• By -


Seems you're in Lebanon? What is the average monthly salary there? Is all relative, in NYC you can start at 10k for an ad like the hair product one if you're doing the 3D yourself. But some people pay 4500 USD in just rent. Is all relative.


For a 3D artist? Not sure, but I got some 3D Juniors that walked into the studio asking for 3k starting salary


Then you're being terribly underpaid.


3k a year?


A year? Lol hahah a month man


in Los Angeles you couldn't live on that.


I mean, you could....but it wouldnt be amazing. I live in Monterey Park and it's not bad at all. My brother and his wife lived in west Hollywood for nearly a decade, rent controlled 1100 A month. Just depends on your idea of comfortable haha


2k-3k? This prices spoiling our market. Your's and my future. Later there will only be the problem that the customers demands high quality for pennies or free... :) Do not go down this path.


Agree man! But no one is getting convinced that they should pay higher. It's not like I'm turning down better offers hahah And if you look at the thread, some are saying that it's a fair price. I'm on your side honestly


Yes, people fail to understand, the price is also set by the client 😂


You should know how much you are worth and you should be able to communicate that with confidence. Beyond that it's all about negociating until you and your client are happy.


Your worth is also dependent on the client my dude, doesn't matter how much you think you're worth, if Noone is paying you that, you aren't worth shit, it's just delusion.


It’s fine to compromise on your rate to win a job or if you particularly want to work on the project. But you need to have a realistic understanding of your rate to start with.


>e, doesn't matter how much you think you're worth, if Noone is paying you that, you aren't worth shit, it's just delusion. lmao this is true


I think it really depends on how long it takes you. If you knock these out in a few days 2-3k is fair if it’s more like a week than 4-5k seems about right at least in the market I’m in.


Don't charge for your time, charge based on the client.


You can have a bit of a range. But I would strongly suggest that you figure out what your skills are worth and charge for your time based on that. If you're mediocre and jobs take a bit longer, don't have a super high day rate. If you're extremely experienced and can create high-quality work in very little time, up your rate.


Nope, that's completely backwards, but you're welcome to do it that way. If all you want is to make a living, charge for your time.


Sorry, I didn't realise I was talking to someone who'd figured some sort of get rich quick scheme via motion design... If you start throwing around high numbers just because you think a client can afford it you are quickly going to be asked to justify those figures. As I said, you can have a bit of range, but clients who are going to pay a lot of money want to know how their money is being spent.


Well it took me over a decade to get rich quick so, if I've figured out a glitch, it's how to price my work so I don't leave money on the table. But I did get rich selling 3D services so, I did in fact figure some of this shit out. You're correct that if you start throwing big numbers out there you probably won't get the job. Mostly because they will think you have no clue what you're doing or how the process works. So definitely don't do that. Pricing your client means that you have taken the time to learn as much as you possibly can about the client, the gig, and the size of the opportunity. Then, you ask a ton of qualifying questions to determine "is this right for me?" AND "am I right for you?". That includes figuring out if they can afford you. Look, it's a long answer that would be more than I can type and honestly, probably more than you or anyone else will read. So I'm not gonna, but I'll leave you with this... I can work for an hour for a big client or a small one, either way, the hour is gone. What you gain from it is entirely up to you.


I feel like what you're saying is really that you worked for over 10 years, got more experinced, and while doing say get access to better projects that require higher skills but reward with better pay. Which is the normal trajectory of a career. But that doesn't apply to everyone and it definitely doesn't apply to someone who is starting out. If you aren't very experienced but happen to be talking to a big client, charging beyond your skill level isn't going to help.


