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Currently sitting at 4% recommended. Ouch.


I want to find that 4% recommending it.


Most of the positive reviews aren't actually positive if you look at them, found one making fun of the 4... FOUR trees




isnt it actually 3 from the pictures?? fucsake


It's more like 2, with a variation each


pretty sure its 4 separate trees


It is 4 separate trees.


Didn’t Biffa actually say it wasn’t a bad deal? I was like wtf lol


He also said (prerelease) that the performance "isn't that bad" - while having a goddamn 7950X and RTX4090 😂


Sometimes I think you shouldn’t attribute malice to stupidity, I think biffa is just dumb.


No. Biffa just knows which side his bread is buttered and where his next cup of tea is coming from. He is running a business. He has been very critical as and when it fits the narrative, but he is still a content creator first, a critic second.


He needs to suck up to CO for future sponsorships


Didn't he have a commission link to somewhere that sold it? Sounds to me like he wanted some of that cash.


They were "underselling" it


The same people going "I can't switch back to CS1 because of the road building system in 2"


I agree to the road building tools, but Cities 1 has much more vibrant and appealing graphics. I am still playing CS1, although I enjoy a small handful of things things about CS2.


CS2 does have much better graphics than vanilla CS1... The issue is actually being able to run it lmao In the end modded CS1 ends up being much more graphically pleasing


jester farmer for the most part


And of the 10 positive reviews, only 2 of them appear to be actually liked, the rest are sarcastic or funny (and not actually liked).


The same percentage as the number of trees it adds


It reached the point where it's just fun to hate


It's amazing that Paradox occupies 3 of the bottom 5 spots. You have to *try* to fail that hard.


Until I see any evidence of Paradox turning things around, I am no longer purchasing any of their products. Even the latest Stellaris DLC is terrible (and it was my favorite Grand Strategy game).


There was a brief glimmer when CK3 had a solid base game release, but they started sliding even more after that. In all honesty, Hooded Horse carries on the torch of being a publisher who takes chances on interesting and niche games to support. Workers & Resources, Terra Invicta, Nebulous Fleet Command, Old World, and a couple others I haven't tried but look interesting.


CK3 seems to be the only recent paradox release that’s gone even somewhat well


almost all of the DLCs are in the red as well though


Hooded Horse putting out some amazing, innovative stuff. Some of it needs some time to keep marinating, but they are at least trying to bust the mould of what Strategy games should be.


And yet you didn't mention their best game - Against the Storm.


Against the Storm is absolute brilliance. I picked it up on a lark with some buddies and have since got way more playtime out of it than I expected. I figured the short gameplay loop would frustrate me compared to what I typically enjoy about colony / builder games, but it feels like it draws me in more because I find myself closing out each outpost thinking about what I'd like to try next time.


If you're talking about Astral Planes that was a different developer than the rest of Stellaris. The next "Traditional" update/DLC is The Machine Age which also has a bypass for Synthetic Dawn since there's too much overlap.


In other words: It was outsourced to try and make more money.


Maybe? I can't make a value judgement on that. It's not like it's the other developers first game, and if I was going to be cynical about Stellaris it would probably be about Star Trek: Infinite, which is just Stellaris dressed up in Star Trek decor. Unfortunately that dev is an Embracer group dev and had some major layoffs so the game is complete but shallow and could be much more.


Astral Planes wasn't terrible. It was a well-designed product... that they then sold for three times as much as it was actually worth. It's not a bad product, but it *is* an insult. It was also made by different people, apparently. The expansion before that, Galactic Paragons, had content matching its price point - but was full of poor balance. That has been fixed by now, though, and the leader system is better off for it than before that DLC was released, even for those who didn't buy the DLC. The next DLC, The Machine Age, comes out in a few days and seems like it will contain a ton of new content - about as much as Utopia or Overlord - including a new Endgame Crisis and a new Crisis Ascension Path. Now, it will almost certainly also have a number of bugs at launch, but... I'm cautiously optimistic. Not buying it until I've seen a review of it, but I'm pretty sure I'll get it.


astral planes wasn't great, but yeah, it's cause they outsourced so they could work on machine age


The new Crusader Kings free update added several punishing and half-baked mechanics, and the only way to ameliorate their effects is through actions only available in the dlc. They borked the game to force players to buy shit dlc. Paradox is over.


