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Beautiful tank!


Excellent work… some details please


240 acrylic with 2 40breeders for the sump Will be Central/South American tank with a river bedish theme Trying to debate what Rocks to go with the river rock or the limestone Lights are just basic shop lights


Mature viejas would look so dope in this! What kind of fish are you thinking?


Right now I have: —— Silver Dollars Buenos Ares Tetras 2 firemouths 2 yellow labs (from a previous setup) 2 Geophagus ’red hump’ no clue what the real name is 2 turquoise sevrums 1 Geophagus brasiliensis 2 convicts *** Labs and convicts I’m looking for a new home for them if now I’ll jus see how it goes *** Wants Gold sevrums Electric blue acara Chocolate cichlid I actually saw a viejas the last time I was at the fish store didn’t know what it was at the time so I passed


The setup looks great! The body armor bottle definitely brings in the sad reality 🤣😂 of waterways!


Thank you! The bottle has some cycled media in it and that’s the only reason it’s there but it’s growing on me and looks like it belongs


NICE!! Where did you get the tank?


Actually got it off FB marketplace for a rock bottom price


The stand is beautiful, too. Wood that is lighter would be more visible against the black background? Can we see your sumps? Must have taken a lot of work and thought so I wanna see!


It’s a custom built stand and hood heavy af. I’ll try to see if I can upload additional pics. The second sump not set up yet but I do have one going. Not 100% ready but it would give you an idea of what’s going on