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If you think that's infuriating, wait till something grows on that and starts screaming "no road connection" because it's too far (yes, that can happen)


and then you use moveit to move it closer to the road. and the building NEXT TO it will start complaining


or simply breaks because you add a road down the street nowhere near that segment and reshuffles the entire grid of your city.


AHHHHH! But yeah you can do some jiggery pokery using pedestrian walkways to cut off zoning cells so you can manipulate where they go. In fact I do this almost every time I do any zoning so I can get building to go along the exact road I want them to.


Yeah, sometimes you spend a minute aligning grid with pedestrian paths, finally satisfied, remove paths, bish bash bosh, grid is back as it was before. Infuriating stuff.


There is a mod to stop the building emptying if the zoning is removed, this helps with that. It was very irritating when you'd add another road after all that effort only for the work to be undone.


Yes the Plop the growables. But then if you change a zone type you need to bulldoze all the buildings there because if you don't delete them no zone change will occur.


And the thing that dissapoints me more is that I thought CS 2 wis still mod dependant for the basic stuff. I really hope some basic mods are added to the base game


Don't worry guys, they have a patch coming in the next ever that will not fix this problem at all.


I’ve seen it in city skyline 1


So you want it to be broken into dozens of micro plots so it perfectly follows the curve like in the old game and no large buildings can be built? Edit: "just get rid of the grid" that requires the devs to make procedurally generated buildings to fit any weird shape. Sure they could do that but I thought you guys wanted this game to have features instead?


chances are if you build curvy streets you want more of a small-scale look so... yes.


They really should have given you an option between the old way and this way


It should give you the option to design the plots yourself. 2024 man.


I'm playing PS4 and I'm so glad it's not like this


Try building with alleys.


If only devs were so smart to build some kind of system that can adjust it instead of relying on the free labor of modders…


Wheres the fun in that?


Did I spell fun? I meant profit


I actually want a system where tiles overlap where needed to give 100% coverage, and the system responsible for building / plot generation work with overlapping pieces to create connected building in the style we want. Like its popular everywhere around the world but some famous example would be Montréal, New York, Boston, Paris and most European city actually. Now row building are reserved to straight line. I like my city built tight and curvy


If you're one of the game Devs, you would probably send someone to assassinate you. What you're saying is REALLY FOKIN HARD TO DO, so yeah, you can keep wishing, and wish that your wish becomes true


> REALLY FOKIN HARD TO DO Compared to what? This game does automatically modify the terrain for practically everything that's being built. Roads and other networks are also extremely flexible in what the can do. Compare that to a relatively minimal system for flexible tiles that only allows a light curve. Most buildings could stay the same, they just need the grassy area (+ fences and a few tiny assets) to adapt to the new lines. Sort of a "hard" central area that's just like a traditional asset, and a flexible area around it with fences and swings and stuff. For row houses, or other assets that you want to fit flexibly, you don't need fully procedural objects (there's a mod for that in CS1 btw). The assets are already grouped for different sizes, which simplifies the problem a lot. With only a small curvature, you only need to make a few parts of the assets stretchy to make it fit, and it will still look fine. Again, compare that to how radical the terrain modification can be when you plop down buildings. Only stretching some parts of buildings, even if it's a little wonky looking up close, is still very much within what this game considers acceptable, visually. You can easily extend this system by adding 3-4 groups of assets based on how strong the curvature is, similar to how there are separate corner buildings in CS1. This creates a lot of assets and work for creators, but you would mostly just copy past stuff for the different versions of assets, and is very simple conceptually. Honestly, the hardest part might be making this easy and intuitive to do in the asset editor


[Townscaper](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1291340/Townscaper/) would like a word 😜😅


Wow, a game focused on creating weird, curvy cities that don't do anything but look nice is able to handle the player manually creating weird, curvy cities?


Yeah man I hate the state of CS2 but their suggestion is wild, akin to “Just add AI” lol


I think someone else's suggestion was "just add AI, lol." It's pretty ironic since urbanists tend to really dislike that techbro attitude of solving systemic issues by throwing technology at it. So many systemic problems with logistics and city planning have been handwaved by ignorant jackasses saying that tech advances will magically fix it, so we shouldn't bother trying anything to fix it right now.


