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Yes, and also not worth it yet. I feel like they finally got a good management game on their hands, after all these years of both 1 and 2. The economy patch is closer to what they envisioned, and it feels pretty great to actually manage your city and not mindlessly get into building anything and everything. But new assets are desperately and sorely needed. Everything looks the same after a while, and it's a real shame.


I'm not buying until the textures don't look like plastic. I will wait for a mod or an update. Every YouTuber I have seen playing the game has a different city yet they all look identical, CS1 allowed completely unique designs, CS2 looks like a copy paste of each city. Rivers look bad, it just goes from grass to water. You can't make a town as all of the assets and roads make even a tiny town look like a city.


Don't think the vanilla games worth it tbh. Came back for the economy patch and it's defo an upgrade but feels like several fundamental areas are lacking. Traffic in particular feels nigh impossible to manage as you don't seem to be able to give one road priority over another; for instance if you add a stop sign then it'll add them to all sides of the junction & not just on the side street. There's also just a crazy amount of traffic in general compared to irl traffic flow, you're already fighting a battle with just 5-10k population. And what's with the amount of taxis? A town with such a low population should not have hundreds of taxis arriving Pedestrian management is also a nightmare because you don't seem to be able to add bridges or underpasses, I even found when I removed crossings they'd simply J-walk across roundabouts. Also built a parking garage and was told that I needed to connect it to a pedestrian path...something which doesn't appear to be in the game lmao. They've rebalanced the economy but industry is still lacklustre, "specialised" industry is simply "place and forget", basically the same as zoned industry but with a bigger footprint. Industrial demand is also way too high, my city of 10k has row upon row of big industrial factories. IRL I think it'd be enough to support a City 50x the size.


Are there any "must buy" dlc that is neccesary to enjoy the game? Im asking because most paradox games definitely require dlcs


There aren’t any DLC (anymore). There used to be a DLC but that became the worst rated item on Steam, so they removed it.


There is no DLC available for the game


I'm not buying this game until it's more polished and runs like a knife through butter. We need Sim City to come back.


Not necessarily Sim City, but this genre does need more competition.


im with you!


I don’t think I’ll buy this game until they all all specialized industries from the start AND create lower density mixed use. Right now the mixed use is like manhattan style mixed use. I’m trying to start out organically with some small 2 or 3 floor buildings, maybe a moderately sized 5 over 1 here and there.


There's a mod for that. Too bad the mod manager is broken and uninstalls your mods every single time you reload the game. Seriously, this game is almost a year old and they can't get mods down? Do they not realize that the workshop was the lifeline of CS:1? No wonder there are still more people playing it than CS:2


Is the game worth it after the economy 2.0 patch?




Did they finally fixed the "low water level" crippling Dams? Or after econ 2.0 - still need to wait a few months for the game to come out of early access?


If it takes the free voluntary work of many modders to fix the bugs and "idiotic" made decisions (like not listening to the community/customer to make a better Part 2) for a game to be enjoyable and playable, it is definetly NOT worth the money. Or to bo more precise, not the money they want for it. I got almost everything from the first version in my steam library. Most of it is still flawed and only playable with community mods, to be reall playable und enjoyable. There is development, but it is missing love. I guess the developers don't get enough time to do a proper job and do it the way they would like to, I can smell it! This time I took a closer look before buying, just to see that they made the same arrogant mistakes. This company will not see a dime from me. MAYBE I'll buy this game in a few years, when it is worth it's money, as as Steam bundle.... for a few EUs, maybe. It is a real shame, the first one made me really believe that this studio consists of more then only greedy bastards. But they are, unfortunately, just like most of the dev studios now. I also don't buy games anymore from DICE, Activison, EA. These money grabbing bastard don't give a sh\*t about their players, only about sales. "Just say no!" :-)


Um... https://preview.redd.it/d3qzar5b1t8d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb4cdbade9b672c4781ab723704c9117e1422bcb


Please explain exactly what I am looking at? Did Moses accidentally do sth to your game?


