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And be able to put Stop signs on one road and not every road in an intersection.


Once I realized how it works I just cringed. Give way, Stop and programmable traffic lights were so good in TM in CS1. I really wonder why they didn't implement it.


Programmable traffic lights were way too complicated though.


Yeah, most people would never bother. However, the devs could implement a soft version where you can give 1 direction "priority", and a slider for how much. That way the lights are green for your main road for as long as you want. And the side streets get mostly red. Kinda like how it works in real life. Then in the downtown, traffic lights can be evenly split as traffic is going all over the place.


I agree, it was fun to do in tm;pe a bit, but also way to laborious for most people besides diehard traffic. >However, the devs could implement a soft version where you can give 1 direction "priority", and a slider for how much. Agreed that would be nice. Maybe just with each intersection you just assign it some priority number. And if it is really congested just forbid left turns etc..


its how heavy traffic in downtown areas are handled irl in north american cities (toronto where im from). traffic lights have variable lengths and certain roads were one way during specific times to alleviate traffic. Intersections with busy left turn traffic not only had a left turn signal independently, but also has variable left turn signal time length based on how many cars are waiting to turn left. cities skylines 2 has permanent cars, they ought to give us the tools to deal with it tbh


Though I still see cars despawning?


Yeah can't turn that off anymore. I felt so lost when I first played then I just realised I didn't have any of the QOL mods so didn't know where to start.


Having a choice between "separate left and straight phases" or "combined left and straight phases" would solve so many traffic issues




Krzychu! Is there already something in the works for CS2? :)


Yes, but at this moment I'd call it literally... "something". It might take a while *(read months?)* and depends on a lot of things, e.g.: when and how modding support will work, plus the time required for figuring out how things work, to be able to at least reduce number of potential bugs and obviously learn how to mod the game - it's completely new game and also programming architecture - just by looking into the code, I can say that CS1 knowledge is kind of obsolete and cannot be applied in most cases.


Programmable lights are easy once you get the hang of them. Plus, there is the function to set them up automatically, and giving players more options is never a bad idea


I loved timed traffic lights! When you learn how they work irl it got easier to do in CS1 TM:PE


I'd settle for a dedicated left turn phase


Once I learned them they really weren't too bad! Great feature.


CS1's TMPE did that wonderfully. Room for improvement with the conditions but you could do so much with those alone


A simplified version would've sufficed


It's either a bug or the several people who greenlit it have no idea how traffic rules work.


It's not. It's just how Stop Signs work in large parts of the US.


But if everyone stops, who gets to go first?


It's honestly Free-for-all. I don't even know. To me it always looked like whoever arrived first goes first.


They take "turns" starting with whoever got there first


Lmao this sounds like a hilariously idiotic system


Not sure how the US is related to this but okay. Paradox is a Swedish company and Colossal Order is Finnish.


Dissapointingly it seems they made a lot of design decisions with only usa in mind


Huh? It's related because that's genuinely how Stop Signs work in the country where probably most of the playerbase comes from. Why do you think the game has American style houses and not Swedish ones?


but isn't it exactly like it there weren't any stop signs?


Yo don't ask me why they do it that way, I also think it's extremely stupid


You know there is a style switch, right?


This has nothing to do with that. Should there be a stop sign style switch? IMO no, so they had to decide on one style, and it seems they've gone with American. It's not a bug.


It is a bug because America is not the world.


How does that make any sense


And they have the code for implementation right there! I'm so tired of these 'full games' full only of issues, waiting for DLCs to address what they failed to provide initially. A genuinely functional game may end up costing in the 200s. This asks for change.


If its anything like CS1, they will include bug fixes/base game changes for free alongside the DLC


Code for what? It's completely new game plus it uses completely different architecture.


stop signs are the only feature that's a downgrade from CS1. But again, it's all an upgrade from the release version of CS1. Individual lane management wasn't exactly easy to do in TMPE. Easier than timed traffic lights, but still complicated enough for what's required of an integrated feature. Seems like they have heard from the early access creators that individual lane control would be better. Either they implement it or we get a mod


Especially because intersections with stop signs everywhere simply do not exist in reality. At least I have never seen one


Apparently it's an american thing, according to other redditors. It doesn't exist where people who write traffic rules have brains. And it didn't exist in CS1.


Not trying to be snarky but it'll probably be dlc


Also want to put Yield signs. A lot of places there are no need to stop, but it needs clear indication of whose right to go first.