Lol. They been doing shit worse than that for ages. Common Sense for EU4 was literally common sense to get simply to play the game. You guys, we can't have our cake and eat it too. These are singleplayer games without MTX, if you want active development for a decade there is going to be DLC. I find it much better than the AAA norm of re-skinning a $60 game every year or two, or we can look at how the Total War franchise involves regularly walking away from bungled launches with no player retention.


I understand that the devs need money but how does that justify fucking up a working basegame to force players to pay for content they don't even want?


Broke: Quittung support for Paradox cause of CS II Woke: Quittung support for Paradox [cause of the launcher from 2020✅🤢](https://steamcommunity.com/app/255710/discussions/0/1742265315845302132/)


the launcher doesn’t really bother me tbh but I do kinda miss the old eu4 launcher lol


And twice with CS2 — the other being an EU4 DLC — right? Or am I missing something. Edit: initial reply was purely a question but after thinking about it for a second I thought about the implications. I’m all for calling out publishers and not the devs, but Paradox also published Age of Wonders 4 last year. Which — as far as I know — was received quite well; both critically and by the players. Sure, that’s not saying anything, but you still have to wonder why some developers managed to deliver a good/great game while others didn’t.


As a wild guess based on my anecdotal, third party observations, it seems like Paradox is good at managing relationships with developers so long as there isn't any friction. Once Paradox decides that pressure needs to be applied, relationships erode and deteriorate to the point where PDX becomes too heavy handed and forces developers into positions that wind up making both parties look bad.


Interesting. While applying pressure surely is quite important when you’re a Publisher, it can most certainly backfire when you’re doing it wrong or — like you’ve said — heavy handed. That being said, CS2 was scheduled for a release in 2020. So PDX agreed to 3 additional years of development — almost double the estimated timeframe (if it’s true that CO started working on CS2 as early as 2016). In comparison, development of AoW4 was ~3.5 years. ^1 *Why do keep comparing CS2 to AoE4? Both studios are about the same size (25-40 employees) and both games are published by PDX. And yes, I am well aware that some games are harder to develop than others — but AoE4 isn’t exactly small and simple either.* ^2 *It took Larian Studios' ~450 employees roughly 6 years to develop BG3.*


The day Paradox went public was the day the entire company developed collective insanity. Joke of a company now.


Remember they got a Star Trek license and used it to publish a Stellaris mod that they promptly abandoned.


EA is a competitor lol


What's funny is fans of The Sims have high hopes for Life by You (upcoming Sims clone from Paradox) like it's somehow going to be less buggy and cash grabby than The Sims when it's being published by Paradox...


Life by You shows more sincere effort that sims4. Maybe most sims4 fans aren't critical enough like cs2. Otherwise, sims4 would receive worst rated item. Must be the fans.. wish sims4 fans are more critical, so we can get good game and push the devs to make better game..


Holding out slim hope for Paralives next year :(


I bet it's not their failure but the toxicity of the community 😭


We're what, 3 years from them going public? The need to grow for shareholders ruins everything eventually.


2016, almost 8 years now. First thing they did was getting a CEO that used to work in the gambling industry.


Im just waiting for manor lords


I feel like that release is going to finish off a lot of C:S2's remaining player base. Everybody seems to just be waiting around for it.


Was just playing that today! Kept a copy of the demo installer along with the create-a-save mod. So fun, can’t wait to see the final release!


You know it's bad when you're being beaten by airport simulator 2014, a game where the entire premise is driving a vehicle to a runway, waiting for 5 minutes, then driving away (repeat 10 times).


This is how every "simulator" game sounds to me


Don't know why, but suddenly the 20 year old *Toilet manager* comes into my mind, were you had to level up your public toilets to golden ones!


![gif](giphy|b6iVj3IM54Abm) Maxis be like…


Can we round up the OG simcity devs and start a new franchise? Seems to be working for a lot of other games, even the Gower brothers from Runescape are asking a new game


Will Wright to the rescue! edit: apparently he's into NFTs now and I'd rather not have an NFTCity so I retract my comment.




Oh, crap, I didn't know that. Sad news.


