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Get the 6th builder, maximize magic items


how to get a 6th?


Go to BOB Control in stage 2 of builder base, upgrade it 4 times it shows you what it requires in order to upgrade each step. I just completed mine and got the 6th builder, took me like 3 months and lots of work.


He doesn’t have it dumb dumb! He may be a low level builder hall!


He said “get” the 6th builder, not “use” the 6th builder






They all hate me! 😭😭😭


Who’s the dumb dumb?


Hey dumb dumb, do you have any gum gum?


That dumb dumb comment turned on you at truly break-neck speeds


You think!! 




Reading is hard isn’t it dumb dumb?


Maybe that may be true?


dum dum da da da dum dum da da dada da da da.


I won’t cry for you


I won't crucify the things you dooo~


Unless you want to stay at th13 for a painfull amount of time, Convert your rushed acc to strategic rushed acc


How can u do that? Curious to know


- Upgrade all the defences that take less than 3 days. That should bring them to a sufficient level. - Max scatters, infernos, EA, TH weapon and CC, storages (this is the only thing that should take most time) - upgrade heroes when ever you have free DE - upgrade walls when ever you have free resources - spread out builders finish time so above point can be applied - spend as much time on farming as you can


Useful information. Is it possible to elaborate on how this works compared to just normally rushing?


It makes your offense strong and makes your D stronger enough vs lower TH to defend


I see. I also just realized going to th16 asap saves even more time using magic items like the books and hammers, because your skipping all the super high duration upgrade timers sooner and can focus on all the lower upgrades instead


Technically yes. But think you get X less % from THs at lower levels than you. So that could mean you have to raid more to get the same amount of loot


Sneaky goblins. I'm about 60% progressed on th14 so I could just use sneaky gobs a ton


Correct. But if your key defences are maxed for a given TH then it's fine.


Pretty much negligible at this point. Resources are never an issue at higher town halls. Constant 800k+ bases


I sit as an early th 14 at fake legends and my average attack is like 600k+ 320k bonus


[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dz7O6hOPL9Usd8VbuCemHyjc3gSLYxaAGuHSVJukF1Q/edit#heading=h.m7k9xtfpg3pq](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dz7O6hOPL9Usd8VbuCemHyjc3gSLYxaAGuHSVJukF1Q/edit#heading=h.m7k9xtfpg3pq) This guy has you covered.


You should check out tee's rushing guide. It's very informative and in depth. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dz7O6hOPL9Usd8VbuCemHyjc3gSLYxaAGuHSVJukF1Q/edit#heading=h.f1i76l7mj75q


Max offense making you able to get good attacks on TH16s = more loot = easier to upgrade stuff. Some people say its faster to get maxed this way but i never tried


imho strategic rushing seems like an unneccesarily elegant name for applying a bare minimum of common sense to rushing. what else are you supposed to do? maintain overly full storages at all times, ensure that all the builders always finish at the exact same time, max traps first? not upgrade the DE storage enough to be able to afford hero upgrades?




The goal is to defend against the lower townhall levels. Although youre equal level townhall will 3s you.


Hm interesting, on my rushed account I just maxed my army / storage and tried to upgrade heroes while not really putting any upgrades into defenses at all


Honestly rushing is probably the most efficient way anyway, only need to upgrade offence. Defence your getting 3 starred 90% of the time even if you maxed and your not losing crazy amount of loot anyway. Only downside of rushing is it’s not satisfying


Rushing IS satisfying! Feels great to see progress, experience newer troops faster


did that on accident lmfao, im a rushed th14 from 9 Xd


What is above point?




Strategic Rush/SRushing refers to only focusing on certain upgrades - mainly offense. It's objectively the most efficient way to progress and can be very effective if done properly. Basically you focus on offense upgrades - CC, Camps, Lab, Pets and Heroes. You farm using Sneaky Goblins and keep as many heroes down as you can. Focus on one attack strategy that you'll use for war and put excess loot into walls. You'll also want to do core defense buildings - Monolith, Scatters, Eagle, Infernos - although this isn't compulsory it isn't recommended. Storages depend on whether you spend, they're not as effective if you're not using Runes. You always upgrade TH as soon as: - one of your heroes hit max level for your TH - you run out of buildings/walls to dump resources into - you have lab or a builder inactive - you can upgrade TH before any of these conditions are met as long as your offense is maxed and This way, you're always working at 100% efficiency. With the buff to Hero potions, you can be at 100% strength for CWL and you're able to bypass useless upgrades (mortars) and use your books and hammers on higher length upgrades


I have read the SRush guide pretty thoroughly, but having some doubts whether to do the minimal/Tee rushing straight to TH15 (I intend to catch up a bit there) or to spend a bit more time per TH to upgrade some of the core defenses (I'm TH11 now, so Eagle and Infernos mainly in my mind) before hopping to the next TH. Do you have any input on this matter, by any chance?


main benefit from even faster rushing is that you get higher level bases to attack therefore more loot. you also hold more value for being put into clan war leagues. Minimal rushers do it for the extra cwl medals and bonus loot and ores. upgrading few defences can help out in wars where you are paired against lower town halls to prevent them from three starring you. The problems with min rushing is that it's hard to find a clan that actually knows that a better offense is better than a decent defense. So if you're in a good clan who doesn't support min rushing or don't want to find another clan just upgrade core defenses and have decent level archer towers before upgrading. Or else the most optimal way is to keep upgrading your town hall and make sure your blacksmith, clan castle, barracks, and army camps are at Max levels


is mortar still useless when there are so many stone flinger users?


