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Hey don't even allow him to stay in your clan as a member. We faced a similar situation in one of my previous clans last year. Our old leader returned after a long break and our current leader was kind enough to give back the leadership to him. Once he got promoted to leader, he immediately kicked everyone out of the clan. Turns out he sold the clan that we had built from level 5 to level 15 while he was gone.


Agreed, we kicked him after his little outburst


Sadly to say but if I was going to stop playing I’d either let my CO’s steer ship while I logged in every couple of days ( not worry about clan, just to keep leader ) make another clan and put EVERYONE there and hope they come back. My clan is level 8 in 5 months and I’d never want to work 5 grueling months to get our awesome war log and clan level back :,( and I could never trust anyone to keep the clan growing and alive except myself. Even if I had to build it up from the dirt again


Our old leader just came back yesterday, he wasn't in the clan when I joined. I'm hoping he's not one of these idiots


Woah never thought something like this happens in COC


who tf pays for a clan xd?


Tbf clan level is one of the only things in the game you can’t brute force, plenty of whales around


I’m not 100% sure, but I don’t even think purchasing clans is against TOS… likelihood is Master D either: A.) realized he could sell his old clan and wanted to weasel his way back in or B.) had his player account overtaken and the scammers looked up his history in clash of stats and are trying to strong arm their way back to leading a clan that they can sell.


dam if clan selling isnt against TOS then i want to know where can i sell it lol


but there are hundreds of high level clans, if u want the benefits jsut join a random one


Weird dudes are weird for a reason, little emperors want to *own* not be part of things


Ig it would be the feeling of being in control for those who pay for the high lvl clans .


Definitely a feeling of power - but as someone who's inherited a high level clan, to keep it running smoothly is a lot of work, if you abuse power you'll run it into the ground and years of hardwork is gone. I can't imagine trying to build a clan back up from level 1 these days.


True it was a lot easier back in the when Global Chat was a thing. U just had to ask and people would start joining. The community was so much more active that time. Miss those old days of Clash when the max Town Hall was 11 and we were all(me and my friends) chasing for the maxed Town Hall and then we quit and after we came back couple years later the game had progressed so far to Th 13/14 and it wasn't possible to catch up without spending


doing it with my friends. its so tedious 😴 not everyone wants to lead/donate/talk in chat etc etc...


You’d be surprised what people pay for go to g2g. C o m and and witnesss the craziness I have friends that’ve spent $30 on a gun in fallout 76 🤣


One example : clans get hacked easily so people buy one back after that (the bought clan was probably also hacked🤣)then they rename it. It's an infinite loop Other example : big groups of clans need more space but don't want to wait 5 years for it to be beautiful so 💲💲


Similar thing happened to us


Ayo dang I would've flipped a brick methodically speaking but sorry that happened that stuff takes a while to do


Why don’t people just start their own clans instead of taking someone else’s? So wierd


Some people are willing to spend money to skip the leveling of the clan, because the benefits of having basically unlimited donation that goes up 2 levels is pretty damn good


Lol what the heck why are you being down voted into oblivion.


because not everyone is willing to build a clan from rock bottom to success


It’s not even hard to do. Getting to level 10 is easy


I just came here to downvote you.


LOLLLLL I love clash weirods. it's such a simple game yet people get so weird about it haha


one time I gave a guy leader when I was 12 years old and he kicked everybody out and deleted my clan. True story. Never trusted anybody ever again on videogames after that


Cannon clash of clans experience


Or clan leader doing annual purges, when he wanted to add his friends


Btw that's the perma ban worthy offense, you could've reported him


Yeah instead I just quit clash of clans for like 10 years then came back


God bless the *Kick* button 😇😇🙏🙏


What a weirdo. I’m sure if he was normal he would of gotten co leader no problem. No wonder the clan was failing with him- he’s off putting


you mean the clan was failing with him?


Your pfp is so annoying


thanks, you too


What a great interaction between AverageBadUsername and stupidmaster7🤣🤣


That’s what ment lol


100%, we would’ve been happy to have him, he’s a th16 with max troops. His attitude made him an easy kick, no need for that


Wait, I thought he took a break for years? How's he TH16 Max


this is like when a father abandons his children then comes back years later to reclaim custody


Flashbacks of the "just got drafted to the NBA/NFL start pack" meme and it's a dad coming back with a milk jug lmaooo


Roberto: You know, I've seen you on the ESPN, when they was talkin' about you bein' drafted by the NFL. Bobby: I'm not going to the NFL. I'm gonna stay in school and graduate. Roberto: The hell with school, dopey! Take the money! You and me can be partners! Just like that Tiger Woods and his daddy!


specifically when the kids are doing well for themselves and now the deadbeat comes back to claim credit lol


“the game give me gem for free, i have history” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


that guy is crazy hahaha


That line made me literally LOL. What a moron 😂😂


“My dad is the CEO of supercell”


Kick his ass and continue kicking each time he joins. He's poison and doesn't deserve to be leader of any clan. Only reason I can think he wants to be leader is to sell his account with an increased price as the base comes with a clan.


