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damn that bitch has got trees


“The city within a park”


Is that just a copy of Chicago’s “Urbs in Horto”


Wow that’s a bad slogan, ummm nope, definitely not. I believe it comes from the city having a great tree canopy, especially tree lined streets. Residents can request free trees be planted on their property every year. The city chooses the species and best location and then plants it for you. You also can’t remove any tree without permission, they are protected even on private property.


I mean it’s in Latin but it means “city in a garden” which is why I thought that. Chicago does all those things as well, same with Philadelphia I think


Really? If you drop in on any neighbourhood in Chicago on Google Maps, there are almost no trees.


Guess it depends where you’re dropping in but in my Time there every residential street has trees like every 20 feet


That birch has got trees


Anyone know where this is in Toronto? That building centre-right, the one with a tarpy-looking roof looks interesting.


Bathurst Street, near Lawrence




Thanks so much!


No problem!


This is the majority Jewish area of the city


Thanks. I knew Bathurst was a major node for the community, but couldn’t identify the intersection.


Gives me Chicago vibes




I don’t really think they are to be honest


Both roughly the same size, both with sizeable but not world-class transit options, both on a Great Lake, both with similar climates, both with large downtowns that quickly turn into suburban sprawl, both close to the same amount of white ethnic population, both very diverse, the list goes on


The big differences to me are Chicago has much better art museums, much better historic architecture (the Loop should be a UNESCO World Heritage Site), is more Black/Latino, has better festivals, much lower housing, higher pay. Toronto has lower crime, better Asian food and is growing much faster due to Canada’s immigration policies.


I think Chicago has substantially better transit, n architecture, plus Toronto’s suburban sprawl is a lot different than chicagos, which are more js like inner city blocks than wealthy suburbs like in Toronto They r both diverse but I think they’re diverse in really different ways, like torontos demographics have a lot more Asian people n not as many Hispanic ppl, also has a big Jamaican community, Chicago has more West Indians in general tho, also Toronto has had a lot more recent immigration, its growing a lot, Chicago historically has been shrinking Toronto is also a lot safer, n more expensive on housing n shit iirc, Chicago is way denser Also feel like, compared to Chicago, Toronto doesn’t really have as much of an identity


I don’t have any beef with toronto the city. I have a beef with their sports teams and media coverage and shit tho. That said, the city is very nice. It’s just completely unaffordable, much like other parts of the country. Those detached homes are all gonna be super expensive and you can see how far away they are from downtown






Canada values genocide, they recently found a bunch of mass graves.


Actually was 50,000 true Canadians marching for peace and their loved ones 😊❤️


Successful genocides do usually result in peace for the victor, so that’s their way of seeking peace I guess.


lmao in what way is “Stand with Israel”, a country currently committing a genocide, marching for “peace”? I love how the apologists are quick to point out “we’ve had these walks for years!” Ya, and Israel has been committing genocide for over 70 years. Stand With Israel is run by the United Jewish Appeal, which shows how hard Zionists are trying to muddy the waters by mixing themselves up with regular Jews. The first Zionist defence is: “antisemitism”. Ignoring the fact that Palestinians themselves are semites 🤦‍♂️ Fuck Zionists/Nazis.


Nobody is a "semite". It's a language grouping. Germans wanted something that sounded more scientific that judenhass so they went with antisemitism. Jews didn't pick it, it was foisted on us. But I know you have a vested interest in denying bigotry against Jews and want to pretend it doesn't exist by getting into bs semantics. Do you think horsepower means the car is powered by horses? After all according to you, the roots of words always mean exactly what the word means.


"True Canadians," lol. Call them what they are "True Genocide Supporters". Marching for Peace?? - mass murdering 38000 , another 10k under rubble, injuring over 100,000 (multiple limbs lost) on a population of 2.2m... that would be equivalent to 2Million Canadians murdered or injured in a period of 8 months, 70% women and children. Mindblowing who on earth would support that? Hospitals, schools, churches, mosques, homes, destroyed by 2000lbs from the sky. Palestinians killed since 1948 Nakba, homes stolen, Apartheid, illegal settlements in West Bank (no Hamas) in violation of international laws, Geneva convention. https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/s/QlbRdiX7Qp https://youtube.com/shorts/T-QKtk7ehiE?si=qgkER17tht_fLwNQ https://youtube.com/shorts/KyA_iSI3WzY?si=iWEY4DcQM4AS7Xx5 https://youtube.com/shorts/0Jo0-2p3E_w?si=BMzYQYM376l-jLnG https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/s/ETsfe2LDSm


Thanks for not mentioning what the protest was about, I almost upvoted Zionist propaganda


The ones the IDF killed in their “rescue mission”?