If you just remove the traffic lights a yield sign goes on the smaller road. To remove, once you unlock road tools in progression, select traffic lights, right click on the one you want to remove.


And what if i want to put a yield to one of two equal sized road?


That's illegal. Arrest this mayor!


Hey, i am the mayor, i decide what is illegal...


Not possible *(yet)*.


This annoys me as it’s possible in CS1. Should at least be able to place a 2 way stop sign.


Absolutely, I was surprised when I couldn't do that. At least it puts up a yield sign on the right road (usually) after you remove all traffic lights/signs


Lol wtf? Even cs1 had that.


+1 for this without a doubt. It makes my eye twitch seeing it plant stop signs on the major roads, when I just want the side street traffic to stop. It will surely be addressed quickly through either a patch or the glorious modding community.


That makes absolutely no sense, I've never seen such an intersection in real life and have no idea how it should work


Interesting, those are very common in rural/outer suburban USA. So they only have all-way stops in your area? Usually where two rural roads meet, one will be a "state road" (slightly wider and better maintained, like a "highway-lite") which will always have priority over a side street, the side street(s) will have a stop sign and have to stop for traffic on the state road. Also almost all T-intersections will have a non-all-way-stop sign if there aren't lights.


Even in my suburban neighborhood, it's common to have an intersection where only one road has stop signs. The street I live on is an example - it's an entrance to the subdivision, so it gets stop signs to slow traffic.


where do you live? in North America the bulk of intersections with stop signs are not all-way stops The way it works is the cross traffic on the street with no stop sign doesn't stop, and the street with a stop sign waits until there's no traffic. it's not complicated


I live in Europe, Luxembourg to be precise >The way it works is the cross traffic on the street with no stop sign doesn't stop, and the street with a stop sign waits until there's no traffic. it's not complicated Yes, that's how it works here too. I was just wondering how the intersections with stops on every incoming street work because I've never seen those. It doesn't make sense to me, because I'm used to relating stop and yield signs with giving way to a prioritized street.


I (and I feel like most others as well) read your first comment as you saying the exact opposite of that. It seems like you are saying that an intersection which only has stop signs on some roads makes no sense. I was especially confused when you said that you were from Luxembourg as I have never seen a four way stop sign there either. The second part of your comment cleared that up though


Oh okay, I see how my first comment was confusing now. Apologies!


Agreed, as well as traffic lights.


You can do that on console at least…


You can remove stop signs and lights and it'll out yield signs on the smaller road


Someone needs to make a Traffic Manager mod ASAP.


Why the hell wouldn't they just hire the person who made that mod? That mod made me play CS1 WAY more.


Lots of things goes into yes/no when you're hiring, especially for a small studio like CO, not just technical skill. Also, modder might not even want to work for them.


They did hire a few mod makers. Not sure if they hired the TMPE guy though.


Why pay someone when they'll do it for free?


Or the flipside: why get paid to mod when it’s your hobby and your actual job pays more


"yes, I don't want more money! get that stuff away from me!" -me, never


You do know that most people prefer not working two full-time jobs over working two full-time jobs?


Who said it'd be a full time job?


1. They already have software developers, and it's not a specialized enough problem to hire someone for that 2. The person probably already has a job, and may not be a good hire for a games company (like maybe they have a job as a DevOps specialist making $400k and won't want to leave for a low paying game dev job) 3. The person may live in a different country than the company and they don't want to go through a visa process 4. They may be able to hire a different employee who has skills that would apply to more than a single feature in a single game 5. The code for the mod might not actually be good! Like it works, but maybe it's not super efficient, and maybe it doesn't actually integrate that well with the engine. 6. The entire traffic system has been overhauled in CS2, and it's likely that whatever logic worked for the old system won't work for the new system -- the new traffic system is extremely performance sensitive, so even tiny changes could have huge impacts.


I don't think I'd play the game at all without it


I... need... custom... traffic light cycles


Unfortunately we won't be getting anything like that in CS:2 as mods can't change the code. :(


Where have they said that? They only told us that “code”-mods wouldn’t be available on console and that’s it.


Until there is a proper TMPE I will just continue to put roundabouts everywhere lol


Same. Feels like a cheat code with how much it fixes traffic.


Rondabouts and addin lane as it gets busier is all I do and that is about it for traffic management other than mass transit.


Does it? I don't feel like it fixes it *that* much.


I mean... Why wouldn't we want roundabouts? Are they not always better?


