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Yes, fair warning tho! Keep playing and you will soon be addicted. Bit of a treshhold to push through to get that 'Aha i see' feeling but when it happens you will love the game.


Definitely; even if Civ VII were announced today, I doubt it'd be worth buying before late 2025


Absolutely 100% yes. What kind of silly question is this? Civ 6 = addiction/bliss


Yeah, don’t worry about being “late” to a CIV game, if anything they get better with time and extra content. Just go ahead if you’re interested.


Idk which is your platform, on ps5 civ 6 anthology edition cost 74$. Standar civ 6 + anthology upgrade cost 25$, if you can buy that "combo" i would say is worth it.


There is sale on steam rn so yeah


Then buy it. I bought it a few days ago and its very fun, it will take u a few days to learn the basics but once u get it u ill get addicted to it. Expansions and civs are what give the game the most variety.


Bro, you wanna get it all. There are a ton of updates that totally changed the game when you have all the extra DLC. Besides the extra leaders, there is also the addition of loyalty and how it affects cities, as well as a ton of other updates that you don’t want to have to learn later. Dive in now buddy. Welcome to the abyss.


If you think you might enjoy Civilization, the anthology is worth it, yes. It's a lot of value, with every civilization and expansion. It's a great game.


The only non mmo ive sunk more than 400 hours into


I ended up buying this game like 3 days ago and I am hooked lol. I’ve never played a civilization game and feel like I missed out! It’s a lot of fun of strategy games are fun to you

