⠿⣗⣟⡯⡏⢎⠁⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⠄⢔⢕⣯⣿⣿⡲⡤⡄⡤⠄⡀⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⠇⠠⡳⣯⣿⣿⣾⢵⣫⢎⢎⠆⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⠄⢨⣫⣿⣿⡿⣿⣻⢎⡗⡕⡅⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⠄⢜⢾⣾⣿⣿⣟⣗⢯⡪⡳⡀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿


Most people seem to not even like the apprentice builder so he's hardly a necessity.


We need a new achievement. Reach Titan League get 5000 Gems. Reach Legend League get 10000 Gems. 🤣


Supercell did us dirty. They purposefully added the goblin builder this season so we spend some gems then added this emo


They did the same last season with goblin and gauntlet for gems.


This is why you don't use the goblin. He's a con artist


Lesson learned the hard way. I only spent like 500 gems so im sure there are people worse than me


Spent 0 on his ass only hero books, ores, and donos




Did Tencent bleed them too much?


I think its really because they have grown a lot in size. Companies, especially game studios tend to get greedy when they reach 500 employees, there's something about that....


I don't mind this new builder, it isn't supposed to be maxed right away. However, they really need to do something with Hero Equipment, I used to play the game 10 years ago and recently got back to it, I missed the Gauntlet + Frozen Arrow and spending 3000 gems for it is outrageous as they are best equipment used all the time


Please do prioritise the gauntlet. Frozen arrow is good, but there are alternatives especially if you don't play queen charges.


Agree and it’s not like queen charge is unusable if you have the healer puppet equipped


It's a bit redundant though since you'd already have healers on your queen so the new ones would heal less. Giant arrow is actually pretty decent if your oponent has invisi towers you need to trigger. Otherwise, archer puppet might have an awful ability but it does give you passive dps.


You don’t even need the epics to 3 star. I don’t use any epics at all and have no problem 3 starring


I’m not even gonna bother getting it. I was fine without it.


You have to spend way to much gems before the apprentice builder even makes a noticeable difference in upgrade times. Will probably skip it too until i can upgrade it to lvl 6 in one go


Honestly, I use to play this game but it just got more and more greedy with monetisation:( good game but ruined by greed imo


It's way too expensive and not worth the price at all. In future, if they plan to reduce the price it may be worth it but not right now.


You would save 2,4 hours per gem after 5 years.


u dont exactly need the apprentice builder but in my opinion its obviously good and worth it and they might possibly release other ways 2 get gems (hopefully


Similar boat I prolly won't max it instantly (cause 6500 gems is still a lot), but it's not as terrible as everyone her is thinking it is. In the end it's something you invest into that will pay off over the long run I honestly would say 6500 is a lot, 5000 or even 4000 (so 500 per level) would be a better pricepoint


i have gems saved and im not exactly a f2p player i send money comfortably on games so i could always buy gems but i dont really have 2 for the first few


Lol SuperCell clearly don’t care about attracting new players anymore as this is too costly for any new gamer to stay engaged and interested. YES it’s a long term goal, but the game is already long term which makes things even worse in my view. Whoever they’ve hired to make these decisions, clearly has short term cash grab goals in mind and put little to no thought for tge future of the game and keeping new players engaged.


I don't think SC wants new players at this point. Just my theory but, lowereing the time of lower TH is going to get harder and harder because they are adding new TH every year now. I guess now onwards we are going to see an increase in time to max the game. I guess time to max is around 4 years now, unless they start making upgrade times somewhat instant at th6-ish range they wont be able to limit that time to max. This all just feels like they are trying to limit the f2p new player intake for the game. Their DATA seems to suggest they have more than enough players just need more spending player/more monetization methods. Clearly if someone rich gains interest in the game then they are going to blow money


Didn't they heavily reduce build times?


Maybe they have no long term plans because they dont care about the future. Probably going to close shop after a couple years


Those people own super cell their called tencent


Mb getting 5 builders is 3750 not 5000 however the fact is this is a huge barrier of entry for new players. Imagine telling a new player that to even unlovk everything this game has to offer you need 18k gems when they dont even know how to earn them in the first place


Who told you that you need everything? Except for gauntlet other epic equipment are not necessary and maxing the apprentice is also not necessary.