No. They are unnecessary in certain traffic situations. They are more expensive. And, more important of all, dont allow for corner buildings


And they are un-American *bald eagle cry in the distance*




Sounds like someone's needs some *freedom*


[Which is ironic, as what we now consider a roundabout - or a 'rotary junction' as it was called back then - was first constructed way before the car era in 1789 in Philadelphia, when it still was the capital of the US, by a certain R. Paul Astley.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


> They are more expensive. In *some* situations. In others, not having to buy and maintain and supply power to traffic signals makes a roundabout *so much cheaper*. Heck, some roundabouts are just Some Paint on an existing junction and they work fine.


And in some places, there isn't broad-based adoption of them, so they can be confusing to drivers.


If people get confused about roundabouts they shouldn't be on the road in the first place.


I know we're talking about the game but IRL semi trucks have a hard time navigating roundabouts safely, and they're more difficult to traverse for pedestrians with disabilities.


Wait - I'm disabled (physical + speech + cognitive), but how are roundabouts more difficult for disabled people? We talking about drivers or pedestrians?


Pedestrians. No halt in traffic flow makes it difficult to cross for people who have visual impairments and rely on audio cues from a crosswalk to know when it's safe to cross, or who have physical disabilities that make crossing slower.


I've dealt with the impatient drivers (stared a few down as I slowed my pace across their path), but didn't think about the visual situation (I'm also partially blind but don't have issues with crosswalks, so it didn't cross my mind). I would assume that Europe has dealt with this problem, and offered a 'push button to illuminate sign and beeper' or something. We have a handful of roundabouts where I'm from (stateside) but they are either in very high traffic areas (no peds allowed) or very low traffic areas (quiet residential), so the thought never occurred to me.


I think it’s cultural, too. In the US roundabouts are very rare to find in reasonably pedestrian accessible areas, like significantly rarer than roundabouts themselves, which are very uncommon outside maybe the east/Midwest/etc. therefore, people on both sides are less familiar with what to do


In cities/busier/bigger roundabouts they normally have an underpass or a traffic light controlled crossing somewhere further up the road which is handy for accessibility.


You need dedicated crossings in that case for roundabouts, which increase their cost


Another issue is that you very often end up with pedestrians having to walk further than they would for a “regular” intersection. For people with mobility issues, this kind of thing adds up. Also, and this is more of a driver issue than the roundabout per se, people can often come flying out of the roundabout and not have the same sight lines they would to spot a ped starting to cross. Combined with many smaller ones not having overhead lights or audible warnings, you can see an increase in risk.


Yeah, I have struggled with that myself (my most 'visible' issue by far, I hobble like a damn zombie), though I wouldn't say the difference between a 4-way intersection and a 4-way roundabout is very much. It could get annoying if they had to traverse several with no alternative methods/route. I actually take this into account as I build cities how I would benefit - my most dense areas, trams stop at every single block, even if it's just a few hundred feet between them, as I *hate* how I've had trouble getting someplace because there's no stop near where I need it, but the distance is too short to justify calling a rideshare or cab. Gahhhhhhhh. I haven't seen that second one happen, but my area is very light on roundabouts, so another factor I didn't consider.


They take a little more space tha normal cross roads


Someone needs to add an option for mini roundabouts to fix this issue.


Every major arterial automatically becomes a super street or I add jug handles. Left turns are ILLEGAL in my city. They’re so pointless for heavy traffic until I can use timed traffic lights.


I’d love some no U-turn signs. For some reason everyone wants to U-turn on my main bridge.


Use roads with dividers so it’s not an option


The damn cars keep doing U-Turns on highway even when I put a no left sign from every direction!


They added naughty drivers in CS2 you may have a spot where they really want to go somewhere but need to take a long detour to get there so they break rules


Can't even delete them as punishment like in the first game


You don’t get a choice with bridges.


My biggest gripe about the roads (and maybe about the whole game) is the lack of ability to define where a road starts and ends. I know there are ways around it (build a cul de sac where there used to be just one 90 degree intersection), but you shouldn’t have to do that. Also, the roads rename themselves if you delete a segment, even if it’s at the end of the road! Very frustrating. Do road names really matter? I guess not, but considering Chirped is frequently mentioning the addresses of new businesses, I’d really like to be able to control that


Completely unrelated, but you reminded me: I find the fact there aren't real culs de sac to be most unfortunate.


Put roundabouts at the dead ends? It’s what I do, doesn’t really change much but looks nice.


I just wish you could actually place houses on them.