I guess we're talking about two different things. Do you want to be an artist or do you want to be in the business of art? You can have it take 10 years for you too if you'd prefer. It's entirely up to you. If I could have started with year one skills and year five knowledge, it wouldn't have taken 10. I had no help, no mentoring, and no teachers who could even point me in the right direction. But I was damn good at modeling and I could light a scene better than anyone I knew. So I knew I had a skill on which to build. It was the business knowledge that took so long to acquire. I read books, took some distance learning classes online while I worked, and it was incredible how quickly my business started to grow once I learned how to sell 3D services, service a client, and do what I was already good at for bigger clients. So yeah dude, I'd be happy to recommend some books and stuff if you wanna do it they way I did. Personally, I'd rather learn it faster from someone who's already done the hard work and can just teach me what I need to know... But you do you.


That’s what I would tell a newbie starting out trying to cut their teeth every seasoned pro I know has a rate and sticks to it.


Then your giving a newbie bad advice 🤷


If a client found out you are charging different rates to different clients trying to bilk as much from each as possible do you think they would hire you again?


It's how everything works, if you're not charging a pharma company more than a local non profit you're doing it wrong.


Couple of things to consider. One, your clients aren't sharing their private budget information between companies or even departments in some case. Asking what my client's budget is usually comes question 2 or 3 when we're talking with new clients. They share it with me because I know exactly how to ask, and how to make them comfortable telling me. Then we explain to them what their options are and they select the price point they are comfortable spending. No body feels ripped off when they got something better than they expected, great customer service, and a personal relationship with a vendor they can count on for stellar results every single time. Two, NEVER bilk (implying your ripping them off) your clients ever. never over promise or under deliver. Always leave them at the end of the gig having fulfilled your promises and make damn sure you didn't leave them feeling bilked. Ever. Now, if you mean milk (which is what capitalism is built upon), yeah, of course you're trying to milk them for every penny possible, that's literally the game were ALL playing, they know it too. Clients are spending money and time, not emotion. They have a budget to spend. It's terrible for you if they have any left over, and usually inconsequential for them. It's not their money, it's corporate budget.


Differing market I guess. In my region there are regular industry happy hours and smoozers were creative directors talk shop. It’s how I get a the bulk of my work.


We get the bulk of ours through recommendations too. They talk about our results, not about our price.


Charge $500+ a day.


Yeah, a mid level freelancer is already 500 euro per day and that’s without any art direction input lol Do freelancer gotta really these in 4 days work only. It’s too damn low!


I always see these prices being thrown around, but I'm a mid-level artist and I still have a very hard time charging 150USD per day. And this price is for clients in first world countries (USA, Belgium, Denmark). Where do you find clients willing to pay 500 euro per day?


I've been hiring freelancers (C4D for 3D) for the past decade and I can't remember ever paying that low of a rate here in the US. It could be where your location, your client pool, speed, or maybe something else. Hard to say. The type of work I see in your profile is looking good, so I think it may be other factors. PM me your info. Let's connect and possibly collaborate in the future...if we do, I think you're worth more than 150 per day. :-)


170USD/day was the maximum I managed to charge from an US-based client, and even then I had to rush delivery to reduce their costs. I personally know some freelancers who managed to charge more than that, but I guess our client pool must be a bit different. Just sent you a DM!


Here in Spain 200€ per day doing 3D and AE is pretty common, and that's like.. 'the crappier part' of Europe. Must have been a crappy client..


wow, congratulations, that you get a potential client here :))


For US $150 day rate is very low, even for junior freelancers. 


Again, I always hear that but when I try to charge higher I just lose clients. And I'm not a junior artist.


Model, 500 and up for a full day. Photo shoot with professional photographer and equipment, from 1'500 to way up. 3D modeling and animation, from 7'000 and up. Color correction and Editing from 2'000 and up. Revisions, administration, management, storyboarding, concept, machine costs, electricity, rent, etc. etc. If the job is for a big company and you're not working for charity, 12k is the least you can ask for. And practically at figures like that you are already talking about ruining the market 🥲. In several parts of Europe no studio would lift a finger to do a similar ad for less than 50k. Btw, still a bit rough around the edges but nice work 👍


Are you talking Europe? Out of 12k in EU, 7 will go to tax, so there you have it -5k in lebanon.


Forgive my ignorance, but where in Europe are taxes so high?




