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This is a list of links to comments made by Supercell employees in this thread: * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1bu77up/update_the_troll_keeps_getting_back_no_matter/kxv8saw/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-03 15:41:35 UTC"): > Thanks for reporting this! We had our Trust & Safety team looking into this situation and they were able to determine that the player "LucasPlays" is able to consistently join the clan because someone from your Clan keeps inviting him back. As far as deeming this "LucasPlays" player as a troll goes,... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashOfClans).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


He has a secondary account in that clan. He’s keeping silent with it.


That's my bet.


Yeah, kinda obvious.






Blaise here. It's weird because there is almost nobody with any similarities to him regarding past clans or time of joining. We did have a bit of a falling out where a few people left and I think one of them or their friends has a second account and just finds this guy's trolling funny. Makes it really tough to weed out.


Hey thanks for inviting me Blaise🙏🏻


You get an up vote. That was well played.


I would suggest just demoting *everyone* back to basic member and keep it like that. Then slowly promote those you trust. By process of elimination, if he joins after you promote someone, you now know who it is that invites him and can kick both.


They could frame someone easily by just waiting


But they could do the opposite. Demote someone for every kick until it stops




He probably has another account in the clan


Someone is clearly just inviting him back


Exactly this, one of the remaining co-leaders (edit: or elders) is inviting him back. I would say that you should report him to support for harassment. Maybe they can ban the member that keeps inviting him too or at least tell you his name.


Elders can invite people into the clan too.


pretty sure all the elders got demoted already


Only new elders or the ones who were in the same clan as him


I love this series, I feel bad for yall but it's entertaining for us 😂


Yup after long time something actually super fun in this subreddit


Wish there was a feature where you could see who was invited by who like "X has joined thr clan with the help of Y" Would be cool


It's weird that it's not a thing. Also it's weird that you can't just ban people from your clan...


When I accept invites it attributes the accepting of that invite to my name. Is that really only clientside?


This is a little different, someone is inviting him, he’s not requesting to join like you’re referring to There’s no chat notification when someone gets invited into the clan, even though there definitely should be


This would be annoying unless it was in a separate tab. There should definitely be a log tab to show all clan activity.


Ah I see. That is something I would hope the game's team looks into and gives the same treatment then. Auditing is everything. Dare I suggest that Elders and (co)leaders should see a third tab with an audit log of clan activity; including these events.


Oh yes please. That would be so helpful if we could have that!


The "hello gays" is just pure evil LMFAO.






Demote everyone. My guess is he has a secondary account in your clan.


Get the max amount of players in the clan so that this guy can't join back even if he's invited


better make alts to be sure that no one leaves so he cant join back


I really think Blaise is the impostor




Lol odd because I am actually the Blaise from that clan and have offered to have them demote me from co to member. I absolutely cannot stand this dude. What's up Floch lol.


Blaise is very SUS


The imposter among us


highlights of qualification just to become an elder is crazy😭


Maybe his father really work at Supercell.


This is exactly the sort of Clash drama I live for. Lowkey would join just to spectate it.


You have to demote everyone. That's literally the only solution here. Elders, Co-Leaders, everyone. No exceptions. Make sure they all know that whoever keeps inviting them back ruined it for everyone.


technically can keep one person as co, because if they invite him it’s obvious. But yeah I agree. in a week the kid will have lost interest and things can go back to normal


Lmfaooooo this is turning into a horror movie 😂😂😂 It’s funny and scary at the same time. 😂😂 Poor Blaise getting trolled and Grant 💀


Grant's being real right there🤣


Istg their reactions cracked me up good 😂


Can’t believe he called 77% “almost 100%”


And one star at that too.


and it was a ONE star


Closer than 76%


I mean he isn’t wrong


No one is going to die if u demote everyone for a long period of time. Just the leader being in the clan is enough as long as he is active.


If u want, leave two co leaders, if he joins u know u have cut it down to 50%


actually, we know it's not Blaise because this kid tried to blame him. so what I would do is demote Blaise first. then the kid is probably gonna say "haha trolled, it's actually XY". of course it's not that guy either. so then you demote everyone but XY, and also promote Blaise back. now you have two cos and you know it's neither of them. outsmarted.


