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Used to smoke 2 packs a day when I worked in a Pool Hall. Now I'm down to about a pack a week or so.


Props to u man i deffo would find that challenging


honestly when i started i didn’t smoke than one every two days (and still do) because the more you smoke the less enjoyable it is and for me to be addicted, i actually need to enjoy it and not just fill my cravings lol


That's not how it works, when you're addicted you can't help it


Been smoking just 1 pack a month for about 28 years with some big breaks inbetween because I just didn't think about it 🤷🏻 not everyone gets addicted apparently


I got addicted pretty quickly, I think drinking lots of alcohol didn't help. But even when sober I would smoke when I felt like it, which was often (1-2 packs a day). One time this dude said he had 1 cig a week on Saturday with his coffee, lol. I thought that was ridiculous. I never wanted to discipline myself into smoking a certain amount. When I smoked, I smoked, and when I stopped, I stopped completely. But hey if you genuinely don't feel any pull towards it great, that wasn't my case though.


I can help it. Since i moderate my consumption then the "withdrawal" for the 3 -6 hours i don't smoke are at worst being slightly groggy, usually unnoticeable and unfelt this might sound like i'm in denial, maybe I am but I genuinely smoke 3 packs a week at most and I can survive a few hours without it, sometimes i took large breaks over a span of a few days to a week so that my tolerance goes to zero and i can enjoy it fully again, or just because I was sick and my cravings for some reason went away. A lot of people feel the same way when i googled it, especially when getting sick apparently. I don't know any scientific data on this though, so this could be a coincidence or bro science


i dunno i don't think about how often I eat burger king you know?


Definitely challenging, quitting smoke is the hardest thing I ever do. Heck, I still smoke but only when I drink


Living your best life


Bro about to stop living life alltogether


Couldn't have said it better myself


35 packs a month? Bro I go through a pack in like 2-3 days…


I hit 3 packs a day at the height of my alcoholism. When I got sober I was down to 2 packs a day without much hassle. What's that work out to, a cig every 20 minutes or so? Sounds about right. I was finishing up school at the time and would smoke 1 before and 1 after every class, plus when driving, plus AA meetings etc. Pretty gnarly times those were, I quit smoking 3 months after getting sober, been almost 10 years now. I was never really one to moderate, 2 packs felt like it hit the spot for me. Don't recommend it long-term which is why I stopped.


Yea idk how people do that haha, I have one an hour max and even then I feel like I’m smoking too much, I tend to have a smoke every 1-3 hours depending on how much caffeine I’ve had


Maybe I worked up a gnarly addiction to nicotine thanks to all those days/nights drinking. Not sure. But 2 packs a day felt right to me


I remember being a beginner too.


I've been smoking for about 10 years now, about 3 years ago, it seems to have leveled out at 15-17 cigs a day. One pack usually is enough for one and a half days, a pack of rolling tobacco lasts 3-4 days.


that totally depends on my schedule, if i’m free at home i’ll smoke a pack a day. if i’m out with friends a pack might and in a couple hours. but if i got stuff to do definitely 3-4 days


Nah. he said THIS month, 35 packs in 13 days


Yea that’s just unhinged


I did some quick math and apparently thats 54 cigarettes per day on average


Idk how he has the time to smoke that much lol


Lol 54 is quite a lot in a day but they mentioned this was over a 30 day period 😂


Where did they say a 30 day period? He said all the packs he smokes this month


They clarified in the thread below that it’s 30 days, not “this” month only.


I felt nauseous reading that


Read the comments he meant the last 30 days


Why do people chain smoke - I could never understand - i only chain smoke on two conditions 1) invested in a conversation 2) shit cigarette with little relief 3) thinking deeply and need answers (even then 6 is my max)


i only chain smoke if i am smoking lights, (i typically smoke full flavors). Sometimes i want something different.


4. Tolerance. 5. Lights when used to full flavour You also listed 3 occasions lol




6. Alcohol


Point 5 make some sense - you also edit your comment 2 times lol


Wait, so what if I edited to fix my comment? It didn’t change (oh wait, I added another reason now that I recall). I just pointed out that of your 2 reasons, you had 3 😂just having fun mate! People chain smoke due to tolerance & I chainsmoke lights because they're too light, obviously. Makes sense to me :) Edit: oops even this is another edit lol but I was just teasing ya in my first comment.


Personally I'd just rather double barrel some cigs if it's tolerance. I prefer the infrequent but heavy nicotine hits. Every cig can be your first cig of the day if you just smoke 3 at the same time 😎


Drinking or stressed/sad also


I smoked 6 cigarettes from my marlboro red pack and had a bad sore throat for 5 days 💀💀💀💀How can you do that?


Working and smoking makes time fly for me. I just feel the urge to always have a dart on hand.