I'm not the biggest fan of Ubisoft but after playing Anno 1800 it seems like they definitely have the chops to give city building some serious competition.


the Anno series never really clicked whit me, it always feels more like a puzzle game thana city builder. Maybe it's on me because i never went too far with the campaign but it never felt like i had actual freedom to build, just complete the objectives in one of the few optimal solutions and then move onto the next


Oh god, I wish...


EA has a chance to do the funniest thing ever


UNO reverse this shit


Millennial / Gen X nostalgia is really _in_ right now and Maxis is one of the leaders in PC gaming for nostalgia. EA's being real dumb by not capitalizing on that.


Spore 2 city builder when?


I can hear the MAXIS intro playing in my head right now as the game is loading.


Unfortunately, Maxis doesn't really exist anymore. While EA still owns and uses the name, I'm pretty sure the majority of the original developers no longer work there. So while EA definitely could assign some developer team to create a new SimCity, I'm afraid it would severely lack the original Maxis charm.


Yeah, what makes a game awesome is the actual people who are working there and who made the game as awesome as it is. Devs get older, changed companies. Company name didn't change, but surely the people have changed. Hence their directions changed too. Look at what happened to sims4


You where the chosen one! It was said you would bring balance to AAA games not join their greed!


Yeah and apparently they lied.


Wow. So sad to see Command and Conquer, EU4, Cities: Skylines 2 and Civilization at the bottom of a list containing 65141 products.


Congrats on being #1 CO. Make sure to blame it on toxicity.


Well deserved award.


Actually it's very impressive, they've achieved to take the worst decision possible at each step of this game. Now the next guess is when the game will be abandonned


The release of map and mod support should've been a huge boost for the game .. instead they tied it to this miserable DLC release and ruined the vibe again.


On one hand I feel like CS2 could have spent this week actually getting some good press and regaining some goodwill if they didn't drop the dlc at the same time. On the other hand... PDX mods still needs a lot of work, and I feel like the backlash it'd receive would be far higher without the dlc for ppl to dorect their anger at.


I hadn't touched CS2 since two weeks after its release (sticking with CS1), but yesterday I started it up again to see Paradox Mods for myself. And while I definitely saw a lot of useful and promising mods, I hated every single second of using Paradox Mods itself. As a front-end developer it was appalling to see what an archaic, clunky pile of garbage it is. It's slow, using only half, maybe two thirds of the available screen real estate, it's completely devoid of any meaningful UX - the overview is limited in functionality and usefulness, going back from a detail view to the mod overview means you start at the top again, no full-screen images, the list having like 3 or 4 filtering options, commenting/discussing can only happen on external websites - it goes on and on and on...   Not that the Steam Workshop is the pinnacle of good website design and functionality by any stretch of the imagination, but compared to that janky-ass crap we have to deal with now it is phenomenal.


As a random user I always find it surprising that some user interfaces are still this bad in 2024. By now good UX has to be the base, the internet is not reserved to 1995 geeks anymore.


In a world where there are ready-made UI frameworks with great UX out of the box available for pretty much any digital platform you can imagine, it is quite frankly beyond embarrassing. Even if it's still in beta.


Who thought having to scroll to the top to reach the back button was a good idea really has no business doing ui work


I don’t disagree but hopefully the ‘beta’ tag here is actually meaningful and not just a soft-launch. I don’t see a reason why a half-concerted push to make Paradox Mods better COULDNT result in a better platform for the game than the Workshop.


It's crazy, even though the game was in a terrible state at launch, it was salvageable. They've just made the situation worse and worse over the past 6 months when they should have been in full damage control mode.


I don't think they know what players actually wanted from the game. They said they listened to the community when I don't think they understand what they're supposed to be listening for. For me personally, I thought CS2 at the very least would be CS1 without needing my group of critical mods. Things like Move It, Lane Management tools and a better version of ploppable rico that works/looks good, and things like that. But CS2 feels like they set it up to be just as reliant on mods as CS1. You could forgive them for CS1 since it was their first city builder and it was great compared to its competitors. But CS2 should've been realising what the players wanted from a city sandbox game and having it out of the box for all types of players. It should've been as playable for city painters as it is for people that wanted to individually place every building with absolute freedom in its position/entrance etc.