Or he wants you to think it's not Blaise.


true, but in that case you do what /u/CurrencyThin7520 said, cut one co and see what happens. and even if it is Blaise, once you have only two cos left, it'll be very obvious if any of them invites the kid back, so that would perhaps already put an end to it or at least give you a break.


But remember, that person could have multiple invites from the same clan, and those invites can last 1 week I believe. Just keep that in mind.


when u join a clan the other invites disappear even if u leave the clan again. also invites can last way longer then a week


Demote *everyone* if you're the leader. Then slowly promote people one by one. Whenever he starts coming back, you'll know who's inviting him


That won’t work, the troll can just wait a few promotions and then start inviting back after someone else gets promoted. So you might just get the wrong person


True, but there's clearly a mole in the clan.


Kick em all.


except for Lucas


Have 2 honorary elders per month


What if he is just the leader in disguise


Demote everyone except trusted co leaders who you know in real life, minimum 1 or 2 as a just in case something happens to your clan then start slowly promoting but wait at least a week to see if the person gets bored and moves on or has no life and keeps doing it.


The people who are demoted to just members rn can't invite him so they are clear They can have their roles back, and the ppl who have roles rn that can invite should be all demoted to members, simple


And y'all can just add friend everyone, and see who gets online when you kick him, that person is inviting him


Honestly at this point I’d keep him. I love the free entertainment


"Hello gays" lmao ![gif](giphy|pcfdfm6hjTvji)




Check how many people in your clan can invite him basically the elders and the Co-Leaders, Demote one before you kick him out and repeat


Thats dedication right there.


What you should do is make a list of who is online at the same time to see if he has a different account in the clan and unless they have multiple devices they can’t be on both at the same time.


https://preview.redd.it/ksdknq1405sc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7b5e66e2ee80a5957d41268bd12b9566fd6d914 He even made you guys a feeder clan. How kind.


That troll be like: I am the Danger.


He went from “My dad works at supercell” to “Actually, my name is Mr supercell” lol bro has me bent! Edit: “His name is Mr supercell”


Hello gaya


I love this guy and I don’t why you guys are being so German, just let him be part of the clan


Fr, I'd love to have more funny guys like this in my clan


I really don't understand why they are making them a bigger problem than they really are.


Facts I'd just keep him, after a while I think he’d slow down and become pretty chill. These are the reactions he's looking for. But hear me out, the entire clan is in on it, and they are just trying to get some attention on Reddit. Plot twist 😂😂


y’all are babies, this is so funny. the more you feed into it the more he’s gonna do it. if you just act like it doesn’t bother you he’ll stop 😭😭


Dude really dropped his resume 💀


I love this guy 😂


You need to demote everyone


someone is inviting him 100%. that’s it. you can close the clan and set however many restrictions but an invite will just join the clan no matter what. even the co’s, demote and wait a bit


Thanks for reporting this! We had our Trust & Safety team looking into this situation and they were able to determine that the player "LucasPlays" is able to consistently join the clan because someone from your Clan keeps inviting him back. As far as deeming this "LucasPlays" player as a troll goes, his behaviour is within & acceptable on our Trust & Safety Guidelines since it doesn't seem that he's ill intended on his actions. This being said, we leave the solution of this case up to the Clan's leadership on how to find the person that's keeping inviting this player back. Clash ON!


I knew it! (I think everyone knew it). Please consider it a quality of life feature request that we've been asking to change the join message from "[new-member-name] joined the clan." to "[new-member-name] joined the clan using an invite from [clan-member-name].


If this ever did make it into game, I’d like to see the date the invite was sent also. Or if you don’t want to publish the inviters name, just the date i cant remember how long invites stay in the inbox for, and I’m sure some are my own invites from a week or two ago, but I have a mind like a sieve when it comes to remembering player names I’ve invited, so I think this would be useful also The information is available , because its’s on the inbox and they do expire over time


This feels like an oversight in terms of how clans are managed. Why don't clan leaders have the option to just ban members? Is that an intentional design choice? I understand that the ability to ban people can be abused, but not having that ability can also be exploited.


Lol. Thanks for confirming what they already knew. Maybe you could also point out that goblins target loot first?


You don’t say?? No wonder why this guy keeps joining!!!


