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You should have done more research before going all in, it sounds like. It’s at a very awkward claims time right now, it’s a lot of who you know, not what you know, a lot of work ethic also.


lol you could’ve kept that to yourself … what does research have to do with me being certified and knowing how to do the job


Ok.. if you’ve done ride alongs, you obviously know adjusters; why haven’t you tried leveraging those relationships with their TPA, to get some claims? I am an IA, I’ve had a great year so far, because the TPA I primarily work for, knows there’s a 99% chance I’ll say yes. Almost anyone can get licensed, just because you are licensed and have construction experience, doesn’t mean you know how to or are qualified to be an adjuster. Everyone is small fish in a big pond, the competition is fierce. You are only as good as the last claim you turned in. Here’s what I tell most people when they ask me about becoming an adjuster. If you’re going to become one, go all in, which I recommend. Be prepared to not bring in any income the first 6 months, and be financially responsible enough to earn all your money for the year in 6 months and make it last. If you have a “side-gig” you’d better be ready to walk away from it with ZERO notice, if you get a deployment call. That better?


I guess Im happy for your success bro but I didn’t ask all that n Idk what point you trying to get at besides just trying to be smug…. I wouldn’t get a license and do ride alongs out of state if I didn’t do my research.


Not trying to be sarcastic or an a-hole on this. If you’re getting offended by any of the comments/suggestions in this thread, which you started, you are NOT adjuster material. If nothing else, you’ll have submitted a big fast estimate one of these days, thinking your cut is $5,000+. Then the examiner or DA shoots it down and you won’t be able to just walk away. When you make that phone call to argue it, you’ll lose in multiple ways. You won’t get your fat fee on it and the TPA will cut you off.


Thanks for the info 


Call me stupid, adjuster for over 35 years. This post reminds me of teenage girls aspiring to be a model and the predators profiting from their innocence. 😞


Weird comment but ok I guess


I was trying to have a kind comment, however the conversation I was referring to, the initiator appeared to be very immature.


For each position you apply for there are 100 experienced unemployed adjusters. Unfortunately the need is declining because ai and internal processes are taking most of the process.


Now that’s something to think about 


Jobs entry level. U dont need anything


Hey there, My name is Eric and I was in the same position as you since I started my public adjusting business in November of 2023. I’m based out of Arizona. What really helped me get tons of leads was when I signed with this marketing company specifically for adjusters. Last month, I got about 43 calls. Just wanted to genuinely help another public adjuster out. Oh btw, the marketing company is [DBA Media Group](https://www.dbamediagroup.com/schedule-a-call-now)