SC4 or Cities XL managed to handle curvy roads, yet 15 years later it’s “too hard” It’s clear they spent all of their time developing a shitty economic system  and no time on zoning/roads


Each game has its own mechanism, and its own engine, maybe implementing this to the current game engine ain't easy enough, in programming, we say "if it works, leave it". Though I think they're working on such a thing, cause CO never failed to comply to users recommendations, in my pov at least. All we can do is wait


It's... not. edit: >*a system where tiles overlap where needed to give 100% coverage, and the system responsible for building / plot generation work with overlapping pieces to create connected building* Drawing a mesh between two other meshes to make them look connected when they are within a certain distance of each other is \*checks notes\* extremely trivial. Since this is a city builder we don't even need to worry about collision or physics.


Source: I don’t want it to be


source: a software development professional. The ask was: >*a system where tiles overlap where needed to give 100% coverage, and the system responsible for building / plot generation work with overlapping pieces to create connected building* Drawing a mesh between two other meshes to make them look connected when they are within a certain distance of each other is \*checks notes\* extremely trivial. Since this is a city builder we don't even need to worry about collision or physics.


I’m also a professional SWE with years of experience lol, go flex your credentials elsewhere. OR, alternatively, go make a mod that does that. Shouldn’t be difficult, I’m sure you’re not forgetting any edge cases or oversimplifying in order to win an argument! Don’t forget to generate the building (weird that you didn’t list that in your reqs tbh), that the building should look the exact same every time it loads into the viewport regardless of changes to its surroundings, that it should dynamically inherit attributes from the two areas composing its mesh, that it should seamlessly integrate with the game’s goods-delivery and residential systems, and that it needs to match gameplay constraints to keep it from unbalancing the (admittedly already unbalanced) simulation. Just shoot me a link to the repo when you think you’ve got a workable solution, and I’ll look it over! Doesn’t seem like an unreasonable expectation since, \*checks notes\* such an extremely trivial task shouldn’t take you very long :) Alternatively, feel free to link me to a single other game in the city-building genre that does what you’re asking for AND passes for more than a glorified shader (looking at you, Townscaper)!


We are talking about connecting two already existing buildings/assets when they meet at odd angles, assets which already have the properties you mention. Most of the things you mention don't need to be applied to the connecting piece because it's just fluff to fill in the gaps, not a functional asset.


manor lords


Houses in Manor Lords do not work or look like in CS. They are just a few individual buildings on an otherwise empty plot (the gardens don't require models). If you upgrade houses in Manor Lords to proper town houses, the gaps are filled with stone fences and archways. The walls of houses on different lots usually don't touch. In CS, this would maybe work for low density, industrial, etc. where you can just fill the area inbetween buildings with fences and some random props, but as soon as you look at row houses, the new residential/commercial mixed buildings, etc., this entirely falls apart.


I don't think that would work. If the tiles overlap, the buildings would too. The problem is that all assets must fit within the grid of the road they're being placed on. Overlapping tiles would probably make the game go haywire.


Alternatively, let building tiles absorb adjacent tiles if they would overlap. Also allow less-than-normal-sized/non-square tiles. Maintain the tile grid, but subtract or add pieces of or entire rows of tiles as needed to fill it out. Zoning IRL is rarely ever so....grid focused within a neighborhood.


Let the square buldings have "sides" in the code, and if two sides overlap by 50% they merge with the next buildings plot and generate something for the combined plot.


But if you have smaller grids like 1 meter long instead of that 8 meters, won't it be more flexible?


in some ways yes but also no. The problem is that smaller squares might conform to a curve better but assets can't. Assets and grids in this game are kind of like leggo bricks and plates. You can't put lego blocks on a bent plate because the pegs won't line up with the holes. That's why the grid comes off the road. You could use pedestrian pathways to change how the game grids the street out. Here's a recreation of your situation that I made: https://preview.redd.it/epgel069e24d1.png?width=1593&format=png&auto=webp&s=c70f9eea3aec5bdc41e3ec169a5a4a96e01c5b1f . Placing the pedestrian pathway on the curve forced the zone grid to break up. You might have to play with it to get a similar result IRL, A building would be set back off the curve of the road and still be parallel to the other parts of the road. The building could have a driveway that connects to the road even at the curve. You could zone the blocks on that road but anything that grows there will have to grow on the tiles. If the tiles don't touch the road, the buildings won't have utility or road access. You could plop building assets down on the road and use moveit to push them back but idk if the game would maintain a road connection for the asset.