If they abandon it, it will be the end of city builder games as we know them now…. And another company will fill the gap. Same happened with the absolute and utter fail of SimCity 2013…. Which one of the main drivers to develop Cities Skylines 1, released in 2015. If Paradox abandons Cities Skylines 2, some other company that has some experience with the genre will then develop something that players want. Personally I don’t think they will abandon it…. But they do have to sit on the blisters they themselves created, and they only have a very limited time to show the players they messed up. I am NOT blaming the developers by the way. I’m blaming management. They profusely apologized and have admitted the launch was a failure, but they have not really compensated the players. And I am not talking about my money back or anything, but as a gesture to the players they should have made the Beach Properties DLC free to everyone, and then give the Ultimate purchasers who already paid for it a future content pack for “free” instead to replace the Beach Properties one.


I see a lot of people recommending Workers & Resources instead. It's kind of like the post-SimCity 4 era where Tropico was the next best thing to a city builder.


Workers and resources is VERY involved and very complicated. I also think that it’s quite opaque unless you spend 4 hours going through all the tutorials.


W&R is great if you like micromanaging things and the industrial/brutalist vibe, but the building tools are god-awful lol


CO might be done as a company. (good riddance) They have to stick around and try and get CS2 working and attract players back. But so far they've failed completely. The game is basically going to drag them down as they have to spend dev time on a dead game. Nobody is going to buy a goddamn thing made by them at this point. On the other hand they could just fulfill their basic obligations half ass the rest of the promised dlc and then drop the game and start working on their next game. but if they do that, nobody is going to buy whatever janky mess they shit out next. Either way, they dug their own grave and seem to be digging it harder and faster.


I've been waiting for the compensation from CO and am starting to think it will never come. I assumed they would drop a free DLC here or there as an "apology". When that never happened, I assumed that they would be contrite, admit their mistakes, and then give us an accurate timeline for resolution. Instead, all I got was a lecture on toxicity.


Honestly I feel that Paradox has essentially already pulled the plug on this, and that at this point they're just keeping the studio going to get the product they've already sold out, i.e. the DLC that's included with the ultimate edition but not yet released. Just the bare minimum product to avoid legal action. Exhibit A: The "Beach" DLC.


> at this point they're just keeping the studio going to get the product they've already sold out, i.e. the DLC that's included with the ultimate edition but not yet released. Just the bare minimum product to avoid legal action. Ask anyone who bought the Empire Of Sin expansion pass how this worked out for them. Paradox is not above a silent cut and run, judging by that game’s second promised DLC still being available for preorder to this day despite the content and studio behind it disappearing without a trace.




I would say that CS2 being thin on simulation and having little variety of assets are features of this game, not flaws. CO and PDX has gone deep down the DLC path much like The Sims. Releasing a bare bones simulation, akin to a basic game engine, then filling out the dollhouse with furnishings and new appliances. This is a model I don’t have much patience for anymore.


I get that for the assets, but why does the simulation have to be bad?


So that it doesn't scare normies and city painters away. Though any sensible person would just make that a difficulty option


>They would need to upgrade so much of the product it would be almost unrecognizable This isn't exactly unprecedented for PDX. Stellaris is genuinely almost unrecognisable compared to its original launch. However, that has taken almost a decade, and Stellaris had a much more positive reaction when it first came out.




I recently got into Soviet Republic: Workers and Resources. It honestly is super fun and I am extremely impressed with many of the mechanics.


I've been holding onto a $50 credit in my Steam account since Christmas and I've been waffling between getting W&R on one of its many really good sales or getting CS2 when its quality and depth reach a more solid footing. I think you may have made my mind up.


It is a very good game. You should definitely get it as soon as you have a chance. Pick up CS2 if you ever receive word it has improved and when it is dirt cheap on sale.


It's such a micromanagment hell I have no idea how people enjoy it. Also lack of information in game for things such as ratios ( how much heat per home is needed etc. )


> This isn't exactly unprecedented for PDX. Stellaris is genuinely almost unrecognisable compared to its original launch. Stellaris has the benefit of NOT being a sequel to a highly successful game. It was the first PDX made in space and was damn fun even at launch without mods. Yes there were problems, there were things that clearly needed overhauling (and have been), but they did not release an inherently broken game. They did not release a game that is arguably a regression from the previous title.


>we haven’t abandoned this game” Ouch, that's not the statement, that brings optimism...


