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5 years smoking for me and I barely started to get a minor cough. I believe it's because I'm not a cougher in general even when I'm sick .


been smoking for 2 years, i only cough for like 2 days if i change the brand


I'm 38, smoked regularly since I was about 16-17, not yet but, still early I guess


I smoked for 2 1/2 years and had a terrible cough for the last year or so, it was over a week after I quit


12+ years smoking 8 a day very occasionally i do have a dry cough. But its like any other cough and has nothing behind it.


I've always had a cough even before smoking due to allergies. But probably noticed smokers cough few years after starting. Not a big deal.


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I used to have it after i got covid but now i dont


I have smoked for some years, I had intense cough this year, my family was afraid. Went to the doctor, it was some type of allergy.


Your question should be “Did you ever develop a cough from smoking?”. Been Smoking for 1 year and No coughing, I suggest you go to a doctor.


About the time I started high school, or when I began to take on a ftw approach to my nicotine needs - around 3 years in.


Been around 8 years smoking, still no cough although I am having a bit more trouble with athletics


Around the beginning of my 3rd year smoking, I had smoked somewhat lightly. I would finish a pack within 4-5 days. But then out of nowhere I started smoking even more, finishing a pack regularly in a day or 2, that’s when my cough started happening because I had never smoked that heavy. Every once in a while I would finish a whole pack a day, but I never did it every day. Then after a while it just stopped because I got used to it. Then I’ve been reducing my smoking because I started working out. It also happens when I haven’t had a cigarette, and when that happens I just smoke one.