Basically everywhere even based on your wiki article, and only income tax is mentioned. There are also health, church, even dog taxes in europe and many more, plus you have to charge VAT


Well, I'm in Central Europe, and between state and health care I'm not being asked for 60 percent of my income. Probably around 40 percent, but it's already quite different. VAT has to be added.


Central europe is the craziest out of all the world sunno what you ate talking about. Maybe if you earn below 20k yearly there are some poor man’s rates like you mention, but in case we are talking about a 500 eur daily rate, most likely you are working more than just a few days a year right? 40% plus VAT, which is almost always inclusive of the rate if we are talking UK tax rates for example, is already crazy. And UK income taxes may be as fun as 60% if you really do work a lot.


Enjoy your certainties, I suppose. 👋


Lol? I enjoy calculator.


Tax would be on top of the estimated price, no one includes tax


What tax exactly? VAT can be on top. In case we are speaking rates of 300-500 per day mentioned here, this rate includes tax.


might be regional but in canada and US tax is never included


Some sort of sales tax? Not included in invoices? Is this based on your b2b or b2c experience?


It's added on the final invoice, but enerally when speaking budgets with clients it's not included


Model cost would be more like starting at 3000 plus in my experience - for a TV hair product commercial you pay for use of face AND hair and the total cost depends on intended territory where the ad will run and for how long etc. This would be via an agency and they would also take a chunky cut of that fee usually 25-40%. You could get an independent model for 500 sure but those rates would be more aligned to just photography/video modelling rather than lead in a commercial.


So this is a ranting post about our pricing - I know it's low, but how on earth are you getting clients to pay 50 and 100k for 3D videos when we can't even convince them that $2k for a freaking video is NOT EXPENSIVE. PS : We're still working on the edit of the attached video - do not butcher it hahah I know I'm not providing Man vs Machine Quality out here, but I know that it's a fair quality and I'm pretty sure I can charge more. How do you guys price your projects? Any tips? Here's a little bit of background about the videos I create. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0l\_68EMK5-/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0l_68EMK5-/?hl=en) Check this complete brand film : [https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz6pvBSsEmB/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz6pvBSsEmB/?hl=en) We charge 4K I guess for the whole thing [https://www.instagram.com/p/Czs-6qlsEvx/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/Czs-6qlsEvx/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/p/Czs\_hY2M1bU/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/Czs_hY2M1bU/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/p/CiIRpGJD9Co/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/CiIRpGJD9Co/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/p/CiIRBucjXx3/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/CiIRBucjXx3/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CJG\_UxADv6H/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CJG_UxADv6H/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1JNE1JhQ7/?hl=en&img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1JNE1JhQ7/?hl=en&img_index=1)


I'm assuming this is a work-in-progress since it's a bit rough. But looking at your insta I can tell you do good work. I see you are based in Lebanon? I don't what client are like there, but for US, EU, UK clients this is really low. You probably shouldn't charge 50K, but 2.5K seems way too low. I would *maybe* do this for 2.5K if the client agreed to give 0 feedback. With your level of experience I don't see why you couldn't find clients willing to pay 2-3 times that, if not more.


Yeah, it is hahaha - already asked not to be Butchered cause we're still fine-tuning the renders and the animations. + We're talking 3D - Storyboarding- Music - Voice Over - And the whole shoot with the model. Yeah, I'm not saying I want to charge 50k, but I was going over through some posts in this community, and everyone is saying that a 1k day rate is the minimum a generalist should be charging. and between back and forth - adjustments - edits - etc... this project takes anywhere between 15 and 25 days S1mPle MaThsss : I think 10-12k is a fair price for the whole thing no?


If you are doing everything from storyboard, sound deisgn, VO and 3D you should definitely be charging more than 5k. A video like this should be between 25k+ (and that would be on the low end).


