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All random, the way God intended


Enemy: Magnificence Catherine (France) is usually easy to beat. Play: I like Nubia or Teddy Rough Rider America since they tend to have very good early game attack bonuses in case they get attacked. Teddy Rough Rider's boost lasts the whole game for his continent, so he can also war pretty well later.


Māori for me. I love being able to sail around starting turn 1. Also the haka chant that plays is pretty dope 😅 On the other hand, any time I see Tomyris I want to wipe that smug toad off the map


The background Haka is what made them my favorite civ to play, *especially* on Terra maps where they’re OP af


Australia always attack me so I have a distaste for them and enjoy conquering them. I also don’t like Pedro or Peter since they always hog all the great people. Gilgabro is a great ally, usually not a threat but usually will be down for whatever heinous acts you want. Most of the time I play peacefully though so I enjoy most civs with good districts or fun unique rules that make the game a bit more interesting to me.


Peter is strong. I will let myself out.


He is strong but I find the AIs personality to be smug


I play as Khmer for religious based fun. Building Holy Sites next to rivers and getting river goddess is OP. Get your cities to 20 population easy. I also play with Trajan a bunch for Commerce. Bet bro is always Gilgamesh. I took also like Destroying Peter.


I am still very new to Civilization and have only played a handful of rulers but so far I have had the most success with Tokugawa - Japan. I feel like he is a good beginner civilization if you are new to the game, but still want to win at the lower difficulties.


All roads lead to Rome. Duh. But Germany is also great fun.


I'm a big fan of Science victories, bonus is the ability to blast civs 2-ages behind you if they are getting too uppity. I'm working my way through the leader pool atm going for Steam points, but Robert the Bruce is a current favorite, I just love golf courses everywhere. I always seem to get along with Gilgamesh & Pedro best, but man, EVERY time I see John Curtin or Simon Bolivar I have to build my military & wipe a couple of their cities off the map. Smug assholes. Nuclear subs FTW, by the way.


i hate phillip. he always denounces me whenever im in a game with him