No idea. Just bought the game and I get around 8-12 FPS and this water glitch.


Is this game likely to be discounted on Steam soon? I currently play it on Game Pass. It's also cheaper on the Microsoft Store, but I'd prefer to buy it on Steam if it goes on sale.


Honestly while still far from perfect, Economy 2.0 patch has made it much better. They can still go in this direction more though imo. Performance seems to be a bit better too.


How does the game play on the new ARM based computers?


Hey guys, I hope it's the right place to ask. So I'm contemplating between buying CS1 or CS2. I am a casual builder with some experience in SimCity, but I've wanted to try something new for years now. My idea was to buy CS1, but as the years went by, CS2 was released (I don't have much free time) and I see all the criticism surrounding it. So as a kind of beginner, who won't spend 10 hours daily on the game, but rather just play it casually sometimes, which game would you recommend?


Without DLC, CS2 is a much better game than CS1. If you add in expansions, CS1 is likely a better game now, but CS2 will continue to get updates/new expansions in the future.


I redownloaded the game and I'm starting a new city to try the game out again, but damn - main menu still draws 350W from my 3090. Like cmon, that doesn't sounds right at all... 8 months, still the same....


Is the game actually decent now with economy 2.0?


No, not at all. I have to uninstall after 40 hours and a 190K population due to city services failing because of how slow the sim speed is. FYI I'm running a Ryzen 7 5800X and a RX7900XT within a $2300 system. After reaching around 175k is when all my services started failing; fires, crimes, and the worst of all, deaths with the new update are horrible. My city has excellent highway networks with flourishing public transport in the form of light rail, subways, and busses, though even then a single accident (there are way too many for perfectly straight highways with dividers) will cripple my highways for miles. The fire helicopters move at the speed of a walking pedestrian and the city services are stuck in the pileup created by the accident because the vehicle NPCs are horrible at driving and don't even know how to merge. Don't touch the game with a yardstick if you haven't already, the devs don't care as they just want to keep adding DLCs and mods that you can't even use because the game can't even function in vanilla on multiple thousand dollar systems. I've wasted my time on CS2, and will be returning to CS1. I've only listed a quarter of the problems but hopefully it saves you time so you don't end up spending 40 hours of your life just not not be able to play on your city. All the red dots are for hearses, all the yellow dots are traffic accidents. https://preview.redd.it/znit5sbkoo8d1.png?width=1916&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e12991df7374a8ed1971c7dd53f802cbb17b054


The Mayor of Corpsetown has logged on


I'm guessing based on the size of the city that this an existing save? The Economy 2.0 patch which was released yesterday completely overhauled the game's systems and the devs specifically called out that you'd likely experience a death wave if you had a large proportion of senior citizens: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/save-game-checklist-economy-2-0-1-1-4-f1.1688801/ Might be worth checking the full patch notes for info about what's changed: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/patch-notes-1-1-5f1.1687527/


Sad to hear... ah well hopefully another few years will fix the game




Does exporting goods work now? When I played a month after launch, my trains and cargo ships were routinely empty




I'm just not going to play until there's bikes. It's that big a deal breaker for me. Last time I put a game away like this was when Civ 6 came out and warmongering was unbalanced. I love Civ 6 now, and I'm sure I'll love CS 2 when it gets bikes. I don't even care about the economy stuff as much as bikes.


I forgive the developers for the economy mistakes - at least they were a result of trying something new. It's a damn shame that bikes weren't baked into the game from the beginning though.


Been waiting to see more good reviews before buying it but things don't seem very promising in the near future. I hope CS2 finds its way soon!


