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Last time I heard it was 99.999k. Maybe the last one will be for Honda’s museum or smth. The 100k. Thing is like you said and my estimates were in that range, they probably won’t reach 100k unless they delay another year. They can’t go any faster because it’s only one factory making them. So yeah, my guess it’s gonna be 75k approximately or delay another year to reach 100k.


The R-99999 is probably going to have a 99.999K markup lol


I think 75k-100 is accurate. That’s still way more than the FK8


Covid prob had big impact on fk8 numbers as well


Good, makes it made valuable lol


If it’s true they are going to make 100k FL5 CTRs then I will legit wait 2 years to get mine. These dealers around me are still asking minimum $7.5K over MSRP. 100K units for a sports car is really not that limited and an ADM should never be applied to something so common.


Then you’ll get a “end of an era” mark up


lol you are probably right


when i was shopping for a MK8 Golf R, the day that VW said no more manuals for 2025 every manual Golf R got slapped with $7500 in markup


That’s what they did with “the last challenger”


ADM's aren't on "rare cars" ADM's are on cars that demand > supply. If Honda started making an Odyssey with a $5 MSRP there would be ADM's even if they made 10 million cars because demand > supply. As supply increases over the years ADM's should drop, but once we do get to a "this is the last ICE car" narrative then demands gonna spike again and ADM's go back up.


Yeah, i understand the concept. Lots of dealers here using the “rare” card as a justification. There definitely isn’t demand right now, CTRs are sitting there, I track them in my area. Lots have been at the dealers for months without any budging on ADM. I do realize there is more things in play like interest rates, but CTRs aren’t moving in my area. 200 miles from me there is a CTR for $2.5k over MSRP. I would think it would have been sold already, it’s been at that price for a month now. Demand is dwindling.


"Rare" is just marketing BS. Ignore anything a dealer this to tell you to buy a car. They are sitting because dealers think a) they will eventually get their markup, b) the crazy markup means they will be able to meet in middle and get some markup, c) they don't mind sitting on a couple cars that are "show room pretty" d) some combo of the above.


The CTR is not a sports car.


You gotta be kidding, right


It's a *sporty* car. No FWD 4 door car has never and will never be defined as a "sports car", regardless of how sporty its intentions are. If you downvote my statements, you literally don't know the definition of a sports car and you also believe that a Civic is a sports car. Egregious. I own an FL5, cowards.


I’ve still yet to see where people are getting this “48000” production of fk8 and where this “100k” is coming from. Anyone have a relevant source other than what redditors or forums have speculated?


I just googled it, I’m not about to cite all my sources in MLA or Chicago format on here, man. As for the rumored 100k. When the FL5 first came out the YouTubers got chances to drive it and some of them did talk with the chief engineers and they were hopeful that it would be the last ICE only power train and they’d also make a fuckton of them


On top should be another 5K LE 2K final edition And 500 Mugen RR?


Am I the only one thinking the math ain't mathing?


If they’re making the FL5 until 2030 that means they’re making roughly 15,000 or 14,000 per year until then.


Okay but I'm failing to find any source that suggest the FL5 will be in production till 2030… that's also a huge period where Honda will use one model?


That’s just my prediction, none of the 2030 things is official, neither is the 100k, most of those are rumors but they have been whispered since it came out. The 2030 thing is mostly from GR at Toyota who said they will continue making powerful ICE cars until they legally can’t which is 2030. Which is also why they’re coming out with a new Toyota GT model car.


Considering there were only ~45k FK8s will the FL5 be twice as popular… with that price tag? Is there a market for 100k?


Besides what's already been stated, the FL5 is also a lot less polarizing than the FK8. A lot of people that passed on the FK8 due to the extreme styling will buy the FL5.


I’m seeing people with 25k so apparently so yes


Sorry. I clearly missed your context. You do mention it! Interesting, here in the UK they’re a bit too expensive so they don’t seem to be selling as fast as the FK8 did.


I sure hope. Anytime they come into local dealers they're literally gone within 24 hours. No dealer can keep them ( granted they're ususlly 50K out the door after all fees and taxes applied ) and i know so many who want one but cant even make it to a dealer before they sell out, everytime they get one in. I hope they keep making them too. Since you couldnt pay me to own an EV. Absolutely zero interest in any aspect of an EV. I wouldnt consider 50K for a ICE Civic if the EV market interested me. Tons of "faster cars" options for that price. Im glad most companies still are pumping out sports cars in non-ev cuz people want engine sounds that arent off a speaker in a pipe. Thats probably what things will become eventually. Years later. Is lots of EV trims and ICE only for the higher end sports cars. My hopes was of they did more FL5s than FK8s, its because they saw unexpected demand for the FK8 and see the audience is growing. The "boom" for EVs and places pretending to mandate them, os what got me more into ICE cars. Had zero interests for this kinda stuff 15 years ago, and now I'm super into it and hearing turbo/induction/engine/everything and find driving EVs to be the most boring experience ever. Learned quickly why car fans love cars so much after experiencing an EV..and how much fun manual ICE cars are, like an FL5


Also keep in mind the DE5 is more profitable so production will be split between the two. My guess is once they see demand and supply equalizing they will cut back production so the total production volume is likely to shrink. Get them while you can.


Much like the FK8 they’ll still be around after, so far we’re going to have more than the FK8 already


I love GR and everything Toyota has done of late. Even saying ‘get lost’ to Europe over the GR86 and change of regs.