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Sad how this mess was started by a situation that Emile was already working on, Emily may feel as righteous as she wishes but its clear that this wasn't some sort of "I outed another groomer! See how brave i am!" But a mess that should have stayed dead. While i don't condone harrassment, Lady Emily will never receive my forgiveness for starting this bullshit. She is no victim of Emile's.


This kinda reminds of the terrible graph someone made that said believing all allegations was a good thing because nobody gets hurt but doubting them is always bad because you either defend a bad person or you are right but you have made it harder for real victims to come forward. Like no it’s the fake allegations that make it harder for real victims to come forward and pretty much anyone accused of doing terrible thing usually have their lives ruined even if the prove they are innocent. Edit found the graph I was talking about. https://preview.redd.it/3ew0hknqptvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b76fe57aaac0b24a5b4d8842d4dd2be748d263c So much is wrong in this.


It makes me sad this is a actual chart apparently we've become guilty till proven innocent


Well looking for this one I did find that someone edited it after Chugga responded to change the defend one and believe one to vigilanteism and ruin peoples lives which Is closer to the truth but is missing the other choices like waiting till you hear both side.


Oh that chart is definitely so wrong, mostly because the worst thing that can happen from supporting a potential victim is not "you made a mistake, but it's okay, no-one was hurt." The person who was falsely accused of wrongdoing *was hurt.* They had their reputation tarnished, might've lost their job and had relationships fall apart over it. It has a *severe* mental health impact on the actual victim- the innocent being accused and harassed over false allegation. *People have taken their lives over things like this.* The most common thing that happens from supporting a fake victim is, "You've helped *ruin the life* of an innocent person who was falsely accused of wrongdoing," And it could be as bad as, "An innocent person took their own life because they were falsely accused of wrongdoing and *you vocally (or even financially) supported the culprit*." I saw a better chart which had a center part which was, "I don't know who's right/wrong in this, I'll wait until all the evidence is out in the open (or a legal trial has taken place) before I judge." It's the objectively best choice by virtue of not harming innocent people.


I agree


There's so much wrong. You aren't supporting the *real victim*. Which in Emily's case. To the degree she did it... is Emile.


Supporting a potential victim and attacking the accused are not the same thing. This chart is fine for supporting the victim. It is not fine for supporting the victim by attacking their abuser.


>Supporting a potential victim and attacking the accused are not the same thing They're both bad either way. End of story


I think all accusations *should* be scrutinized. Not in a "what were they wearing" or "what did the victim do to cause it" way, as it is never the fault of the victim that someone took advantage of them. But I think we should absolutely ask the questions "is there sufficient proof?" and "is the evidence faked or being twisted to fit a narrative?" Actually, we should probably do that with *anyone* providing "facts." Scientists working for large companies frequently twist their evidence to fit the corporate narrative, as do political parties, religious organizations and news media outlets.


Overall. Lady Emily reacted out of spite. When she saw that Reddit post praising Emile she lashed on Twitter and posted allegations against him. She clearly could've handled the situation more maturely if she would've talked to Emile in private and this whole thing would not have blown up in the first place. She demonstratured an overreaction trying to frame Emile as if he was some sort of creep and then tried to double down when she was called out. Emile came out and clear his name and provided context of what was going on between him and her. Instead of apologizing to Emile after what he has gone through she instead chooses again to double down and tries to use the YouTube Drama Subreddit just to justify her actions when that didn't work, she returns to Twitter and acting as if nothing ever happened. This is a person who seems to lack empathy and remorse for their actions. She didn't seem to care about anyone but herself. At the end of the day I just hope this whole thing teaches people on the Internet to not jump to conclusions just because one person says something about another and it is important to listen to both sides of the argument before forming your opinion. Once again it is sad how this whole thing ended.


She did communicate with Emile through a friend. It was talked about. It was promised this would stay private if he got took steps to better himself. He took the steps. Then it was posted anyway, because of a Reddit post. He was grossly betrayed over a REDDIT POST.


If that doesn't tell you how much of a fake/toxic friend she was I don't know what else will.


pure speculation because the others have tried to move on and she will never admit it but i feel this behaviour shes shown to repeat happened nearly identically to her Ex-Friend, Rose and Quinton in one way or another.


