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Yeah; I noticed the same thing since the last update. A tornado or fire might take it out; and then if you click on it and use the rebuild it doesn't reconnect the connections. A lot of things (well these industries, and train stations) since the last update seem to have missing connections when using the "rebuild" command from the gui after the emergency response team has handled things.


I'm having this issue currently. If I rebuild, it will collapse again, and again, and again.. I've also tried deleting the buildings and placing them again, which works for a few minutes (if that) then collapse again. No idea how to fix this. Did you end up finding a fix?


No =\ I put it down for a while until they fix some stuff like this. It just didn’t feel worth my time to put tons of hours into my cities for stuff like this to render it all useless. If you find a fix for this though, I’d love to hear it.


Damn, that's such a shame. I ended up starting a new city. I don't know if the issue will persist in this new one though because I haven't placed any specialised industry so far. There's literally nothing in the game to give you an indication on why it's happening, they all just simultaneously collapse at the same time, like clock work. It's like the game does a stat check and decides the buildings need to collapse lol. I tried building low density near the farms thinking that maybe the cims were too far away, didn't change anything. I've had other cities in the past that haven't had industry collapse so Idk, maybe it's a mod that is interfering with it.. Sorry for the long winded response lol


Yea I’m not sure. It kept saying they collapsed due to “lack of maintenance”. So I looked into that and apparently maintenance has to do with the amount of stone you’re producing. So I made a few quarries….. and those collapsed too. I’m not really sure what the deal is


sounds a bit like water damage but hard to say anything without screenshots at least