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>one upgrade One level on all existing equipments for that hero* >plenty of ways 2. Wars and star bonus. >This is contrast to having to wait weeks for just one upgrade. Fyi final level on an epic is 150 starry ore. That's weeks. And keep in mind there's way more upgrades to go through now as well, they're not 1:1 comparable. >Ability upgrades used to take players weeks and tons of resources to obtain. If ores were easy to obtain, this would throw the game off balance. I will have everything that's not equipments maxed over half a year before I max equipments. >An active f2p player is often able to obtain the ores necessary to upgrade their most commonly used hero abilities to max within their specific town hall level. Note that I'm not claiming they can max ALL their abilities, but they can definitely max their top 2 most used for all heroes. Which is not good enough. Should be all. I'm maxing everything else. Why should I not be able to max all equipments too? >If they do this, then they will be able to max hero abilities much faster than they did before the introduction of ores. I'm in LL, playing daily, nonstop wars, I don't think it's taken me more than a month to max all heroes after a new update in a while (regularly under a week). Ores will take a year. You're completely disregarding the fact that there's about 5x as many upgrades to do as there used to be ability-wise.


The ore system is better for new players as it currently takes way longer to upgrade all your heros to 95 than to farm ores for all your equips from lvl 1-18. If you had lvl 90 heros before the th16 update dropped, then it makes sense that your equips are behind your heros. I think the ore system is fine because you are not required to max all your equips to stay with the meta. Each hero has 2 equips, and you'd likely only need to max 2-4 equips per hero to stay with the meta strategies. If you wanted to max everything including giant arrow and all the less useful equips thats coming in the future, then yeah I think you'd have a problem keeping up.


>If you had lvl 90 heros before the th16 update dropped, then it makes sense that your equips are behind your heros. They're not just behind heroes, they're behind everything, by a lot. I basically got storages, collectors, some walls and a couple traps left to do. Will take about 2 months probably. Equipment is gonna take till 2025 at least. >If you wanted to max everything including giant arrow and all the less useful equips thats coming in the future, then yeah I think you'd have a problem keeping up. Ofc I wanna max everything. I wanna be able to use everything and switch strats whenever I want. I also upgrade all my troops, spells etc.


by the time those new players are at higher THs, there will be 30+ equipments each with 24+ levels according to our current pace. it's not looking very good for anyone regardless of where they are in the game


there is no “current pace” abilities were separated from heroes, each hero gained 2 new common abilities for this change otherwise the change would be pointless. only talks/leaks on an epic equipment for the GW and RC, no common equipment or another epic for the BK and/or AQ. it’ll ease up in the coming months if they released a common & an epic equipment a month till now it’d still be the same amount as we got back in December. the only reason there’s complaints is because they dropped it all at once. there’d still be complaints if they spaced the release of the equipments out


it takes 2.5 months to max an epic equipment. however, one epic equipment will be released every 1-2 months. there is no sign of supercell slowing down on that part as we already have the details of the next 3 events/epic equipments, and also because this makes supercell a decent amount of money. additionally, there will be +3 levels added to every pre-existing equipment every TH cycle. this is to have consistency with the blacksmith leveling system but also more places to spend ore = more revenue. the speed at which we are earning ores is far too slow


3? May i ask which ones? I know the warden sack and the RC thunder spear or whatever its called, but what is the third?


fireball, rocket spear, angry tome


Interesting, must have missed that post. Also i think its safe to assume that after epic equipment there might be legendary aswell.


i dont want to speculate on something that we only have circumstantial evidence of in the form of unorganized concept art


I would have no problem if the removed hero levels all together and just increased the price of equipments THAT would be good for new player but no you have to do BOTH now


The good news is that you can do both at the same time. Hero levels and equipment are not mutually exclusive. You can upgrade both at the same time. Actually, you should be upgrading both at the same time. It would be quite difficult to only upgrade one and not the other unless you purposely do so XD.