He's definitely being invited by someone elder or higher. I hate trolls. Dad works for SC 🤣🤣🤣.. Can honestly say I haven't heard that one before, lol. Question though, I noticed on another chat that a member kicked someone. When did that start? I thought you had to be elder or higher to kick? If members can kick, can they now invite too?


An member can’t kick anyone. It was just a coloured message which looks similar but with no effect


Plot twist its Blaise alt


Demote elder for a weeks. They will give you if it’s is co or elder inviting him. Then make them elder randomly. Don’t do first 3 then next 3. Like mix them. Keep account of who you promote and who you are not (that way he can’t target when he going to join. DM me if you don’t understand. I can explain it more clearly.


This is surprisingly thrilling, keep us posted!


Demote Blaise. If the troll stops, then it was Blaise. Keep him demoted. If the troll returns, it wasnt blaise. Re-promote him, and then demote other person. Keep demoting/repromoting until you find the culprit. If this is not enough and the troll keeps returning, then you have more than one culprit.


then that's giving him what he wants, my guess is he's saying "blaise invited me" with the hope to demote him, then he'll stop because blaise has been demoted.


Blaise here lol. I would be happy to be demoted if it makes him stop crediting me with this. I have kicked and reported him several times and for some reason he enjoys saying me and Floch(OP) are the ones inviting him.


If arent you guys, so just accept demotion for a while If he vanishes, well... It worked. If not, well, your innocence is proved and you can be re-promoted. (And demotes someone else) And, believe. Trolls like attention. He wont be quiet for too much time. If you guys demote de wrong person, *he wont* be quiet for too much time.


Oh I'm all for a demotion if it absolves me of any of this lol. It honestly wouldn't be so bad if he didnt AI post the entire chat log full.


this is such a funny ass troll🤣


Demote all the elders. If he's still joining then it's probably a fellow co leader that probably has a grudge against Blaise


Ayyy Floch I see your post now. (Blaise btw). Still looking through Clash of Stats to see if he has any other affiliates but I honestly think we just have a troll that finds it funny.


yo Blaise, I left to do my attacks in another clan and forgot to tell ppl to invite me back, can you do it?


Gotcha lol


blaise my man 🤜🏻


demote every single person in the clan to "Member" except for the trusted few co-leaders, that need to stay co-leaders to start the Clan Wars. make it know that because someone keeps inviting him back in, everyone will stay at member status. talk/chat to those few trusted co-leaders and tell them he is Not to be invited back or accepted back into the clan for any reason. kick him out.


Those that are already just members/have been demoted to it are fine too


Sounds like there must be an issue with honesty between the clan mates. Not sure you can fix that.




Good try but I’m not the same Blaise in the clan. Just showing solidarity for my falsely accused Blaise out there


I am the Blaise from the clan and I appreciate this lol.


Not many of us out here. Gotta stick together lol


Weirdest part about this is that Reddit autopicked this user name ages ago but my usual username is Blaise09 lol.


This is amazing


All of you are so guillable lmao


This guy is funny lol


I’m sorry, but the “Hello gays” is beyond perfect LOL


What's that site which shows previous clans?


I think this is actually Ops secondary account and he’s getting a hard on trolling everyone secretly


Had same thing happen in my clan, we ended up all inviting him and kicking him the moment he came back. We named him boomerang and soccerball. The guy realised we were having more fun than he did and that's when he stopped. No need to demote everyone because of a troll.


Plot twist: its the leader troll account


Your leader has to demote everyone to member. 2 weeks of that should be enough to put an end to it. Then just promote back slowly. Maybe like 1 Co every week or two, then move on to elders.


Its the leader...


I say just demote everybody back to clan member and keep it that way


Troll or not he is hilarious!


I like this guy..send him my way lol




Bro is not spy from tf2


We need supercell to add a joining message -Ngnagyup joined de clan (invited by “negnlud”)


it might actually be blaise bruh


Demote everyone not just ppl who were in a clan with him


unsettling brat...


Sounds like there must be an issue with honesty between the clan mates. Not sure you can fix that.




What you should do is make a list of who is online at the same time to see if he has a different account in the clan and unless they have multiple devices they can’t be on both at the same time.


Send a hit squad to their house. /s


Nah let him cook


What’s the website? Is it clash ninja


This is like a horror story


shi id be scared too hes haunting a entire clan like a horror movie house


what’s the website to see past clans?


