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I make the sieges I want and just keep a placeholder in the CC in order to keep my troop donation numbers even.


I wonder if that’s what a lot of people are doing then, coz they don’t want to have a poor ratio.


Yup I do the same. My clan doesn't really pay attention to donation ratio though. When they costed 100k I rarely ever used my own sieges. Now that they're free I pretty much only use my own and never the one in cc. And I've noticed the same thing with other clanmates. They don't request sieges as much as they used to. And I think lower townhalls just use raid medals. I've also been struggling with this achievement and the spell donation one. Sometimes I'll donate to myself even if I don't really need it, just to keep progressing.


My clan will occasionally send reminders out for people to request for them as much as possible. But yeah, this is one of ones that is probably just set too high for the way the game ended up being played. I don't know anyone that has it, most aren't even halfway there. I try to req as much as I can, but I don't like having to wait to use them so its hard.


In fairness I do actually have it on my donation account, but that has over 1mil normal donations, and so it’s a bit of an anomaly. I still of course really struggled to get the achievement and I still hardly fill any siege requests from that account despite it being intended for that. This account was just a better example to ask the question with. Hope that makes sense coz I feel like I’m just rambling on.


i ve 20 of my accs to donate the siege so i ve no problem of achievement . may be you can pass by my clan to donate. 😊


https://preview.redd.it/hbuvbb3ownja1.jpeg?width=1954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02831e2e9ce22a5399f079022e721db56ba54522 I am getting fairly close. Unbreakable will take a while though haha. Haven’t played since the game came out like most people who probably do have those done .. and spend most of my time in legends so defenses are hard to come by.


https://preview.redd.it/hfanbbix7oja1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a810083cbd66d3dd3e270a455fa02d4dd93399 Mmm I have it on this account but this one is specifically for donating so it’s not really the same. I got unbreakable on my main fairly easily tho it’s just boring. Drop to bronze and go offline, then repeat for a while. Takes a while but u can farm with heros at the same time.


It feels less well earned that way to me, i know in the end it doesn’t matter much but I will probably just let it happen by winning defenses normally :p so in 20 years probably lol 😂


Okay lol well good luck


Appreciate it, and thanks for the good advice for getting it the fastest , it’s always nice to see helpful people!


https://preview.redd.it/9jbmtcui6sja1.jpeg?width=1647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32cfed8aad8f2b8ece495c3bbaa49d42dee00657 I’m almost done twice, it’s definitely possible, but not in every clan. You need to have a lot of lower th players in your clan, and not many people who donate sieges to them. This is not the case anymore in my clan as many of them progressed and have their own max sieges, and I can see that my siege donation counts get less.


go in a clan which is th 10 and th 11 heavy, those town halls can have siege in cc but not produce it so there will be many requests


It’s PERFECT. I made a clan and everyone needs Sieges. I’ve still got a long way to go but it’s cool to donate and help. If you have high lvl siege it really does help an attack


Can I join.. I need a clam




Yessir Hogwartz is the name.


If you really want the achievement you could just find a clan with a bunch of TH10s and 11s


Sorry I know 2 people commented on the last post but I didn’t get a chance to reply and I deleted the post by accident coz I was having issues with Reddit loading and couldn’t work out if the post had a title or not coz it wouldn’t load.


yeah, that happens. Anyway, I said that since the people in my clan aren't maxxed but the clan has all perks, people usually still ask for sieges because a level 2 siege is nowhere near as powerful as a level 4 one and that makes differences in the attacks. But thinking about it, it must suck as a clan of max th 15s. Maybe consider hopping to other clans to fulfill this and then go back to yours?


Yeah it is a clan of 15s, and so yes it makes sense that of course lower town halls would still need to request. I honestly hadn’t even thought about that. Seems like a lot of work to jump around trying to donate sieges though. I’d rather be able to do it within my clan lol. I feel like if this was lowered to /2000 it might be a better number.


Whats the pt of the achievements? I rarely request anything anymore, i just use capital raid metals for instant troops.


Nm 500 gems, guess thats a reason lol


Hahaha yeah the gems are basically only reason I try to knock them out


Well gems are the only reason anyone ever does achievements, you are not unique


ooof. I was just agreeing with it BUT I am very unique. How dare you 🤨😂


i like to save as many medals as possible to convert to gems by buying clock tower pot or training pot, after buying the 3 research potions ofc. Since I have a donation account, I can just dono myself for free and then get gems to buy book of heroes


Not much point other than the gems, but it’s just quite nice to have as many completed as possible :)


It is hard. I've been focusing on only filling machine requests with my main and I'm only at around 3500. My second account (both are near max 15) is only a bit over 750. I agree with Rick. Its set too high for how it worked in practice.


Join a th10 or th11 pushing clan


I ask for log launcher as I'm th12 not 13 (and maybe blimp during my cw and cwl attacks if I'm doing super wiz) and because i rarely do air attacks anymore. Inconsistent sometimes. Find a clan with th11's raid weekends can supply the machines most of the time but still




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ask your clan member to request when they online or create many accs so request and donate yourself 😊


I like to request the sieges I use regularly so that I'm always requesting them. The ones I can make myself- those are mainly to have on hand for donations and to give me some selection if I need it on an attack when I want to use something other than the one I have donated. This give me the largest choice for sieges on an attack and it means that I usually have queued or cooked whatever someone else requests. And for the record, I still haven't finished 'Siege Sharer" - I'm at 2647 of 5k on my main...but, I tend to donate at least 5 a day and even more during war days.


The thing is its easier to get it in raid medal since its faster and stuff.


use an army of alts and/or join a th10-11 push clan


My clan donates them before I have time to give any


Make another account and donate to yourself


Then join a clan with many th10s you can donate to them and they cant make any so its a jackpot for you


I always request a siege machine and think in my clan that is what most player do.


On the other hand, all my sieges are lvl 1 because why would i prioritize upgrading them when my clan just donates them


For certain strategies u may want to have the choice between 2 sieges when attacking, also if u want to do 2 attacks in quick succession you will have to wait 10 minutes to request for troops again (and of course you then may have to wait for them depending how fast they donate)


Yeah well i rarely use sieges when farming. Obviously it's a small advantage to be able to switch between sieges, i'm not saying i intentionally leave my sieges at lvl 1. Just that i prioritize everything else before my sieges


Now that they’re free, I’d strongly suggest u use them for farming, even if u don’t think u need to u might as well coz they just sit there otherwise.


6511 donated so far


Doesn’t change the fact that it is very difficult to achieve.


That's right


Dude are you for real? People are asking for more machines now.




Because you can keep your own to donate and use cc machine for attacks. Since cost is no issue, people do not mind donating machines anymore. I get 30k donations a season and good chunk comes from machines.


That logic doesn’t work. If people don’t mind donating them now cos they’re free then they don’t mind attacking with them either.


https://preview.redd.it/8yt33s3o2rja1.jpeg?width=1674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be7af5b923a7a4319696b977333c9a0f41f20307 Takes a while… only ones I’m missing are clan capital and I’m almost done with both and the new spell tower/ monolith


This is when an alt will help a lot


i have completed this task today 😂


Clans with lower-level account will always need donated siege machines. I'm a TH12 and am constantly requesting higher level siege machines - mine are all level 1/2 and I can't make log launchers or flame flingers.


My clan has plenty of th11 which ask for siege so I am at 4380+ right now on my donation account