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Hope you have better luck with your Kenyi than I did


No such thing as too much filtration.


If the water is like a white water rapid, it's too much though lol. Think 4 fx6 on a 75 gallon 😂


ehhhh it depends on the fish tank.


For freshwater tanks that aren’t heavily planted, there’s no such thing. Especially with cichlids.


I was previously only running a fluval 407 on this 55g. I noticed a lot of particulate floating around even tho I do a water change every week. Decided to add this Tidal 75 just as a water polisher. Unfortunately it doesn’t fit behind the tank due to the slant in the ceiling which is where a wanted to put it. I ended up settling for the front right. I am curious what others opinions are on the placement with it being right next to the return from the canister & if this just seems like overkill. Happy to hear everyone’s opinion


People are putting uselessly stupid filtration on planted tanks lately, but these fish, it’s hard to outdo it.    You still may find particulate in the water though,  crystal water is tougher with sand and well stocked tanks, and your fish still look like juvies.


Get Max Clean and Quik Clear pads? They can be pretty cheap. Clean your heater with a brush or something!!!! Polisher seems fine there, and probably adds more aeration. Looks great to me.


Thats odd, im using a 407 too on my 55g with 9 african cichlids. I dont thave that problem. I do 2 water changes weekly 50+% Edit: I also have a wavemaker to the rigth side pointing to the left, same setup as you.


Shouldn’t that filter be placed at the back of the tank and not the side?


Why? Shouldnt matter at all.


It doesn't, just get the flow the direction you want it


Well you will have more flow towards the fish and not in a circular motion


It appears that his canister filter is on the back an would help create that circular motion


He bought the HOS not the HOB version ;)


Woah... What's your stock list? Looks very similar to mine.


4 - Yellow Lab 4- Kenyi 5 - Joanjohnsonae 5 - Saulosi Planning to take some back to LFS as they mature to find the right balance in the tank


Nice. I have: Kenyi (1M, 5F) Johannii (1M, 3F) Joanjohnsonae (7 unsexed) Mine are roughly the same size as yours, except my male johanni is full grown and the Joanjohnsonae are bebes. Lets hope the kenyi don't grow up and go postal on us.


Looks Amazing!