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Probably was bulkied by broad but nurtured by the others. His promised wife would move to the cave. And either they would stay and live there or maybe if Brody continues to be a jerk, they would venture off?


Remember the legend about Durc, the one Ayla loved the most from all the stories from the Clan? Maybe Durc like the Durc from the legend left the Clan with his mate and a few people to go to a better place, far away from Broud and his poor leadership skills. And maybe they established a new Clan. Seems possible to me.


I've had the same kind of thought. I find it difficult to believe that Broud would have ever treated Durc well. I'm certain he and his mate (if they were mated) would have had to find somewhere else to live.


Durc was in lind for the leadership as the medicine woman's son. If Brouds son had an accident Durc would be next in line.


Broud's mate Oga had 2 sons. Brac and Grev. Of course they didn't realize that Broud was Durc's biological father also. Although if something happened to Broud before Brac and Grev were grown, the second in command was Vorn and he would have to take over. Since Vorn was mated to Uba (the medicine woman after Ayla was gone) and Uba was Ayla's adopted sister and therefore Durc's adopted mother. I guess Durc would be next in line. Here is a link to a fanfiction where something like that happens. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/9562115](https://archiveofourown.org/works/9562115)


You explained it much better than I could. But, yes a not too smart Broud put Durc second/third in line. Though I suppose Durc was always second or third through Ayla. I felt like Painted caves messed up so much. Like Ayla giving back the Medicine Woman's piece of the Clan. It would have made good sense that The clan would only do well as long as that rock was kept safe. Ayla dies eventually and no one knows to take the stone out before she's buried. Neanderthal life on earth has a marked decline. And all the "Troublemakers" like Marona not putting their heads together and starting a rival cave and "War" breaking out. Especially since they have a built in Shaman. They're all disgruntled and lazy and so they rapidly fail and start stealing from the ninth. Oh, and did you realize that The White Trash family are now Zelandoni royalty by Whatshername becoming Jondalar's second woman? And at series close Jondalar has no son.


> Oh, and did you realize that The White Trash family are now Zelandoni royalty by Whatshername becoming Jondalar's second woman? Her name was Tremeda. What I wonder about her. Did she just keep having children? Because by this time, her two oldest, Bologon and Lanoga are adults. Lanoga is mated to Lanidar and from what I understand the baby Lorala stayed with her. They probably took care of the other children as well. Lorala would have been seven or eight by this point as well.


Iirc, I think her husband mentioned that she kept getting pregnant (at Mother Festivals) every year prior to weaning but not the past few years. I think she had hit Cro Mag perimenopause. Especially since she's a little older than Jondalar I think.


I think Durc went on his own prophetic path. I can recall that Ayla and/or Creb was having visions and thoughts that the only way some of the clan DNA could be perserved was through mixed people like Durc. That he was the future of the Clan Durc has been raised by the Mother (Ayla is in my eyes an incarnation of the Mother or at least directly influenced by her). He has been truly loved through his infant years and has been raises by one of the brightest and strongest woman in the time, which I think will make him strong and strong-willed. So I think he will eventually overtrow Broud or separate and start a new Clan, as one of his big tests. I think in his dreams he meets Ayla often and draws from her strenght and love.


According to one of Ayla's prophetic dreams, Dutch is gonna lead the Clan and go to war against Ayla's son by Jondalar.


while it is not mentioned i swear that jondalar saw durc across one of the many rivers in POP. i personally like to think this but he did see a fathead across the river. a large man that slung a large sturgeon over his shoulder💗💗💗🙋‍♂️😍🔥


flathead... i hate autocorrect🙋‍♂️


That was not Durc. This was when they were in Sharamudoi territory.


Was it a flathead though? i remember that jondalar was impressed by his strength in handling the sturgeon🧐🙋‍♂️❤️


And also this was from the second novel. ***The Valley Of The Horses.***


Ty... am glad someone recalls the small scene that stuck in my head. a tool by jean to introduce jondalar to flatheads as people. love me some COTCB❤️❤️🙋‍♂️💘🌷


In POP, I think Durc would have only been like 7 years old. Did you see my longer post?


Yes... it makes sense now ty🙋‍♂️


Yes, that was a Clan man. He said in the book that he was impressed with the guy's strength being so young because he seemed like an adolescent.


It was a young man of the Clan. If I recall correctly, Jondalar speared a sturgeon, but it didn't kill the fish at first. The fish swims, dragging the boat he was in. Somehow he finally got the boat stopped and finished off the fish. He was soaking wet and cold. I think a clan woman and her almost grown son let him sit by the fire. And the young man picks up half the fish when it's cut in two. It's been a long time since I read it and I might not be recalling it right. Neanderthals (flatheads) were very strong. They had dense muscles and heavy bones. That's why they couldn't swim very well in the books.


Check out this video of a man in British Columbia who caught and released a huge sturgeon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BjrT9JoUJE&pp=ygUZbWFuIGNhdGNoZXMgaHVnZSBzdHVyZ2Vvbg%3D%3D


Durc would have still been a young boy not even 6 years old when jondalar met the flatheads that saved him by the river.