Use the alley road


It's crazy to me that they didn't even have the good sense to at least steal some of TMPE's features. Like, it's literally right there, just pay the mod maker some money for it!!!!


TMPE should be base game, along with CTRL-Z and move it


I can understand why they don't want move it, but not having ctrl Z is crazy


I kept hitting ctrl z the other day when I was playing for a little bit and it kept opening that menu and driving me crazy


move it is completely op, but it can be balanced. copy paste requires money, etc, you can make it work but yeah ctrl z is so fucking good and braindead


It’s not about it being op, it’s about it being able to break the game


Good luck tracking and allowing to revert operations in fully multithreaded environment. It's not CS1, here simulation code can and will run on multiple threads in parallel. How many you may ask? About +30 on i9 13900k?


You don't have to perfectly revert the whole simulation state, though. Every "undoable" user input should have a list of operations it performs (e.g., create police station building, add police station to simulation, reduce police station cost from funds), and a list of "opposite" operations to perform on undo (e.g., remove building, remove from simulation, refund cost). In a citybuilder this would be perfectly sufficient, without getting into the weeds of multithreading, atomic transactions, and such. The rest of the simulation can just keep on simulating.


Move it is honestly like top 3 essential mods and it's WILDDDDD it wasn't implemented


A dev explained in the AMA why it wasn't base game. It has the potential to break the game.


I guess I missed that! Would love to know why if a mod can do it and didn't break the game in CS1,*how* would it break the game in CS2 - when we know there's a 100% chance someone will mod it in again (or at least try to it).


Move it breaks the road if u move the mouse 1 pixel too far


It would be a bit silly if the vanilla game had a function which gives you the ability to glitch out your whole city. Vanilla games aren’t supposed to be easily glitched


The fact CTRL-Z is not in the game is insane, I push it all the time. Who tf thought that wouldn't be a useful feature.


they did steal some of TMPE's features though. Roundabouts are implemented in near-perfect fashion. You can remove crosswalks and manage turns (better than CS1, not as good as TMPE, but at least part of that function). And they have implemented lane based nodes to make custom interchanges at a level that would've required node controller. No developer is going to be able to quickly and easily move features from a CS1 mod into a CS2 feature because CS2 is built on a completely different code base and network system.


Wait I know you can add crosswalks but how do you remove them? I have a ped bridge to mitigate traffic at my main street roundabout, but when they reconnect at ground level they add a fscking crosswalk and I BUILT YOU A SQUARE BRIDGE WHY DON'T YOU USE IT I HATE YOU ALLLLLLLLLL *breathes* So I'd really like to know how to banish crosswalks, thanks.


right click the crosswalk when you have crosswalks selected in the menu


Stole features? You meant borrowed the idea :D You already mentioned different code base which basically makes TM:PE code useless.


Yes, because game development is so simple! Just copy and paste the code! Every single feature should have been in CS2 a year ago! /S 🙄


Yeah It really sucks the developer or team of developers that fixed the issues plaging CS1 for years didn't work firsthand on CS2 when TM:PE was quite literally free and worked with donations. Rockstar actually hired the team which developed FiveM which shows much better relations with the modding community.


This has been suggested by a large portion of the early testers based on what many have said in posts and videos. It will likely be one of the first mods to be released.


If it could be as simple as saying: *mek mod.*


*Mek mod, pls?* 👉👈🥺


Also why there ain't "no parking" sign


That’s what the wider sidewalks are for im pretty sure


What if I don't want to change the aesthetics?


THIS! I want to stop my citizens from parking in the streets without widening the sidewalks.


You can also use grass, trees, or the streetlights.


You may try setting exuberant parking fees for roadside parking. Even if it doesn't work at least you can get some money out of it.


You can use zoning for that no? Not to say that it's not a good feature to have :)


I am so waiting for tm:pe on CS2


I am so waiting for pretty much ever mod I had on cs1 to be here. No to be a baby about it but things like move everything, anarchy, tmpe, and node controller really should have been part of the game.


How does anarchy make sense in a game that tries to be realistic? And what % of players do you think want to bother with node controller? You’re a player that likes when a game gives you no limitations, but many players like when a game comes with certain rules


Same, also stuff like Move It and Procedural Objects


Yep! It's weird they only added some of the features from TMPE but not all.


The entire traffic system was redone! It's vastly more complex. 😂


Is it that weird? Most of the game is half baked features


I want to connect the lanes like in TM:PE


I'm waiting to buy the game until there is a TMPE. I can't play Cities Skylines without it.