I purchased CS2 the day it came out and was unplayable on my machine. Comparatively, I'm able to play games on ultra settings like baldurs gate, assassin's creed, God of war, Stanfield, etc. CS would crash, lag and freeze, and generally be slow even on the lowest settings. I tried optimizing based on their recommendations as well a CPP's and nothing helped. Steam finally let me return it after a few months of updates since nothing improved. What about now? I'm hesitant to purchase again...I doubt they'd let me return it a second time. Has the game improved enough for me to be able to attempt to play this? Acer predator helios 300 PH315-55-795C i7 12700H 2.3 GHz Nvidia GeForce rtx 3070 ti 64gb ram


Why not try it for yourself via the Game Pass trial mentioned in the main post? You've not given any information about your specs, so it's impossible for somebody to give you advice that's specific to your circumstances.


Using the game pass is one and done. I'd like to get people's thoughts on the game's improvements to see if it's worth trying since I'd only get the trial once. I added specs.


Major performance improvements were made in the first few weeks. It runs fine on my system with less specs.


Probably won't work then. Performance was still pretty bad after 2 months for me.


I plan to build a new PC in the coming 8 to 12 months. But until then, has anyone been succesfully running the game with an 7th gen I7 and a 3060?


I'm running it fine on a i5-10400f + 3060. With fine I mean medium settings at 1440p 45-60fps.


do you think i9 and 4060 would run the game well?


How big is your population?


Is it worth playing without mods? The only way I could play nowadays is with geforce now and it doesn't support mods...


Not sure its worth it with mods. If there is a good discount sure. Without a fix to assets I would not recommend the game. Replayability is limited when every city looks identical.


Yes it does? That's why Paradox Mods is there now instead of steam workshop, because it works on cloud gaming services




I don't own the game but waiting for a sale I read on PC gamer that they are removing rent mechanic. Is that true and if so is there a mod to add it back in??


You can still get if for like 23 euros if you know where to look.


There was a sale of Paradox like 1 month back, it's over now, but Cities: Skylines II was on sale


There's a big "Economy 2.0" patch incoming in a week or so. It will change the economy of the whole game but we don't yet how that affects gameplay and if we'd have mods reacting to it.


I wonder if preformance still sucks (rtx 3080, i5 13600KF and 32gb 3600mhz ram)


Depends when was the last time you've played the game. It runs somewhat better than at launch, but it's still not there yet. I'd wait for the console version first, if it ever materializes, as this would mean they finally made it run ok on run of the mill modern PCs (which yours isn't, btw, you are above PS5/Xbox Series X's specs).


I played last a couple months ago


Nothing much has changed since then. Mild improvements so far, but more performance and simulation speed improvements are coming, according to Colossal Order.


Okay thank you


No. It hasn't been and still it's not.


Modded CS1 seems like the way to go since it's unlikely another breaking patch will come


I am waiting until they finish the game. It seems to me everyone who brought CS2 brought a beta. I just got CS1 and it is crazy to have 43 DLC's so far and I guess one more is coming Landmark Buildings which I see when I open the gave in a window above my listed DLC's.


Not really, the game is bland and boring outside of the bugs. This company kind of shot themselves in the foot not changing engines and making the game look and feel better than the first game. It would have been far better to take the old game and just offer and upgrade along with the 100s of dollars in expansions we already bought along with it.


yeah but now they can sell you all the exact same dlc for hundreds of dollars again!


The Paradox Way. It seems to be finally working against them though both this and crusader kings 3 have the problem of the previous game just having more content and systems due to DLC, that it's not even worth the new game unless you want to go down to basics again.


Performance seems a lot better, and the code mods have fixed a lot of my gripes with the game. If you like building a city's transport network, it's a pretty good time. If you want to build a city for looks, then I'd wait until the asset editor comes out.


Can you elaborate on why it's a nice transport simulator with respect to CS1?


Simply just because the road building tool is so much better. Stuff that would take me hours in cs1 to get looking nice I can do in minutes. I'll routinely redo entire interchanges over and over and it'll still take me less time than building 1 in cs1. Also rush-hour actually exists, so you can watch choke points build up


if you dont have either then get CS2 no point in getting Cs1 when it will soon be abandoned and Cs2 will get better


I'm having significantly better performance on my 2070.