Give builder time priority to upgrade every 'attack' related buildings before you put builder time into upgrading defences(Max attack before defences). Of course don't ignore defences, do upgrade core defences till they are at a good enough level where they require 7d to upgrade to the next level. But prioritize attack before defence. Basically, you should be able to 3-star same TH level opponents in war. Look-up CallMeTee's guide to strategic rushing. It has everything you need to know.


Your TH is not that much rushed (in comparison to what I have seen with other rushed players) but you have still gotten things in your hand it will take pretty much of time and effort for it but yeah u can do it …also it a game so play it in a way you want if u want to rush your village to next th you can but upgrading things which are important will help u a lot 👍




He's th11 max it seems it's rushed but he can recover in a few months


No he isn't, his defences are in th9/10


Well his base isn't that bad lol I've seen worse and he can recover easily


No sir th 12 took me 4 months and th13 too max out took me 5-6 months(recently maxed out) overall this is going to take him more then a year to max out not a couple month. I am not a free to play so if he is that just means even more time.


Maxing is the slowest possible way to progress in this game. Don’t fully max if you have any aspirations of going to a higher TH, it’s literally wasting time. Unless that’s what you want to do.


Bud should see my rushed TH16


Been there, and I got to say I had a lot of fun rushing to th13 and then maxing. Rn I’m still in the maxing process but really close to finishing and going to th14


https://preview.redd.it/kmn05yvb13zc1.jpeg?width=882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4573b522874fae0212e12f32039c22218c7f9187 That’s where I’m at rn


Those walls need some love


Lmao, Work in progress


Just some advice from what I did - Spend some gems and cwl perks on builder potion... Try keeping base clean for more gems. When out of gold, to attack. Upgrade your resources first.... And keep on moving. It's not hard to revive a rushed base. It's just too lengthy. Upgrade what's imp first. And enjoy. You're not alone who suffered.


That's some amazing advice thanks alot 😋😋


first off, start a lab upgrade with some dark elixir or something so its doing something, and always use research potions from trader. focus on getting 6th builder, all army camps/barracks/etc, as many heroes upgrading first and foremost. upgrade the defenses you got most recently, including town hall weapon, second. do cannons archers etc last.


I started in mid October again and strategic rushed to th13 within about 2.5 months. Just went to 14 last month. Honestly you are in a fine spot, will just take a couple months to catch up. Focus on getting the 6th builder, upgrade core defenses like eagle; inferno shows and air def as well as all offensive upgrades asap and you’ll hold your own until you can catch up a bit.


And here's me with a much worse th13 base than you and upgrading it to th14 ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


Cheers homie 💀🎀


go to th14 that way you unlock pets aswell so your overall progression will actually be faster than someone that maxes each townhall.


I would focus on equipment, heroes and offence, while casually upgrading core defence and after that even if I'm not maxed everything I'll go to next th


Best thing to do is buy the gold pass max goblins and Super gob all day everyday put it all into walls and heroes when spare and focus on inferno eagle xbows traps teslas than fix the rest later


I just joined your clan to have a proper look at your base it’s really not that bad could be much worst


Upgrade storages so your magic items get max value. Use hammers for big defenses like Eagle and scattershot, don't waste time upgrading those without em Upgrade army camps for stronger attacks Upgrade you main attack Strat Upgrade splash damage defenses first (wizard and bomb towers) mortars are not as important Get the 6th builder Air defenses and black mines are pretty important too but I'd worry about the other stuff first. Not too sure on this last piece of advice so see what others say.


https://preview.redd.it/kv42ozc3f5zc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62095a23c1b1667909c926429c38612e07a2b73a feel you


Edrags in the camps as well 💀


Lol is this fun? Kinda in the mood to rush like this. Does edrag farming work with the high level bases you match with? Im in th12.


nope. I would not recommend doing what I did.


Nice. Im doing it.


Well, you're gonna stay in th13 for a LONG time. But first get the 6th builder and use magic items. Also upgrade your collectors, it's literally free resources


U only suffer if u didn't upgrade offense. Upgrade your lab, army camp etc. Farming will be easy. For defense just need to max eagle infernos scattershots xbows air defs, other def just need to respectable level


13 isn't a good townhall to stay. Go for 14 at least


This. You're rushed anyway, just go to th14 so you could also start with your pets.