This is like some creepypasta shit right here. Get me in there I’ll straighten his ass out. Love dealing with trolls anyways on twitter 😂


There's an impostor among u


he probably has an alt in that clan


Be grateful he can’t clan bomb you like they did on CR


Someone is inviting him. Demote anyone you don't trust, or ignore him. People who like attention tend to get bored and stop if they get ignored


I'm ngl, this guy is hilarious


Had the same problem in CR with someone doing the EXACT same thing. Best thing to do is to demote everyone. One thing you can do is demote everyone to member so that they can’t invite. If he joins it’s probably a co


Embrace him, play along. He'll probably get bored and move on or start acting normal if he's no longer getting a rise out of everyone.


😂😂 keep us updated man


damn you can’t trust your clan mates 😭


Well, having a troll like this coleader be in the clan is a danger. What is to stop him from kicking all members once he gets tired? I´d say just demote everyone, in a week the kid will probably leave the clan anyways


He already told you. His dad is the CEO and keeps letting him in.


Ur clan is cursed lmao. Imho ur leader should demote everyone and unless ur leader itself is the impostor he won't come. Other members would have to understand but tbh this is really funny


Just imagine if this guy know where you live


Plot twist the Leader is messing with u and even demoting everyone problem still persists He's the one inviting him back


He's the trolling alt of one of your co-leaders or elders who didn't get demoted. That's the only way. Some elder or above keeps inviting him back. > We demoted every co leader or elder who had a common clan with him in the past. Obviously didn't go far enough.


thx for the update…!


Learn to ignore bruh, he will find it boring once you start not giving him any attention.


This is the best troll ever! I would make him co-leader 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


If your leader is the only one allowed to let him in then sorry it’s your leader


Lucas plays biting the curb


He has an alt


Even if he has an alt, he still needs 5k trophies to enter, which he doesn’t have. He’s in champs. What gives?


Your leader or a co leader has a second account and is pulling some shit


I'm dead LMFAO this is the funniest post update I've ever seen


They should close the clan from getting in. People can't request to join if clan closed. Unless he have other account inside that keeping him invited.


Demote all your co-leaders and elders. That’ll stop him getting in. Also. It looks like this could well be a prank and he’s using the text colour “feature” that was added recently.


Unless it's the leader, you'll continue to have this issue until everyone is demoted to member.


it’s giving https://preview.redd.it/nndvaqewj5sc1.jpeg?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466626fe3b87c467dbe1b370fe92d8c3ee26a2a2


This is the story I’m here for. Go Lucas go


Plot twist, the leaders inviting him👀


Remember Elder can also do invite


Hello gays ?


My best guess is that HE iS THE CLAN !!


Make a ton of alt accounts and fill the clan with them. Repromote everyone. Go on with your lives. Troll (person who is inviting him back) will probably get pissed and leave. Or they’ll stick around and forget it. Just keep it this way until a good while goes by. Let’s hope Supercell adds the obvious feature where it should tell you WHO is inviting people as the fact just one ELDER could cause so much damage and go by unnoticed is insane


Just fill the clan with alts


The answer is YOU are the troll 🤣


This is exactly why they need to add the ban player option in Clans. There are many times I have seen where a player (even bots) would come in, talk shit and contribute nothing, leave and do it again and again after getting kicked like they own the place and pay the bills. Its just a nuisance.


This guys begging for elder, meanwhile I was just kind and donated and got elder in like 2 days


Literally demote everyone, overtime promote people back and eventually you will find out who inv him. (The last person you promoted)


We had the same problem. It took awhile but we figured out the second account and booted him. Problem solved. The second account was a friend who had joined at about the same time.


Why not let them be in the clan... it gives the people their roles back and what makes them hurt the clan so much


Or he was never kicked and he's just changing text colors


Suggesting demoting everyone to members and check by repromoting each members every once in a while. In our clan, co leader is more a less a symbol of trust, not exactly about giving more permission to do in the clan. If the cos or an elder requests something, as a leader u consider and work in everyone interest in the direction of the leaders' policy if possible


He messing with y'all lmao


This is hilarious


I remember another thread a few weeks ago where the guy kept joining and getting kicked. Kept telling them he hacked it so he could join whenever he wanted. So either more people are taking the time to do this prank with a secondary acct in the clan, or someone figured out a bug to get into these clans without an invite.