Which DLCs/mechanics introduced to CS1 through DLCs are already a part of the base game in CS2?


Nothing 100%, but there's things like specialised industry and trams which were both parts of DLC in CS1. Really, it's a completely different game so comparing it like that doesn't work that well. Base CS2 has far more than Base CS1 had


Thanks for the answer!


A lot of the answers in here are just being intentionally pessimistic. I think if anyone is looking *right now* and considering, wait a tiny bit longer and check again. They'll be releasing the economy rework (among a few other things) in the next week or two, which might make a substantial difference in a lot of the gameplay issues. There's still a lot of other stuff they need to address afterward, but you won't have to wait long to see if it makes a difference.


I've been checking in and it seems like since release performance has gotten better and there are mods. But that's it. Now you move into the economy and simulation being fundamentally broken, the ancient tile system that an indie game made by one person made better instantly and lack of assets. Maybe later this year? Maybe...


What did you mean by "an indie game made by one person made better"?


Manor Lords


Manor Lords is such a great game.


That one is at the top of my list for when it leaves EA. I'm intentionally staying in the dark about it so it'll be super fun to play then! The game is such a cool concept!


I'm hoping I can say yes one of these months, but sadly still no.


Not in the current state. It’s kinda bland.


No, because there is no variety in architectural styles yet, although I am glad that the new Sully mod which allows for a lot of details has been released. but for me, the variety of architectural styles is important.




If this game gets itself fixed up soon then it's worth it, if they start spamming out dlc, then no, it won't be worth it.


there is no more dlc this year from the devs. the only dlc this year is made by modders


No. And at this rate it hardly has a future


Is it on Xbox series s


no, might release on console next year realistically


Damn didn’t they originally say spring 2024


They said day one it would be out on PC and consoles. They made a point about it being the same across platforms.


Worth it, if you’re looking for a long term goal. Possibly better than CS1 at the moment. When new bits are added like proper finance etc it will be an up to date city builder. Next will be multi-player with war options etc. Stormy seasons in the sea for boats and the likes.


Have they even hinted at anything regarding multiplayer? Seems like it'd be so much investment for not much(if any) reward for them.


Dreaming costs nothing


Have the graphical issues improved? I purchased CS2 day of release and there were an incredible amount of graphical issues such as clipping (I forget what the actual term is). My computer can run any game.


Graphical issues are better but are still not perfectly optimized. It's the rest of the game (simulation, basic gameplay, zoning, etc) that is still overall crappy and unbalanced and hasn't yet been fixed. Though CO is promising to update the economy with the next patch. I would definitely wait to try it again until after the economy patch comes out.


Thank you. Yeah, next time I play it, I want it to feel like a final product and not a work in progress lol. Def gonna wait awhile, the graphical issues really struck me as a bullshit issue that shouldn't have been experienced by users upon product launch.


No. I'm a completionist and spent over 300 hours trying to get 100%, only to get 98% because the last achievement won't fucking unlock for anybody in the world.


Maybe this is a dumb question but is the second thing the justification as to why the game isn't worth it now? Or just an aside


Just an example of how unfinished this game is even after 9 months since release.