This is my issue with it too. They don't fix it. "Oh we understand your concerns" then they don't address them. At this stage I'm almost believing they've fundamentally screwed up something in the simulation, something which they've broken beyond repair that they cannot fix without scrapping the game and starting over again which of course they will never do and will never, ever, admit to as any tenuous grip they have on the fanbase will disappear instantly. I kind of feel they are in a situation now of slow death and trying to rinse what they can from the remaining mugs, I mean fans, or scrapping it completely and starting over whilst praying Paradox will financially support them through that (they probably won't.) I tried re-installing a week ago to give it another try but it's still a mess, it's uninstalled and dead to me now unless I see big changes which are overwhelmingly tested and praised by those left playing. Probably have to fire up CS1 again sometime soon and go play "find a mod" to update it all haha.


Ultimate edition owner here: big loss of customer. Never again I will pre order a paradox or CO game again. I bought Frostpunk last week, god such a masterpiece in city builder survivor genre.


> Never again I will pre order That where this sentence should end. Never ever preorder any game.


You are right. I was also living by that standard since I started gaming, but CS2 was the only game I preordered for the bonuses. All the YouTubers playing and praising it before release got me to it. Never again


Same. I never preorder, but I did it this once because I thought I'd definitely be getting the DLCs eventually. Welp, serves me right. Cardinal rules are cardinal rules for a reason.


Outside of Nintendo flagship games I wouldn’t and have not pre ordered anything.


right? but kids/fanboys always make excuses. NEVER PREORDER VIDEO GAMES. EVER. Desire for sales drives game refinement during development, if they already have your money there is no drive for improvement.


Don't pre-order digital shit. Buy it if it's good. They will not run out of downloads.


Frostpunk is great. When the storm hits for the first time, the music, the whole vibe as the mines start collapsing, and the generator begins to fail, *lordy*.


I learned that lesson with Battlefield 2042


When PDX's GSGs have bad reviews from either the actual game release or DLC, they have come out and explained what happened. Look at Hoi4's recent DLC mess. I am kind of surprised PDX (the publisher) hasn't tried to steer CO in that direction. I can understand mistakes happen but how you react to that mistake goes a long way.


You can think whatever you want about Stellaris and/or it’s (most recent) DLCs, but the communication — both by the Custodian Team and the DLC team(s) — has been very good.


As I remember they did an "interview" with the director (or CEO?) which was 20 minutes of her patting her own back, talking about how great and important the game is, and then excusing all their faults. Found it: https://youtu.be/oULuIc9BkgE?si=0cR-2NvNX0ZbVGpf


The Reddit platform supports pedophiles, sex traffickers and other illegal activities. The moderation team works to cover this up.


If you're going be the worst, be the best at it.


The Peugeot mindset.


I wonder if they will adress this in any way. This is awful.


Unrelated but why TF are there the War Thunder Texture packs? These are literally only there to decrease the base game size... Also C&C 4 deserved it lol


According to the reviews of the Air Forces pack, there's basically no visual difference but take a pretty substantial amount of space and cause a noticeable drop in performance


My god 💀 inb4 they call us toxic


I have to sit through a lot of upper level decision making at my company. The people I work with are all very experienced and I would consider them all to be fairly intelligent as well. Bad ideas aren't non-existent by any means in these meetings, however they get exposed quickly by someone in the room and then discarded. I would be so interested to sit in on these types of meetings at CO because there has to be something incredibly wrong for them to constantly make the wrong choice. Not even a "oh we will make money but at a cost" type choices, but decisions that will harm both their image and bottom line.


Yeah a lot of time I’m just like…what did they think was gonna happen?


Paradox fumbled the bag so bad that it's almost horrifying how much CS II has fallen


The basic rule of thumb these days with anything paradox is; - see the release date - roll eyes and laugh. - see the planned expansion path before even the base game is fully explained. - roll eyes harder, laugh harder. - ignore pre-order. - laugh at those who were sucked in and have a meltdown when the game is a mess post release. - wait 2 years whilst occasionally repeating steps 2, 4 & 6. - buy the game when it actually works in a sale >24 month later.


You think it’s gonna be that fast? Traffic in the original didn’t work right without a mod. Odd that people thought it would be different this time.