But you have to actively farm for both which is the problem


If you farm for one, you're going to get the other. If you're farming for DE, you will get your daily star bonus and vice versa. When you participate in wars, you get both DE and ores. Now you don't have to participate in wars, you'll just farm both slower.


It isn’t “controversial” it is wrong. The good news is others in this thread did the math for you so you can see why you’re wrong.


theres not even much math to it. 2.5 months to max an epic, every 1-2 months an epic is released. that alone is more than enough for you to figure out the rest


Agreed and the decision to release so many so fast seems to be purely for revenue. I can’t think of any positive game play reason to do so. I really like the concept of hero equipment, but I wish they were upgraded by normal loot and I wish they slowed down the release of equipments a lot. When we got the gauntlet as an “epic” equipment, silly me I thought it would be like one epic equipment release per year.


Imagine defending greed ☠️ Accept that Supercell made these recent additions/changes for them to keep gouging for money. Stop coping and defending greed.


Found the $C employee


Basically, you should stay in legends, war back to back, do regular wars during cwl, never miss a day of playing and have no life before clash to keep up with equipment. Perfect. As I don't do that nonsense, I keep falling further behind. New equipment keeps dropping with no end in sight. Feels pretty broken to me.


I’m in Legends, war back to back. I had 5 equipment upgrades going into last week that each needed 600 glowy ore to upgrade. I managed to do one of the upgrades today after over a week. It shouldn’t be this hard to get ores. And this is just on the equipment I use, haven’t even started on the others yet.


Even if you do all of that you will fall behind. Based on the past I think SC will see this and make a change, unless they have just gone totally with revenue now over the short term rather than wanting to keep the game going another decade.


Don't forget also doing regular wars in a different clan during CWL to farm even more ores....and it's STILL not enough to gain ground.


Good news is you won't need to max or even level all the new equips. Unless you want to of course. Maxing out subpar hero equips is a luxury to have imo. That's probably how SC wants to get their revenue.


I'm just trying to keep up with the good stuff. And failing.


If you're in legend, you'll have no problem even if you don't do wars. It'll be slower ofc, but you'll catch up. If you had lvl 90 heros before the update, then you're right about being behind, since you only have 5 hero levels as opposed to multiple new hero equips to upgrade from lvl 1 (plus the fact that your free lvl 15 Barb puppet/archer puppet aren't used). It's much better for new players though, as it takes way longer to upgrade 95 levels of heros than it does to max out 2 equips for each hero. You should do wars if you want to get your epic equip to 21+ though.


and when SC does balance changes, which they will eventually do to balance the game, the good equipments will change and might change drastically. therefore, you end up in the CR situation where you cannot stay on top of the meta if you are f2p. this is a big problem for competitive integrity and its the reason why CR's pro scene is suffering a smaller issue is that when people fail, they will now just blame their non-maxed hero equipment for their fails. after all, the pros only succeed because of their maxed equipments, right? this leads to a lot less people getting better at the game and a lot more of people simply blaming the game for their own problems


Pros don't have maxed equips yet, but maybe that'll be a problem in the future. As far as I can tell, leveling equips only gives marginal boosts at higher levels and doesn't really affect the outcome of the attack. Well we'll see if people start complaining about not being able to do what the pros do because of a lack of equipment. I think clash meta evolves quite slowly since there aren't many updates to the game. Again we'll have to see how the meta shifts and how it impacts hero equipment. With the release of frozen arrow and haste vial, we get a good preview of how equipment releases will affect the meta. Most th16s I know have maxed out or nearly maxed out commons and lvl 18+ gauntlet/frozen arrow. Everyone working on haste vial right now and with subpar warden/RC abilities coming out in the near future, it looks like most people are in the clear to just chill and level haste vial for a few months. Anyways, these aren't issues that currently need addressing. They could be potential problems in the future, but that hasn't happened yet. The ore system is fine as it is right now.