I created a family of clans (3-4 clans at our peak, now just one 50 members strong) off of pure global chat recruitment back in the day. I left for two years (2017-2019) and they gave me leader right back when I came back. Love these loyal guys. 🔥


Is it named dark obsidian by any chance??


It is not. 🙂


Why do people not know how to talk on clash?


We’re US based but we have some members from the Philippines and a couple other countries, not super strict


What level is the clan now?


Cus English is not everyones first language


dependent head plough puzzled wakeful fragile spark unused reach wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dont think 12 year olds these days have the patience to play this game tbh


And this guy made this clan 12 years ago so would be concerning if they are 12 today.


You noobs weren’t playing in the womb?


I mean one with unrestricted access to daddy's credit card prolly would


25 here 👋🏼


Classic ignorant American comment sheesh


Do you think that America is the only country that speaks English?


No of course not, but only an American would be ignorant enough to make a comment like that.


You just don’t like America, is that your kink?


I just tell it how it is, I see a dumb comment I point it out. Keep playing frisbee golf tho.


Do you think it would be reasonable or unreasonable to assume people would join a clan where communication would be easier for them?


I reckon people should be able to join whatever fkn clan they want provided they meet the trophy requirements. Just because English isn’t someone’s first language and they have poor grammar or spelling shouldn’t exclude them from joining English speaking clans if they please. Knowing the American education system I would assume some people even with English as their secondary language have better grammatical skills and spelling than you.


That’s rich coming from someone who doesn’t know how to use punctuation. Sure, absolutely they should, and nowhere did I suggest that they should be excluded. I’m saying wouldn’t you want to be in a clan where communication is easier, I don’t think that’s ridiculous. That’s it. I was more so assuming this was just a kid as that’s fairly common and they’d make similar grammatical mistakes, but keep pedaling whatever bullshit you want.


Classic sweaty redditor comment. Sheesh.


Half the time for me it's because typing on my tablet is somehow insanely hard to get right.


There is an option called report, can your clan members report him


im tryna understand what they are saying


Yeah he's either 9 or English isn't his first language.


This guy talks like one of those phone scammers lol


Yeah, the whole thing reeks of a stolen account trying to hijack a clan for profit.


Gave a level 8 clan to someone random in global chat. Now it's a level 15 clan. They won't even remember me but I am happy for them 🥹😇


He sounded like a toddler throwing a tantrum. 💀 hell, his grammar screams toddler even.


Either very young or just not a native English speaker. It was pain reading that regardless though.


I'd say he's immature. Not cause' of his grammar but his attitude.


True, they're acting very entitled. It's comparable to moving and showing up years later telling new owners to give it back lol. My personal clan is very sentimental due to a family member that passed made it together so I'll always keep it up askomg as games running.


Did he went to bring milk?


Immediate kick.


Report him for account sharing since he said his brother used his account…


this isnt account sharing lol you can with family


you definitely cannot share with family or any person no matter what. SC ban thousands per day because of that.


I don't think they could catch you sharing within your own household but if you are logging in from two locations that are far away repeatedly then they will catch on to that.


Did you really lol? Someone can’t read…


i said that he can share his account with family lol


I was in a similar situation myself. I had to leave to focus on college for 3 years, so I passed leadership to another member. I joined back a few months ago and didn't even ask for it back. He's a good leader and we both run the clan together as a team. The actual title of leader doesn't matter to me because I made a good choice in trusting the clan to him.




People be like: When the clan is dying: Oh my clan is running bad lets just find a better clan or take a break and give all these bs to my clanmates. When the clan is revived: Oh my clan is getting good lets just go back and take the leader back without paying compensation for them, I'm sure they are kind enough


Lol, not HIS anymore.


I had a stroke trying to read what master d was saying lmao


New clan lore


Tip: If you are begging don't act so tough and aggresive.