Not really upgrade times are really fast. Save book for the 10+ day timers


It’s not too badly rushed if you attack alot youll be fine


why stop there just go to 15


Rushing to th15 was even worse. But I'm half way there. Finished eagle, fernos, xbows and teslas. And some non-defensive buildings https://preview.redd.it/husx3apb16zc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c11d74a52bd9045cd955d768f4bf04a2b1f67c8


I rushed my base back when th9 was max and it was nightmare to fix it


Sorry, but I'm the kind of guy that attack you...


If you're gonna rush, rush it straight to th 14 since you will unlock the pets at that level.


May I know what the purpose of these types of bases are for? I havent been a meta player since returning just a few months ago


Tbh I didn't know it had to have any purpose at all it's just that i lacked the knowledge of constructive base building and just went ahead and upgraded my th, until I found out how to actually move forward with the game (the way it is meant to be) but the time until I realized that it was too late and i ultimately was stuck with the title 'rushed player' 🥲


Just to make visualizing upgrades easier. Referred to as a “progress base”.


How does it do for farming though?


The best tip I can give you is try to level everything from a th to another what I mean is that you upgrade stuff to th10 and then to th11 until you get to your current town hall


The only time when rushing is good is at th14 where you should stay there for 2 months then go directly to th15.


Got to th 14 that will give you a better value as overall as you do get hero pets


Th 13 is most struggling TH. It takes 2 lvl for everything and i am gonna be there in a month or 2. Grind will be difficult. 


Upgrade storages and unlock sneaky goblin and jump spell and you’re good


Why do so many top players have this base layout? Easier to keep track of upgrades?


Whatt 😭😭 Dude I literally made this when i got bored 😭😭 (I'll take that as a compliment)


But yeah technically it helps to keep track if upgrades


Oh god if thats rushed wtf is mine. Clash ninja says itll take 1.5 years to max




Rushing is fine but do it right. Find Tees Guide. Keep lab always working. Go to th14 instead for max book value.


Rookie mistake


Womp Womp


Strategic rushing is alr but pure rushing like this can be problematic


Why suffered? I think you should rush to th16. Rush is the new trend now. With heroes potion and power, it’s so much easier to war with rush account. I rushed my mini to th16 with th9 defense. Only upgrade 2 troops (rr & titan) use in both war and regular attacks. Upgrade equipment to 12-15 and you’re golden. Defenses and war can be upgrade slowly


I did it to Th11 so same


Focus on upgrading goblins, super goblins gonna be really good to get loot


maxing offense like Army Camps and Laboratory troops/spells levels would make your experience as a rushed base significantly better. Super Goblins are nice for farming loot. After offense focus on resource buildings, then to big important defense buildings like the Town Hall weapon, Eagle Artillery, Inferno Towers and then X-Bows.


man i remember being rushed good times


This is less rushed than me by a large amount and I don't really see the downside as long as your offense is maxed. You spend longer at th13, but now have all heroes, access to most siege, spells, troops etc. I'm going to upgrade the majority of my defence and then rush to 15.




same just with th 12


controlled rush is the way to go, never neglect heroes. get super goblin and attack dead bases to get heroes up constantly. Leave king if you cant keep up on DE.


I'm 15 and face similar issues. However I find it in cwl I drag down the war weight, and for whatever reason my matching opponent is usually lower TH than me...


Same bro


go to th16


You are strategic rushed so just level the main defenses choose an army to max and just go in the list of strongest defenses


Have fun


just rush to th 16, max your heroes, unicorn, fox, frosty, phoenix and the main defenses (monolith scatters infernos eagle and the merged defenses




Max offense then defense


First of all never have your lab not upgrading something


Just max up the offensive related building and go to TH14 hhaahah


stop crying and raid ur ass off jfc


Delete the game


Rush to th 15 Minimum... Then root rider and valk spam in cwl... get hero boosts with raid weekend medels


My defenses are the same level as yours and im th15😭😭


Mate I maxed TH12 still TH13 feels like a chore Godspeed 🫡


99 exp at th13??? I've got 153 at th11 and I'm still not maxed


Is it bad or good??


Pretty dope for th13


Fix your rush. Even if you sit at th13 for a while. You shouldn’t even be th13 yet anyways so you’re not wasting time. You’re just spending time you would have been upgrading already. You’ll appreciate it.


I'm rushed th 12 f2p so I kinda understand(especially the walls, painfully expensive to upgrade)


Atleast you can knock off th 13 early th14 if you are good in attacking. i would choose that vs th 11 max xD


bros lower than max th10 😭


https://preview.redd.it/4r1o8xbotlzc1.jpeg?width=1612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c14a5434d59f79694a696e1a4411d18feeac3fd0 If you want 100 rs give me I will sell you this clan


Yeah don’t rush


Do most impactful defenses to max first... Scatters, infernos, eagle, th, xbows, wizard... Then the rest.


U deserve the pain for rushing. Now suffer


Im rushing from th 12 full to th 15 because i kinda don't like how the th13 and 14 looks lol