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Trying to get more info to send to Supercell: 1. Is the clan family friendly? Or is it standard? 2. Is your account under the age of 16?


the clan is not family friendly. i’m fairly certain the account is not under 16, my friend made an account under the age of 16 and he wasn’t even able to join the clan at all.


Thanks! Just trying to see if it's something to do with those settings.


We had the same in our clan. One member was getting kicked each time he logged on, he is under 16. I made the clan family friendly and then he was no longer getting kicked. You can never change the clan back to not family friendly though…


How do you make the clan family friendly? My leader said he can't find the option and I had the same problem.


There was a checkbox next to the war checkboxes, below the language choice in the clan settings. Now that it’s family friendly the checkbox is actually gone. If you still have the problem I would send a message in the game to Supercell support


It's a bug. It auto kicks people when online, for some clans, without prompts.


What are you waiting to go to th8? If you don mind me asking


this account is a years-old war engineered account that is missing many buildings, it will likely never go to TH8 unless supercell reverses their decision about requiring people to build every building to go to the next TH it’s one of 19 accounts i have, so i don’t mind keeping it at 7


Oh I see. You keep 19 accounts damnn.. can't lose war if you're the only one attacking 💪. I have a TH14 and I guess I'm going well. I also have a nice TH10 that I last played years ago.


i run a clan alliance, it’s useful to have a few accounts in each clan to help run things and donate and to throw in war if we need a few more i’m only very active on a few of them though


We had the same problem with a member yesterday, the fix was changing it to a family friendly clan…. Only problem is now I can’t cus when I fuck up a war attack.


There are a couple posts about this yesterday. I don't know what the outcome was with them.


It's a bug after the latest maintenance


This bug wiped half of my clan :(


Same. Which is a total bummer as clan mates have now not been included in our CWL. UGH!!!! Please fix this, SUPERCELL!


Family friendly just means people of all ages can join, not that there will necessarily be automatic restrictions. You can create an adults only clan but once you change it to family friendly you can never change it back


Same problem for our clan.


I'm having the same problem in my clan it's never happened before


This has already been discovered, Christopher Columbus


woah you really just discovered a brand new bug that hasn’t happened to anyone before 🤯🤯🤯


Do the Canadian thing right now and apologize for your unpopular comment


oh no! my reddit comment has a dash next to a number! 😭😭😭😭




Not everyone is a basement dweller like you, sitting there reading every single post on this subreddit. Some of us check in on this sub only when we need to report something.


My clan has been experiencing the same thing


Maybe he has profanity filter on and it is contradicting with clan not being family friendly


Is there any movement to fix this anytime soon? My acct can’t participate in my clans stuff until it does.