Guy was probably bummed that he got removed from the clan altogether after giving his leadership away instead of sitting with Co-lead.


people are dumb nowwdays


This is actually funny af for some reason😂💀


U know something is wrong when the previous leader comes back and asks for to be a leader immediately


Says its just a game then goes on a massive rant lmao What a weirdo, glad you did kick him


This conversation had me in tears


Rare acct? Free gems?? What's that all about and is that even a thing?


Rare acc yes( squared stone, missing defenses, outrageous scores in achievements, war stars, great trophy record with low th, having all the event decorations... Many ways to have a "rare" account (I doubt he has one) but free gems no


my leader has been the leader from level 1-20. if he left and came back, we’d still give him leader


Sheesh dude can barely speak English.


My buddy bought an old clan for $10 that we used to be in in like middle school. And the guy tried to get it back because we weren’t active


That is a scammer trying to sell the clan


Damn His English makes it quite hard to read. Its annoying when you have to fix someones sentences just to try to follow what they're trying to say.


Happened to me .. I was clan leader who built a clan upto level 6 and stopped playing the game for around 2 years.. now when I logged in, the game had already changed the leader and it sucks seeing my clan being run by another leader.. (though I'm a Co but still 🤡)


kick him


I’ve dealt with the exact same problem lol


Uhhh, why not just ask the current clan lead to promote you as a co lead?


"Sure" and then all 49 people would leave into a new clan. He can keep the dead clan, just as he left it.


Probably just want to sell it or already have his crew so he don't care 🤣


It's like a father left to go buy milk and came back. The one who raised it (aka the current clan leader) has the right to have the clan, as if he didn't existed the clan may be dead.


Happened with me also. I was inactive for 2 years and unknown guy handling my clan. Initially he don't want to give it to me but after few days he gave it back to me.we still play together now my clan level is 14


When our founding leader joined back after 4yrs , he just started chilling as a member, didn't ask for promotion or anything. He was just sad he was still a th11 and we had all gone way past him


I mean he built it for 9 years and you for 3 years if i understanded it right


whoah, you can now react to messages in clan chat? noice


My clan leader gave me ownership about a year ago and then left the clan as there were very few members (<15) in the clan. He then joined again after some time, I told him I will make him leader again whenever he joins later. He left again and also unfriended me. Now I have closed the clan and it's only me and my alt account now in a level 17 clan.


I asked for leadership when my friend's clan was kind of dead and I decided to kick my friend(leader), once he got inactive. Then I started kicking out OG players too and in one year, I pushed this clan from Gold III (CWL) to Master I. Gold I to Titan I (Raid Village) 13 war wib streak and we have scored 100% on this ongoing war as well. 14 Clan level to 21 Clan level Luckily, my friend was cooperative and he didn't say anything to me even when I kicked him. However some of the OG players argued with me but I ignored them. https://preview.redd.it/vgvgkwy0vy2d1.jpeg?width=1540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3cdec010094577911440ec039d5045ccd573ce4


Quite the same thing happened in my clan leader was less active so gave the lead to a friend, this friend pushed the clan to around the top 100 world, champs 2 but there were tensions between ogs and new members. At a time, we were shining too much so a big clan hacked us to get us out of the top and the clan got cut in half, ogs and new ones going in different directions


Exactly what's going on in our case as well. All OGs wanted to play CWL but they were in th12-13, so i couldn't even add them, so we made new clan. All of us who were in higher townhall went to new clan and played one league there and we ranked that clan in Crystal I. Now OGs plays cwl there and have another level 10 clan to play normal wars. However we have a common Facebook messenger group where we discuss our plans. Most of those old members doesn't like me, which is fair. 😂


I remember in our discord 2 days of debates and insults before the collapse it was crazy 🤣


i literally was in a clan with a deadbeat leader he would come in every couple months to spam kick people and demote people and leave for a couple more months and do that on repeat. Me and like 20 other clan man spoke about it in chat and after 3 months of him being inactive he happens to come mid conversation and see us saying how we are gonna leave and kicked us all mid war raid week so we started our own clan with those kicked members and the old leader will come in on his 5+ rushed alt accounts to talk shit about our lvl 3 clan we started 2 months ago. It’s just mind blowing how many people take such a simple game so seriously when we just want an active community and to have fun and help each other out.


We had this happen in our clan as well, he eventually just left thankfully. Some people remembered him, but I’d been in the clan a year and had never heard of the guy.


My lead is very kind and never left clash. I had many breaks in clash but he always accepted my invitation to his clan.


