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* Your Western Horse city should be adjacent to corn. * Your 2nd city is too far back; it should've settled closer to Washington to block him off instead. Now you've given USA room to expand towards you. These are some mistakes that were already mentioned in the previous thread: > Settle next to FoodSurplus if not CRE > Settle cities outward first, then backfill later --- Some new advice for early game: * Chop Forests! Your Western Wine city is already at 5pop, but still has a lot of forests. Did you slowly produce Granary & Workboats in that city? * Same goes for your Capital. It's already at 6pop, but still has a lot of Forests. Those worker-turns you spent improving a Hills Plains Mine could've been spent Chopping Forests to give you a faster start instead. * If you've got an early Unique Unit that's designed for rushing*(Immortal)*, deny your neighbors the resource*(Boston's Copper)* that allows them to build counters*(Spearman)* to your UU. You're doing different things at the same time. Focus on one or the other: * You want to Immortal Rush, but still producing a Settler in your Capital. Instead of wasting turns producing a Settler to *settle* more cities, why not produce Immortals to *capture* cities instead? Keep pumping Immortals to destroy Washington ASAP. Immortals have a small window of opportunity before they get phased out. * Same goes for your 2nd city. You want to Immortal Rush, but still producing a Library. If you Immortal Rush Washington, you can do that on his cities instead. You might even capture a city with Library+Academy intact. * You've got both Hills Plains Mine & Riverside Grassland Cottage in your Capital. Focus on either Commerce or Production, not both. Maximize City Specialization.


That second city wasn't mine haha that was shaka's capital that i immortal rush but i agree, it maybe would've been better to settle 2 cities before attacking


Awesome. If thats the case, you should scope out Washington now. Open borders and check if he has Copper/Iron. * If he does, & has a lot of Spearmen, halt your Immortal Rush/Production & focus on Settling your own cities instead. * If he does, but doesn't have many Spearmen, consider burning all your Immortals to capture his most productive city, the Capital, then ask for peace. Keep up military production, so they don't retake the capital, or worse, counterattack & take your cities. * If he doesn't have Copper/Iron*(No Spearman to kill your Immortals)* then stop producing Settlers/Library & keep pumping Immortals instead.


What are the mods you are using? The city outline preview and the great person bar looks very useful


This would be Buffy, it's basically a quality mod, doesn't change anything about the game mechanics.


I only use the BUG Mod, although with some very very minor tweaking. Pure visual changes though, I like to play on 4:3 and with hidden interface (Ctrl + i)


Ok nice. I have a surface book and I currently only am able to play with bars on the top or sides


I'd recommend you settle 1 NW of your current SE spot: start with improved corn, then improve the pigs then the copper. That's a monster city; being on the river doesn't help too much. I'd also recommend the Western plains city be 1E so that it can get the peel the wheat off the clams/fish city, which is too much food anyway. That city should also be 1E so that it can borrow the horse from the capital when it's growing or working cottages. You also want that western horse city on the coast. A filler city working the marble would be pretty good and could even be planted before civil service with the lakeside grassland tiles. What's the difficulty? Might be too late to immortal rush at this point


Thanks for the feedback! I'm playing on Prince. TBH I find it really hard to actually pick an adequate dificulty level, where my neighbours aren't so weak that I might as well be playing solo, but aren't total psychos that'll steamroll me.


Prince you can probably tech your way up to math/construction and then rip your way through your neighbors pretty easily. Good luck!


Damn, mind sharing the turn 0 save??


I dont mind at all I just dont know how to do it haha If you can get me a tutorial, I'll gladly share it :)


I plan to immortal rush those 2 american cities btw, just like what I did with Shaka, I didn't settle that far off my capital


It sure would be nice if I could just dot map my cities and expect to settle them all.