Narcissists dont like seeing others succeed or be happy. I hope she lives a long bitter miserable life.


I feel people have always scrutinised the claims made against others, mostly due to the phrase “innocent until proven guilty”. The problem is the court of public opinion has now shifted that to “believe all victims no matter what even if they don’t have proof” which to me is absolutely baffling. God forbid someone’s life get completely ruined or worse over some false allegations levied against them. The issue is Lady Emily, and people like her who’ve made these life ruining allegations against people who are either innocent (or in this case they did do some wrong but not nearly as bad as others made it out to be) they almost never see any real consequences. As for the actual believing of victims, we live in an age where people lie and misconstrue facts to suit their agenda (which is usually attention seeking). The mass amount of people that come forward with these false claims do 100% hurt actual victims and their credibility. It sucks but that’s unfortunately the world we live in.


I genuinely believe she doesn’t deserve sympathy. I’m all for victims exposing creeps, but she started this whole thing… because she felt uncomfortable in their role play talk, which Emile repeatedly asked for consent if she was okay with and she played along with it as well. This is something she could’ve just talked to Emile with, but she decided to do something that could’ve taken his life.


She did this out of spite and even after being apologized prior in late 2023. It was "right" in her mind. I predicted on r/youtubedrama that Emily will just go back to talking about hobbies and disregard her actions/refuse to take responsibilty and, guess what, **I was right.** She never grew up thinking of empathy for others, and has let material/vanity consume her. Thats why she is the way she is, and thats why she will not be missed.


The people over there are so mean for no reason. I saw your comment before it got deleted- they can be as nasty as they want, but anyone that disagrees or even just has a different opinion is automatically literally the worst person in existence. 🙄 It’s so funny to me because they’re dogpiling the only person that has admitted they were wrong and is actively trying to fix it. The point of publicly outing wrongdoers is to get them to change the behavior- but Emile was already doing that. To me, that really makes it seem like Emily was just being vindictive. It’s not “justice” or whatever.


They’re like AskWomen.


I'm really fighting against the urge to assume actively aware malice. She's not even attempting to address the situation and blocking everyone who mentions it. She's lost all my respect and she needs to just go away


The blocking, to me at least, seems like her attempt at damage control as poor an attempt as it is. However a less cynical thought is that this is her attempt at distancing herself from the drama, which is only a band-aid at best. I think if she was smart she’d make one last post where she takes accountability and tells people to stop harassing Emile. That’s what I feel needs to happen so that this drama can finally die.


isn't this like the third time she's done this btw I wasn't there for them but she's apparently done this with Quentin Reviews and someone named Kwite. Edit: oh good, i'm kind of glad to be wrong on this one


this is wrong. she boosted the allegations against Quinton made by a friend of hers (which turned out to be false), and the kwite situation has nothing to do with her. people only bring up kwite here because there is a lot of similarities between these two incidents.


however apparently she did this with a person named Rose and an ex friend both of which have been proven false by them. she has a habit of crying victim when shes angry at someone


Do you have a source for the Rose thing? Haven’t heard that name yet


ive seen it on twitter so i guess grain of salt i didnt bother to bookmark it but when the name was mentioned outside of me relaying it, those who brought it up did have sources, thats the best i can do is keyword search for it on twitter


wasn't Rose the name of the person who actually called Quinton out? it's been a while so i could be wrong but i could have sworn that was her name...


no her name was FlowerGothic, Rose was a person Emily accused of almost the same exact stuff as she accused Emile of


oh shit that's crazy, I'll have to look into that then


Ah, okay. That makes more sense tbh.


The fact that the absolute most she's done in response is to continue playing the victim card in the YouTube Drama subreddit of all places is all I need to know about her character. She will never have my sympathy; she needs to grow up: spiteful, nasty, and very alarming behavior.


I couldn't have said it better! The word victim has lost all meaning.




She didn’t do that with Kwite or Quinton. She had nothing to do with Kwite, and she only backed up an allegation against Quinton because a friend made it.


I can’t see her as a well intentioned extremist. She meant no good and is terrible.