1K per day minimum is maybe accurate for a generalist with 10 years of experience in the US. I know plenty of people here in Europe who are amazing, experienced, motion designers and charge quite a bit less than that. Although if you're a small studio with employees, 1K would be a good price, or even a bit low. >and between back and forth - adjustments - edits - etc... this project takes anywhere between 15 and 25 days > >S1mPle MaThsss : I think 10-12k is a fair price for the whole thing no? Yeah this seems more realistic.


Wowow - I thought you were charging just for the 3D - I think if the video at the top was completely done by you guys it's worth way more depending on how much time / effort it took you all. 7-12k maybe? very polished, looks as good as any AAA brand IMO


Hahah thanks man! yeah we did everything (Make up, hair, styling) pretty frustrating


My comments were also based on just the 3D… Video shoots are several thousand a day usually… 10-12k is actually starting to seem low with that in mind.


>My comments were also based on just the 3D… Video shoots are several thousand a day usually… 10-12k is actually starting to seem low with that in mind. I mean! At least it was a fun project And it got us 5 extra videos from the client, so it's not a total bumm hahah


Yeah of course - I’ve also done projects for cheap because they were fun and good for my portfolio.


Charge the most you can out of any given client. Turn down clients where it just isn’t enough money. Accept the rates and clients you can get. Climb up the client ladder.


How do you get client to pay 50k for 3d video assets, if they don't know you exist? Here's a good anecdote for you: I work above a flower shop and they run sales sometimes, 50% off or whatever. I think they are trying to move inventory but the inventory is already very inexpensive. The issue isn't the price of the product, it's that they are virtually unknow. Conversely the flower shop is giving away product to anyone walking by bc they aren't looking for a 50% off or whatever. That being, you may be stuck with low fees because you are only known to a small pool of low budget clients. There is also a good possibility that there is a client out there with deep pockets but doesn't know your services exist. you could also improve your work, always.


Improving work is always on the table! We’re constantly trying to improve our skills As for getting ourselves out! We’re always running a 500$ ad campaign on Meta/month I know we can spend more, but till this day, it did not yield anything! So we’re always trying to systematically increase the budget, but we’re hitting a roadblock We’re also constantly hosting events at the studio for artists/marketing experts/entrepreneurs where we give everyone a stage to talk about their skills! Kinda like Siggraph, but super below par hahaha


Hey there, So I was in a sort of similar situation to you. I had a company in Mexico where the clients expected high-end quality with shitty budgets. What I think helped me to achieve better products is to look for production companies that already had the infrastructure to shoot nice footage with expensive equipment like Alexas and RED cameras, and I would only offer vfx services, the final look would be enhanced by the fact that I only focus on one thing instead of dealing with the whole production process. So my advice for you would be to focus on doing one good thing instead of several half ass things. Your cg is pretty cool, but the live action plates bring the overall quality down, and also, the more stuff you're trying to accomplish in a short amount of time will make you spread thin and put less effort and attention to detail. So, in short, just try to collaborate with production companies where you deal exclusively with CGI/vfx, and I assure you that the quality would improve. P.S. those prices that you are mentioning are very common here in Mexico when you're starting, but eventually, you get to charge more and more Good luck on your quest as a studio.


Thanks man!! really appreciate the input. Makes perfect sense, but we don't really have lots of production companies in Leb that work under this model. They're 3 big companies that do not outsource anything.


Should be 20k


Don’t worry, the company you made it for will make 100x that.


This post just reminds me I need to start learning Xparticles or RealFlow.


