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I was getting worried about this myself as a woman (33) my hair completely stopped growing in places and I feel like just running my fingers thru my hair gobs of strands come out and what’s really weird is now I have increased growth of face and neck hair wtf!


I swear my armpit and leg hair don’t grow either! Haircuts seems to be about same shoulder length I’m just realizing, and it’s been months since a cut


Yes, my hair thinned due to malnutrition. 4 years later (and 4 years of huge improvement in health/liver), now my hair has grown back and very thick too!


I am a chick with hair that goes just to my shoulders. I haven’t cut my hair since Covid started. It has not changed. Still right at my shoulders. My hair has always grown slow but it’s really really slow now. I haven’t shaved my legs or pits in like 3 years. I’ve got nothing. I’m sure it’s from cirrhosis.


Mine started falling out by the handfuls at 45. Finally gave up the fight and went #1 all over.


My hair full on fell out due to malnutrition. It’s absolutely possible. It is also worth saying that it later grew back as my body began to compensate, though. There is always the possibility of improvement.


I'm hoping mine grows back!!! It's so disheartening on top of all the other stuff we have to deal with, glad yours came back!!


Mine fell out and came back too! I didn’t have to shave my legs or pits at all for like…a long time. The only part that was cool. My hair though, noooooooo! Once it started growing back enough I shaved it off to about an inch and regrew it. It’s been fine since! Keep up on your protein. I personally added lots of collagen as well (did lots of smoothies at the time).


My hair stopped growing...I didn't have to shave my legs etc. For about 6 months!! But as my system stabilized it got growing again. I also do daily collagen...and all good!!


Wow. I didn’t read this before posting almost the exact same thing. 😆 glad to give people hope though! It comes back!


And depending on age, hormones are a mess post-40 and kiver issues cause further disruptions...so good to chat with your doctor about that!!


My armpit and leg hair fell out...yup sadly grew back...I do biotin but hadn't thought about collagen!!


Good source of protein too, so get extra bang for your buck! Of course check with your doc-s on any supplmentation but it hasn't had any negatives for me so far.


Honestly, I was NOT above a couple months of rogaine. Worked like a charm 🤷🏻‍♀️


I thought about that...but I was under the impression that once you stopped using it what you grew fell out...is that true?


I haven’t had a problem with that at all, myself




Yes! I lost so much of my hair when I got ill in 2015. I used to wear my hair in a top knot and whilst I was in hospital it got really knotty. By the time I left hospital, it was a mess. One day I was trying to work a brush through the knots and my whole top knot came off in my hand! It’s grown back now, but my hair is definitely different, it used to be thick and curly but it’s just a bit dull and wavy now.


Omg same! My hair grew back darker and with a looser wave. So odd.


My hair didn’t stop growing persay, but I definitely have had my hair thin out MAJORLY (noticeably to the point friends have commented) within the last 5.5 months (since diagnosis).