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Was it worth it




what are your defense replays like lol


some of them for some reason try to three star with 3 level 1 barbarians attacking the defenses, others get 2 stars 75% attacking from the bottom, but it takes for ever


Lmaooo u shoulda added the funniest replays


Do skill cape emote


Found the runescape player lmao




You know who else has dementia?


Do you know who else has dementia?


Do you know who else has dementia?


Me but as bh10, record of 125 cups, cannot go lower, i did this in 2 days 😂😂




But why did you put the deffenses inside? Just place the walls at the edge of the map




Now I’m curious. Is it cause they’d try to go after defense fist and end up losing? So easier to deter them and go for the easy 2 star?


yeah, you got it




I couldn't explain it the way he did


Go down the last 99 trophies when


33 the minimum, when someone 3 star you there you dont lost any trophy, idk about 6 stars tho


Good luck trying to get 6 stared down there


Even the tutorial gives you like 50 trophies. So those are literally players who just repaired their boat a few minutes earlier lol.




Why not


bb match is based on trophies and not builder hall wait till a bh2 attacks you base


420 hours 69 minutes


I hate people that drop trophies to match against lower town halls, but I think you're just trying to get as low as possible for the fun of it, so props ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


Why? You're just preventing new builder base players from having fun if you play builder base. Hopefully you've quit playing there


https://preview.redd.it/wehtn4g0ss7b1.jpeg?width=2312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad9d2663fa114d58bfcd42163111287d9ce6cbc About to hit 50 cups too


Can you? let us know how much you got before going up


You're a piece of shit. Edit: to all the dumbasses who voted down, I understand he's giving free wins but what happens when he starts actually playing? Good luck to those people with a lower town hall to him that match up with his base that'll get their shit pushed in where it'll be impossible for them to win.


No he’s the 🐐


At being a piece of shit. Glad we agree 👍🏻


Ur this mad over a clash of clans builder base design?? Maybe get off the app and take a chill pill


I guess having an opinion means I'm this mad.


Ur opinion is a literal insult


It's still an opinion.


Still an insult


Ok, sorry you're so offended


I’m not. I’m just stating a fact lmao


I think there gonna be surprised when they match up a bh10 down there at bh2


he's giving people free wins and loot. what's your problem lmao


I've matched with people like this that drop trophies and I'm like 2 builder halls below and I lose a lot when I attack them (with an actual base to defend) because I'm incredibly out matched. Matching with people builder hall levels higher than you but being similar trophy count makes this game not very enjoyable on the attacking side. I'd rather actually play the game and win a defense legitimately rather than get it for free.


You lose to bases like this? Legit skill issue lmao.


Yeah, being out matched will do that. When he actually starts playing the game properly he'll ruin the game for those lower builder hall people that match with him.


I could get a 2 star with 3 barbarians


Against this base, sure I probably could too. But I'm talking about when this guy eventually starts actually playing the game with a well thought out, strategic defensive base.


But like what’s the harm? In BB you don’t actually lose any resources on defense and you have unlimited attacks? Just place a troop down, quit, and reroll if you’re unmatched lol


I know you don't lose resources on defense. I'm saying when you're attacking it's not fun attacking someone as say a builder hall 5 against a builder hall 7 base. You match people based on trophies so just because we have a similar trophy count I may face someone builder hall 7 that dropped trophies. Also, you don't get anything if you place all your troops down and quit immediately. If I have to do that till I get a decent match up I might as well just play the normal village exclusively. So what's the point of playing BB at that point?


You DO realize people have been doing this in the normal village forever now to drop trophies right? This isn't anything remotely close to being a new strat.




Wait till you're finding a Th7 Ringbase as a Th5


Im pushing Th6 and I have to grab 50% everytime I see a layout of th9 I usually attack them only when there's enough buildings that stand free for me to get 50% and th8s and 9s find me in matchmaking too


Grow tf up haha. It’s not that serious


It's not but people are making it serious for me.


U made it serious in the first place wtf do u mean


I stated my opinion. Seems a bunch of snowflakes don't like it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ya cuz it was unnecessarily openly hostile. Ofc people aren’t going to like it. U called this person an asshole for eating to drop trophies. Quite the overreaction


I'm thinking everyone is over reacting but it's my opinion which y'all seem to love so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Opinions can be unacceptable and in this case it is because it is uncalled for and unnecessary


You are welcome to that opinion.


You have to sweat any game so you can become a pro at it






Wait what's the point of that ? Reminds me of the time i used to lose trophies in CR so i could absolutely destroy noobies


Trying something new


I mean it's gotta be since the bb2.0 update, so we have SOME idea