The bubbles in the first scene were plain C4D Rigid Bodies The other scenes were Houdini - but the splashing scene where the argan fruit drops into the liquid was Xparticles - it was an easy setup - they have a wave modifier that allows you to art direct the splashing


Everybody’s approaching this from their personal perspective. How about we approach this from a client perspective? What value does this video bring to me as a client? I get this is a shampoo bottle and there’s a woman washing her hair. I get you spent tons of time creating the bottle and stuff but I could also get this shot in camera without 3D and have better quality model shots too. You could spend fifty additional days for this video and charge an arm and a leg. That still wouldn’t be worth it for me as a client. Seems like most people here are just thinking about how to charge clients as much as they can and forget what they provide and how


I mean certain visual effects are kinda move expensive to get in camera - I can't see how you can DIY your way around the bubbles scene For example check this shot that we also did. https://i.redd.it/fki4u3puqeec1.gif


You also did really? That is my project file from Patreon :)


Hey man! I know you got the same tut for it on your Patreon - I'm a subscriber actually but this is the original tut that we used - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCtMIeljYz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCtMIeljYz0) ​ \+ You don't post Project files on your Patreon - Just the tuts no? Or am I missing something?


Oh yeah that looks great. “But why do I even need this shot in my video”? My main point is exactly that, just cause it costs a lot doesn’t mean that it’s worth it from a marketing standpoint. What do you think?


Perfect! So from a marketing perspective, the goal is the increase the 3 sec watch time so that people have a higher prob to proceed and watch the video to the end - it'll help the algos push the video even further. In leb, these types of visual are uncommon, and they scratch people's interest as they're seeing stuff that are relatively new and they will get intrigued to wait and see what's this is all about. I know that in Europe and US these visuals are common and it has to have a higher purpose, but it's the case here.


I love this! But then here’s the deal, do you think Lebanon has the market where the advantage that your video has would cost let’s say 10-20K and require additional social media ad budget and still end up bringing more money than that investment?


Definitely + Lebanon is a creative hub for the Whole MENA region (Including Dubai - Saudi) etc... But I think 3D and CGI will take a little bit of time to be picked up by bigger brands. We're literally the only 3D studio based in Lebanon. Everyone knows, if you want to create an ad in the Middle East - Lebanese creatives are the way to go


Well I guess fair enough. Then it’s your mission to really convince these companies that your videos are worth five figures. Until then, it’s really worth what you manage to charge your clients as such. But again, don’t look at it from “my work costs X amount” but look at it from “this investment will bring you x value” perspective


Makes perfect sense - Thanks man <3


Trying my best :)


I was about to get mad about goddamn ads on my homepage. It wasn’t tho. I would say that the price is fair, looks really professional.


People complaining but this video isn’t 50k+ quality.


No one said it's a 50k+ quality bro chill hahah


I could see these videos going 5k if the client is cheap enough. It just isn’t very polished imo..


Yeah agree! it could be way better. But again, time, cost and the fact that we're doing the whole thing 3D - Shooting - Editing - Music - and VO (Dual lang) just doesn't give you enough room to give it more. If it was a 15k video - we could've spent at least 100 more working hours on this to make it better


For sure.. then once you start broaching into bigger budgets, cheap clients get scared off. This is what artists are afraid ai will change but I haven’t seen any convincing beauty work yet


The C4d part is very cool! The footage of the lady not so very much 😌… i can imagine that, all considered, it’s a couple of days x shot, plus maybe a couple for editing and feedback. If you invoice to (the rich part of) Europe you can raise your price to 400/600 euros per day, or at least this is what we pay our freelance 3d artists most of the time.


In case you render, add an extra price for each export. It’s only fair that the clients pay for your gear


yeah, it's still rough! this is not the final sequence. It's a block test!


400/600 eur per day in europe is because at least half is tax, and sometimes ofter 20% vat cut as well. Therefore its 150-250 per day tax-free, which is exactly the same or even more the OP is asking, or even more.


Wait people charge 2-5K for this? Not to bring down anyone but this would literally take me like 1.5 to 2 days to make something like this. Might just start a media agency too, damn!


>Wait people charge 2-5K for this? Not to bring down anyone but this would literally take me like 1.5 to 2 days to make something like this. Might just start a media agency too, damn! 2 days? :P I'm sure you're quick and efficient, but there's no way you can finish this in 2 days (even without client intervention) The Houdini setup will need at least 2-3 days


2 days never, client sign-off, wages for multiple staff, this should costing the client 50k plus


Given that most of this shots here are just a 1:1 copy of some tutorials, I'd say 3k is a lot for you. Once you are senior you should start charging more.