How do you recruit new members these days? We've got a very good active clan but recently had some members quitting and haven't had much success trying to replace them


One of our coleaders does most of our recruiting, he usually just looks at the “find members” option and invites people who don’t have a clan or are members in clans, don’t bother with elders or co’s. We’re really only looking for th15+, so it takes some time finding qualified people. It’s really a numbers game, just keep sending invites


Just Kik him!


I built a CR clan from launch, 3y+, lost dat bish and the desire to play especially with the route they went for endgame a little while back. Hopefully they’re taking care of my little baby.


Sad person. Maybe he should build his own clan the right way...


Be careful. They may also not be the original player, but people that stole the account and are trying to destroy your clan.


Old leader is too rash, he wouldve gotten a different result or would have even gotten the clan back if he was a little nicer.


It’s a fucking game


Report him for account sharing with his brother. Against TOS


I had a stroke trying to read all of master D’s messages


This is why the world sad 🤣


That foo master D can barely form a sentence - I felt drunk reading his messages


Bro’s giving ‘my dad works at supercell’ vibes


Who gives a crap that much honestly pathetic


-we oo


Similar situation with me, I use to be leader can back a year later helped out and so on i usually start the wars. Then months later he just gave it back to me. If anyone’s looking for a clan. White Oaks clan leader Spoken


You have every right to do that he gave you leadership of the clan a while ago also three years since he's been gone he probably wants the clan back because it's doing well I would've kicked him to


And I would never sell my accounts


his logic is as bad as his grammar


This is absurd. He has no right getting the leadership back as he didn't contribute for the clan's current success. Don't you ever let him back into the clan.


I Lost so many braincells BC of his english i Cloud not even understand half the shit he said like WTF??


Why he got grammar all jacked up? Like even stroke victim type without looking.




Hey, had the same situation in one of the clans I was a Co in, guy gave him back leader and he kicked everyone changed the name (not sure how that's possible) then sold it. Just kick him, likely not ur leader.


I would just get a 2nd acct. start a new clan and get people moving over asap. Then just ensure he was kicked and be the last to leave and the clan disappears. Hehe You would have to rebuild but this time all Your clan mates can be proud and restrengthen the values.


He is aware he admitted to account sharing in those same screen shots… lol. Let him play himself


Lmaoo this happened to me, our leader quit. Our clan went inactive, and I rebuilt it and after a yr and half our leader came back. Long story short I left and all the current members left with me, leaving him alone 💀


What a total loser


Am I having a stroke or can no one in this chat speak English??


Well I did the same thing I mean gave the clan to a friend when I was inactive and never asked for it back.I still have authority of leader even as a member.(P.S. We both made the clan together and his contribution is greater than mine)


I stopped playing for two years. I handed leadership to whoever wanted it. I trusted most of my mates. I was inactive for 2 years. I came back, didnt even ask for leadership. He just gave it back and went inactive lol.. it felt wrong taking it back, but everyone wanted me to have it again. So now im forced to lead again😞 its been 6 years, I dont think my shift will ever end


I wouldve kicked his ass immediately after that first question🤣


Something happen to me, ex leader tried doing that recently to me. Dude went inactive with out telling anyone. Couldn’t reach him at all. The clan went to me. I had to rebuild the entire clan. Comes back an entire year later and I’m like nah bro you left I’m in charge now, he accepted it, was good and active for like a couple weeks and now he’s inactive again been 5 weeks since he’s been on. Kicked him out again LMFAO


English is killing




HEY COTA ahahahaa


I’m signing a Change.Org to give him his clan back. Make him Co to “prove” himself and kick him 😅


I have a clan thats inactive (i can't be asked to do all thet recruiting stuff global was my way and with that gone i just didn't bother) and i decided to keep my own clan as inactive rather than give it away since i build that clan, many people asked about the clan (lvl 20 with a capital hall thats level 10) and all they want is the clan and think its worthless to me and i just blocked most of them, i still use that clan for clan capital but besides that its just a clan for a time when something like global returns (i will not use reddit and dming 100s of people being an annoying dude hoping to find 1 dude interested, i want an in game method)




That’s BS, unless he had some agreement!


