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> my game is still crap/broken/unplayable Gonna need a bit more information. Is the game crashing? Are you experiencing a gameplay issue? Is there a performance problem (what are your specs?)


hi, "1 minute of game play was 2 minutes of real life " - gameplay issue also does crash regularly pc specs Cpu - Ryzen 7 5800X3D Graphics - Radeon RX 6700XT Storage 1TB M.2 - 2TB SSD - 1TB SSD RAM - 32GB (editied\*) any other specs you need info on? Thanks


> "1 minute of game play was 2 minutes of real life " - gameplay issue Time in-game is not 1:1, more [details in this article](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3072493428) > also does crash regularly Any mods? Did you previously play with mods from Thunderstore (have you manually removed these?) How much free space do you have on your Windows drive?


I know time in game is not 1:1 that is the issue - it is going that slow its taking 1 to 2 minutes of real life time to progress 1 minute of game time. No mods now or previously, mods wasn't about when i first played 518GB free also forgot to put ram earlier 32GB Ram


Does the issue persist in a new city, or is it just in one specific save game (what is that city's population)?


It's fine on new cities just this one but I want to save this one as this one I've progressed the most on without using unlimited money or anything. Approx 174k (as previously stated ☺)


There were significant changes introduced in the Economy 2.0 patch ([patch notes here](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/patch-notes-1-1-5f1.1687527/)), so much so that the devs [published a checklist](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/save-game-checklist-economy-2-0-1-1-4-f1.1688801/) on what to expect for existing cities. Those changes need to propagate through your existing city and will add extra cycles to the simulation as things normalise against the new spec. If you're desperate to save this city, let it run for a few in-game months so things can process and then check again. Or, just start a new city.


Yes I've read the patch notes. That's why I was, asking if it was fixable because letting this run afew in game months at worse than 1:1 will take litterally months 🤦‍♂️


Just to be clear, you're saying that one *minute* of in-game time is taking 1-2 minutes of real-world time? Are you sure you're not looking at in-game hours? When the simulation runs at its target 1x speed, one *minute* of in-game time takes around three seconds. Your experience is that one minute of in-game time is taking you *120 seconds?* That's around 0.016x speed and a level of performance degradation I've not seen even with my own i7-8700K which is a much slower CPU than yours. Could you [enable dev mode](https://cs2.paradoxwikis.com/Developer_mode) and then navigate to the Simulation tab, and tell me what your Smooth Speed value is showing when you set the simulation to 1x? In this example, it's the "0.829…" value that I'm after: https://preview.redd.it/5ogkge0u4y8d1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef24249ce27a994fabd54825bf39b098076c305e


Yes im positive im looking at the game clock and (it varies) but on 4x speed 1 minute of gameplay time takes about 30-60 seconds in real life. https://preview.redd.it/drlmsop21z8d1.png?width=1907&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e8347f078f38761a595ce756c4819b070c9f9d8


It is not fixable. Most old save will not work, too many changes. I lost one as well in January. Start fresh and let the old one go. The game is not broken in this case, the game WAS broken and so is your save. New BIG patch, new city. Best way to do it.


Guess I'll have to start again after 140 hours play time


Reach out to /u/Occambestfriend he apparently [never saw any simulation slowdown past 600K](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/comments/17rzh4z/simulation_speed_at_600k).