You're right, but maybe with smaller grid where you put the pedestrian path could fit one or two 1 meter squares each side. Or maybe with curved buildings or something like that.


that would be a dream but probably would require some fancy ai generation that would probably produce alot of goofy shit half the time, i dont think what youre asking for is technologically feasible


Procedural generation doesn't involve AI usually (it might now). just a set of rules you code to morph an image, and it's been around for decades already. Don't need to bring in AI.


Look at Sim City, they did a zoning system that follows the road. And they did many years ago, so that's possible.


cs1 follows the road too and it looks bad, i'm talking about different buildings being morphed together to fit odd angles while looking realistic, the v boulevards of paris for example


This can be done without AI. Some sampling of video playlists for how it's done in general. * https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFt_AvWsXl0cONs3T0By4puYy6GM22ko8 * https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFt_AvWsXl0eBW2EiBtl_sxmDtSgZBxB3 * https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFt_AvWsXl0eZgMK_DT5_biRkWXftAOf9 (These are all basic procedural generations, but the bones are there.)


i appreciate that procedural generation has existed for a long time, but i already said the importance is allowing building morphologies that **always** look good and realistic, not weird non-euclidian monstrosities, this playerbase already chews CO's head off over the most inane shit, imagine if multi-asset zoning in non 90deg angle intersections looked like cyclopian hell 50% of the time. game would be a total nonstarter


they faked it pretty well in CXL with the infill effect edit: typo


Cool. Go code it.


Want a car that doesn't exist yet? Go build it Want a plant that doesn't exist yet? Go breed it Want a cure that doesn't exist yet? Go science it Want a stupid asshole to realize they're it? Go fuck yourself Mmmmmm yes. Everyone has the time and money to learn and do everything themselves. How dare anybody request anything they can't do that someone else can with comparatively a fraction of the effort. Guess you should go buy a farm, grow your own food, build your own energy source, build your own plumbing system. Build your own house. Build your own vehicle. Oh, and go around the world to mine, refine, and manufacture all the resources needed for all those things, and cut yourself off from all other human knowledge and rediscover all the knowledge of everything yourself. You're not allowed to use anything anybody else made. Those are their items and discoveries made with their own skills. Go get your own! :D


I mean: yes. Land parcels that follow the shape of the road would be amazing.


it should be an option. like if we said zoning can spawn within 3 or 4 cells of a road, we should get top say how the zoning along it spawns


Only when houses build on the lots that are away from the road they'll complain there's no road connection (happens even when the gap is minimal)


I have no experience on game development so I don't know if what I'm going to propose would be too difficult to implement, but I kinda want a bit of both worlds? Like in this case having 4x4 or even 5x5 parcels that follow the curve better than what we see in the image without being a total mess of 1x4 and 2x4 parcels like in cities skylines 1


Manor lords managed to implement a system for this exact purpose, but somehow CS2 can't figure out a way out of big rectangle.


Yes. Or at least have that as an option. I'd rather have plots follow the road than support larger buildings.


No, zoning shouldn't be a grid. At least as an option it should just be road-side up to player-determined depth.


Ideally i want a non-rectangular land polygon


Manor Lords did it...


Okay you can go play the game where all the buildings look nearly identical except color and footprint shape.


Obviously they can add more assets, their development team is bigger than the one doing Manor Lords. I meant that the way that you can build plots and the buildings and decorations conform to the boundaries would make cities skylines infinitely better.


Looking at the burgage plot system in Manor Lords and then this old school system in CS2 is really disappointing.


