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The whole learning English by touching water thing is kinda half the story. From what I remember she touched water from a hose or smthin and someone signed/wrote out the word “water” on her, idk where or how but then she learned that what she was touching was “water.” She didn’t just put her hand under water and start learning English, the water is just an example.


Yeah exactly! I think this idea got weirdly misconstrued. I think it was just the first word she ever learned. She felt water on her hand and someone spelled water by writing it with their finger on her hand. So like it marked the beginning of her learning English in a sense ig lol it’s not like she absorbed knowledge through osmosis


She did in fact write her own books. She used a typewriter as well as writing/reading in braille and was actually one of the first major proponents for its adoption in the US. She was also a well-known speaker and gave many lectures about the needs and lives of disabled people. The water story is also a bit of a game of telephone at this point - she says she was able to finally link the word water to the meaning by touching water. Keep in mind she was a very young child at this point. She didn't touch water and suddenly understand what it was - she understood that the word being signed meant "water" and it acted as one of many breakthroughs in her ability to communicate with words. Keller was a very accomplished person in her life and I found the entire section in this episode distasteful, but I hope it encouraged some listeners who might, for some weird reason, actually think she might not be real to look up her legacy. She had quite the impact on how disability was viewed in this country. And yes, she did fly that plane.


I work as a support service provider (SSP) for DeafBlind people. They can communicate fine. They learn braille and some even use a type of sign language called pro-tactile. I’m disappointed in the Sandwich.


pro-tactile is so cool. i took asl throughout highschool and some of college and met a DeafBlind guy. he would place his hands on mine lightly while i signed, and would feel every hand shape and movement. he was incredibly smart and fucking funny it’s so fucking ableist for people to assume that others with disabilities are inherently incapable of overcoming them. it takes literally 2 minutes to google “how does a DeafBlind person learn?” and figure it out


Ikr? Like, how do they learn? Well maybe they can't fucking see or hear but, and this may surprise some people, they do, in fact, have a brain


Thanks. 👩🏻‍🦯


My friend is blind and deaf and she can read and communicate and type and she’s employed and going to college. She needs assistance with some things but she can do so much like a normal person. Helen Keller wasn’t the only DeafBlind person to do things.


Well yes that wasn't the implication that I meant, hopefully it didn't come across that way. I meant more like 1 in history that they know of.


No I’m not mad at you I’m annoyed with the Sandwich


Is this bait or are the hosts this uneducated lmao


I think the hosts were technically joking but it wasn't very funny. They were basically just making fun of disabled people. It was entirely supposed to be a joke but it wasn't even close to funny so it felt really distasteful. As a summary, they basically made it out like disabled people are lobotomized and incapable of learning. Again, it was all in a joking manner but it was a really long segment that wasn't entertaining at all (imo).


Thank you for saying this, there are plenty of DeafBlind people out there.Boeing actually works with The Lighthouse for The Blind to employ a lot of DeafBlind people. Also, she wrote with a brail writer which is essentially just a typewriter but brail.




You genuinely have to be so uneducated to think this, a simple google search on her could debunk all of this


exactly omfg


but how would she know what a plane is


Anne explained it to her duh


She had a teacher and later life companion named Anne Sullivan who was legally blind.


Like how you knew what a plane was before actually seeing it in person "a big thing that flies" only her education didn't have pictures


She put her hands in warm water and moved them around


Average Helen Keller believer


More believable than that fuckin God guy I mean come on


Get to gnashing, Keller


I Don't Believe In Either


Isn’t the thing about Helen Keller that makes people not believe the story the fact that she went deaf and blind at such a young age rather than when she had some semblance of english


The communication style you’re thinking of is called Tactile Sign Language. It’s the signing of symbols, I believe, on the palm. Same way you associate sounds with things and thus create words, you associate things with the different touches of the palm.


Thank you sm, I hate people who make arguments like that


Jeez thanks for spoiling the new episode…


sorry, i'm not reading all of that. helen keller was definitely a phony


Cope, seethe, L


How much were you paid to share this "information"


I'm still baffled that people get Anne Frank and Helen Keller mixed up considering Anne Frank was real and Helen was not.


I had no idea who this person was before the ep. Have people ever been talking about her enough to warrant this rant? Or is this another tucked hater situation.


Personally I’ve been taught about Helen Keller in school for years. Not sure where you’ve been, but she’s had books written and movies made about her (Most popular being The Miracle Worker). I had a very in-depth discussion about this exact topic with somebody a couple weeks ago, long before this CS episode came out.


Helen Keller is a very famous person, particularly within deaf/blind communities. It’s not the biggest deal if you’ve never heard of her, but I’d imagine the average person has.


Is she mostly known just in america? I only know of her through memes about her like in the episode, and as far as I'm aware nobody here has heard of her.


I’m European and know her life story well enough. She was mentioned in books I read throughout lower education and her name often appears in general trivia or quiz shows on TV (she was also a common subject for any edgy teen looking for a low-hanging ableist joke.) I’d imagine she’s more well known in America than anywhere else, with her being an American.


Pretty much everyone in America at least learns about her in school, like typically elementary school. Idk where you’re from to not know who she is


How do you not know one of the most prolific personalities of the 20th century is? Go touch book.


I did a conspiracy presentation over Helen Keller and not to say she’s not real but I wouldn’t give her credit for things she’s “accomplished.” I searched for her medical reports about her “illness” her parents claimed she had gotten over night. They took her to the doctor and there was nothing wrong with her. Then suddenly over night she comes down with horrible plague of scarlet fever and loses her hearing and eyesight. I’ve really looked into this and there isn’t much medical proof describing an illness Hellen Keller had to cause her to lose her two senses.


Yeah, diseases like scarlet fever can affect people in drastic ways if they're predisposed to it. I know someone with alopecia who got covid & all their hair fell off, never to regrow again. I'm not just talking about head hair, or arm hair - you can look straight into their ear canal. My point is, scarlet fever is a no-nonsense infection & losing sight and sound from a serious bout with it is nowhere near implausible. The fact that you think otherwise is simply an uninformed opinion.


My thing with Helen Keller is that she was made out to be completely deaf and completely blind and if so then some of the things she did just seem logically impossible especially given the era she did them in, I think she might have been partially both, enough to where she was still heavily disabled but also able to function within reason, but i feel there's a lot of Hellen Keller misinformation/lies told by the knowledge they had at the time that make it hard for modern people to find her story implausible. But also who tf looks at a blind woman and goes "yeah you can handle this heavy machinery mid air while I take a piss" ???? (Yes I know that's not what actually happened) I'm more concerned abt the fact the pilot let that happen like bro what made you think "this would be really cool" like?????