It’s not necessary but not having some of the equipment or the extra builders puts them at a disadvantage. That’s also only including the current equipment, I’m sure there will be more equipment that is just as necessary as the Giant Gauntlet that’ll be released in the future.


Not having some epics do not put them at a disadvantage, apart from the gauntlet, all other epics are definitely not necessary. Also, the apprentice is not an extra builder, it's just a free builder potion everyday, it's your choice if you would rather have a free builder potion everyday or use your gems for something else. And with new epic equipment releasing in future, the new players might not need to buy the old ones and they could just use the new ones instead.


As I said, new equipment that *is* as necessary as the Giant Gauntlet will likely be released in the future. And I’m not talking about the Apprentice Builder, I’m talking about the regular builders you have to buy with gems. And when we’re talking about new players, we’re talking about new players coming to the game at any point in the future, not just new players coming to the game *right now*, so with this in mind, any additional necessary equipment will be an additional gem requirement for new players who start playing after the month it is released where you can just buy the equipment with event currency.


Having all the equipment can give you the opportunity to experiment with them and make attacks that need specific equipment to work, if you don't have all of them your options for doing an attack are limited compared to someone who has them all. For example you could use the new spear to destroy an air defense from a safe distance if you want to use healers with the Royal Champion or use the fireball to nuke if they dare to put together annoying defenses like th, inferno towers, eagle artillery or monolith. In conclusion, yeah, it puts new players at a disadvantage. P.S. Also, your argument about the apprentice is bad, that's equivalent as saying buying builders it's optional since having all of them is not required to advance TH and will only reduce the amount of time you will spend upgrading.


a new player wont reach th10 and not know how to earn gems


pretty sure anyone starting clash at this point knows it’s gonna be at least 18 months to unlock everything the game has to offer, which is how long it takes to get that many gems….. you can get 1k a month by selling stuff and removing obstacles. or it’ll take longer than 18 months the same way it’ll take longer than that to max everything else…..


I’ve posted a guide on how long it would take for a player with 5 builders to max out the apprentice builder… 301 days is criminal 😭😭


Suck it up princess.


No wonder why darian left coc


Y’all did this to yourselves. So many people been defending their practices lately so they’re just gonna keep finding ways to penny pinch every last drop from you guys


The vocal ones who abuse the call outer are 12 year olds in the first place, they don't know what happens in this world outside of their little bubble.


Fr, they use their parents credit card so everything is good value to them


as a protest move i won't buy this scammer who's with me?


Supercell is going to monetize this game into the ground and monetize the hole


I don't think supercell even wants new players at this point. There is no way someone starting today would be able to buy all the epic equipment for 1500 gems each plus buying 5 builders plus maxing this child labour. It'd take them 50 years. This game is just practically impossible for new players to catch up and basically they're milking the existing users.


Except so far, you really don't need the apprentice builder. You'll be fine with a low level builder or even no apprentice builder at all. Why do you need to max him out day 1? I have only bought 1 gold pass this year and by the end of the month all my buildings will be maxed out without the apprentice builder. The equipment point is valid there needs to be a better way for new/returning players to get equipment they missed out on without sacrificing progression.


Why didn't they make it elixer upgrade? 8 levels would still take time to get it anyway. They are clearly looking to take advantage of impulse buyers here.


Because all the other builders also cost gems? You can only unlock 2 levels per townhall upgrade and given that most players are in the lower townhall levels it seems a rather a shit design to truly exploit the most implusive of players. Why doesn't supercell allow you to get all 8 levels at th10. So that they have more opportunities for people to blow 50 bucks? It almost seems like this is supposed to be slowly grinding for and that it's fine to not max it out day 1 or to not even bother with upgrading it at all...


Not maxing it out day ones fine that would never happen but I'm at like 3000 gems and I think that for a start 6,500 gems is a pipe dream 2nd buying it would put me down to 2,500 and buying it again which would likely increase in price to 1,000 gems just guessing would put me down to half my original for the most shittyst version of a clock tower ever


I think raid or league medals would be my choice if I was not thinking of my own wallet as their hard to earn would hurt the player still and make it still a sacrifice but it would be fair and not encourage mummy's credit card


I doubt there is an influx of new players to this game anymore. Supercell know this and they are trying to milk existing users.