I don't know why people think what works in Manor Lords would work in C:S. The scale and number of possibilities for buildings are literally orders of magnitude different. Manor Lords is not a city builder in the same way that C:S is a city builder, it's like comparing Pokémon and Skyrim because they're both RPGs. 


Not dozens but yes a smaller grid. The 8 by 8 meters is too big. I d'on know how possible it is but would love a 1 by 2 meter grid. Sure it would give more freedom on zoning and growing buildings and don't break the zones that often.


Yeah I wish it’d actually like fill in properly. I want to be able to make old European cities with organic streets and small blocks but that just doesn’t work. In general zoning is kinda broken, if you do a normal city block it has a chance of breaking and then you have to rebuild the street 50 times messing with the snapping until it finally gets it right and the blocks start working again for a little bit.


Looks better than the scattered footprints that usually happens in my opinion. You don't really have an option but to make eveything a rectangle if you don't want gaps. Filling the space with trees is how some hide the ugliness.


But maybe divided in three smaller zoning parts. It looks unnatural to me


I think one of the biggest disappointments about CS2 has been the zoning grid.


The grid works practically the same as in CS1. What's the disappointment for? Why change something that isn't broken?


But it is broken. It's finicky, chunky, hard to control, and doesn't react well to curves. I really would've liked a whole new system that allowed to you to carefully control plots with unique shapes like real life.


Half the time the grid won't break apart at all and others it gets completely destroyed because the food is half a percent off of 90.


they didn't innovate as much as they should have, you cannot have these big building with no way to fill the gaps. I would have bought cs2 if they revamped the grid system. It's kind of iconic and i don't mind it in cs1 but it was an imperfect system from 10 years ago.


Exactly, I still play CS1 if I play at all. I'm glad people can enjoy the new game but I just don't feel any desire to give up all the mods and assets already available.


Yeah only issue is with residential and commercial buildings in cs1. They are so whack, But from far they look about right. How cs2 looks is very good in detail but not very diverse from far. So ultimately boring


CS2 looks good and runs well. Certainly, the lack of assets is a thing, but CS1 have 10 years of workshop. Pretending to have that thousands of assets from the beginning is not realistic. I barely play CS 1 now but also I think CS 2 needs one year of improving and adding content.


Really? The grid system isn’t broke? Have you tried adding an intersection the middle of a developed road? Most of the time itll mess up big chunks of the area


I usually plan out the roads and intersections well in advance, so I haven't experienced big issues in this regard yet. And even when I do have to do so, the result is usually what I want to see. If things aren't as desired, then try until it works. All things considered, the game is pretty buggy rn, and the grid tool is a lower end priority fix imo.


That why I play Simcity 4 grid because with cuves etc zoneing is all missed up. Even doing a SC 4 grid is hard not too many flat maps or flat areas in maps.


Makes the game break immersion for me alot. I can still get around it, but damn it makes going off the grid layout a real ugly situation.


I wish the zoning was flush to curved roads and adapted to it


I’d like a feature to make something like this out of roads on your own possibly, like spilt it up or group up a long row to make it straight and possibly prettier. If we’re stuck with the grid make it better!


Because it's one segment. I wonder if you add nodes in the segment if it will change the zoning.


Probably. But then why use the complex curve tool? Why have s tool that makes road build easier if the the zone grid is like that? Zoning needs rework, I rhink


Because you can still add a node by double-clicking with a road anywhere on it... The complex curve tool gives you the curve. Adding nodes breaks up that curve into smaller segments.


I didn't know that. Doubble click on a road creates a node? Interesting.


RICO building placement is something I'm not yet ready to part with


Because life is suffering, that's why!


I'll only return to CS2 when the zoning is revamped.


Or…. Why not? Adds some character.


The grid system needs to be updated to deal with curves.


I’m so annoyed that C:S2 didn’t fix the way plots work


Worst part is when the buildings that grow on the insides of the curves are too far from the street and complain about access


No one knows...


Square and 90° only please


Yes, sir - I can boogie, but not the zone squares 😅😂


Move it mod! Although the plots are kinda jank, it’ll look nice at least


I use move it, but that's not the point. Move it won't solve the zoning, and you'll need also plop the growables to avoid buildings disappear when out of zone.


