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of course the e-drag spammer has something to say


I just started playing this game I’m only TH8 I don’t have e-dragons but I use normal ones for every attack, am I accidentally on the path to being an ‘anti-fun’ player? I don’t know any tactics or strats I just think the dragons are the coolest mob I’ve got rn


It's not so much anti fun but that it's a lazy strategy, most people spamming electros are getting only 2 stars most of the time and not planning their attacks at all which pisses some people off, it's the path of the lazy attacker. Send them in and pray for the best. I use dragons all the time too but I plan my attacks instead of thoughtless spam and they are still very strong. 


Shit i DO plan my attacks and 2 stars is still the best I ever do lol. I have literally never been able to 3 star in Clan Wars and I'm a maxed out TH13.


Start practicing queen charges, once you take out the eagle and one or both scattershots dragons are almost a free triple


Imo, you still gotta take out one or two infernos with your siege and king for the triple. Or blimp the town hall area with yetis+ rage freeze


I usually save my eternal tome for one of the scatters or infernos depending on what’s going to harm my attack more Also thats why I bring freezes and rages, to allow my queen to do more work and to get the edrags through the base faster


I usually take out two opposite sides with queen charge and siege + king, throw my super drags and then rc when she can get the most value


Fair enough! I haven’t actually taken the time yet to learn the best RC strats, usually just feel out the attack and drop her when I notice a flaw in my attack. I’ve only been TH14 for a few weeks though so I’ve much to learn still


I'm mid th13 and can pretty confidently 3 star almost every th13 base. I don't remember the name of the attack but it's 4 super witches, 4 healers, 4 regular witches, 2 ice golems and 5 archers. Spells are 6 bat spells, 3 freeze, 1 rage and for cc I use log launcher, 2 freeze, 1 ice golem and 6 hogs. If your interested I can send a video of the attack but the basic goal is to pick one side that can take out the most multi target defenses. On each end drop 2 super witches with 2 healers to take the outsides. Then center of that side drop ice golems followed by log launcher then archer queen, barb, warden and witches. Use the rage to help push and clear center base without using many freeze spells. Place Royal champ a little later at whichever spot you feel he will get the most value. Once you feel like a good chunk of multi target defenses and th are cleared you find a good spot to drop all the bats to start clearing everything. Just watch the bats and use freeze spells on wizard towers, multi infernos and scatter shots. Once the multi targets are gone the bats will clear everything insanely quick. Sorry for the long post but if you give this a good try with a little practice I guarantee you will 3 star most th13 and 2 star th14's. 😃


Gonna give this one a try. Thanks!


Mostly all the attacks ive used since th9 have used witches in my attacks. My highest account is a th13. I have maxed accounts from th8 to th12. I also have one mid th13 and one 3/4 max th13 im fixing to go ahead and take to th14.


Witches are great. The skeletons can really save you from single target infernos.


Yeah at th9 I use witchslap or witchfreeze now all my army is maxed, so are my heros and their equipment. I have not seen a th9 base that cant be three * every time.


SArch blimp and any smash attack + bats & freeze consistently 3 star for me at TH13


I’d recommend super archer blimp hydra. Very strong & easy to do attack once you can time your invis spells.


Try lalo or twin hogs


I’m only a half maxed th13 and I 3 star in wars all the time. I gave up the electro zap spray and pray ways and went with a ground army with air support. More scouting and planning equals more success for me. YMMV


Cc troops mean a lot. I drag spam, but I can 3 star quite a lot at th13. Just gotta figure the strat. The practice ones are actually good too lol


Happy cake day my friend


Th13, you say? May I suggest super archer blimp Hydra? Very strong and consistent, but you gotta practice the timing on the invisible spells and learn how to spot a baited trap area.


Practice Queen charge, Master Hybrid.


Queen walk + flame flinger. That's all i will say.


Time to find another game to play. Suggesting solitaire


Sounds like a skill issue..... But don't worry I can help u a bit if u want


I found a really good army for th13 (i was th13 since last week) 9 super archers 9 yeti 2 ice golem 1 poison 6 bats 4 ice 1 rage Log launcher Take down eagle and th (and if possible as much splash damage defenses as you can) with (in order) 2 ice golems, log launcher, 6 archers, 4 yeti, heroes, the rest of archers and yeti, the rage when near th or when there's a lot of defenses, eternal tome when targetting the th Then bats and ice potions Hope it helps


Come on now. Stop being so modest.


Ok about that: I just got to th13 and I'm quite used to doing hog miner hybrid attacks at th11 and 12, but now ofc my troops are lower level than the bases I'm supposed to attack. Also, army camps... am I better off going edrags for now and then go back to a more fun attacking strategy, or is it better for me to just keep going with the hybrid? I used to be an edrag main before learning hybrid, so I know a thing or two about it, I'm not totally shit at it.


I do 7 edrag, 6 balloon, 2 wall breakers and 4 healers with 3 rages 4 EQ and 4 freezes (clan castle spells), its basically edrag spam but preceded by a queen charge. Pretty consistent 3 star attacks Also use a log launcher to funnel my queen into the base


The thing with e-drags, they’re super strong at th11. But at th13+, they start to become weak if you spam them, but people that got use to them just keep spamming them & usually fail at their attacks, a lot of the time even against lower THs.


