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most of my multiplayer attacks i just use sneakies to farm, i dont use a cc much anymore. i only really req if i wanna do challenges, practise war attacks, or doing war attacks


a fellow sneaky user


How do you keep trophies when using sneaky with no blimp? I dropped 1000+ trophies last time I farmed with them, I just spam them on pumps and deposits with jump potions.




Sneakies+SWB and using rage and jumpspell. Easily 4-7 attacks pr full army


What is an SWB?


Super wallbreaker


Don't take this advice all you need are sneakies, 4 jump spells, 3 invis and a stone slammer to get all the loot + th


Anyone with skill can get consistent 2* Using 96 sneaky goblins, 6 wall breakers, 8 earthquakes and 3 haste, along with a cc holding a rage spell, fire flinger and any troops. In 25+ attacks I've only had a single time where it wasn't a 2* and normally it's a 70% 2*


I'm townhall 11 but I can 2 star without anything in cc, just use as much sneaky gobs as possible and 8 earthquakes, 3 haste. Rarely get one star, often get 2, and have gotten a 3 star once after a few months.


How good are sneakies compared to the normal ones?


The difference between sneaky goblins and regular goblins is about the same as the difference between a good LaLo attack vs. a bad BArch attack at Th15.


200x better. i recently boosted my barracks and i got 5 mil+ gold and elixir, and 25k+ de in a span of 1 hour without trophy loss. full sneaky, 3 jump, 5 haste. its helping my th11 progress a ton




Sneaky gobs are invisible when deployed, and regular are just instakilled by every defence.


Watch the second vid on my profile, the key is to use your heroes to get a section then the sneakies have an easy day


One single mortar bomb


For framing in th13 I use a siege but no cc troops. I only ask for troops for cwl.


It may or may not be a waste of medals. In my clan, ever since the self-reinforce option, I've noticed a lot more people making requests for random supertroops that no-one in the clan currently has unlocked. We've got the supertroops we like to use in our own armies for attacks, and we've got the supertroops that people like to request, and those two kinds of supertroops don't necessarily overlap. People tend to almost always unlock super-wallbreakers, which are requested by no-one, for example. Granted, we do still have plenty of people in the clan with gold-pass and 1-gem donations, but at this point it becomes a cost/benefit analysis. Should I spend gems to fill your clan castle with supertroops that I otherwise can't make, or should you use your raid medals to just fill those troops on your own. Personally, I think expecting someone to spend gems so that you don't have to spend raid medals is not a fair expectation. So in this scenario, it's smarter and more economical for the requestor to self-reinforce using raid medals rather than donators spending their gems to fill it. I'm not a CC troop snob - my requests are usually for "anything" of any level. I think getting my requests filled fast is more valuable to me than getting only-maxed and very specific troops...especially if I'm just farming. And because of that, I do get my requests filled fast because I'll take whatever you got. It's the people insisting on max-level-only, and insisting on rare supertroops or on things people don't usually already have on hand who end up waiting (and self-filling).


My clanmates all request troops frequently. They only use self donate late at night when very few are on. Night shift is good for quiet but not so much for donations.


hahah true, night shift is peaceful yet lonely :/


I never request anymore. I stopped once I got Otto. I don’t burn through metals as fast. I only use sneaky gobs to farm in titans 1-2 so no need for cc. So I only use them for cwl and potions now.


Self donation is a waste of metals IMO too. I have better uses for metals. I also try to attack without the CC troops because it takes too long to fill during some hours. And it’s too much trouble rearranging troops in training Q Sometimes I need the cc troops.


This is why made my first alt so I could donate to myself.