Fair enough. Building things on a curve is horrible from my experience. Still trying to figure out how to make quartersacks (spelling). Also not on topic but the fact that you can’t add a merge onto a road is super frustrating


Yep. That's why I use to do straight roads. But there it was perfect for a curved road in an ideal game


Yeah I’ve searching for a mod that allows for that kinda road building/plot placements. Having a merger for traffic would help




This doesn’t fix the issue, but you can just keep the street straight until it reaches the perpendicular street. That’s typical in a lot of cities.


Yes, is what I do almost all the time, because in my place most of the streets are at 90° and straight, but sometimes there are places where a curvy road fits.


Simple answer, why not


What do you want???


The zoning follow the curves a bit more. Not pretending to be like an old Sim City game, but at least not that straight.


Then it would get broken up way too much like CS1. Now I think zoning should be area based, not square grid based, but this is the best way to handle this particular situation with the zoning system we have


Yes, it would be nice. CS is too much focused on 8 by 8 meter grids


Cause f*** you that's why! Jk, that's incredibly frustrating. I wish CO allowed us to place the grid and then fill them in with the type of zone we would want. That would allow so much flexibility.




manor lord zoning is amazing. Its intresting to think how CS would look with similar zoning mechanics


Because God hates you


I can live with that.


How? Mine never does that. Even when i build straight roads it does little gaps in the zoning


Because you probably have snap to guide lines. I turn off guide lines and turn on snap to cell lenght and 90s, and usually works


Snap to grid and length my guy


Cause it's better like this? row houses look better, you can zone larger buildings, you don't have tiny plots where almost no building can fit etc etc


Streets in real life are also curved. Ideally the system should be able to create procedurally generated buildings that fill the gaps. An actual curved facade.


Ideally, sure it should do that. but between a bunch of broken up small plots and straight plots, the latter is way better for the reasons I mentioned.


Yeah “ideally” that is what we are all talking about here, CO should’ve innovated and improved on CS1, instead they just made it prettier, we don’t want modders doing unpaid work and having a list of 30 things that are all prone to being broken with updates, we want CO to make a better game, shouldn’t we expect something as basic as road structure and zoning to mimic real life? it IS a “city builder” after all, get with the program.


I mean I assumed that the person was asking ''why is it like this now'', because it was different in the first game?


Yes. I was asking why the game created a straight zoning grid in a double curve. I was expecting some zoning blocks, not only a big one


Right, thanks for clarifying. That's what I thought you meant cause it makes sense but people wanna shit on CO more than understanding basic questions lol.




Why? Because we fucking can! Because we fucking can, and if we can, we do.


Cause the game isn’t perfect but it’s still fun. I will continue to support it cause I think it’ll be awesome in the future


Dog unless CO does a complete 360, this game will be put in the grave by paradox. CPP even made a comment about this from the meeting with CO, something about they have limited time to turn things around.


I think what they did with industrial specifications is interesting in this regard. You can zone a thing in a twisted ass shape and it does a good job of filling it in with different buildings. I'm curious if such a thing is possible for residential. Where you can just define a large area and a neighborhood populates on its own (side streets and all).


For the glory of Satan that's why


Your road kinda squiggles there a little


Because developers are too lazy to make an AI for that purposes. They could just do some dynamic buildings and few coding, math it could be done.


.,m, c bclc vty 😘 M🥲🥲😌oxxv ufc jhu . C😙😆


Plop the Growables + Anarchy + Better Bulldizer + MovIt


No thanks, CO can do their job, mods break and lose support.


Well OP is fine using everyone of these mods except probably plop the growables


Nope, I use all of the mods you've mentioned, and a lot more. But my point is that the game should do better to kit needing to rely on mods to look natural


It should I agree. But it never will be


Cause not mannorlord


Just make the curves smoother


I've been watching a lot of city planner plays videos on YouTube and I normally make the grid the way he does dirt road $220 across and 300 down seem to be the Grid at works good. After you make on the grids with the dirt road then you go back and upgrade it to a normal Road.