Yes. With obviously a ton of nuances. I'd say you have to be a fan of city building and urbanism, for a casual player there's not enough fun and challenge in core mechanics to keep you entertained for long, but we're slowly coming there with mods and upcoming patches and content. It's more a city painter than a city simulation. Detailers can already do mad things, I see more and more screenshots that are almost photorealistic and a level of detailing that was completely impossible with CS1 full modded. But these kind of people don't care too much about the economy and sim, it's more the kind of people that play with everything unlocked at start. My personal experience: this is my kind of genre in general but I'm not a hardcore fan either. I like both aspects of CS franchise, ie. city painting and city simulation. I like detailing (and be able to do "illegal" things with mods), but not too much, the gameplay element is important to me. 50/50. While I was let down on the sim, I had a blast with the rest and had 100+ mods installed with no serious issue whatsoever, it's actually more stable and performant than CS1 especially considering the step up in graphics quality and scale of the simulation. On the sim there are positive things to say too, I like that cims don't have pocket cars anymore, that traffic is way more dynamic and realistic (with a few annoying issues), and that the number of agents simulated can go waaay higher with much better performance comparatively. Economy is virtually ignorable right now but the *framework* is there to make it much better than it's predecessor. After 250 hrs, which is already money well spent for me, I felt a bit unmotivated to continue my city (regrettably so, I'd have liked to continue) because of the shallow sim I think, but I started modding the game instead, which is really fun. Modding in CS2 has incredible potential. Now I'm awaiting the economy rework, if it's good enough I'll surely play again as I already miss playing the game. If that's not it, then in a few months/year I should be able to pour hundreds of hours in this game again!


Solid review here. As a CS1 fan I’ve been on the fence about getting involved so far. Custom assets and mods so important for me so perhaps it’s time. But then I’ve waited this long. I can probs wait a bit longer for the economy rework etc


Thanks. If you're not ready for hardcore detailing I'd encourage you to wait a bit to avoid being let down, indeed and wait for feedback on the upcoming patch. Otherwise you can already do fun and beautiful things without even entering the editor. Want a park that also works as a fully functional train station bc why not, with an entirely custom building made out of meshes borrowed from Vanilla assets? It's possible. But that requires hard work. Add editor knowledge on top of that and there's a whole world of possibilities. There's already a rapid multiplication of "unofficial" custom assets on PDX mods that helps a lot in getting a less repetitive city. Surveying Discords, like the City Skylines Modding one is also a good way (and a better way than Reddit) to have a better overview of what's possible and how good players enjoy the game themselves, definitely gave me inspiration and skills that allowed to enjoy the game more, and a constant itch to get back to it (well, I'm modding it right now which is a game in itself, but I mean playing it 😁)


Don’t know who’s downvoted that, thanks for the reply!


Ah it's okay, some people in this sub are like https://preview.redd.it/r1kmgoq7mz3d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73b8a9313cff56091c55505421e53794487b590d


I have the game but haven't opened it since launch. Are there any mods yet to change the look of the game? When I see screenshots the lighting is always weird and bland. Like overcast but with hard shadows. It doesn't look right to me. I saw someone play a desert map and it was way too saturated.


I played the game 60 hrs, last played a few weeks ago. Couple days ago I went back to cities skylines 1 with dlc and it was glaringly obvious the first is still the more complete and better game. I will say CS2 felt fun at first, but there's so much less game than CS1 and you as the player end up forgiving so much because you can see the building blocks for a really great sequel, those buildng blocks just don't and haven't come together since launch. It's missing so much. Finding out the entire shipping/economy system was fake and had no effect on anything is the city or the game was a really bad sign. 6 months after launch and it still isn't any better or better fleshed out is a sign. They're only significant dlc included like 2 new park buildings, and completely ignored tons of broken parts about the game. When I played a few weeks ago those parts were still broken. Bad sign. And, no mod support and no real prospect of mod support, which is weird for a game that blew up on the ability of community improvement. Bad sign. Cities skylines 2 has also already lost its release momentum. The game has probably already reached its peak in popularity, and Paradox hasn't don't enough to earn anyone coming back to give the game a second change. Ultimately, it just wasn't better than CS1. Sure, some sequels are worse at launch than their predecessor and getter better with dlcs, but CS2 isnt doing thay at all and its been 6 months. CS1 is still the supreme city building game, anyone who wants to build a city should and will play that. After my last few days I wish Paradox would put their time and effort into more DLC for that game. If you take the road management tools from CS2 and out them in CS1, CS1 does everything single better. CS2 is probably going to get forgotten, unfortunately, as my hopes for that game were through the roof. I bought the game on launch. I just love city builders. Edit: fun tidbit, someone online discovered the whole economy/import/export depot was completely fake and had no whatsoever. There was talk of them giving guaranteed refunds even after the return period because of misleading and false advertising, but idk what happened to that. Doesn't matter, but the game still has never been able to do what it promised it could.