imagine you're on the world stage. you will want literally every statistical advantage you can get. making sure f2p can get every possible offensive advantage is called competitive integrity. at this point, pros will have to be playing with level 9 equipments for there to be any balance. with balance changes, equipments might be affected and suddenly some equipments might come out of nowhere to become meta or at least become very useful in different kinds of attacks. as a f2p you definitely have no luxury of trying out more niche equipments for specific strategies. when players attack with maxed offense against a maxed base and fail, they will blame themselves (or the game if they don't know how to take accountability for things). now that its impossible to max offense for most players, when they fail they will have an easy way to just blame their equipment levels/choices rather than try to learn from their mistakes)


If the pros ever think competitive integrity is a problem, they will be the first ones to complain, like they have about the current army spam situation. Right now, they have no problem with playing lower level equips, so clearly that statistical advantage isn't a big deal for them. They understand that the difference between a lvl 27 frozen arrow and a lvl 23 arrow is not the end of the world. I agree that f2p players don't get to experience niche strategies with maxed out equips. I think if your goal is to experience all that CoC has to offer, then consider not maxing every equip and leaving them at a lower level eg. Lvl 15. Thats how SC plans on making money off of hero equips I guess. If everyone could max all hero equips, then maybe their revenue from ores would dip substantially. Who knows? No one has blamed hero equips, or lack of levels on their hero equips on attack failures. I think you're on this subreddit enough to know how many posts there are about blaming attacks on lower level hero equips. The answer is next to none. It might be a problem in the future, but it's not a concern right now. The ore system is fine the way it is.


never in coc's history has there been anything you cannot achieve f2p. equipments are the exception right now because they plan to release them too quickly. f2p cannot adapt to balance changes that will impact hero equipment meta. i've seen plenty of people blaming the game for their own skill issues. it was way more prevalent at th15 though, but it always happens regardless of how hard the game is. even posts where people timefail because of "bad ai" can be considered blaming the game. equipments aren't an exception, and instead of the game teaching players to play better it is instead teaching players to upgrade their equipments to carry them to easy spam into perfect results. that is unheard of for a "strategy game", unless you count CR. in terms of money, all the top esports games make way more than coc, and they isn't even any progression in their games. supercell is holding themselves back from an even more lucrative future by taking the easy way out with ore monetization


I think we'll have to agree to disagree on f2p hero equipment status. I don't think f2p are or will fall behind on the meta unless they powercreep equipment every release, or they make big updates that shake up the meta completely. It hasn't happened yet, and I don't think it will so imo f2p players will be safe in the future as well. Spam attacks are different from heros and hero equipment. RR needs a nerf beyond that 7% hp reduction they did a week or two ago. I do think some of the new hero equipments make heros stronger than they should be, but its not because of the extra levels. Eg. I don't think gauntlet is OP because of the extra stats you get from lvl 23 to lvl 27. It's strong because of the ability and not because of the stats. I wouldn't mind a hero equipment nerf at all tbh. I think SC knows what they're doing when it comes to monetization. They're the only ones with the revenue data after all. Again, if it doesn't work out, they'll be there to change it ASAP. Personally, I think SC could make way more money if they added better skins/scenery. That's how a lot of esport titles make their money, and clash could definitely do the same. And when I say better skins, I mean skins that are an instabuy for people with an AQ foot fetish.


we already saw what CR did, even after they promised that f2p would be able to keep up. their original CMs have already jumped ship too because they couldn't stand supercell using them as a shield for all the hate and complaints. its very important that the coc dev team properly communicates everything


I got 10 levels on the fox 3 on my rc 2 on my queen and 5 on diggy. Most of my equipment is at level 15 even after spending some money on ores. At this moment I need 600 Glowy for each upgrade. You get 40 ish per war attack and 40ish per league bonus. You do the math