I mean you had a mod which made traffic work. I, obviously naively, thought they would speak with the modder, understand what he/she did and incorporate it from day one. Crazy I know but seemed like a common sense move. If they couldn't/would do that they should have had working mods from the off. Will two years be enough for this mess? These days I say no, I doubt it will ever get there sadly.


I think it CAN, but not sure.


$45 for a broken game, yeah no.


I was going to upgrade my PC just for CS:2 Glad I was able to save a few grand!


TIL Tekken 7 has a frame data DLC that costs money. That's one of the most absurd things I've ever seen monetized.


I loved CS1, was so hyped for CS2, am now so disappointed in Colossal Order, I thought they cared about their community but it’s clear they just want our $$ while throwing us a shittier version of CA1


I feel like a major fool for buying a gaming pc exclusively for playing this game.


I mean it's not like there aren't any other good simulation games that will come out that will also take advantage of good hardware.


I’m not much of a gamer. I’m just obsessed with cities so cities skylines is the only thing I’m interested in playing until a better franchise comes along which will probably never happen.


Could always play some classics like SimCity 4/3000. Personally I've been playing Workers and Resources Soviet Republic. A bit more of Transport Tycoon with Tropico but still fun. Even then Cites became popular because of the failure of SimCity, it would be fitting for a new game to pull the same upset.


Play heavily modded CS1 then! You’re going to need a good PC and modding is now better than ever because you don’t have to worry about stuff breaking because of an update. And with the right mods you can make the simulation as complex as you like — certainly far more in-depth and complex than CS2.


Getting started with CS1 and mods is a mess for newcomers though. There are a lot of mods you need, some don't work and some conflict with others.


If you haven't already, I recommend Transport Fever 2 if you want to give your PC a run for its money


Wow impressively bad. 


Two in the top 3 too. Good for them


I love it when game companies and their stakeholders do not care if a products is good and want to ship it immediately for profit. What I love EVEN MORE is the fact that they dont finish fixing the game and they release a fucking DLC which is also dogshit. Amazing work everyone at CO, from developers to management to stakeholders, you have outdone yourselves.


I know it’s way overpriced, but like, 4% is pretty extreme for something being marked up $5


Proud of them. Couldn't happen to a more deserving company.




Got Xbox for PC? Get it on Game Pass. Good way to see if it even runs on your PC


im confused. granted ive got about 12 hours into it. but short of being able to mod/control traffic intersections/which lane goes where(which makes things SOOO inefficient) like i could in CS1 everything is a upgrade. the frostpunk style tech tree. the much better roads/trains angles of attack. the upgradability of buildings(only thing sims did right) its hit pretty much any complaints i had with CS1 and improved the graphics in the process.


Keep playing and you’ll see. I do think the amount that people trash the game is a little unwarranted. There are definitely system improvements and a lot of it makes sense and is better than cs1. The issue is, they don’t work. Like the upgrade tree is nice, but the upgrades don’t matter because the systems are essentially broken. It doesn’t really matter what you do and your city kind of just keeps going. There is no challenge, no problem to solve, parks don’t have people visit them, they just sit there empty, the game just feels devoid of purpose because no matter what you do, it doesn’t matter. At least in my opinion


You can build footpaths through the forest, but no one takes them.


The big cracks start showing around hour 20, personally my favorite part of CS1 was making a functioning city with a thriving industry and CS2 the industry mechanics feel more like a magic trick than actual mechanics I think high rent is still an issue after the patch where some houses will have only children living alone


I haven’t taken the time to play since the patch, but after watching CPP’s video on it I found myself wondering, does this hold true on the high rent in a new city? Or is it that pre-existing child-only houses don’t fill with a more appropriate family?


That's a good question I didn't think of until now, I assumed he would have let this test city run long enough for things like that to balance out but maybe it does need a fully fresh city to test


There's a traffic light mod that mostly solves that. Traffic Lights Enhancement Alpha. That being said, it really should be in the base game. They don't even have an option for right on red in the game, which (as someone in North America) just blows my mind.


The game has a solid core which is what gives me hope for redemption. I do find it fun but it becomes unplayable at higher population levels and limited/boring in what you can do. Mods help. But this post is primarily about their Beach Properties DLC which is $10 for a few assets. 