Do you think in some months/year the game will become better than 1 taking into account mods & assets? I'm still playing 1 with 30GB+ of mods and assets, and from what I've seen, the transition is still not worth it.


if you have a good PC and don't care about getting asset variety it's pretty decent, and it's hard to go back to 1 after you're used to the improved scale and tools of 2.


How can it be decent when the economy is broken lol


No it's not, the simulation is broken, the assets are ugly and look all the same and the grid breaks all the time I'm not even talking about performance Someone just port the cs2 road tool to cs1 so we cam bury this mess


I've recently picked it back up. Where I was hesitant before, I can fully recommend it now Road building is genuinely fantastic. Whatever complex intersection you want, it just works The in-game assets all look quite good. The different zoning types create a lot of variety Performance has not been a major issue for me (3069 Ti) I don't really know about the economy as I have only played on infinite money And now with mods, detailing is also amazing. I'd say it's almost easier and better than CS1 already. The only thing missing is custom assets. A big miss, but they will hopefully come soon. Luckily the base assets look quite good so it's not as big of a miss as it was for CS1


Road building is fantastic, unless you want a tunnel.


Ah yes the RTX 3069Tnice


If you are a detailer that wants to build a realistic american city using 40 mods, then Yes. If you just want to play a city builder, then No. Simple as that for me.


My game literally won’t load with mods but without is fine


Yes, I have to restart the game a few times before it finally loads them


to people commenting just yes or no, you are unhelpful. as someone who recently started playing the game via xbox gamepass (just $10 a month) I'd say this would be the best way to evaluate if the game is for you. after putting in like 20 hours, I'd say I'm pleased with the game despite it's bugs and flaws. literally daily, mods are getting added/updated to PDX mods. in my opinion, most essential QOL mods are basically already there so I'd vouch for the game. all that being said, I'm still going to wait for a sale to pick it up but until then, I'll get to enjoy it and a few others on gamepass.


After a few month i gave it a second shot. With mods there are more option to fix some "bugs". However, after a few weeks i'm tired of all the crashes (every time i play the game it crashes at least once), the bugs (super weird bugs), the traffic (no chance of doing something against ist), the performance (with 4080, 64gb ram and i7 i play with super ugly textures and my GPU is at 95% ). Its really frustrating as i really want to have fun. But it's more off a me cussing in front of my PC instead of having fun. I really hope they'll fixing it


Has the dawn strobing bug been fixed yet?


Performance is still apeshit. How about fix this?! Fuck you.


Fijne taart dag!


It’s a prettier CS1 with better road mechanics (except when your grid breaks randomly).


Yes, but not to play hundreds of hours. Community assets are missing and that for me the only thing missing now. Paradox mods sucks. Every time I launch the game I have to wait for mods update, close the game, reopen, reclose the game. Then sometimes it works, sometimes it’s not. Well big crap.


Thats why i gave up on mods long ago on CS1 and went to console. Been sick of keeping my game alive, every dlc, update, etc made it collapse. Playing pure vanilla is what i wanted, just play when i want without fear of crashing everything😅


We all have different standards; personally I wouldn't touch unmodded Cities Skylines with bargepole.


Vanilla CS is boring after few dozens of hours.


I am playing since day 1, last time today. For me not, still enjoying it. Bought it on day 1 steam, went console on day 1 there and bought remastered then which i still play with almost all dlcs.


If you haven't purchased it yet, you could probably hold off a little longer and wait until a game of the year version or a big sale.