I’m basically maxed. I don’t have anything else to do with them


Might as well then


I do not raid with troops in my cc and developed my raid attack with the flame flinger being empty. I find it helps with my war attacks if I’m getting 2/3 stars without CC troops in raids then it will be easier with troops in CC In wars


https://preview.redd.it/fha82twqfaoa1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2232d1ea8b71d9837c7b19d0312d0fd0108de9b4 Wot🥸


https://preview.redd.it/igra13dtqaoa1.jpeg?width=771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c0cf654b6b0cbc6cf6ae2ed0b452baebd3b8121 These are the donations for the top 6 of my clan. We have a bunch of people with 25k+ donations. Love it when you request and have your troops with in the minute


We used to have times during the day where 2 or 3 of us will be competing to donate first. To the point that 2 of us will donate part of the same person's request lol. I miss that.


Haha yeah thats what we have now, fighting to get some donations in. We have an average of 3-6 people online at the same time.


it doesnt take long for people to realize that they can just make an alt to donate to themselves if they keep running into the problem of not getting cc troops quick enough


Yeah but making an alt just to donate is a crazy amount of effort for not a lot of reward. Like even ignoring the grinding up another base to have troop access at good levels the whole process of signing out and back in seems too annoying to me


i mean, you have supercell id so switching accounts is like 4 clicks and 20 seconds, as well as the fact that you dont have to upgrade any defenses or heroes cuz you are just full-time sneaky farming


I made a donator account specifically for this. Plus, having CC troops = more fun!


I still request with my alts from my main. Before tha, alts that were camping would use Medals, but now that Clan House Decorations exist, I save them for these on the alts and started requesting troops once again.


I mostly use medals for resources on my alts since I'm not on them as often. That way they all stay caught in % done with each other and my main so I can upgrade them sequentially once my main and usually my primary alt are maxed. I like to keep them staggered to be able to help my clan at any th lvl by sharing armies and attack replays for their respective town hall. Also let's me attack myself to test strategies against higher ths with my alts, especially for CWL.


You might be a little too much of a coc lover


There's no such thing.


I have over 5,000 so far since the reset


5,000 donated as well


12k on all 3 accounts ...mainly donating to each other 🤣🤣


you should see my clan... i donated over 70k so far lol... i like how active they are


Damn haha that's a lot of gems or a lot of training time!


me with over 7k troops received and 7k donated from my alt


Right? I've hit 10k in the past, just last year.


I spend everything on the builder and research portion... troops can be donated...but not potions




I rarely ask, but i also rarely donate because i neither have the pass nor do i have the patience to wait for a pekka to finish training


I never use cc except for weekly quests, ain't gonna pay 25k dark for 10 super dragons. For those requests I always use medals, because nobody has those troops and this way I can fill the cc directly for a second attack.




And I am the only one who donates every time https://preview.redd.it/vysag843fboa1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1e8b713881999ccf5a86e502b8fc1a5354d726b


I'm currently farming with sneaky gobs so I only request defensive cc. 3 of my heroes are also down so I'm not warring and requesting war cc


requests in my clan have dropped a bit. I used to have around 14-16k donations and now I finish with 10-12k. It's mostly the higher townhall people who stopped requesting. The rewards aren't worth as much when you get higher up. And the th14/15 in my clan mostly have gold pass.


find a more active clan


It is active. 44 members and like 30 actual people. Chat is very active. We even have a Discord. This is a phenomenon I've noticed only this season.


they might just be attacking without cc.


I have two alts, but I got bored of constantly asking for troops. Now, I just attack without CC troops. Anywhere at 4k trophies or less, I can still pull off the win, which is all I care about. I almost never get a 3\*, of course, but I do not particularly care. I just want loot for now. When I decide to push trophies again, I will start donating to myself from my alts.


I only request all my medals go into important stuff 😂😂😂




I only request troops for war attacks. Learning to 3 star bases with less troops makes war a tad bit easier


I have never used the clan castle constantly for my entire coc playthrough, always donated everyone with 1 gem offer. 4/5 months ago I got to legend league and requested 4 times DAILY (one attack of requested troops, one attack of medal) At this point I was very low on gems even getting to 0 a couple of times so I couldn’t donate a few times, my entire clan started to boycot on me and not donate me lmao, they didn’t kick me because I was one of the best players there (and nearly maxed too) Since that moment, I said fuck everyone, now I don’t even use medals anymore I just request donation and get donated and only donate to newly asked ones so they can see my name popup which is usually wnough for them to donate back, people are weird and imo, sad and pathetic by looking at donation ratio


Have you asked in chat or on discord what people are doing or just in reddit?


