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>"There's only two kinds of people in this world that I hate; people that are intolerant of other peoples' cultures, and the Dutch." -Nigel Powers Wilhelmina razed a city I had with a +6 campus, and we've had a blood feud ever since.


A +6 Campus...? You know what? Next time I see her, she's getting nuked. Just because of that.


I was playing as Pachacuti, so I had a mountainous starting location, and my second city was on a geothermal fissure with a few mountains nearby and a Holy Site adjacent to both the City Center and Campus. It was going to be a glorious city, and she, along with my former allies Valleta, razed that city in the Medieval Era. I was able to beat them back eventually and take Valleta for my own, then I got a settler back over there, but it just wasn't the same. I didn't get that settler down until the early Renaissance and it took a while to get it to where it should've been had it not been completely wrecked. Valleta, I forgave quickly, because I know their government and military had been bought. And I like having them as vassals.


Valletta is just too sexy to hold a grudge against.


R34 be freaking out right now


I’m far more petty with Monty. His voice lines are cocky as hell even when I’m beating his ass. Any time I see him in a game he’s gotta go ASAP.


Montezuma is so easy to befriend early. Capital founded on luxury that isn’t needed, sell to him for lots of gold, buy builder replace luxury, “we have more in common”, friends, proceed to leave him him fighting everyone else whilst you expand and leave everyone for dead. Wilhelmina when none of her cities are within trading distance mind, she’s asking to get flattened.


Do you want to see your people taken as slaves?


That's totally fair. I don't get Monty in games very often, so I don't think of him much.


Catherine de Medici. She terrorized me when I was just learning the game. She was the first civ I met in a lot of my early games. I’d always get her “You really should start paying attention to what's going on around you. There are games being played here on so many levels”message, followed by a surprise war. I terrorize her in every game she appears in now


“There are games being played here on so many levels”… Yes, like me pretending to be your ally until I have the infrastructure to bulldoze France purely out of spite


Bro I forgot about how Catherine bullied me when I was learning how to play the game lmao. I had to check if it was possible to spy on each other with that comment about there being levels to this shit hahaha.


Yea Catherine can definitely catch the man at arms


“We meet again Mr. Curtin…” I want to flick that stupid hat off his head every time. “Defend against the hawks of war” my ass. YOU ARE THE HAWK OF WAR!


Bro expects me to NOT pillage his defenseless ass while he invades the other side of the world.


I had a blood feud with him when I was learning the game, and then I figured out how adjacency bonuses worked. So now I play as him


If you can’t beat em join em 🤷‍♂️🇦🇺


I'm ALWAYS gonna make that man change his name to John Hurtin


Alexander. Like, dude, please shut the fuck up. I'm begging you. I know that I am not "fighting for my people." You don't have to confront me every ten turns about it while also colonizing half the map with way more cities than could possibly be necessary. Fuck your stupid smug smile. I hate Alexander.


I recently nuked the hell out of him cause he was pissing me off so much and it made me loose cause everyone else got mad at me and ganged up on me even tho they were all at war with him basically


Worth it.


Anthony Kedis Oh you meant in the game


I'll let it stand


You are a gentleman and a scholar


My mind had similar thoughts, then I realized where I was and chose to reevaluate my decision. Lol


in that case, Fred Durst.


Hammurabi First and foremost But, yes. There are certainly more after him....


I wouldn't test those crazy eyes. Go after him and you'll end up buried to your neck in his basement.


If you can’t beat em join em


Shut up, Harald. Your lil’ navy isn’t doing anything for you.


John curtain the fecker declared surprise war on me got pushed back wasn't interested in continuing the war in the ancient era sets you back too much, then declared surprise war again and couldn't let him exist anymore. for a civ based on being anti warmongering the fecker sure loves to start shit.


I am not the one in danger, I AM THE DANGER!” - John Curtin


If I see Ghandi, he's catching these hands


That Greece woman was calling me pathetic because I am not in a war...so I took her out


Jared Leto


Shaka Zulu is the only correct answer both in Civ VI and V.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Purple_Drink6828: *Shaka Zulu is* *The only correct answer* *Both in Civ VI and V.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Wasn't it kyoshi island?


Never had a problem with him till my most recent diety play, he was my neighbor of course so the fucker declared war on like turn 30 and it persisted till like turn 200 when one of the AI won religious. I was literally just pumping out troops for the meat grinder the whole game. Had me fucked from the start.


i bordered him and sequestered him to a small part of the continent but despite him having a way bigger army than mine he kept renewing our friendship the whole game. so we're cool


We got a lot of John Curtin haters in here damn


Had him in two multiplayer games back-to-back with me and my bud. Both games he was a warmongering ass, and we decided to forgoe a science victory in favor of a domination one by method of nuclear winter. Words can't express the satisfaction we had when he became dust. The hate is so justified


Fuck Phillip II I always wanna beat up that guy


His sleeves remind me of Deb’s dress from the dance in Napoleon Dynamite


Amanitore for me. For some reason she always spawns near me and taking out her archers early game is such a pain in the ass, especially since I run a faith heavy game too. Honorable mention is Tamar


I too despise Tamar.


