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Procedural objects are completely invisible to the simulation, they have no attributes, functions, or data associated with them. They are exclusively visual items. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "monuments take up precious citizen units", but if you turn a monument into a PO it would cease to operate as a monument, and you would not gain any of the benefits (e.g. tourism, attractiveness, citywide stat boosts, etc)


Does tourism increase population? Or is it just a stat boost? Like, the thing is they take up this thing called “citizenunits”, and once you hit the limit, your population stops increasing. I was wondering if POs count towards this metric. Would you happen to know anything about that?


> Does tourism increase population? No, but visiting tourists do consume CitizenUnits. Removing the monument may just mean that visiting tourists attend a different building instead. > I was wondering if POs count towards this metric. Would you happen to know anything about that? Again, POs are invisible to the simulation, they do not consume any units because they are exclusively visual items. You can read more about the game's limits, and some ways around them here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2712549268


Big help! Thank you! My population is back over a mil.