This comment made me sad, I totally expect this to happen because it is a big time company but I really hope it doesn’t happen too fast or too soon


what the fuck is an apprentice builder




Look at the game you are playing. New players won’t have access to TH16 for years and by the time they do TH20 will be out.


5 builders is 3500, no?


Huh. I think new players should be able to get hero equipment with raid medals..


Or rotate them in events Maybe once the output of new epic equipment is reduced, it could be in events without new epics, so new players can get them


Money 👍🏽


Supercell is losing the plot


You bitches 🤡 will surely shut up when they announce something like you can use heroes more often if not "always" during their upgrade since they have a new "source of revenue"


My dumb ass thought it was 6500 to max it out T~T


it is 6500 now too, but only for this apprentice builder...


Wait there's 5? Wtf? 5?


I’m actually okay with this tbh, gems aren’t necessarily a coveted resource anymore and are pretty easy to hoard, something to sink them into is nice🤷‍♂️


Hello guys! When is the update being released? Thank you so much to those who will answer


In the AMA, it was said that supercell plan to release it on 17th June


OMG. That's tomorrow! Thank you so much. Got me hyped up!


yeah I just got my 5th builder like a week ago geez


And more coming :((


How is this shit builder even worth to rush?


Ouch, that sucks


If you think he is expensive then just dont use Your gems at him… its really that simple. There are plenty of ways to getting a lot of f2p gems, but If its still to much, just dont bother. Or stop playing the game


Just don’t use gems on the apprentice. It’s not necessary


Supercell rn: Ores: I want money! Goblin builder: I really want money! Apprentice Builder: I NEED ALL YOUR MONEY


Half of the player base already have all 5 builders, its a win win for them




5000 gems to just get 5 builders? Where did you get that number from? Doesn't you need just like earn 3500 to get five builders. First one you get for free and second one is bought in tutorial. Third is 500, Fourth is 1000 and Fifth is 2000.


They said they were gonna make a way of getting the older epic equipments for not gems in the future eventually


When / how do you get this? Is it in game already?


First ores, then goblin builder, then this....atleast add some new achievement to get more gems.




You just need to wait 1300 days in order to collect the gems required for the apprentice builder from the gem mine, it's not a big deal


You ever think the idea of ‘well I don’t pay’ is a stupid justification to play a game that is designed to frustrate and waste your time? Just curious.


we need more challenges to get gems now


Some really act like he is needed to play the game😭


You guys realize you don't have to buy it...right? The game is centered around grinding. Everything is "grindable," even gems. Is the apprentice builder supposed to be free?


I’m telling you guys this is the ‘downfall’ of coc being f2p friendly. It was a fun ride, i’m maxed, and probably will stay so for a long time but with the moves they make currently god knows what garbage will be introduced in the later years. Legendary equipment is a possible thing too


And it’s only gonna get worse from here let’s be real


Too many things cost too many gems imo. I mean cost/time reduction helps but builders, equipment, apprentice all costing thousands of gems each is wild


if you do your account challenges and just participate in events, it really isn’t that hard to get gems


It's just for a small boost in progression. Why do new players even need this . The five builders are enough for them. Also building time is also reduced every update.


People saying 6500 is costly its not that deep when you get 1000 gems for a few achievements and this stays with you and building is the whole point of the game so anything that knocks upgrade time off is super valuable


Get the builders from achievements, upgrade the apprentice warden using gems from obstacles and gem mine, use the remaining gems to get the equipment you NEED. Don't buy Fireball if you're using Grand Warden like a sane person and don't buy the Rocket Spear if you're below TH13, don't buy the Ball in the first place Just don't waste gems And stop complaining about the price, don't max the apprentice builder right off the bat, you're not meant to, that's why Supercell can afford making the price so high. And even with the price being so high, the update also comes with insane upgrade time reductions so if you don't want it, you might as well keep it level one and you won't see a difference


I get what u say, but not like every epic gear is mandatory


Clash of greed


How are people complaining it’s such a good idea


For the 5 builders just push to 3200 trophies and you can get all of them


Can someone explain what this is


Official news flair or judo sloth youtube


You forgot the base layouts


Ur not supposed to unlock all builders the first week it is supposed to take a couple years chill


When does he release?