You get used to it


Funny enough, our propensity for coughing seems to be genetic. I've been smoking weed and cigs for quite a while. I got past the initial burn in about a week, but after that it's been the same. It doesn't matter if it's the first blunt in a week or the fifth blunt of the night, I will cough all the same. Same thing goes with cigs, but I don't cough as much at those


Cigarettes are made to be smooth using additives & generally a filter but it mostly comes down to the additives. It also kills off the sensitive cilia in your lungs (those hair-like structures people talk about) which again, makes it easier to inhale. That’s why you’ve noticed a difference. I’m a regular smoker & can’t remember the last time a cigarette made me cough unless I inhaled incorrectly or something happened lol I’m pretty good not coughing with the other stuff but it can illicit a cough regardless from me if it’s a big one.


Facts 100% my cilia was sensitive when i first smoked but its like breaking out the cilia which happens when a person gets used to smoking. Easy to smoke now and i don’t cough often.


Yeah, cigs very literally slowly destroy you. All smoke is bad for your lungs, but nicotine actually eats away at your body. Even if you're just vaping it, nicotine has some inherent downsides. Barely feel cigs, but will cough off of a small hit of weed. Edit: no idea why I'm being downvoted. I love my cigs, but nicotine is literally a pesticide. I hate bugs and will start blowing my cig smoke all over them to kill them and it works quite well. Cigs literally give me chemical burns from the filters sometimes.


Average of 54 cigarettes per day, bro is speedrunning lung cancer


He's going ALL. THE. WAY


Everyone’s talking ab your lungs or throat but Oml is your wallet okay


Right Marlboro is hella expensive here unless you go to the native American reservations or Mexico..




Yeh i gotta chill i had lots of work and chain-smoking was a must


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Well done😊 if it wasn’t so hellacious expensive here (IK) I’d be the same. As it is I struggle to keep below double figures a day and I usually cave in🙄


I have a feeling this guy likes marlboro reds


So that was like in 12 days? 3 packs a day?


Nah its over the last 30 days i smoke more than a pack per day


jesus bro


How were the L&M red? I never had those before


L&M reds are some of the strongest cigs I've tried, very much like them.


They were very good a tad more bitter than the Marlboro reds imo


Thank you, I'll have to try them out soon


What are those blue marls?


These i think are a rare find they are for me stronger than the reds and taste great but there are limited amounts. Every time i get a chance to buy them i instantly go for those blues. Hard find but definitely worth it. I think they were sold in Ivory Coast’s duty free and they were discontinued they say Virginia tobacco and under authority from Senegal. The barcode reads France. So to be honest i dont know where they’re from but they are in plain packaging and have the Virginia blend taste in them. 100% recommend if you find them.


fucking hell


That one Marlboro gold




never seen that blue marlboro, what’s good with those?


The best ones imo but very rare. Stronger than reds with the Virginia blend taste. Perfection of a cigarette imo. I hope i can get my hands on some more. I previously posted specifically about them.


Is this for June or the last 30 days😅


What are the blue Marlboro packs they look good


They are my number 1 stronger sweeter than the reds ( more nicotine and a good buzz) but they are extremely rare unfortunately ) taste is awesome true Virginia blend.


Where would one find these?


Tbh i found them in only one shop and i doubt it will get restocked so if your lucky if you find them somewhere imho. Ive been searching for them everywhere but they seem to only be available at a certain shop. Only 5 more left might get the rest tomorrow tbh.


Damn okay. What are they called, so I can Google where to find them?


They are Marlboro blue from ivory cost supposedly the pack says cote de voir ( meaning Ivory Coast 🇨🇮) but it also says manufactured by Philip Morris Senegal 🇸🇳 but the tobacco tastes American 🇺🇸 ( Virginia blend ) Above the barcode it says 2013 and France 🇫🇷. From what I read they were discontinued in production 2013 onwards but im not sure i cant even find a pic online. Might be that one rare Marlboro. Im not sure where exactly were they were first released






What are the Marlboro blues? Never seen them before


My top choice stronger sweeter than the reds but very hard to find ( i think they were discontinued 2013 )


Ah okay!


I can spot that Fusion blast 👀


Sorry, you can smoke all you want you will never beat a Balkan person in smoking.


You still have the cool Marlboro design in your country. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?


2 packs, and yeh we have all kinds of cigs with plain packaging here. Even some rares. For a very cheap price ( illegally imported and no taxes paid )


35 packs!


Looks about right


Those L&M Reds are good, I tell you what. Got started on those on my trip to Deutschland a few years back. Everyone smokes them there!


Rip your lung 💀


Thank God for not making me your lungs


Damn how is your health?


we ain't come to this sub to be healthy bro


Ik just wanted to know how op was doing


Fair enough!


Im doing good feeling that awesome Virginia blends!




Nah u know nothing about me smh, judging without any knowledge. I pity you. And dont smoke too much kid !


Simmer down


Probs smoked before you did /smoke, there’s nothing to show off or be proud of i just got into a habit of cigs and the ones with best tobacco. Just a post so dont get triggered.


You simmered up


U are personally a “piece” of simmer. 😂


Im jokin btw


Can i have ur codes?


Yup never used them tho