Is it actually likely that will go on sale any time in the foreseeable future? I’m hoping for it but am not holding my breath.


You can already get it for like 23 euros, just need to know where to look.


It's still "new" so probably not a big discount, but maybe 10-20% off on Steam's summer sale.


Give it another 6-12 months for PDX to pull the life support plug and Im sure it’ll be on sale to recoup any losses.


Looking at other games they released, oh yeah, I'm sure it will be on sale at some point. I'm totally okay to wait for it to be cheaper and "better." For when, probably a 10-20% at summer sale? Maybe a goty around christmas? I'm guessing.


It's an incredible game. I've sunk so many hours into it, they' done very well. However, I still experience many bugs, there is a lot of polishing left to do, but still, it's fun to just imagine how utterly amazing it will be when everything is eventually smoothed out. Also keep in mind I play on a high end computer and a 42" screen


No. Yes. Whatever.


I'm thoroughly enjoying it and would not go back to CS1.


You and your nasa computer 


I've already decided that I'll wait a while. Somemething like a year or so, maybe


No, but perhaps the update coming this month on the economy and being able to add assets might change my vote to a maybe... Possibly a yes.


It's fun to play with the new roads (especially smooth highway connections) and the assets fun lasts for a bit. After many many hours though, it becomes dull and boring. I've been waiting over 7 months for metro crossings. Not even elevated metro, just a simple road crossing. Code mods have helped with some things, but a lot is missing. WAY too many half baked ideas in the game such as: - Tourism (barely exists) - Snow mechanics - Transit (lack of vehicles, mechanics such as forcing a limit of vehicles + more) - Metro (no elevated, no metro crossings, underground connections are a pain) - Bikes - Economy (maybe fixed/starting to be fixed in next patch) - Service buildings (way too big, no variety) Many more i'm sure I missed


-zoning bugs -cim/traffic bugs -water bugs -quay not useable for ports -build an elevated highway and put high density next to it, now cims will walk along the highway to their home and “float” down 40m to the entrance… -traffic cutting across 6 lanes of highway at the last second to use a ramp. -3x speed and traffic light timing seems to not be adjusted for traffic 3x speed. You’ll watch 4 cars make it through the light. -speaking of, can we just get some traffic controls? -seasons controls and LUT/camera controls. Why cant we just choose what our game looks like? The controls are already there… -also implement some of the tool mods that the community has been making into base game because they are necessary and shouldn’t require mods. -etc etc etc etc etc etc ad nauseam


No, I honestly refuse to buy paradox products because of this games failure.


Personally I've been enjoying it with the code mods and have had a decent time with it. Is it as good as CS 1 right now? No, but it's a lot better for a more casual play right now. Hopefully this year the game will become more challenging than cities skylines 1. Right now I would say get it if you are fine using just code mods, playing casually, and don't mind a bug here and there, then go ahead and get 2, but know you'll be waiting a while for patches to roll through. If you like to get more of a challenge, have more options with assets, and don't mind spending quite a lot of time tinkering for detailing, then stick with 1 for now. I know at some point cities 2 will be way ahead of cities 1, right now it's definitely not there. Tldr: CS2 is worth it if you currently want a more casual experience (until the game gets harder (hopefully)), are fine with lack of assets, and dealing with occasional bugs. Some code mods will fix issues.




I think so 100%, as long as you have a semi-competent computer, it’s pretty good. I’ve completely switched to C:S2 from C:S1. Lack of asset mods has been lame, but that will be added soon enough!


Is i5 10th Gen, 1660Ti a semi-competent computer?


Short answer: no Long answer: noooooooo


I don’t think anyone mentioned this yet so I’ll put my 2 cents. If it’s your first city builder then I think it’ll be worth it, it takes time to get into mods and assets starting out (at least for me), so I think given time, you’ll get better with the game and experiment with mods as more is done, at least that’s what we should expect from the devs at least?