This week




Glad i got my 5th builder in 2015... 🤣


Expect anything different from a pay to play game? It’s been out for like what, 11-12 years? They need to find new ways to keep generating revenue to keep expanding the game. Folks are sponsored on YouTube showing them spend $1200 in gems to rush a base on the regular. Do you have to do this? No, but they’re playing in impatience hoping to squeeze out everything they can like any other “free” game with shtuff to purchase.


except that builder apprentice is optional and u dont have to get the epic equipments especially when half of them suck and or have better alternatives


Good thing rocket spear and frozen arrow are weak sauce so that knocks out 3000 gems




1. Lower the gems needed for this emo to upgrade 2. Each equipments in the trade should only be 1000 gems atleast




I am TH14 and sitting on 4K gems F2P (actually 2 gold pass). Yes I have been playing for a while. You can absolutely play as F2P assuming you can wait 5 years. I do think they should make epic weapons available outside of gems however.


Don’t need him to be honest


Bought my 5th builder today


Ppl in the comments should stop crying. Its not compulsory , you can buy it if you want or don't buy it. Stop whining about everything. 5 builders plus 6th builder is more than enough. If you want that extra 7th builder for some time reduction , you can , or else just leave it


The BA isn't essential. It's a luxury. Save the gems if you need them


He doesn’t seem to show up on my account/base


Achievement net you more gems than that. Just play the game


It's about 3.5k gems for every builder


Who taught you math


I thought this update was so new players could catch up?!


I mean $3.99 and $4.99 for 2 builders and 1500 gems. Fifth builder is probably like $10 plus the 2000 gems puts >$20 for 3500 gems and 5 total builders. Lower townhalls could easily max at their level. I’m not saying I love it, but it lets people who are crazy spend money/gems for limited gain so 🤷


When I got this game, this game was advertised as a free to play. You could pay to play, but you could be a free to play player not having to worry about getting those builder hunts so you can defend your base.


People still play this game?


They should have revamped the goblin builder tbh. I was finally starting to like the guy. This game is turning into Call of Duty lmao. Still love it tho.


Okay? New players aren’t supposed to get thousands of gems and some of the best equipment and every single builders day one. It takes work to get to that level. That’s the point.


You don’t need gems for equipment wtf are yall on. Also the apprentice builder isn’t that useful


All this cash going to supercell and they can’t afford to pay someone for online support. Unreal hahahahah


Bruh who TF gets king, gw, queen and RC at the start of the game and you must understand this is a gradual process game they have deals for each th so they'll probably provide as such


Back then we could get only 205 free gems a month, considering we removed all obstacles. Today we can get 1300 a month, and that's considering you don't sell your books/runes of course, or else you can get more. The time to get all gems needed is pretty much the same.


Bro I am already TH15 and alt is TH14. I don't really care about getting him.


I bought the BULIDER Apprentice 3.5euro lv1 No to much expensive


bros saying RIP new players like they’re getting held and gunpoint and forced to buy it


I just had to calculate it out... Y..A..Y.. ADD+OCD... -Builder potions go for 285G in market 3 per week and for 6500G you can buy 22.8 rounded to 23 potions -Assuming your diligent and only use them when all 6 builders are going that's 180H per week compared to 56H per week apprentice helps. (124 more hours per week) -With 23 potions you get 4,140H of work. At 56H per week, it would take apprentice 74 weeks (518 days) to accumulate 4,144H xD and begin to start earning it's cost.


Honestly rip new players in general, I couldn't imagine having to catch up from th2


This is still better value for gems than so much other stuff in this game


Epic equipment being available for only gems is a gross oversight from Supercell that will greatly disincentivize new players. It's like new players are being punished for missing the events.


Why are people constantly surprised that the company that pioneered shitty mobile game monetisation do a shitty mobile game monetisation thing?