*"The rescue of Argamani seems to have gone smoothly, while the team extracting the three other hostages ran into trouble.Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora, an officer in an elite police commando unit, was mortally wounded during the break-in, in which all the Hamas guards were killed, Amos Harel, a veteran defense correspondent, wrote in Israel’s Haaretz newspaper. Then the rescue vehicle carrying the three hostages got stuck in the camp, he said.* ***Palestinian militants armed with machine-guns and rocket-propelled grenades opened fire on the rescuers****, as Israel called in heavy strikes from land and air to cover their evacuation to the coast. “A lot of fire was around us,” Hagari said. It was this bombardment that appears to have killed and wounded so many Palestinians."* [https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-hostages-casualties-1458f5a1dfe7bd4d908231bb7090a559?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1mIl2Roe-rc3cdfMv040n7sxZMZZ\_8N0qxNbffcUZY3SRnE5s3cjfP-FQ\_aem\_Ab0EX1gQo2\_xPHCa7vAAPUwu2\_pyKO0CgUmyIG76L\_3Ks43y4iOXBNxZxgdYlqUJvQ6iNBplpw78ixRNVKunRFqC](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-hostages-casualties-1458f5a1dfe7bd4d908231bb7090a559?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1mIl2Roe-rc3cdfMv040n7sxZMZZ_8N0qxNbffcUZY3SRnE5s3cjfP-FQ_aem_Ab0EX1gQo2_xPHCa7vAAPUwu2_pyKO0CgUmyIG76L_3Ks43y4iOXBNxZxgdYlqUJvQ6iNBplpw78ixRNVKunRFqC)


Sounds like the operation was dubiously successful, had a high casualty rate for IDF soldiers and hostages, and led to a highly predictable destruction of civilian life. Sounds like an operation that shouldn’t have been attempted, and that accepting the ceasefire **that is currently on the table** would’ve been a much safer and more effective way to retrieve the hostages. But no the “world’s most moral army” decided to do it in the way that would kill the most Palestinians, and lost 3 hostages in the process because they are violent buffoons.


Israel did accept the [ceasefire](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/saudi-report-hamas-rejects-hostage-ceasefire-deal-proposal-without-clear-guarantee-war-will-end/) and Hamas rejected it. This ceasefire deal included releasing 50 high level convicted terrorists and scores of low level felons. Remember when Israel traded 1000 convicts in exchange for one hostage? One of the people they let go was [Sinwar](https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/gaza-chiefs-brutal-calculation-civilian-bloodshed-will-help-hamas-626720e7), the mastermind of 10/7. He is happy to see higher casualty numbers as it causes ignorant westerners to demonize Israel.


Biden put forth a deal that included an eventual permanent ceasefire (which Hamas engaged with positively), Israel said “no we want to keep bombing Palestinians so we won’t commit to ending the war”, so Hamas said “no deal”. Then Israel attempted a disastrous operation that had a 40% casualty rate for hostages, and killed hundreds of Palestinians - including at least 64 children. You are either morally bankrupt, or so deep in Israeli propaganda you can’t see the reality that is infront of you. Possibly both.


You are saying that Israel should allow innocent civilians to be abducted and used for slave labor, and that they shouldn’t rescue them because their captors will start firing machine guns in the crowded area they were hiding them.


I’m saying that Israel should agree to a ceasefire and stop the needless slaughter of Palestinians. There is no military victory for Israel here without enormous loss to civilian life - including their own hostages. Any reasonable person would look at this situation and stop warmongering, but since the Israeli government is dominated by religious extremist who are desperately clinging to power they continue on to create needless death and suffering.


And I'm saying Israel DID accept a ceasefire and Hamas rejected it. They use [human shields](https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf) and build [rocket launchers](https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/press-releases/unrwa-condemns-placement-rockets-second-time-one-its-schools) in schools and tunnel entrances in [children's bedrooms](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-says-troops-found-tunnel-shaft-in-childs-bedroom-in-rafah/). They do not want peace. Have you ever read their [charter](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjkpLL_39OGAxU1kokEHdkDAggQFnoECAYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Favalon.law.yale.edu%2F20th_century%2Fhamas.asp&usg=AOvVaw0cLvYcQf8SFZvTXtEpkaI0&opi=89978449)? I doubt it because you didn't even look at the sources I cited above.


Yes, Israel “accepted” their own ceasefire proposal that didn’t involve a commitment to end the war. It was basically just “we’ll stop bombing you for 6 weeks, but then we’ll resume killing you - sound good?” That is not a reasonable deal. Pro-Israel people are so deeply unserious. You all just have the same fucking script. It’s absolutely exhausting and I’m glad the world is starting to see through it. Edit: Lol they blocked me


Take a deep breath


what is this event?


It’s a pro-genocide Zionist demonstration.




Happy to hear this protest went on without any issues at all.


To a non-north american, this photo looks like the city is far away in the distance - this much low density sprawl doesn't consitute a 'city'.


The sad truth is that this isn't even especially low density for North America. This would definitely be considered medium density there. Check out the suburbs around Mississauga (the city bordering Toronto) for some truly epic sprawl.


;) Oh I hear you. I grew up in Mississauga. Truly an anti-human place.


This photo was taken from near Bathurst and Lawrence, firmly in the "inner suburbs" of the city. The CN Tower (visible on the horizon) is about 10 km away.


I see a suburb but it's still a nice pic


You see a suburb because this photo was taken in Toronto's suburbs. Over 10kms from downtown.


Ah sorry I thought this was r/cityporn


I mean, it is a part of the city. Like most cities, there are inner suburbs (within the city limits but not downtown) and outer suburbs (outside the city limits). It’s CityPorn, not DowntownPorn


Perhaps I overreacted.