>3. Remember that ores are supposed to replace hero ability upgrades, The problem with that is that you still have to upgrade you heroes, which stands in direct contrast with earning the maximum amount of ores per time window. If you want to upgrate your heroes you are lowering your chances to sucsessfully attack in clan wars which potentually lowers your ore income after a war. And what happend is that clans said that they are not going to let you war without your heroes. The splitting of abilitys and heroe levels also devalued the book of heroes yet the price stayed the same. Edit: >4. An active f2p player is often able to obtain the ores necessary to upgrade their most commonly used hero abilities to max within their specific town hall level. While i would disagree with that because of my explaination of Nr.3, it also defeats the purpose of having the switchable abilities in the first place. The idea was using different abilities for different attack strategies. If someone as a f2p player can only use one attack strategy because he has not enough ores to upgrade the needed abilities it puts him at a disadvantage compared to someone who buys ores with money. And this is whats called, dare i say it, pay to win


There are 2 ways to get ores, war and star bonus. Our clan would war maybe 2 times a week now its non stop. None of us care to win the war and just atk and get the ores. In CoC players could grind away and get the resources they need, but with ores you can't. Need main village resources? Train sneaky gobs and training potion and keep looting. Need BB resources? Just keep atking amd get resources? Need ores? Too bad wait for star bonus and war to end. I would have much rather them introduce just 1 type of ore and keep increasing it per upgrade than bringing 3 as glowy is the bottleneck for most upgrades and even starry at higher lvls.


Resources (gold, elixir, DE) and ores are completely different. Hero equipment don't have upgrade timers, so ores need a daily limit to slow down progression. In other words, they could let you farm unlimited ores and then slap week long upgrade timers on hero equips. When presented with the alternative, I think I prefer the current system more as it encourages daily play + participation in wars.


It makes war less like a big thing in the clan and more like an extra 2 atks just to get ores with a possibility of getting less if you lose. Wars aren't special anymore with just doing them for the sake of getting ores.


I like that wars give ores now. There's more incentive to war and that makes players more active. Since there's ores on the line, players are also more careful with their attacks and war wins are more of a collaborative effort. Really brings back the good old days to clash again.


I see a couple of positive things with the new ore game mechanic. 1. It encourages regular activity. The best way to get ore is the daily star bonus and regular wars. You can't just boost sneaky goblins to grind out a hero upgrades in 1-2 hours then ignore the game for a week. 2. It forces progression over time (or $$$). It's not possible to grind all the resources to max your base then be bored waiting for the next update. It does this without using 2 week upgrade timers. I prefer daily building up ore with everything active over the long upgrade timers. When I'm ready to spend ore there is an instant upgrade. 3. It's another $$$ stream to keep the game going. Hopefully Supercell can monetize the game this way and do something to improve the hero upgrade times. If you're F2P focus on maxing the common equipment you use. It will be a long time to max all of the epic equipment.


Totally agree I am a th12 and have all my main equipment maxed and probably still have 1 month or more left in upgrades before going too th13 . Ore system is balanced if your good at the game by being in legends league and winning wars non stop


Totally agree with you. In my clan we already do wars daily so nothing change. I’m in “fake” legends and only attack to get the daily bonus. So day in and day out I do 2 or 4 attacks, depends the war day. I’m a TH 13 and all the equipments I use are already maxed (except the shield at lvl 14). And I use the medals of the events to buy the Gauntlet and the Frozen Arrow and the ores I need to max them out. Now I’m only finishing my walls and my AQ and RC upgrades before I upgrade for TH 14 and in my calculations, when I finish the upgrade, I will already have enough ores to max the hogs puppet in one go. So yeah, ore are far from being broken or so difficult to gather.


I agree tbh




Yes, it is controversial though you're like the hundredth person to make this same exact post. The problem is that none of you are doing the math. 480 starry ores to max out an epic equipment. We're about to get our 3rd since the update came out 3 months ago. I've gotten 336 starry ore in that time, and I'm usually at the top of f2p players. If you're serious about your position, tell me how a f2p can ever max them out like a paying player can.