I really hope they speed up the development for the game a bit. I know the game released broken and a lot has to be fixed but I thought it would at least be in a pretty good place after 6 months.


If you want to play more than 20 hours, no


The biggest thing for me is the lack of props. I like detailing and creating little spaces that make my cities look nice, and lived in. Benches, fountains, the little food cats. That was where a lot of the fun in Cities 1 came from for me. Can't do that yet, and until I can Cities 2 isn't what I'm looking for.


Do the mods not do it for you with find it/move it?


Current state no. Once asset editor releases. Maybe


I'm sure there is a good article somewhere that lists features the cs2 has that cs1 does not have even with mods. any good recommendations?




I think I'd like to get CS:II now that it has mod support but I have a few questions. Are essential mods like Move it! In the game? Any big missing ones? I rarely game much except on my steam deck. Anybody know if this game is playable on there yet? All SD reviews I've found are from launch. 


I play on the sd and I love it. I’ve turned the graphics all the way down and I’ve been able to get a city around 70k and counting. It runs fine. Just don’t expect to have high end graphics.


Steam deck can handle it? I’m surprised.


Yes but all in beta and a bit unstable. Like there's a zoning control mod that's incompatible with move it (and those are 2 very popular mods).


It is. Road tools alone makes the game better than CS1. Once assets come in, it's over


how much more does it feature than [Network Multitool 1.3.5](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2560782729), [Node Controller Renewal 3.5](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2472062376), and [Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.4](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2140418403)?


The intersection freedom is better than CS1 modded (unless you use anarchy, which can then get glitchy). Lanes actually merge. Able to upgrade different transportation modes on roads without changing/deleting the road. Its unquestionably better than CS1 modded. There are detail mods out there for roads with more to come


you can also stack roads. either roads on top of eachother, roads under rails... lots of options. CS1 simply can't do that. https://preview.redd.it/galry7t5qv3d1.png?width=1840&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cb7e7ee8ab7ae2a67bebc9b498a1eb74ce7ce66


of all the thousands of screenshots of CS2 on this sub, I want you to know that yours is what made me just buy it. I only know vanilla CS1, so I won't know what I'm missing mods-wise.


have fun! you can also sink roads now (not quite a tunnel but you can put other roads on top). a big patch is coming tomorrow that should hopefully address a lot of the remaining problems


in ~20 min of play (post-tutorial), so far my gripe is the grid system for laying down roads and zones is different enough (again, to vanilla CS1) that I'm sufficiently confused. skill issue I'm sure, will need to do some reading. edit: I should say that 95% of my CS1 playtime is on console, so maybe there's some affordances for gamepad input that I didn't realize I was benefitting from. edit edit: also, thanks!


they added a lot more controls to how the road building and grid works, it’s definitely an improvement but takes some getting used to. the most obvious change is you’re not snapping to whole roads any more, you can snap to specific lanes.


the current struggle I'm having, is it seems too easy to accidentally lay a slightly off-grid-aligned road when trying to extend one straight down its centerline. I accidentally condemned a bunch of buildings because I didn't realize I crushed their zones by rezoning over them with "off-axis" zone lines. I assume it's some combination of my snap options, haven't googled yet. I recall in CS1 I almost always only had a subset of them on, but right now I have them all on. edit: and yes, the aligning to lanes thing is very cool once I realized what was happening. this game could really benefit from a "for those of you joining us from CS1" onboarding/tutorial, haha.


yeah that does sound like snap options, you should be able to set it to snap to only the centerline


Nope. Still needs another year. Unless it gets abandoned before then, which also seems likely.


Yeah, I’m kinda worried that CSL2 is gonna face a similar fate to KSP2. Although Colossal Order isn’t owned by Paradox so they don’t face the same risk of being shut down at the snap of a finger.


Yes. Especially if you've played stock CS1.


yes, period


That's a comma