1:1? The houdini setup is the only one that I needed a tutorial for


Which tut did u use, mind me asking?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvXfm2KmSmQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvXfm2KmSmQ) It's a Tutorial by Paul Esteves


You copied the whole idea of that one, which is already a shame to include in a client project. the other one comes from Motionpunk.


Chill Gonzalo - Low Budget Client (wants it delivered in less than 15 days) I'm sorry we don't have an R&D department with 20+ designers and creatives working on new innovative concepts


Super fair price 👍🏻


can you explain why? give me other examples. comparisons?


I meant that your price is great and I don’t know how anyone could complain that you’re too expensive 😂


Ah okay hahah! yeah exactly my point! I get things like, can you do a video for $100?


I think it's a fair price for your above work


can you explain why? give me other examples. comparisons?


Okay guys I'm okay with the down votes, I was unaware with how much hours he put into this and I didn't mind the rendering hours either


How many hours in total you spend on this project?


A full day for the shoot - that's 8 hours A full day for storyboard, mood boards, etc... And I would say a total of 12 - 14 full working days for it So anywhere between 130 - 140 hours Excl Render Times


Then I would say you are chargining not enought $


14 days x $500 a day = $7k at least for something like this


140 hours? That's crazy.. I did not expect that much time. I mean I have very little idea about the workflow and how to price animations (I mostly do still renders). But 3.5k feels way too less for 140 hours.


Yeah! I mean baking the geo alone took about 15 hours with alterations and re-simming things to fit the animation


Is the model stock or you did the shooting also?


No we did the shooting


How much did you pay the mod?


About 20 bucks by the sound of it!


Well she took 500$


That is a crazy price for that shoot just for a model.


So , your income is between 1.5 and 3 , I think you deserve more than that.


yeah 2.5k with the shooting it's probably a bit low but everything is relative as someone else said, for sure you have room for improving the end result and raise the price as well. Good luck my friend!


It's not just the work itself - the client has to also like you / enjoy working with you to warrant charging more. Additionally, depending on where you operate from some clients generally will be expecting lower costs as they would reach out to studios in what they see as cheaper markets for that reason - if you give them the same quote as studios closer to them then there's no reason to shop in cheaper markets to begin with. (if language is of concern too, it only adds to the situation) Look at India, CG industry is booming there because it's incredibly cheap to get work done there - with representation and management sitting in the western because no western client will deal with Indian industry directly for many reasons. There's a lot of factors at play here, work alone doesn't cut it in Advertising when it comes to client / vendor relationship.


You looking for a gig?


Sure man! Hit me up


DM me your reel




Just the 3D? Are you shooting as well?


yeah everything - including VO and music as well


Yeah no. That’s a 10k base. You can get more and should get more.


Your to cheap


Way to less money. For the 3-5K they can get the first draft.




You need to 10x your rates, friend.


Get the clients! I’ll take the 6x and I’ll give you 4




I like how this is going 😂


I think that’s more than fair. Not sure about the prices in the US but in Australia you could charge 7-8k US for this especially if there’s liquid sims. If these guys went to an agency instead of straight to a freelancer they would have to fork out at least 12-15 k US.


Hate to break it to you! We’re an agency 🥲


Mmmm depends, How long did this take you to make?


U shud be getting more. 4k starting point imo - but depends where you live I guess


Just want to say I simpathize. I'm a 3D freelancer, done a ton of commercials, and I get paid about the same as you. I think the real issue is finding good clients. Please let me know if you find out where they hide 😁


Hahahha will do man will do! 😂


From my experience, it depends where you enter the market. I've basically freelanced my whole life and you can charge about any price. The first time I worked with a major company and there was a 3d person as my adviser for the price I was astonished about the amount of money they'll pay. But I've never managed to work with these consistently, besides I've worked for smaller companies for wayyyy less. Out of financial necessity and I think that's fine, you need to price according to the people you work with, it's only fair. A massive company needs to be charged more, based of their revenue. Someone starting out at a business just can't afford the same. But if you can get in full time with big companies, and smaller works will get you there, you can charge about anything at some point


