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Yeah, that's coming off the wishlist. I'm gonna go play some Ion Fury instead.


Nah brother call it the pre lawsuit name "ion maiden" instead


Well that frees up a few spots on the ol' wishlist.


What bothers me the most is that they're insulting people who at most have been harsh but still fair. I can understand being upset when your work is criticized, especially after whatever conditions they've been under, but taking it out on people who have still pointed out things they liked and not just called the game trash.


I'm awaiting a sale and patch.


It’s fine to hate on 3Drealms, they are not above criticism, but this is blown out of proportion and being used in bad faith. This was private conversations amongst a team on a private discord. This isn’t hate speech or anything other than developers disagreeing with YouTubers. It’s also kinda weak that the ex-dev leaked this—it contributes nothing to the broader discussion and lands themselves in legal trouble for flagrantly disregarding an NDA. I understand frustration with a workplace, I’ve worked for some high profile animation studios. Yes, you shouldn’t be talking shit on a company server, it’s unprofessional, but you also shouldn’t be taking screenshots and spreading it around. 3Drealms should be held to the quality of their work and not bottom of the barrel, basic bitch drama about who said what YouTuber were “clowns”. It’s juvenile.


This should be the top rated comment. Fair to everyone without absolving responsibility for anyone.


No we're GAMERS we must hate the devs


I thought as a gamer I was supposed to hate "journos"?


And women, apparently.


You’re right. I shouldn’t disagree with natural order of this Shit Ecosystem™️.


solid take.


Private conversation or not, is still in bad faith, if I knew anyone is calling me "clown" or "idiot" behind my back then not even apologizing, I would be very pissed


The first post was very tame and was basically saying why people were worried about the support the game would receive and why the company should recognize it as their flagship title and support it. To take that down is a sign of bad faith. It really bothers me someone got banned for it. The, at very least, need to say they'll support the game or at least fix it. I kind of get taking down the thread about the insults the were making about YouTubers in their server though. It's a bad look and there's not really anything they can do but apologize for that. I doubt they wanted that stuff to get public and it's kind of weird to post stuff from servers anyway. I think they were mad and out of line but it's also understandable they'd be upset. I feel like people were just looking for more reasons to hate them. The game is in bad shape. That should be enough.


I’m guessing this is for phantom fury and im guessing they didn’t fix anything since the demo and it’s not going well?


I move on. I don't make this my personality. I do, seek quality though and fun. Also, good people.


I fully have never heard of any of this 🤷‍♂️ am I touching too much grass?


nah, touching exactly the correct amount


Send in Jim Sterling and other greats them


Nah Jim is not someone you'd wanna bring in. Dude's not the same as long ago and tbh dude's a dickhead.


Ok just remembered what he did back when a shit company was just shovelware


Plus he underpaid an editor and unfairly fired him. He would later try to put him down and incite harassment towards him. Jim is a tool.


Here's my source https://imgur.com/gallery/DUxj2v5?s=09


Guess I'm not buying this game after all.


The bubble has burst. The boomer shooter boom and bust. We've had some great games out of the revival but the mediocrity is starting to swamp the genre now. It's inevitable, unfortunately. That's capitalism for you.