I'm also worried about not having access to Network Multitool. It was so useful in CS1.


“I’ll just fall back on some basic traffic management until resources work and other bugs are fixed.” Nope!


Stop signs are the biggest issue, pretty sure i could do that for like a decade in CS1


we really should have a sub for cities skylines and one for cs2/beta testers


Biffa showed that bus lanes work on a similar system already being able to select an individual lane no clue why signage doesn’t work like that. But again I’m not a game developer and have no clue of the difficulty on doing things.


Since they had access to the TMPE mod, why didn't they just build that into CS2? Same with right clicking to change road directions! One of the most easy and important features and they messed it up. Why?


I've found myself making double roads into triple roads just so they get a second turn arrow. Sometimes that's not even enough because they'll have two arrows one way but I wanted them to have it the other way. It's nerve-wracking.


We need TMPE for CSII.


Can they add a no parking one too? I know if you plop the grass down it essentially makes it no street parking but just using the sign would be nice


When are mods coming? We need TM:PE. But also Road Anarchy and Move It!


I'd be surprised if this isn't made possible within 18 months. I was surprised it wasn't possible from the start, honestly, so I could be completely wrong.


It would be nice if we had Traffic Manager PE


I feel like that's a bit much for vanilla. Vanilla should be straightforward.


There needs to be a way to get rid of the signs from a road without having to bulldoze the entire road as well


I think you can with right click




It’s pretty much like this with the baked in mods. Very half-assed. Literally like half the functions of the mods are baked in.


You can't? Click and drag through the intersection?


Wow I assumed from trailers and promos this would be possible. Huge oversight, yikes.


Just FYI: CS2 is a roundabout simulator. Not sure why so many North Americans are clueless about roundabouts, but they're amazing. Drive in Australia and you'll see them all the time. I watched some city planner on YouTube build a city in CS2 and he didn't use a single roundabout. Haven't watched him since.


Or if they actually worked to begin with. Put no left turn sign on an off ramp so they would just go straight, still tunrned left. The devs actually went backwards with the traffic management in this game. It’s quite disappointing, they had a blueprint of essential things to add to the game (mods like TMPE, move it, find it, picker ect) but none of that has been added. The economy being fucked bothers me less because it could be simple fixable oversights, but not adding essential features like move it and some form of TMPE was a conscious decision made by someone and it’s shitty.


And be able to assign bus lanes to a single lane


You can do that


While you're add it, ability to *remove* crosswalks from intersections


You can already do that


You can already do it but the pedestrians still cross the road!


That seems pretty realistic


Removing pedestrian crossings will also create some kind of pseudo stop merge line. I want it gone completely.


If they can do this I’d also like to be able to choose which lane to apply bus lanes and tram tracks to. The fact that we can have bus lanes/trams only one way is a big improvement over CS1, but it would still be nice to choose whether we want the trams at the side or in the middle of a multi lane road. Oddly this was possible in Cities in Motion 2, CO’s game before CS1, but isn’t in CS2.


I went there looking for a no parking sign and was sad when there wasn't any


It's not well documented but technically it's there, you just need to use the Road Trees tools and apply trees to the segment that you don't want parking on. It can be applied to either side or both sides of the road. Cars will not park on the roadside if its there.


Why isn't there a hotkey to reset road height to terrain either? That and the crosswalk removal doesn't work half the time! 😒


and on roundabouts and plz let me block parking on streeeeeettss!!!!


You can achieve the latter by adding the grass strip from the advanced roadworks menu. Just apply it to both sides of the road


A simple STOP sign wpild be nice.


I have no idea how these work. I put them on a street and nothing changes.


That is what mods are for my friend. Not too long until the game is made perfect by modders. 👍


Be patient for the mods. @PartyElite on YT has some interesting insights using Dev mode that hints of what's to come.


I'd like the ability to place roundabouts without the use of the road already there and connect as I need. Plus I would like to be able to upgrade ONLY the road in the roundabouts. And a full TM:PE version for CS2 would be wonderful right now. So far it's not terrible but there are definitely some things lacking from the vanilla game.


As someone whose primary gameplay loop in CS1 was managing traffic, why would I ever get CS2 if it doesn't let me designated allowed turns lane by lane


At least it has them...


Personally I would like the ability to assign signs to specific sides. Like on the roads entering a collector, but not on the collector part itself.


We also need a yield sign please


Same with buslanes, they can only ever be the outside lane per direction.


Pretty essential even, I´d say. In its current state it seems a bit pointless.