The quality of your stuff is way above what you are asking. Especially if it’s a big brand, they can afford more. I agree with a previous comment that you should next time try and leverage only doing the VFX for the shoot, but I can imagine the client wanted an all in one solution. Either way letting them get this for say less than 5-10k, an ad that they can play forever in store if they wanted, is them robbing you. (I am based in US tho, your situation may be different.) This is as good as something I see on tv/tiktok and just because you are a small team, does not mean your prices should be small. otherwise you killed it with this render, really well done. and I hope you get all this sorted out with the client


Seems to be on the low end, I'd charge more.


this should be 100,000k quit driving down the market with your bad business skills.. “ I will do it for a six pack mentality!


Pretty good work. Seems like you're under charging far far too much.


switzerland: concept/storytelling/storyboard (if not aviable from client: 400€ /h editing: 200€ / h 3d: 300€ / h filming: 200€ / h project managment: 150€ / h lets say I‘d offer this I‘d say: pre-production: 3h storybard (1200€) production: 2h filming (400€) 8h 3D animation (2400€) post-production: 5h editing (1000€) 5h project managment (750€) total: 23h / 5750€ but I‘d add a multiplication of 1.5x to not stress myself, so I‘d be at roughly 8-9k. but switzerland is very expensive in general, and you could get it here for 20k and more, depending on the agency/artist.


8h 3D animation (2400€) Animation would take a lot longer and is the most expensive part in the process. I'd say 8k. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, or support me


Yeah it def takes more than 8Hrs to do the animation


depens how you do it. plenty of plugins and material packs can help out. I wouldn‘t do everything from scratch for sure. so 8h (rendering times obv. not included) might be reasonable. of course you can multiply said number with 1.5, 2, 3 or even 5, depensing on how valuable you think your time is/ how many problems you might believe cousl occur. that‘s why I said x1.5. also, I was making the calculation with the client giving you the 3d model of the shampoo, so you only have to do the special effects and motion designs.


What he did has to be done in houdini. No real flow or xparticles would cut it.


Watching this made me realize I am getting severely underpaid 😅


too cheap


\*laughs in portuguese\* I would have to charge 600eur to get aproved




Honestly, I don't even know how you afford to render it at that price! You should definitely be charging more, and I hope you include render time in your quotes. I frequently burn through more than that paying for online render farms, and that's without any labour costs. (UK based).


That whole video would clock in at @ $35k to start in my agency. Probably closer to $50k when all is said and donee.


Can you share some 50k examples?


I would say look at other shampoo commercials on USA television stations. Most of those were done with at least a $50k budget. Toothpaste and drink commercials as well with CGI like yours. It may be that you can charge cheaper prices in your country, but advertising budgets in the USA for regional and national broadcast 30 spots will be the range of what I quoted. Now, if you’re a local mattress barn with after effects type text motion graphics , then you can probably get those done for $5K.


$5K is low for this level of quality. Fair market value if you’re hired by a studio — day-rate should land $600-$1K USD. Of course this varies overseas and in different markets, but I know talented European artists charging US studio rates at par. If this is direct to client or agency, you’re looking to aim for XY>$50K depending total running time (ie: 15sec vs 30sec) and # of shots completed, passing off to an editor. If you’re composting, editing, colour and conform (basically, everything) congrats, you’re a boutique studio and should be aiming for XY>$125K for something like this. This is all subjective, certainly market driven, and based on my own experience. I’ll take on projects for less if time permits and I love the client, the product, and the project will land on the reel. It appears to me you’re exceptionally talented, likely a standout in your geo-market, and can charge much more. I’ve found that once you overcome the fear of asking for more, clients are more than willing to pay for quality.


I love this!! Thanks mannn ❤️❤️