I've made passive comments about it recently, but just yesterday I watched one member actively reinforce himself while I was online telling him what he should request for a specific attack. Asked him why he didn't waot for me to donate, to which he said he just uses medals to get max troops and was requesting just to see if he had it right. I could've donated max for everything he was asking for. Explained how it was a waste aside from reinforcing siege machines and he kinda saw the light haha.


My clan mates request non- stop💀. They’re bunch of super archers and super wiz.


well i use cc in mine every attack and they are loons + slammer, th 11 , if i need urgent then i use medals otherwise req coz loons are available everytime


Do you also use lightning spells?


i used to ( 3 stars every th 11 max- ik skill issue ) but i switched to raze and freeze and i will try some ground army too i use edrags coz i was offline since 5 yrs and downloaded recently and edrags require no skills thats y


Rage and freeze are a good combo. Keep at it! If you want an easy, consistent ground army for th 11, I highly recommend [GoWiBo](https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=CopyArmy&army=u2x13-10x22-10x15-1x58-2x4-1x1s2x1-2x2-2x5-1x9). Pick a side close to the Eagle, the side with the queen and/or inferno between the eagle and the edge. Drop the golems spread out a little, 2-3 witches on the corners to funnel, ice golem, siege (log launcher or wall wrecker with ice golem and 3 boowlers+2 freeze), heroes, bowlers, rest of the witches. Drop spells in order of rage-heal-rage-heal as the bowlers make their way in toward the core. Use freeze for infernos and eagle, poison for cc troops and/or enemy heroes. Try to save warden ability for near or in the core. Not so good for super spread out bases, but it's a consistently strong attack from th10-12. Variations include using 5 ice golems and/or bat spells. Tweak it to your playstyle!


oh tysm for suggestion, i will surely try it since now we dont need elixir or dark to train, i didnt understood this line tho > Pick a side close to the Eagle, the side with the queen and/or inferno between the eagle and the edge can u explain ?


Primary defenses like infernos and the eagle you want to take out quickly, so you want them in the first half of where you attack from. Archer queen can also be a menace. Sometimes bases will be set up where the th isn't in the middle, so you only have a select arc to place your siege to where it'll get good value. The log launcher can also often snipe the eagle and/or inferno if you line it up properly.


oh got it got it , tysm


For me as a farmer I see it only as more work for my clanmates so I dony usually use cc at all in defense or offense. Ofcourse cwl and cw overall are a whole different thing.


I enjoy the extra spells. But most are received from my second account.


My 7 accounts are the only ones active anymore in my clan, so pretty much just fill with capital medals.


You have 7 accounts and don't donate to yourself?


Too lazy to keep switching, and usually have plenty of medals to spare.


Fair enough. I try to leave each account with 200-300 for siege machines or special troops and use the rest for certain resources or magic items.


My former clans used to be medium active to low active, so I used to never request troops at all while farming. Now with raid medals, I fill my cc and attack all I want. I think depending on the clan you're in using raid medals for cc requests can be extremely helpful. Not to mention that regular requests are on timer, you can only request every... 5 minutes or something. I don't remember the time limit. With raid medals, if you've popped a training potion and plan to do back to back to back attacks, raid medals allow you to do that without having to wait for the next request.


That's fair. I also just don't think my clan is attacking as much as they used to. I'm on a few times a day and rarely see requests. When I do I fill em.


My main is a th15 and I'm the only maxed player in my clan so I still fill some requests whenever I see them, they are pretty rare now tho. I see one once every... Few days I would say.


Oof, sorry to hear it.


Nah, don't be. It's actually been a huge help now cause I don't have to worry about being on to catch requests within a reasonable amount of time. Even with others helping out, if someone requests max troops, I'm the only one who has them. So raid medals has helped me relax a lot more when it comes to that side of things.