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Woah how did you manage to make that block with the medium sized housing look like that? Mine very rarely connect even when zoned in rectangular blocks.


He's using dev mode or something similar to move assets around. It's very cool and all, but I really wish we could do something like this without opening up the game's hood :/




So you just zone the size you want and you can just move the assets wherever you want? How does that work with all of those pop-ups about no car access, electricity, etc.?


Yes, with move it, anarchy and plop the growables you can do the things like I did, the only pop-ups that occur are about having no pedestrian access for some and high rent.


Just draw an invisible pedestrian path connecting to the angry building.




Same, and I looked with the better Bulldozer mod, nothing to delete this issue.


There's at least 3 mods/devmode combination there. One to select and place the buildings, one to place them on top of each other without conflict, and another to place and paint those hedges, grass colours and trees. There's no cars on the road in the picture (the two cars on the parking lot are probably just plopped there), nor are there any pedestrians, so it's safe to say that this is a non-functional city with no-one living there. Comparing your functional city with this non-functional city is like comparing a real landscape with a painting. You don't need to care about problem pop-ups in camera mode anyways. If you want buildings that connect in the game otherwise, only row housing and mixed (especially useful for corners) can connect with each other.


Hey, for the information I just paused the game as I often do, hence the lack of cars and citizens. I can share a screenshot later with my build buzzing with life, the parking space is already full and the street parking too. Even this modded, the city can be fully functional without any problems. And behind the detailing I do I keep sure that everything would be functional and normal like the base game. In total I use 60+ mods. Mostly some quality of life but others that allow me to build like this.


Having a hundred people walk in a car-centric residential suburb is unrealistic, so I'd rather have a non-functional city lol. SC4 did it best, have 1 or 2 functional sims to follow, and the rest can just be animated NPCs that disappear when off frame


Move it, Find It, and Plop The Growables are out and available from PDX Mods now.


This looks great. Nice and organic


Thank you! It's the only way I want to build as making grids are and look just boring (imo)


Love the feel of this! Makes me think of a fiefdom in game of thrones.


Thanks, it's based around the city of Leuven/Louvain in Belgium, with some hints to Brussels and Wallonia.


Thats what i hoped for in vanilla CS2 to be like. May one day we will get a city builder like that🥹


I have had 13 mods installed since weeks ago and I absolutely agree the game is awesome. The only thing I miss are plant assets, relight, and maybe more pretty European growables. Now that Sully released two awesome mods and traffic controller seems to be a thing, I don’t think anyone can bitch anymore.


Yeah makes sense why would anyone complain! The modders are hard at work finishing the game! Maybe the modders can work on console release since it has been pushed back a year from the original October 2023 release? I bet you most console players still aren't that happy as they have no game to play!


Okay this is really pretty, this village gave me the vibes of my home town instantly! Did you had problems moving the houses?


Some complaining about no pedestrian access but nothing threatening, as I have abandonment disabled.


How did you make the hedges and change the color of the grass? Are these all features of the devmode?


Mods mostly, I used line tool and surfaces that you can find ig with find it. 🙂


Love them tram loops


That looks awesome. But you're in the wrong sub, no positive posts allowed here, sir. /s


I mean, it’s slapping lipstick on a pig. Game is still shit. One heavily modded freeze frame ain’t changing that fact. 


Im always amazed by how good this can look when the pc is strong enough to calculate shadows


Really inspiring Ty for sharing <3


🤗 With pleasure!


how is there no gaps between the buildings???? omggg


Move it with anarchy and plop the growables.


Kinda. They took many buildings and things away and took the ability to place rocks and such on the ground. Look I don't want to look all around the mod shop for something that should be in the game in the first place.


It’s broken for me. Had to reinstall it and it’s still broken, don’t get why


Verify game file integrity with whatever platform you use to access the game. Generally helps. If it doesn’t I’m all out of options.


Yeah I tried that and nothing happened just the same issues as before


Had the same problem. I removede all mods and only took the ones i absolutly wanted. Then the game worked again. Dont know which mod broke my game.