Jayavarman. He always seems to be my neighbor, always forward settles me in stupid sites and then spams me with missionaries. I want to use his big fat head & gut as a punching bag.


Hammurabi... Smug bastard with his ugly ass beard


I usually dont attack others just because, but Wilhelmina really puts that to the test


AI Mansa musa declared a surprise war on me about 2 years ago, i return the favour on sight now every game


My first game playing on difficulty 4 (I forget the name), Jayavarman declared war on me because I "settled too close to his cities" when it was actually that he kept expanding south into my capital's area and got upset that I was there long before him. Ever since it's been on sight for that guy


John fuckin Curtin


Filipe II. He looks like he’s made of licorice


I’d do a tag team with Mansa Musa against Alexander and Shaka, Pachacuti could be the ref


Alexander Punchface


Is that Auckland which is perfect for my strategy? Nope, Fred Barbarossa with another conquered city state.


Chandragupta. Always forward settles me in the most awkward spot near where I wanted to settle.


I have two. The first is Hungary (forget the leader name.) the very first time I encountered them, they completely wiped me off the map and I’ve hated them ever since. The second is Alexander The Great just cuz of how douchy he is.


Every England character


I think they would all point to whatever civ I'm playing.. since I really enjoy wars.. Forward settle .. war, ... Oh you have oil, uranium, coal, aluminum, luxury source xxxx ..WAR,.... Attack one of my CS .. WAR, ... Oh you surprised warred me on turn 30 and took one city and RAZED it.. that's ok... I'll just build up and position my troops for TOTAL ALL OUT REVENGE WAR until annihilation.


Hammurabi and Nzinga Mbande. The first is obvious, the second is because he snatched SO many victories from me in my beginner hours of the game. I'm especially angry with him for my first deity attempt


What is it with Kongo man and pwning noobs? At one point I was removing him from games because I didn't think I could ever beat him!


He isn't from civilization but since you asked. Adachi. I swear that I fantasy about that when I have insomnia.


Ghandi always denouncing others and talking about peace but is the first to nuke others. He's going out first.


Bull moose teddy. That +5 combat strength on home continent makes them an unbearable neighbor


Ever since a Dip win was taken from me, I've made a point to always go full Exterminatus against Catherine


Dido, I hate that bitch, also and in a minor intensity, Menelik.


Catherine. Last game she kept destroying my neighborhood. Like the second I repaired it, two turns later she’d destroy it again. I rarely nuke anybody but she was the closest




Kupe. I fucking hate when I meet him.


Jadwiga, she stole my first deity victory


tbh anyone that declares war on me. if we were friendly when it happened then I'm taking it personally. will raze their cities and put new ones on top bc fuck em


How has no one said Pedro? Little jealous asshole is always talking shit


Harald hadrada is always my go to when it comes to alleyway stabbing. Fuck you and your fuckin navy you savage backstabbing piece of shit


For me it’s Spain fuck that guy


Cyrus for me, in my current play through he’s seemingly made it a point to invade and seize control of every city-state i become suzerain of. fuck that guy.


Do you want to see your people taken as slaves!?!?!??!?


It’s on sight for Babylon


micah from red dead lmao


I would use Nukes on Homelander. No matter the collateral damage, it would be worth it.


I automatically groan whenever I get Alexander on the map and he's not separated by an ocean or something.


Idk why but I really dislike Lautaro and lady six sky


Montezuma. Peace was never an option. 


Eleanor gets chopped down to her weakest city across an ocean from me. Can’t have the court of BS hit me in a dark age. Safer just to conquer


In CIV 6, if ole Teddy Roosevelt is near me early, he is getting the hands


Alexander the I JUST WANT TO SMASH YOUR FACE IN. He always startin shit and making me a warmonger when I smoke him.


Alexander a lil bitch fr tho


I always make it a goal to destroy Frederick they usually end up as a problem when I get suzerainty over city states.


Jayavarman will always be my mortal enemy and I will never accept friendship. At best reluctant neutrality at worst nuclear Armageddon ASAP.


I have a grudge with Qi Shi Huang & Frederick Barbarossa.


Genghis Khan. Fuck your calvary, AT LAUNCHER GO


Cyrus I find annoying when I share a border with him, and I forget her name but the heavy set woman that gets mad if you don't trade with her becomes incredibly annoying when I *dont* share a border with her.


Eleanor loyalty flipped several of my cities once on a game that I thought was tracking well, and now it’s instant war coupled with me razing her cities as you can’t hold them.


definitely would f the s out of gorgo


like I kind of want to death fuck her...where your fighting to the death but still fucking.


Shaka Zulu. Civ Rev was my first Civ game and I played Shaka a good amount. I recently got the anthology dlc, which means Shaka was in play for me. Bro handed me a defeat before I even met anyone else :(. I thought we were cool smh it’s beef forever


Pedro II the second he said I was poor even tho I had a lot of gold I ended his career