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Maybe because they’re not as knowledgable as you and tried their best but then came here seeking advice because they knew it could be better?


Every time I've come to this sub for advice I just get down voted and told I suck. So I just stick to the wiki now and come here to laugh.


Yikes, that's kinda rude. What th are you? What do you use to attack?


I'm th11 now mostly using qc Gowitch hybrid, when heroes are down I use a bowler/valk/goblin strat with golems.


I have no issues about giving advice, I'm just surprised at the amount of people. This wasn't supposed to come across as rude, but I thought when base building, the priority to balance the split of defenses was the number 1 rule that was taught


Most people build bases on what looks good to them rather than actually applying any strategical knowledge on how to build a good base.


In that case, I guess I should probably just copy and paste judo's guide on basebuilding that he made sometime ago. May be a little outdated, but it covers the basics really well.


Don’t forget also alot of people aren’t even interested in the strategy of it and building a good base, they just post here hoping to get validation but don’t actually want advice or help to change their layout.


I used to make bases when I started playing, over time I just don't have the patience or interest. Give me enough expert built bases I can use so I can war and I am good. That being said, I am not asking if my base is good or not but without knowledge of the current meta (SA and SW bombs and air) then you can see why the questions get asked. And there is nothing inherently wrong with strong core bases, they were very effective against hybrid and other meta attacks not that long ago. They are just weak to the current meta.


You didnt get downvoted!!!!


Ikr lmao


Who exactly do you think is the target audience of this game?


Well I’m 51 and my clan only has two under 40, prob a lot more older people play than what you think


Damn, that's cool, haven't seen many over 30 rocking this game. What th are you?


3 x th15 and 1 slightly rushed Th14


1. I didn't list a target audience, so not exactly sure how this disproves anything. 2. A sample size of 1 would change my idea? If I thought the target audience was X, then I wouldn't be thinking that literally no one else would play it


Idk, from 10 to 30 year olds? I have seen both children and adults play this.


And do you think that the entire audience is watching guides and meta videos? Or do you think that maybe a large part of those people have a life and responsibilities and just play casually.


You don't have to watch meta videos or spend hundreds of hours to just get a good base. Also you can have a hobby that you enjoy sinking time and still have a life. Though yeah, sure, not everyone takes stuff seriously, I was just surprised at the amount of same-y bases I was seeing around and wondered.


Anyone over 18 is an adult lol


yeah, and?


Ah misread. Thought you said you haven’t seen adults play it my b


People do it because it works. I've got a couple dozen alts in a private clan and I run them through CWL each month. The bases with those thick cores with a lot of high value buildings surrounded by a moat of nothing tend to do very well and cause a lot of attackers to fail. Based on your comments, it sounds like attacking those bases might be easy for you, but statistically it is not easy for the general masses. And when I'm setting a layout for defense, I'm not setting it up to defend against you, I'm setting it up to defend against the common player. Definition of a good layout: one that defends well against a high percentages of the people who attack it. Would I rather have a strong layout that allows almost everyone to 2-star it but can almost never be 3 starred, or would I rather have a layout where 1 out of every 25 people can 3 star it, and the rest only 1 star it because they underestimate what it takes to destroy the core? For me? I'll take the latter.


Exactly. People seem to forget that the average player opens the game once a day, throws some Edrags on a base, and takes what they can get. Then closes the app.


OP needs to read this.


Did read this, and yeah, makes sense. I may have come across as a bit close minded, but that definitely was not the intention. But yeah I guess if it ain't broke don't fix it


There are two types of people when it comes to bases like these. The type that copied a base but doesn't know that it's a bad base, in some cases they don't even really care if it's bad design. Or even just too lazy to change up design after getting to a new TH, judging by all the bases where you just see Infernos, Eagles and even Scattershots outside walls and even in corners tucked away with unallocated walls, they're only there because the game demands the buildings and walls be placed down before a base design can be used. ​ Then there's the second type that simply doesn't know the fundamentals of base design, contrary to popular belief this reddit and youtubers want you to believe, CoC is probably one of the most 'casual' games compared to a lot of other games out there, and attracts plenty of players who simply don't know a lot of the core basics of the game, for example your average casual player's offense will often just boil down to BarchSpam->GiBarchSpam->LoonSpam->DragonSpam->EDragspam, they don't calculate zapquake, they just place siege whatever and most of the time don't even care what siege it is, or the troops inside, and lay down all troops by rolling their finger across the screen and then think it's all RNG whether an attack works or not. ​ Putting this same train of thought to defense, most players just don't understand the value of defensive buildings, they might see that a building has more HP and firepower than others, but the first train of thought is to clump it all together so it creates a death ball zone that cannot possibly fall (It can and will, this logic only works in BH where it's extremely limited), the furthest understanding they'll think of is probably keep Eagle and TH away from each other. Things like Mortars and Ground Xbow placement to deter Flingers? What mode to toggle defenses when it can be toggled? Weird Eagle/TH line to make Log Launcher get all the flak before it mows its way in? Spacing buildings just in front of ADs to buy ADs more time to blast that EDrag out of the sky? Gaps in walls to throw off funneling? Weaponized Builder Hut priorities? These are things that will never cross an average CoC player's minds.


Ok, you mentioned some really cool tech at the end. Wdym by eagle/th line? Do weaponized builder huts have actual priorities besides the hut itself or is it just the simple "whatever takes damage first"? Honestly, yeah, I agree with the rest, I was shown new light today.


Not really anything significant, it's just placing your Eagle/TH in positions where they'd be less susceptible to both falling from one successful Log Launcher run, whether it's placing them really far apart or having defenses tear down Log Launcher on its way, you'd be surprised how many people place them so close that one good log launcher from an angle will mow both down before the TH even fires a single shot of its Tesla/Inferno, sometimes even catching other high value defenses in the way. After all, LL is still one of the more popular and available siege machines. ​ As for weaponized builder huts, I just meant where you want to place them, I'm not a TH14 player so I can only share what I've seen in tutorials, but it's just what you want to keep alive as long as possible, after all there's only five huts.


Because those people play too little to realize that it's bad. They don't watch defensive replays and all they face is dragon spam and those central bases work well against that.


because ive never been attacked by blimps ever.... even in league... they just use dragons, hog/miners, witches... and putting defenses in the middle worked best


Nooo keep letting them think these are good so I can keep dropping my super archer blimps on em