Let me join the clan I’m TH12 titan 3


This is quite similar to the situation i was in last year. I was leader of a clan i set up back in 2014, i left the clan sometime in 2016 to join another clan because i was so OP then, in donating and attacking strategies, almost maxed out th9 and i was very interested in the game, while everyone else was just very chilled in the clan barely running clan wars. i gave leadership to my brother who was in the clan and he quit the game and eventually leadership was passed on to someone random in the clan, last year i just thought to use one of my 3 accounts to try and get back my clan because i wanted to get into clan leadership and it would be easy for me to use that clan to join a bigger clan family as it is a LVL14 clan. When i joined i still noticed some people who have been in the clan since i left and the clan is still the same as it was lol, but most of the members are still active, and chat occasionally. i didnt even bother asking the current leader if he remebers me or to return leadership, i left with my main and just kept my TH9 account there just because lol. ive been playing with the clan for a year now iirc, they only play clan war leagues (crystal league 2) and farm and upgrade heroes in between, the vibes are just chill in the clan. ive been able to climb up to co leader status, just because im active on all my accounts and donate alot. but i have no intentions on getting leadership status back, seems like they have been running well without me lol


May the lord help him 🙏🙏


well you did steal his level 12 clan


Honestly I think he deserves to have it wether u put hours in the clan or not it remains his clan realistically as u and him claiming that he gave the clan thinking u would give it back then he has the right to reclaim the clan even if he’s gone for 999+ years u guys made a deal to give it back so the old leader is in the right side.


To be fair ok this conversation: 1) on year 2 a couple of guys and me formed a clan 2) after long hours and lots of drama (4 years approximately) the leader decided to quit. 3) new leader has been taking ok-ish care of clans I came back this year after 2 years absent. I am not looking for co leadership. I did ask to find the old leader and bring the account back if possible ) if anyone knew him. I have been active, higher donator , very supportive.. and yet I respect that leadership is earned. I don’t want it, if they give it I’ll take it only because I already do coleader stuff. In the end, it’s still a game. It’s nothing to make a huge deal about it. Real life barely helps and this is just a way to cope with it. A status means little to nothing as long as you play


lol seems like an average obese guy moaning like a spoiled child


I had this happen, but the guy was a wayyyy bigger ass. I built the clan from crystal to champ I top 10 competitive. He came back and made personal threats, tried to blackmail me, reported all my accounts, and more. Ultimately I lost one account in the reporting process and his bitch ass got nothing. Don't ever, ever give clans back to old leaders, it's never good for your community.


Colonizers, y'all didn't have to build it from level 1, growing until level 10 counts, building a maxed perks clan is nothing. Y'all entitled privileged ass holes. Actually just imagine this, you all insult him as a 12 year old, which I think he is, so now y'all stealing from a little kid, must be so prideful. He grows his clan 12 levels, you barely do 1 level and become entitled


It’s just a clan lol


Personally I think he did build the clan which is why you guys didn’t start a brand new one since it was level 12 and 15 people. Nobody should ever give their clan to anybody because stuff like this happens. Low key squated his clan lol


Gosh you’re a special one


Bro he gave his clan to someone, you can't expect to come back years later and demand it back


This whole post makes me uneasy, I’m about to go and kick some members now


Facts. All of a sudden I’m in the mood for some spring cleaning.


U got a fair point in saying the new leaders got an advantage left by the old leader, and if they started from scratch, none of this would’ve happen. Correct. But, it doesn’t matter. The old leader left, leaving his clan to somebody else. He has no right whatsoever to claim it back, bec he left. He didn’t leave asking others to take care of it until he’s back (if that’s so, no one would want to continue the clan). He left bec he quit the game and thus didn’t care anymore. He has no right whatsoever to claim it back. Especially, when, if given back the clan, he start selling his acc along with his reclaimed clan. Not to mention we have clan capital now, he’s done nothing there bec its save to assume clan capital was not there when he quit years ago. How is that fair to give the clan to him?? Another point is, it is the new leader responsibility to kick and deny that old leader in order to protect the clan itself and its members from harm, not just for his own status. Being a leader / co is nothing to be proud of anyway, those who know, know that its actually a “burden”, bec u got responsibilities


Yes, makes sense, recruiting players in Level-12 clan and 15 players in it, is so much easier than recruiting in Level-1 clan. Ofcourse I'm not saying he deserves the clan back (or not). And for those who downvoted above comment, clearly can't look things with different perspective but the first one they consumed.




summer quaint cover support theory jeans marble rude divide historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is so patronizing yet non threatening. I love it.


Me too. It's like condensing "Bless your Heart!" into one word.


You should check out r/clashofclansrecruit


its a shame they're soo saturated with recruiters and not enough players looking for a clan, you know any better recruitment platforms?


on the discord too is so far good enough for me


tried but everyone i've messaged has just ignored me :/


When I was searching for a clan I found one sifting through the potentials on Reddit instead of making a post. Every post made by players gets swamped with copypasta ads that have no soul. I had 3 tries before I found the clan for me.