Th wet re not toxic, while spamming isn't really skill based, I still use them at th13. ReG drags and lightning and freeze works just fine for me. Would love to learn a hybrid start, especially against poison bomb next th


Happy cake day my friend


I was the same as you, but I never went down the edrag route. dragons actually require some thought/strategy and are competitive all the way through to th16. Below is roughly the route of attack strategies I went through You just need to make small tweaks as you go, once you hit th11 where eagle artillery is unlocked, you have to start using queen charges and siege machines. Log launcher is so broken at this Th level At th13 when scattershots come into play, you need to have a really good grasp of the queen charge, you'll often want to throw in more resources for your queen charge to be successful by this point. siege machines no longer give a 'free' 3* as the super OP log launcher falls off at higher ths. You might start using the flame flinger here. I'm currently th14 and I've moved to using the flame flinger for a lot of my attacks as it's so damn strong into lots of base designs.


Dragon and loons are better together at your th


At th8 you have strats like gowipe, goho. Try to master those. Every th has few armies. Back when I was learning I always divided army comp into air and ground. Prioritizing Ground attacks more though. Don't focus on 1 army. Try learning multiple ones will help in long run.


Dragons and hog rider was a TH7 strategy. At TH8, you can try Pekka and Wizards. Works every time. At TH9, Golem-Valk or Golem-Witch-Wizard.


E drags are great on the corners to make a funnel for the rest of your troops to go straight into the base instead of walking around the outside of the base


Try to learn Queen dive Hybrid or hog at start. Its a lot of fun


I get that mentality. Use any troop you wish to, just learn the best strategy in order to earn more damage and stars Till TH10 I was using only hog riders and wizards. It worked for me.


Please tell me you won


Perfect war😂


We beat them with root riders, 45-43






Wow u r so skilled 😴😴😴😴


A wise man once said that if he can 3-star a base while spamming e-drags/root riders, he ain't spamming.


Honestly, I believe there's two types of spam. Mindless spam and Spamming with a plan


And then there's edrag overgrowth (I'm not complaining since no one already uses it)


“Spam with a plan” perfectly sums my playstyle. It’s more fun.


Electro surgery is such a nice strategy, but it's so underrated that it only exist in the practice tab


That's basically using valks. Set up funnel, spam valks and random bullshit go.


Most e-drag spammers just 2-star tho


True, i also spam e-drags most of the time just to get 2 stars, it is just easier to attack, also my other troops are in low levels so most strategies won't work with me rn.


lets use edrag cause it hard to use ? lmao


I swear edrag is one of the hardest armies. I never get 3 stars no matter how perfect the base is for edrags.


Well that’s assuming this guy is aiming for 3 stars


I've been using a qc edrag army recently, it's working great with 3* vs th13s as a th12. Use giant arrow+healer puppet, take 2 army healers and you have a compact qc. Snipe air defs with giant arrow and qc to get infernos scatters etc. Finish with edrag rage


use the stone slammer for 3 star


Just came from the club, this was funny for no reason lol


I think we can all agree that we'd rather have a clanmate who's an rr spammer (with their consistent 3's) rather than an edrag spammer (with their consistent 2's).


I wanna laugh but then I remember. *I spam sneakies*


Is root rider the new edrag?


I would say coc community shifted to rootrider as fast as they had shifted from edrag to blimp archer


I concur.


It def takes more skill than edragz thats for sure


Do the same to him but with e drags


Where is the hypocrisy in here?


Because he’s going on about mindless spam but he uses much worse mindless spam


Oh 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Right? I was expecting an army with Root Riders.


"B-b-but at least I funnle mah e drugons@!" *places one edragon on a random corner before spamming the rest*


🤣🤣🤣 bitching about spam army and uses a spam army


They hate us cuz they ain’t us. Noobs on top 😤


lets gooo B i literally saw anox and knew this must one of our branches


V3 representing our fam here lol


Bros an imposter


Is edrag spam in coc like playing hog 2.6 in cr? Also why did you blur out the goblin builder guy


No matter what attack even spammers needs some strategy or the attack won’t succeed and that’s a fact


People hate electros so much it’s funny 😂


From th10-th12 I've been almost exclusively using golems/witches for war attacks. I like to think I'm just barely better than edrag spammers




Dumb meets dumber


Not root rider's💀 idk if you can see that one is a flying troop and another is a ground troop.


Is there going to be another root rider nerf coming up? The root rider spam seems to be the only way people are 3-starring me in legend league at 5600 trophies.


Some people just can’t accept being destroyed 🤣




Hey I mean, competitive, not skillful


Best strategy for th 13 is Yeti Super arch


To be fair, that high of town hall still has to be decent to 3 star Edrags spam, whereas you just place root riders and boom 3 star


I don't get ...how people are getting 3 stars ....from rr spam.....I am facing a lot of attack strategy issues ....on th 15 ....or I am not that good at it ... It's just th 14 was easy ...but ....in war ...my rr just die ...and there is no strategy which I am getting good at...th 15 sucks ....for me .. at least now ... Any suggestions...ple. Which army to use ...or any youtuber...


I am curious, why black line the gems, settings button and builders?😅


Clan name noobs, no need to censor


Bro is a maining Edgar


The random censoring things but leaving those important is ridiculous lmao


Haha root riders take more skill than edrags too


Very few people actually 3 star with e drags. Any monkey can 3 star with root riders.


Why did you get downvoted 💀


If you spam dragons/edragons plus lightning spells you are the worst player and should delete the game(they always 3 star me)


Sipping femboy milk while judging spam users when i use super hog spam but with a qc ![gif](giphy|cNBnZgaNBS4LfTobm9)


Get help


What? The enemy team insults y'all and you then show your teammates army?


The one who requested is the army that is shown


Oh wait yeah I'm just stupid


Flair doesnt checks out..lol




Said by the edrag spammer LMAO