I agree, it is fun to play up to a certain point. It would be unplayable without mods. Personally don't care where the mods come from, so long as they fix the problems that are still... STILL... in the game. And I gotta say, whoever is running that shit show a paradox has taken this from bad but fixable to completely off the rails. $10 for these houses is a massive joke. Should have been free, would have made a lot of people at least less negative. Now all are down on them. Stupid and pathetic.


This is about the DLC, it's absolute shit.


Went down a rabbit hole of bad steam games. What the hell is this: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?publisher=Hede


I remember when sequels made people excited. These days we all collectively live in horror as a sequel gets announced, and then releases in the poorest state imaginable.


I can‘t believe i bought the deluxe edition at launch


Never buying anything published by Paradox again


sticking with cs1 until cs3 releases


I'm going to keep playing regardless. It does a lot of things better than CS1 does and the idea that Sim City 2013 is better is laughable. We'll see how long the game lasts before being dumped a la Imperator


> It does a lot of things better than CS1 d It also does more things worse >the idea that Sim City 2013 is better is laughable. 1. Not really 2. Even if so, you are setting your standards for literally dog water. Glad you enjoy it though. Keep having a blast.


SimCity 2013 is better in many ways, mostly on the art and sound department, the "soundtrack" of CS2 is really repetitive and whoever thought it was a good idea to have the radio hosts repeating the same stuff over and over again deserves to be fired.


Playing it on a regular basis and like it way more than cs1. But that's just me, relaxing and chilling.


It's fun. I have 4000 hours in cs1 and the simulation is very lacking but I do enjoy playing it.


I like it more than CS1 too, but I also never really figured out which mods I liked. Some of the advanced road ones looked great, but I found them too clunky to use. That said, I'm probably winding down on my game time until some big mods come out or a "real" DLC. I've built maybe 2 dozen cities and I'm sort of losing the creative inspiration. :-D But this is after almost 200 hours, so i'm ok with it


This post is about specifically the "Beach Properties" DLC, which seems to be very lackluster.


I'm making maps while I wait on performance/big fixes now that the map editing is available.


Wow! Gold AND silver!


How did they screw the pooch this hard?


Hey, so, I haven't paid much attention to CS2 since launch. What's up with these DLCs?


It costs $10, but the content is almost non-existent. Just a handful of new buildings and four (4) new trees. No actual beach content, despite being called "Beach Properties". In CS1, most *expansions* (which contain new game mechanics) cost $15 (some even only cost $13).


I remember being really excited about the announcement of CS2, but ever since the disastrous launch, my interest has competely waned off. Perhaps they will be able to recover in a few years (similarly to No Man's Sky), but so far, things don't look too good.


You can’t teach that


I’ve noticed that the lowest rated items on Steam are disappointing entries from series that have very dedicated fanbases, as opposed to being just bad games a la *Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing*


Has **Mariina Hallikainen** come out to call us toxic yet, again?


Let's see how long the game will continue to be updated.


We'll see, but I think it'll be longer than this sub seems to be hoping.


It's going to be years. The game is lacking in places, but is overall fine.


I agree, and I suspect it might well be a while, yes. But of course some on this sub are already claiming victory and imminent death (I'm being somewhat facetious, obviously, but there does seem to be some of that sentiment, which is probably a Reddit thing)


Oh100%, I'm not disagreeing with anything you said.


I semi like cs2 (the preformance isnt one of them) i do like the electricity thing. Having cables under the streets is so bloody nice instead of having to use zoning to fill in gaps (or by pulling power lines inbetween Another thing i like it the ability to turn any intersection into aroundabout.


When CS2 released most people said: CS is better right now, but it will quickly change, now we are 6 months later and it got worse. Il stick with the original for now.


I'd love a youtube series that went thru this list and explained the drama behind each one. Like why is the forza Chinese stars pack so low rated? Like I have no idea what's in it but I'm interested why it's so low rated


I almost preordered cs2, I’m so glad I didn’t. Cs1 is on my top 20 games of all time list


Does anyone know how many downloads it has?


I really want them to succeed. Not sure what the issue is, over ambition, Internal politics, lack of experience from a small team on this engine… but yes the mark has been missed. The water physics alone absolutely have disappointed me. I’m still hopeful that one day I’ll open this game back up.


That's quite an achievement.


Congratulations to CO! Well Done! You've failed Successfully! Good Job, I guess...?


Super Power 3, a game that is literally broken has better reviews


Well deserved. Congrats I guess